13:英検対策3級(Eiken Grade 3)

11: Eiken Grade 3 Vocabularies Lesson 11

Part 1: Vocabulary words

1. vacation noun [vey-key-shuh n, vuh-]

a period of time for pleasure, rest, or relaxation; a holiday.

◼ Example: I’m planning to take a vacation from work.

2. volunteer noun [vol-uh n-teer]

someone who is not paid for the work that they do

◼ Example: The volunteers helped the flood victims.

3. band noun [band]

(music) a small group of musicians who play popular music

◼ Example: That rock band was so popular in the ‘80s.

4. chimpanzee noun [chim-pan-zee, chim-pan-zee]

a type of small African ape

◼ Example: There are chimpanzees in this zoo.

5. library noun [lahy-brer-ee, -bruh-ree, -bree]

a place where books, documents, CDs, etc. are available for you to look at or borrow

◼ Example: She went to the library to do her homework.

6. plan verb [plan]

a series of actions that you think about carefully to help you to achieve something

◼ Example: What is your plan now?

7. e-mail noun [ee-meyl]

a message or messages sent or received by such a system

◼ Example: I sent him an e-mail yesterday.

8. hour noun [ouuh r, ou-er]

a period of time that consists of 60 minutes.

◼ Example: I waited outside for two hours.

9. practice verb [prak-tis]

to do or perform habitually or customarily; make a habit of:

◼ Example: I have to practice playing the piano.

10. son noun [suhn]

your male child

◼ Example: Your soon looks like you.

Part 2: Exercise 1

Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ vacation

◼ band

◼ volunteer

◼ hour

◼ chimpanzee

◼ library

◼ plan

◼ practice

◼ e-mail

◼ son

___________ 1. a type of small African ape

___________ 2. a place where books, documents, CDs, etc. are available for you to look at or borrow

___________ 3. a message or messages sent or received by such a system

___________ 4. a period of time that consists of 60 minutes

___________ 5. your male child

___________ 6. (music) a small group of musicians who play popular music

___________ 7. to do or perform habitually or customarily; make a habit of

___________ 8. a period of time for pleasure, rest, or relaxation; a holiday

___________ 9. someone who is not paid for the work that they do

___________ 10. a series of actions that you think about carefully to help you to achieve something

Part 2: Exercise 2

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) Did you receive my __________ message?

a. hour

b. plan

c. library

d. e-mail

2) She practiced playing the guitar for five __________.

a. hours

b. plans

c. libraries

d. e-mails

3) It’s very quiet in the __________.

a. band

b. plan

c. library

d. chimpanzee

4) He changed the __________ for his vacation.

a. band

b. plan

c. library

d. chimpanzee

5) Your son wants to join a rock __________.

a. band

b. plan

c. library

d. chimpanzee