17:英検対策1級(Eiken Grade 1)

20: Eiken Grade 1 Vocabularies Lesson 20

Part 1: Vocabulary words

1. Repulse noun [ri-puhls]

to reject someone, to be disgusted by something, or to drive someone away

◼ Example: Every woman should learn the basics of self-defense. This can help them repulse possible physical attacks.
◻ Note: The word repulse can also be a verb and would mean to make sick or give pain.

2. Rebel adjective [n., adj. reb-uhl; v. ri-bel]

opposing or taking arms against a government or ruler

◼ Example: Most students rebel against the yearly increase of tuition fees.
◻ Note: To revolt is to refuse to obey the constraints imposed by another; to rebel is to attempt to replace those constraints by a set of one’s own.

3. Renege verb [ri-nig, -neg, -neeg]

to abandon something or go back on something you had promised.

◼ Example: He said he will never renege on our friendship, especially at times when I’m feeling low.
◻ Note: Have you ever made promises and then unintentionally renege on them?

4. Renounce verb [ri-nouns]

to say especially in a formal or official way that you will no longer have or accept (something); to formally give up (something)

◼ Example: She plans to renounce her beliefs, which justify what she stands for.
◻ Note: Renounce often means abjure but may carry the meaning of disclaim or disown and may imply a sacrifice for a greater end.

5. Revel noun [rev-uhl]

to celebrate (something); to enjoy (something) very much

◼ Example: We definitely have to revel up tonight and work hard the next day.
◻ Note: Revel can also mean a noisy and wild celebration.

6. Suspend verb [suh-spend]

hang from above

◼ Example: I dared my friend to suspend with me in air by hanging ourselves upside down.
◻ Note: Suspend can also mean to debar temporarily especially from a privilege, office, or function.

7. Abort verb [uh-bawrt]

to stop or cancel something

◼ Example: You better abort now before the situation worsens.
◻ Note: Antonyms for the word abort are continue and keep.

8. Adjourn verb [uh-jurn]

to end something (such as a meeting or session) for a period of time

◼ Example: Our boss made sure that all suggestions were considered before she decided to adjourn the meeting.
◻ Note: The word can also mean to move to another place.

9. Nullify verb [ nuhl-uh-fahy ]

to make of no value or consequence
to make null; especially, to make legally null and void

◼ Example: To nullify every written justification she made was the best option.
◻ Note: The term is usually used in the field of law stating that something is invalid.

10. Revoke verb [ri-vohk]

to annul by recalling or taking back

◼ Example: I demand that you revoke her license as a lawyer. She does not deserve it after breaking the law herself.
◻ Note: In a card game, it means to fail to follow suit when able in a card game in violation of the rules.

Part 2: Exercise 1

Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ Repulse   

◼ Rebel

◼ Renege   

◼ Renounce

◼ Revel

◼ Suspend     

◼ Abort

◼ Adjourn   

◼ Nullify

◼ Revokes

______________1. to reject someone, to be disgusted by something, or to drive someone away

______________2. to celebrate (something); to enjoy (something) very much

______________3. to end something (such as a meeting or session) for a period of time

______________4. to abandon something or go back on something you had promised.

______________5. to stop or cancel something

______________6. to make of no value or consequence; to make legally null and void

______________7. opposing or taking arms against a government or ruler

______________8. to say especially in a formal or official way that you will no longer have or accept (something); to formally give up (something)

______________9. to annul by recalling or taking back

______________10. hang from above; mean to debar temporarily especially from a privilege, office, or function

Part 2: Exercise 2

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) I saw in the news that a Russian Soyuz booster carrying two people to the International Space Station malfunctioned. It forced NASA astronaut Nick Hague and Russian cosmonaut Alexey Ovchinin to ________ and make an emergency landing in their space capsule.

a. abort  

b. adjourn    

c. revoke      

d. repulse

2) The quote from the Disney animated movie Lilo and Stitch about families is one of my favorites. It says, “Ohana means family, family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten.” This is why I strongly believe that a family will never _______ you, for a family never leaves anyone behind, nor forgets.

a. renege      

b. repulse        

c. revel            

d. rebel

3) In order to ________ the power of attorney, a signed legal document by the Principal or an authorized person on his / her behalf is needed. It should state that the principal is cancelling the powers that were given to another person (the attorney-in-fact) in an earlier power of attorney.

a. repulse         

b. suspend      

c. renounce            

d. revoke

4) If you can no longer stand to co-exist with someone whom you think degraded you, I don’t think _________ that person is the best thing to do. Some people are so dense that they deserve to be slapped in the face to make them aware that what they are doing is damaging other people.

a. reveling       

b. repulsing          

c. rebelling      

d. adjourning

5) In the US Constitution, there is such a thing as “Trial by jury”. In this case, jurors need to be informed of their rights and obligations, because the people have the power and the duty to _______ all the defective laws made by politicians, lawyers, and bureaucrats.

a. abort     

b. suspend     

c. renege        

d. nullify

6) The government has announced a long weekend at the end of the month. This is due to the last Thursday and Friday of the month being national holidays followed by a Saturday and Sunday. So let’s book a long vacation and _______ for four days away.

a. suspend      

b. revel     

c. rebel     

d. renege

7) D.I.Y. (Do it yourself) home decors help me save a lot of money and have fun. So in my latest project, I found out that it’s better to ________ tissue pom poms from the ceiling rather than sticking them on the wall. It’s more fun, creative and less boring.

a. suspend      

b. nullify      

c. revoke      

d. repulse

8) Their multi-cultured and multi-religious relationship has finally come to a point where one of them agrees to ________ their faith to push through with the wedding they’ve been planning for years.

a. renounce      

b. rebel

c. revel      

d. nullify

9) All the department heads together with the company’s president had a meeting regarding the financial risks of investing in the proposed project of the other company. The meeting delved into to the time table for the return of investments. Finally, they unanimously made a decision before _________ the meeting.

a. adjourning      

b. revoking        

c. nullifying      

d. suspending

10) The government caused the people to ______ as soon as the increase of tuition fees at state universities was approved. People strongly believe that only through education can we arise from poverty, but it seems like the government wants us to remain uneducated and worse, remain in poverty.

a. rebel     

b. renounce       

c. renege      

d. revoke