17:英検対策1級(Eiken Grade 1)

37: Eiken Grade 1 Vocabularies Lesson 37

Part 1: Vocabulary words

1. diversity noun [dih-vur-si-tee, dahy-]

the quality or state of having a range of different things such as forms, types, ideas, etc.

◼ Example: Teachers are expected to have a diversity of teaching strategies that are applicable to their students’ unique needs.
◻ Note: Asian countries have a wide diversity of cuisines. Aside from Japanese food, which Asian cuisine do you enjoy?

2. extinction noun [ik-stingk-shuhn]

a situation or process in which something no longer exists or is becoming extinct

◼ Example: Some elders have been worried about the extinction of many old traditions since the computer age began.
◻ Note: Are there any traditions in your country that are on the brink of extinction?

3. specimen noun [spes-uh-muhn]

something shown/collected/examined as an example of a specific kind of thing for display or study; a small amount or piece of substance such us blood for medical testing

◼ Example: To seal the deal, the investor asked for a specimen of the hybrid rice.
◻ Note: Does it scare you when nurses/doctors have to take a specimen of your blood?

4. perspective noun [per-spek-tiv]

a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view

◼ Example: Some people confide to their friends to help them see their problems from a different perspective, but some people do otherwise thinking that it’s best to resolve one’s problem by oneself.
◻ Note: What are your thoughts about the saying “Happiness is a matter of perspective?”

5. enforcement noun [en-fawrs,-muhnt -fohrs-]

the act of compelling observance of or compliance with a law, rule, or obligation

◼ Example: Surprisingly, some parents were in favor of the enforcement of corporal punishment in schools.
◻ Note: What’s your stand on the enforcement of a “one-child policy” in over-populated countries?

6. breakthrough noun [breyk-throo]

a sudden, important discovery or development that helps solve a problem or understand something

◼ Example: His “miracle car” that runs on water is considered a technological breakthrough of the 21st century.
◻ Note: What technological breakthrough do you consider as the best in the past decade?

7. myriad noun [mir-ee-uhd]

a countless or a very large number of things

◼ Example: Despite the ill-effects of cigarette smoking, there are still a myriad of smokers all over the world.
◻ Note: (chiefly in classical history) a unit of ten thousand

8. perception noun [per-sep-shuhn]

the ability to judge people, things, situations clearly and intelligently

◼ Example: Drunk and depressed people have a common denominator, they both lack perception for its often clouded by their emotions.
◻ Note: Do you agree that drunk and depressed people have irrational perceptions?

9. endowment noun [en-dou-muhnt]

the act of donating or contributing something to someone

◼ Example: The church urges upper class individuals to share their blessings with generous endowments.
◻ Note: Have you ever participated in an endowment of cash or in kind to the people who are needy?

10. knack noun [nak]

an acquired or natural skill of using or doing something easily; tendency to do something

◼ Example: He has a knack for talking with people.
◻ Note: usually + for or of

Part 2: Exercise 1

Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ endowment

◼ enforcement

◼ specimen

◼ extinction

◼ myriad

◼ perception

◼ breakthrough

◼ perspective

◼ diversity

◼ knack

__________ 1. the act of compelling observance of or compliance with a law, rule, or obligation

__________ 2. a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view

__________ 3. a countless or a very large number of things

__________ 4. a situation or process in which something no longer exists or becoming extinct

__________ 5. the act of donating or contributing something to someone

__________ 6. a sudden, important discovery or development that helps solve a problem or understand something

__________ 7. the quality or state of having a range of different things such as forms, types, ideas, etc.

__________ 8. something shown/collected/examined as an example of a specific kind of thing for display or study; a small amount or piece of substance such us blood for medical testing

__________ 9. an acquired or natural skill of using/doing something easily; tendency to do something

__________ 10. the ability to judge people, things, situations clearly and intelligently

Part 2: Exercise 2

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) The TV host/actress/endorser is known for her ___________, which are perceived by some as her way of promoting herself for the upcoming election even if she has already confirmed that she will not go into politics.

a. endowments

b. specimens

c. myriads

d. perceptions

2) After 25 years, the investigators were happy to announce a __________in the rape-murder case against a politician. However, the family of the victim was not at all pleased by it because they’ve already lost interest in the case and have buried all the bad memories of the past.

a. extinction

b. breakthrough

c. diversity

d. enforcement

3) Tobacco companies fear that the proposed higher taxes on their products would badly affect their revenue soon after its___________. However, it is clear to them that its implementation is inevitable.

a. enforcement

b. extinction      

c. breakthrough

d. diversity

4) Even a math wizard isn’t capable of mastering the patterns of the winning numbers in the lottery for there are __________ of numerical combinations. The chance of winning the lottery is probably one to millions.

a. specimens

b. myriads

c. endowments

d. breakthroughs

5) Good-natured men who are good candidates as husbands seem to be in___________ nowadays since men are simply more interested in playing computer games rather than dating. Women are starting to settle for men that don’t meet their minimum standards.

a. perception

b. enforcement

c. extinction

d. diversity

6) There are companies who prefer hiring externally to occupy key positions because the difference between the industries promotes a difference in views and strategies, and the result of such __________allows companies to operate more effectively and efficiently.

a. diversity

b. specimen

c. myriad

d. breakthrough

7) There were rumors about a statue that cries blood so certain experts collected some __________ and found out that it’s a hoax. Nonetheless, some people desperately believe in them for miracles that they can’t find anywhere.

a. specimens

b. myriads

c. enforcements

d. reclaiming

8) She had a complete change of ___________ after she survived a near-death experience. She now sees and faces challenges with a more positive attitude and endures everything with a very hopeful heart.

a. perspective

b. endowment

c. specimen

d. breakthrough

9) She has a __________ for eating more than usual when she’s depressed. However, when she’s not feeling bad, she makes sure to watch her weight, which is somehow useless because she gains weight again once she’s depressed.

a. feat

b. paternity

c. gravity

d. knack

10) Her grandmother seems to have a more liberal __________ compared to her contemporaries. Perhaps it was brought about by her experiences ever since she was young since she moved from one country to another.

a. enforcement

b. diversity

c. breakthrough

d. perception