16:英検対策準1級(Eiken Grade Pre-1)

18: Eiken Grade Pre-1 Vocabularies Lesson 18

Part 1: Vocabulary words

1. tedious adjective [tee-dee-uhs, tee-juhs]

long and tiresome: tedious tasks; a tedious journey
wordy so as to cause weariness or boredom, as a speaker or writer; prolix

◼ Example: The cocoons were then put in hot water to facilitate the difficult and tedious task of extracting the silk.
◻ Note: Synonyms: wearing, boring, tiring, monotonous, dull

2. variable adjective [vair-ee-uh-buhl]

- apt or liable to vary or change; changeable
- moods capable of being varied or changed;
- alterable

◼ Example: Animal-breeding experiments have established that physical aggression is in part a variable, heritable trait.
◻ Note: Antonym: constant

3. exclusive adjective [ik-skloo-siv, -ziv]

- shutting out all others from a part or share: an exclusive right to film the novel
- limited

◼ Example: In healthy infants, this could be corrected with six months of exclusive breastfeeding.
◻ Note: Have you ever attended an exclusive party or meeting?

4. amicable adjective [am-i-kuh-buhl]

characterized by or showing goodwill; friendly; peaceable: an amicable settlement.

◼ Example: After all, messy divorces are more frequent than amicable ones.
◻ Note: Synonym: agreeable

5. considerable adjective [kuhn-sid-er-uh-buhl]

rather large or great in size, distance, extent, etc.

◼ Example: It cost a considerable amount.
◻ Note: Does it take you a considerable amount of time before making a decision?

6. concise adjective [kuhn-sahys]

expressing or covering much in few words; brief in form but comprehensive in scope

◼ Example: They gave a concise explanation of the company's retirement plan.
◻ Note: conciseness-noun, concisely-adverb

7. diverse adjective [dih-vurs, dahy-vurs]

- of a different kind, form, character, etc.
- of various kinds or forms; multiform

◼ Example: The school's long-standing expertise in public-sector management attracts students from diverse backgrounds.
◻ Note: Can be confused with: digress, diverge

8. hypothetical adjective [hahy-puh-thet-i-kuhl]

- assumed by hypothesis
- assumed or thought to exist

◼ Example: They are not interested in hypothetical discussions about philosophy.
◻ Note: Synonym: theoretical, speculative

9. bearable adjective [bair-uh-buhl]

capable of being endured or tolerated; endurable experience

◼ Example: The trip was long and tiring, but because of the beautiful scenery we saw while on the train - it was just bearable.
◻ Note: SYNONYMS: manageable, tolerable

10. commendable adjective [kuh-men-duh-buhl]

worthy of praise

◼ Example: The coordination you have to be working in these conditions and to do it flawlessly is commendable.
◻ Note: Related words: admirably, laudably, praiseworthily, applaudable

Part 2: Exercise 1

Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ tedious

◼ hypothetical

◼ variable

◼ exclusive

◼ concise

◼ commendable

◼ bearable

◼ considerable

◼ diverse

◼ amicable

_______________1. assumed by hypothesis

_______________2. rather large or great in size, distance, extent, etc.

_______________3. long and tiresome

_______________4. of a different kind, form, character, etc.; unlike

_______________5. apt or liable to vary or change; changeable

_______________6. worthy of praise

_______________7. capable of being endured or tolerated; endurable

______________8. expressing or covering much in few words; brief in form but comprehensive in scope

______________9. characterized by or showing goodwill; friendly

______________10. shutting out all others from a part or share

Part 2: Exercise 2

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) These vary a lot from quake to quake, and that means the damage done by a quake of any given strength is also __________. Most of the time, the intensity and magnitude of an earthquake cannot be predicted accurately.

a. Variable

b. Exclusive

c. Concise

d. Hypothetical

2) Efforts to preserve the world's remaining wilderness are ___________. Many environmental activists are encouraging people to cooperate with them in their projects.

a. Commendable

b. Hypothetical

c. Concise

d. Variable

3) There is _________ snowfall, and in the north, snow remains on the ground for about half the year. That’s why northern cities are considered to be the ski capital of the country.

a. Considerable

b. Exclusive      

c. Commendable

d. Hypothetical

4) And then you fret that you aren't allowed access to some ________ clubs. I told you beforehand that you need to have a VIP membership in order to experience the fun in those hot places.

a. Exclusive

b. Tedious

c. Variable

d. Hypothetical

5) Traditionally, parties turn to the court system when they cannot come to an _______ solution by themselves. They seek for the resolution with the help of legal advisers and legal proceedings.

a. Amicable

b. Hypothetical

c. Tedious

d. Variable

6) The process may sound elementary, but it's extremely ________and labor-intensive. The first requirement in undergoing the process is infinite patience and perseverance. The result is worth it anyway.

a. Tedious

b. Exclusive

c. Hypothetical

d. Amicable

7) Thanks for breaking this down in a clear and ________manner. I will then present this to everyone in the team. I’m certain they will be able to understand the figures herein.

a. Concise

b. Hypothetical

c. Tedious

d. Bearable

8) The humidity is low, and so the relatively high temperatures are more ________than in areas of high humidity. However, this summer the weather has become very uncomfortable because of high temperatures and high humidity.

a. Bearable

b. Variable

c. Concise

d. Tedious

9) They are simultaneously holding multiple jobs, working for different employers, and mastering ________ skills. However, mastering different crafts at one time is almost impossible because focus and concentration are needed to achieve expertise in a single craft.

a. Diverse

b. Bearable

c. Amicable

d. Exclusive

10) They'll then be given four _________scenarios and will search for maps to use in each one. A great deal of analysis is very significant for them to successfully accomplish the tasks that will be given to them.

a. Hypothetical

b. Bearable

c. Amicable

d. Tedious