17:英検対策1級(Eiken Grade 1)

35: Eiken Grade 1 Vocabularies Lesson 35

Part 1: Vocabulary words

1. procure verb [proh-kyoor, pruh-] FORMAL

to acquire something, especially after an effort

◼ Example: He still has to procure certificates and attend trainings in order to have an edge among the other applicants.
◻ Note: What are the documents/certificates needed for procurement of a marriage license in your country? How long does it take to procure it?

2. reclaim verb [ree-kleym]

to take back or to get back (something that was lost or taken away); to restore; to convert or bring into something useful

◼ Example: She’s still hoping to reclaim all the premiums that she paid for even if the insurance company has filed for bankruptcy.
◻ Note: Have you ever betrayed someone or has someone ever betrayed you? Were you able to reclaim his/her trust or was he/she able to reclaim your trust?

3. recur verb [ri-kur]

to happen or appear again or many times

◼ Example: The doctor advised her to take the pain-killers if the pain recurs.
◻ Note: Have you ever dreamed of something that keeps recurring?

4. reminisce verb [rem-uh-nis] FORMAL

to talk, think, or write about past experiences which you remember with pleasure

◼ Example: She can’t help but reminisce about her childhood life whenever she goes back to her hometown.
◻ Note: What do you like reminiscing about?

5. replenish verb [ri-plen-ish] FORMAL

to supply something in order to complete or make full again

◼ Example: He was told to replenish the glasses for the guests.
◻ Note: Do you prefer drinking water or juice to replenish your fluids during the summer season?

6. scrawl verb [skrawl]

to write or draw (something) very quickly, without an effort to make it easy to read/recognize

◼ Example: The students that were suspended for cheating scrawled notes on their hands as a reference for their final exam.
◻ Note: Do you tend to scrawl your signature whenever you’re asked to sign a receipt?

7. hurtle verb [hur-tl]

to move or fall very quickly in an uncontrolled and dangerous way

◼ Example: Bella was so zoned out that she didn’t notice a banana peel on the floor; she tripped so badly and her lunch hurtled through the air.
◻ Note: usually + adverb or preposition

8. disparage verb [dih-spar-ij]

to describe or represent (someone or something) as weak, bad, being of little worth, etc.; to discredit (someone or something)

◼ Example: They tried to disparage the witness by circulating rumors about her.
◻ Note: from Late Middle English (in the sense 'marry someone of unequal rank', also 'bring discredit on'): from Old French desparagier'marry someone of unequal rank', based on Latin par 'equal'

9. incur verb [in-kur]

to cause yourself to have or experience (something unpleasant or unwanted) as a result of one’s own behavior or actions

◼ Example: She’s incurred a huge credit card debt from being a shopaholic.
◻ Note: Was there ever a time that something unpleasant happened which was incurred by you?

10. tarnish verb [tahr-nish]

to make or become less good or respected

◼ Example: The majority of the politicians have been tarnished by corruptions.
◻ Note: Would you vote for a politician whose reputation has been tarnished by corruption scandals?

Part 2: Exercise 1

Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ procure

◼ recur

◼ scrawl

◼ incur

◼ replenish

◼ reminisce

◼ hurtle

◼ tarnish

◼ disparage

◼ reclaim

__________ 1. to move or fall very quickly in an uncontrolled and dangerous way.

__________ 2. to cause yourself to have or experience (something unpleasant or unwanted) as a result of one’s own behavior or actions

__________ 3. to supply something in order to complete or make full again

__________ 4. to happen or appear again or many times

__________ 5. to make or become less good or respected

__________ 6. to describe or represent (someone or something) as weak, bad, being of little worth, etc.; to discredit (someone or something)

__________ 7. to write or draw (something) very quickly, without an effort to make it easy to recognize

__________ 8. to talk, think, or write about past experiences which you remember with pleasure

__________ 9. to take back or to get back (something that was lost or taken away); to restore; to convert or bring into something useful

__________ 10. to acquire something, especially after an effort

Part 2: Exercise 2

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) For this project to succeed in creating a positive impression of our company on our target audience, we need to __________ a number of goods that we can use in the decoration of our presentation.

a. replenish

b. procure

c. recur

d. disparage

2) His attempt to sell himself in the interview didn’t go as well as he planned. The interviewer thought that he was arrogant instead of confident when he bragged about his achievements and ___________ his previous company and colleagues.

a. disparaged

b. incurred

c. reclaimed

d. hurtled

3) In order to reduce waste from plastic, a private organization collected all the plastic bottles in their city (and nearby cities as well) and in just a span of 2 weeks, they were able to _________ a sufficient amount of plastic to make 100 plastic chairs, which they will donate to the public schools in remote areas.

a. tarnish

b. scrawl      

c. replenish

d. reclaim

4) He was imprisoned for a crime that he didn’t commit. His reputation has already ___________ despite his acquittal. His friends and family abandoned him and companies that he applied to rejected him.

a. tarnished

b. procured

c. disparaged

d. recurred

5) The suspect was believed to have __________ his violent behavior from scenes of the latest Batman movies, which made him portray the Joker’s role in one of the movie theatres in Colorado.

a. replenished

b. incurred

c. scrawled

d. hurtled

6) Whenever they argue about things and feel like calling it quits, they would _________ about their happy times and realize why they got married in the first place and everything would be okay.

a. procure

b. reminisce

c. disparage

d. recur

7) According to James, the training was so boring that he ended up _________ random words in his notebook. In many cases, scribbling is one of people’s common manifestations of boredom.

a. recurring

b. replenishing

c. scrawling

d. reclaiming

8) His tardiness and absences kept _________ over the past few months; therefore, his boss didn't have a choice but to terminate his employment after evaluating his overall performance at work.

a. scrawling

b. disparaging

c. replenishing

d. recurring

9) An 8-hour sleep is required to ____________ one’s energy. Most of the time, people tend to sleep for less time than is necessary to regain their strength.

a. replenish

b. reclaim

c. hurtle

d. procure

10) As the investigation progressed, it became clear what caused the plane to ____________ towards the cliff. At first they thought it was an accident but now they are certain that it was planned.

a. reminisce

b. disparage

c. hurtle

d. recur