おもてなしの接客英語(English for the hospitality services)

 Chapter 1: 基本表現(Basic Expressions)

Lesson 1: 「いらっしゃいませ!」は「Hi!」でOK!
Hi is enough to express Welcome!

Activity 1: Picture Description

Look at the picture and say something about it.

Activity 2: Practice the dialog with your teacher.

Shopkeeper: Good morning sir/madam. Welcome to John’s appliance shop! May I help you?

Customer: Yes please. I want to buy a large TV.

Shopkeeper: I think you will like this TV. It’s very large.

Customer: Don’t you have a larger one?

Shopkeeper: I’m afraid this is the largest TV we have.

Customer: I see. How much does this cost?

Shopkeeper: This one is $310. It also comes with a 1-year warranty.

Customer: That’s good value. Do you have a refund policy?

Shopkeeper: Yes, we do. If you keep the receipt safe and bring it back within 2 weeks, you can get a refund.

Customer: Great, I will buy it.

Shopkeeper: Is everything ok? Can I help you with anything else?

Customer: That’s the only thing I need. Thank you for your help.

Shopkeeper: You’re welcome sir/madam.

Activity 3: Read the common expressions aloud and explain the usage of the expressions.

» Hi

» Hello

» Sir

» Madam

» Good morning!

» Good afternoon!

» Good evening!

» May I help you?

» Is everything okay? or Are you all right?

Activity 4: Role-play

Scenario: The customer of a department store is looking for a large sweater. The customer doesn’t like the color of the large sweater. The shopkeeper offers an alternative or option to the customer.

a. First role-play. The student will act as the customer while teacher will act as the shopkeeper.

b. Second role-play. Switch roles, the teacher will act as the customer while the student will act as the shopkeeper

Note: In the role-play, use as many expressions from Activity 3 as possible.

Supplementary information





有花先生:そうそう^^ 挨拶! だからただ言葉を発するのではなく、目を見てほほ笑んで、心からの挨拶をしたいわね。それが「いらっしゃいませ」よ。挨拶は、Hi. Hello. だったらいつでも使える。あとは、時間帯に合わせて Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. ね。

花子: Hi でいいんだったら言えるかも。



有花先生:そうよね。(笑)名前の代わりに、女性だったら madam 、男性だったら sirをつけて挨拶をしてみて。

Hi, / Hello, / Good morning,
ハーイ/ヘロォ/グッ モォニン 
/ Good afternoon,/ Good evening, madam.
グダァフタヌゥン/グディーヴニン マダァム

Hi, / Hello, / Good morning,
ハーイ/ヘロォ/グッ モォニン 
/ Good afternoon,/ Good evening, sir.
グダァフタヌゥン/グディーヴニン サァ


Are you all right?
アァ ユ オーォ ライッ?

Is everything OK?
イゼェヴリシン オゥケィ?

May I help you?
メィアィ ヘォピュゥ?