17:英検対策1級(Eiken Grade 1)

41: Eiken Grade 1 Vocabularies Lesson 41

Part 1: Vocabulary words

1. languishing adjective [lang-gwi-shing]

expressive of sentimental melancholy; losing strength or becoming weak

◼ Example: Lots of business services have been languishing these days due to the economic recession.
◻ Note: ‘Languisher’ is not its comparative form, but a noun which is a person who languishes.

2. obsequious adjective [uhb-see-kwee-uhs]

characterized by submissive compliance; obedient

◼ Example: Wives in this century are not that obsequious anymore. They are already on equal standing with their husbands.
◻ Note: Obsequious is different from obsequy. While obsequious means being submissively compliant, obsequy means a funeral rite or ceremony.

3. squeamish adjective [skwee-mish]

easily sickened, shocked, disgusted or nauseated

◼ Example: Someone as squeamish as her surely won’t survive in the forest.
◻ Note: Are you squeamish about any insects?

4. uncouth adjective [uhn-kooth]

awkward or clumsy; having strange or unusual appearance or form; lacking good manners or grace

◼ Example: Despite being uncouth, Quasimodo won the heart of Esmeralda.
◻ Note: It comes from the Old English word ‘uncuth’: un – not + cuth – familiar.

5. petrified adjective [pe-truh-fahyd]

terrified; horrified; stunned or frozen with terror; dazed

◼ Example: She stood there petrified, not knowing what to do next.
◻ Note: ‘Petrified’ in a slang dictionary means intoxicated with alcohol.

6. ponderous adjective [pon-der-uhs]

heavy or having great weight; awkward; labored

◼ Example: The application process is so ponderous that the successful applicants felt as if they won a million dollars.
◻ Note: It comes from the Latin word ‘ponderosus’, which means ‘heavy, weight, clumsy’.

7. rowdy adjective [rou-dee]

a disorderly or rough person who tends to create noisy disturbances

◼ Example: The rowdy youths from Beverly Hills are now in the custody of the social welfare department.
◻ Note: What would you do if a rowdy person kept bugging you while you were doing something seriously?

8. somber adjective [som-ber]

gloomy, depressing, dark, serious

◼ Example: His somber voice from when we talked when he was still alive still haunts me wherever I go.
◻ Note: What puts you in a somber mood?

9. banal adjective [buh-nal, -nahl, beyn-l]

lacks freshness, originality or force; repeated very often

◼ Example: Those banal statements, even though trite, really make sense.
◻ Note: Sixty years ago, the pronunciation of ‘banal’ rhymed with panel, but it is now considered as recondite by most Americans. In 2001, (b n l ) was preferred by 58% of the Usage Panel, (b n l) by 28% and (b -näl ) by 13%.

10. relentless adjective [ri-lent-lis]

severe; steady; strict; harsh; not to be appeased

◼ Example: Their relentless efforts to battle delinquency are futile.
◻ Note: How relentless are you in reaching your goals?

Part 2: Exercise 1

Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ languishing

◼ obsequious

◼ squeamish

◼ uncouth

◼ petrified

◼ ponderous

◼ rowdy

◼ somber

◼ banal

◼ relentless

__________ 1. a disorderly or rough person who tends to create noisy disturbances

__________ 2. awkward or clumsy; having strange or unusual appearance or form

__________ 3. heavy or having great weight; awkward; labored

__________ 4. severe; steady; strict; harsh; not to be appeased

__________ 5. expressive of sentimental melancholy; losing strength or becoming weak

__________ 6. lacks freshness, originality or force; repeated very often

__________ 7. characterized by submissive compliance; obedient

__________ 8. terrified; horrified; stunned or frozen with terror; dazed

__________ 9. gloomy, depressing, dark; serious

__________ 10. easily sickened, shocked, disgusted or nauseated

Part 2: Exercise 2

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) Even though apparently________, the media’s observations and criticisms about the society are necessary. They say that the media has seen it all, keeping track of the progression and the regression of the state throughout its history.

a. uncouth

b. banal

c. squeamish

d. rowdy

2) It was one of the longest films I’ve ever seen, but it was never __________. Every scene was thrilling and captivating, and every emotion felt by each character was totally heart-wrenching. It even got recognition from different award-giving bodies all over the globe.

a. banal

b. squeamish

c. languishing

d. uncouth

3) Her mom was ____________ with fear and worry when she saw her daughter crossing the street all by herself. The overwhelming horror stunned her into freezing where she was standing. Fortunately, there was a passer-by who was kind enough to bring the kid to safety.

a. rowdy

b. somber      

c. petrified

d. obsequious

4) Income tax is the number one reason for the ____________ progression of the economic situation of the country. The growth in the economy has been unyielding in the past decade. However, the people are frightened over the impending income tax increase that will be imposed next year.

a. petrified

b. relentless

c. ponderous

d. squeamish

5) Joseph Kony, the head of the Ugandan guerrilla group Lord’s Resistance Army, proclaimed himself as the spokesperson of God and a spirit medium. His soldiers are so ______________ that they follow every command that Kony passes on.

a. obsequious

b. somber

c. rowdy

d. uncouth

6) A used-to-be spirited man is now living a ____________ life and wasting away in prison in Nicaragua after allegedly being involved in drug trafficking, money laundering and organized crime. He lost all his vigor upon being confined in the penitentiary.

a. ponderous

b. squeamish

c. relentless

d. petrified

7) The people who made their demand at a gathering were penalized for their ________ behavior when some acted lewdly and the others even stepped on the picture of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

a. uncouth

b. petrified

c. obsequious

d. ponderous

8) Ejected _______________ NFL fans will now be forced to take a four-hour online course on fan conduct if they wish to be allowed back in the stadium. Some teams charge as much as $100 for the course. As they say, good etiquette and proper behavior should be observed everywhere.

a. uncouth

b. petrified

c. obsequious

d. rowdy

9) The most dramatic and heartfelt part of the play was highlighted by the _____________ musical score. No doubt it grabbed a lot of recognition from different award-giving bodies. The group was even invited to perform in different countries, which gave them the opportunity to showcase their master piece.

a. relentless

b. somber

c. petrified

d. obsequious

10) Most ___________ people don’t like the idea of eating raw meat, tentacles, or even skin because it reminds them of an animal and it actually puts them off. That’s why they have no place in reality games like ‘Survivor’ or ‘Amazing Race’.

a. queer

b. squeamish

c. fastidious

d. prudish