おもてなしの接客英語(English for the hospitality services)

 Chapter 1: 基本表現(Basic Expressions)

Lesson 2: Excuse me. は困ったときの万能表現♫
「Excuse me」is an expression when you are in trouble

Activity 1: Picture Description

Look at the picture and say something about it.

Activity 2: Practice the dialog with your teacher.

Waiter: Excuse me, sir/madam, my name is Kai and I’m your waiter today. Can I get your order?

Customer: Yes, I’d like to eat some lunch.

Waiter: Would you like a starter?

Customer: Yes, I’d like a cucumber sunomono.

Waiter: I’m sorry. Could you say that again?

Customer: Sure. I’d like a cucumber sunomono for a starter, please.

Waiter: Thank you! And what would you like for your main course?

Customer: Hmm, I choose teriyaki-glazed pork spare ribs.

Waiter: Would you like anything to drink?

Customer: Yes, I’d like a glass of hmm... orange juice.

Waiter: I’m sorry?

Customer: Orange juice, please.

Waiter: Okay. So that’s a cucumber sunomono, teriyaki-glazed pork spare ribs and orange juice.

Customer: Yes, that’s right.

Waiter: Thank you. I’ll be back with your food.

Activity 3: Read the common expressions aloud and explain the usage of the expressions.

» Excuse me, sir/madam!

» Excuse me? / Sorry?

» Could you say that again?

» Would you excuse me?

» I’m sorry.

Activity 4: Role-play

Scenario: An English person goes to a Japanese restaurant, but he cannot decide which food to eat. The waiter/waitress helps him to order.

a. First role-play. The student will act as the waiter/waitress while the teacher will act as the foreign customer.

b. Second role-play. Switch roles. The teacher will act as the waiter/waitress while the student will act as the foreign customer.

Note: In the role-play, use as many expressions from Activity 3 as possible.

Supplementary information

有花先生:Excuse me. は知ってる?

花子:何か聞きたいことがあるときや、頼みたいときに使うイメージ。あとは、前を歩いている人が何か落としたとき、Excuse me!「すいません!」とか?

有花先生:いいわね〜^^ ここでも、お名前代わりに、女性だったらmadam、男性だったらsirをつけて呼びかけるといいわね。

Excuse me, madam! / sir!
イクスキュゥズ ミ マダァム/サァ

有花先生:ほかにも、話している英語がわからないときに語尾を上げて、Excuse me?「今なんと?」と聞き返すのにも使えるわね。Sorry? Could you say that again? も同じよ。

Excuse me? / Sorry?
イクスキュゥズ ミ?/ソォリィ?

Could you say that again?
クッジュ セイ ザァッダゲイン?

有花先生:接客中に電話がかかってきて、その場を離れなければいけない時の Excuse me. は「失礼します」になるわ。

有花先生:立ち去るときにも Excuse me. 「失礼します」と使える便利な表現ね。Could you ~ ?「〜していただけますでしょうか?」を前に付けて確認を取ると、丁寧度が増すわ^^

Excuse me. / Could you excuse me?
イクスキュゥズ ミ/クッジュ イクスキュゥズ ミ?




花子:I’m sorry. でもいいんですか?

有花先生:I’m sorry. の方が、Excuse me. より少し深刻な感じ。例えば、くしゃみをした後に、 I’m sorry. は個人的には謝りすぎな感じがするので、さらっとExcuse me. の方がちょうどいいかな〜。 短く明るくSorry.くらいだと、軽くなって、くしゃみのときでもちょうどいいわね。ちゃんと謝る時はI’m sorry. 軽くすみませんのときは、Sorry. かExcuse me. ね。