17:英検対策1級(Eiken Grade 1)

47: Eiken Grade 1 Vocabularies Lesson 47

Part 1: Vocabulary words

1. Blunder noun [bluhn-der]

a careless or stupid mistake, usually a serious one

◼ Example: To help the students who were affected by the admissions email blunder two days ago, the university director decided that they would introduce a new system to replace it.
◻ Note: Synonyms- error, mistake

2. Fiasco noun [fee-as-koh or, especially for 2, -ah-skoh]

a complete failure or mistake

◼ Example: The restaurant manager made sure that they would not let any food poisoning incident happen again. She said, “We won’t have this fiasco ever again; we will make sure of it.”
◻ Note: Also means a round-bottomed glass flask for wine, especially Chianti, fitted with a woven a protective covering.

3. Culpability noun [kuhl-puh-bil-i-tee]

guilt or blame that is deserved or worthy

◼ Example: It was impossible to prove the culpability of anyone of her death.
◻ Note: Synonyms: blameworthy, accountability

4. Catalyst noun [kat-l-ist]

a substance that causes a chemical reaction, which modifies or increases its rate without affecting itself

◼ Example: Hydroxyl is produced when sunlight hits the ozone; at this point it acts as a catalyst to produce a pollutant like nitrogen dioxide.
◻ Note: It also means a person or thing that generates change.

5. Dispute verb [dih-spyoot]

to have an argument or debate with someone; to doubt the truth or validity

◼ Example: The islands have been a source of dispute between the two countries ever since World War II.
◻ Note: The verb dispute is used without a subject.

6. Feud noun [fyood]

a bitter, continuous or prolonged quarrel or hostility, especially between two families, clans, or nations; to engage in a fight

◼ Example: The Japan-China feud involves small islands in the East China Sea. These small islands are known as Senkaku in Japanese and Diaoyu in Chinese.
◻ Note: It is also called a blood feud.

7. Hassle noun [has-uhl]

a problem which is caused by pressures of time, money, and inconvenience

◼ Example: Looking for a peaceful, quiet and convenient apartment in this place is a huge hassle.
◻ Note: Hassle also means an argument, dispute or a fight.

8. Antipathy noun [an-tip-uh-thee]

a strong feeling of dislike or aversion

◼ Example: The antipathy is lingering between the two nations because of their historical issues.
◻ Note: The prefix anti- means against. The root word -pathy comes from pathos, which means feeling.

9. Atrocity noun [uh-tros-i-tee]

the state or quality of being shockingly cruel or inhumane, especially an act of unusual illegal cruelty done by armed forces on civilians or prisoners

◼ Example: I cannot bear to watch scenes of the atrocity in this movie. They are very brutal and violent.
◻ Note: The adjective form is atrocious.

10. Vandalism noun [van-dl-iz-uhm]

intentionally destroying someone’s property or artistic treasures

◼ Example: The university protects its property from vandalism by implementing a very strict rule. Anyone who is proven to commit vandalism will pay a fine and be suspended for a week.
◻ Note: The adjective form is vandalistic.

Part 2: Exercise 1

Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ atrocity

◼ culpability

◼ feud

◼ fiasco

◼ dispute

◼ hassle

◼ antipathy

◼ blunder

◼ catalyst

◼ vandalism

____________________1. guilt or blame that is deserved or worthy

____________________2. a bitter, continuous or prolonged quarrel or hostility, especially between two families or clans; to engage in a fight

____________________3. a problem which is caused by pressures of time, money, and inconvenience

____________________4. a careless or stupid mistake, usually a serious one

____________________5. a strong feeling of dislike or aversion

____________________6. a complete failure or mistake

____________________7. to have an argument or debate with someone; to doubt the truth or validity

____________________8. intentionally destroying someone’s property or artistic treasures

____________________9. the state or quality of being shockingly cruel or inhumane

____________________10. a substance that causes a chemical reaction, which modifies or increases its rate without affecting itself

Part 2: Exercise 2

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) The issue of the islands, not just as a source of resources but also pride of the two countries, has been discussed for a long time between China and Japan. The U.S.A did not take a position in the current ___________. But it is bound to defend its ally Japan.

a. catalyst

b. aversion

c. dispute

d. atrocity

2) Terrible events such as the 9/11 tragedy can be _______________ for social and political change. Remember how drastically the policies of the U.S.A towards terrorism changed after the horrible event? The policies of the U.S.A became stringent and authoritarian.

a. feuds

b. disputes

c. hassles

d. catalysts

3) The government blamed the ________________ on armed opposition groups who attacked and massacred families who would not join the protests against the government. The massacre will be investigated further.

a. culpability

b. feud      

c. hassle

d. atrocity

4) I am saving myself the _________________ of going through the long procedures, so I took the alternative methods to get a driver’s license. I asked for help from a friend who is working for the organization to advise me of the fastest way of getting the license.

a. feud

b. culpability

c. hassle

d. dispute

5) Some officials said that Castro attacked the party because the victim disagreed with music and dancing. On the other hand, the mayor said that the main cause is the long-standing _________________ between the two families.

a. culpability

b. feud

c. hassle

d. atrocity

6) Research says that a quarter of Indonesians still have _________________ towards Australia. The survey, which was conducted in April this year, reveals that 15 percent of Indonesians expressed their support for a boycott of Australian products.

a. hassle

b. antipathy

c. culpability

d. sympathy

7) In England and Wales, a dangerous dog's owner now faces stricter rules and sentences under the new guidelines. According to a legal consultant, these new guidelines will encourage courts to concentrate on the major factors of ____________ of the owner and the harm they inflicted on the victim.

a. hassle

b. antipathy

c. culpability

d. sympathy

8) After the 2012 London Olympics, many athletes hoped that their success in Olympics would serve as a ________________ to encourage people to do more exercise and be healthy. Their desires are not just to win and give pride to the country but also to be able to inspire people to exercise and know its benefits to the body, mind and spirit.

a. feud

b. dispute

c. hassle

d. catalyst

9) According to the authorities, 1, 200 British troops were added and are being place on standby for the Olympics. This is because of the security __________________ caused by a contractor’s failure to supply enough number of guards for the Olympics,

a. hassle

b. fiasco

c. catalyst

d. dispute

10) Due to a ______________, students were able to find out their entrance exam results two weeks early. The students were able to see how they performed on the entrance exam of the university by logging on to the university website. The university is still investigating what caused the error.

a. hassle

b. blunder

c. catalyst

d. dispute