13:英検対策3級(Eiken Grade 3)

12: Eiken Grade 3 Vocabularies Lesson 12

Part 1: Vocabulary words

1. country noun [kuhn-tree]

a nation or state

◼ Example: China is a very huge country.

2. meeting noun [mee-ting]

an occasion when people gather to discuss things and make decisions

◼ Example: I have a 3p.m. meeting tomorrow.

3. newspaper noun [nooz-pey-per, nyooz-, noos-, nyoos-]

a publication, usually issued daily or weekly, containing current news, editorials, feature articles, and usually advertising.

◼ Example: She buys a newspaper every morning.

4. scientist noun [sahy-uh n-tist]

someone who is trained in science, especially someone whose job is to do scientific research

◼ Example: His dream is to be a scientist.

5. stop verb [stop]

to prevent someone from doing something, or to prevent something from happening

◼ Example: The rain has stopped.

6. area noun [air-ee-uh]

a roughly bounded part of the space on a surface

◼ Example: We always eat in the dining area.

7. aunt noun [ant, ahnt]

the sister of your mother or father, or the wife of your uncle

◼ Example: I like visiting my aunt and uncle.

8. company noun [kuhm-puh-nee]

an organization that provides services, or that makes or sells goods for money

◼ Example: Max works for a large car company.

9. cookie noun [koo k-ee]

a small, sweet biscuit

◼ Example: My mom baked some cookies.

10. farmer noun [fahr-mer]

a person who operates a farm

◼ Example: His father is a farmer.

Part 2: Exercise 1

Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ country

◼ area

◼ meeting

◼ newspaper

◼ stop

◼ scientist

◼ aunt

◼ company

◼ cookie

◼ farmer

_____________ 1. someone who is trained in science, especially someone whose job is to do scientific research

_____________ 2. a person who operates a farm

_____________ 3. an organization that provides services, or that makes or sells goods for money

_____________ 4. a roughly bounded part of the space on a surface; a region:

_____________ 5. a publication, usually issued daily or weekly, containing current news, editorials, feature articles, and usually advertising.

_____________ 6. the sister of your mother or father, or the wife of your uncle

_____________ 7. a nation or state.

_____________ 8. a small, sweet biscuit

_____________ 9. to prevent someone from doing something, or to prevent something from happening

_____________ 10. an occasion when people gather to discuss things and make decisions

Part 2: Exercise 2

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) The __________ will start at 2:00pm.

a. meeting

b. newspaper

c. farmer

d. company

2) I want to make __________ for my kids.

a. meetings

b. cookies

c. farmers

d. newspapers

3) Being a __________ is not easy. You always work under the heat of the sun.

a. meeting

b. cookies

c. farmer

d. company

4) I read the __________ every morning.

a. meeting

b. cookies

c. farmer

d. newspaper

5) She works for a glass __________.

a. newspaper

b. cookies

c. farmer

d. company