13:英検対策3級(Eiken Grade 3)

21: Eiken Grade 3 Vocabularies Lesson 21

Part 1: Vocabulary words

1. date noun [deyt]

the day, month, and year

◼ Example: The date today is July 20, 2012

2. return verb [ri-turn]

to go back to an earlier condition or place

◼ Example: After twenty years, Joseph returned to Japan from the U.S.A.

3. pick verb [pik]

to select from a group

◼ Example: The best tennis player of our class was picked to join the university tennis team.

4. bake verb [beyk]

to cook food with dry heat, usually in an oven

◼ Example: Her hobby is baking cookies.

5. draw verb [draw]

to make a picture usually by using pencil, crayons, etc.

◼ Example: She could draw a simple house at the age of three.

6. understand verb [uhn-der-stand]

to see or know the meaning of something, to learn

◼ Example: I can understand the difference between the words “beside” and “besides”.

7. begin verb [bih-gin]

to take the first step, start

◼ Example: Babies begin to walk between the ages of one and two.

8. spend verb [spend]

to pay out (money), to use up

◼ Example: I spent ten dollars for a movie ticket.

9. cover verb [kuhv-er]

to place something over to protect or hide; to spread over the surface

◼ Example: The snow covered the ground during winter.

10. miss verb [mis]

to fail to hit, reach, catch, meet, contact, perceive, understand, or experience

◼ Example: The soccer player missed the penalty kick.

Part 2: Exercise 1

Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ date

◼ return

◼ pick

◼ bake

◼ draw

◼ understand

◼ begin

◼ spend

◼ cover

◼ miss

____________________1. to take the first step, start

____________________2. to see or know the meaning of something, to learn

____________________3. to pay out (money), to use up

____________________4. to place something over to protect or hide; to spread over the surface

____________________5. to select from a group

____________________6. to fail to hit, reach, catch, meet, contact, perceive, understand, or experience

____________________7. the day, month, and year

____________________8. to make a picture usually by using pencil, crayons, etc.

____________________9. to go back to an earlier condition or place

____________________10. to cook food with dry heat, usually in an oven

Part 2: Exercise 2

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) The school will ___________ the best pianist of our class to join the contest.

a. pick

b. hide

c. hit

d. draw

2) I ___________ 400 dollars on the dress that I am going to wear at the party.

a. hide

b. spent

c. draw

d. pick

3) Is July 29, 2012 the __________ of your wedding?

a. time

b. calendar

c. moment

d. date

4) I will lend you the book but promise to_______________ it tomorrow morning. I will use it too.

a. spent

b. borrow

c. return

d. hide

5) Did you ______________ this bread?

a. sauté

b. bake

c. cook

d. boil