13:英検対策3級(Eiken Grade 3)

08: Eiken Grade 3 Vocabularies Lesson 8

Part 1: Vocabulary words

1. Ready adjective [red-ee]

prepared for immediate action or use; likely and willing to do something; available

◼ Example: She’s ready for the interview.
The room’s ready.

◻ Note: ‘Ready’ can also be used as a verb which means to make or to cause to be ready: “Ready your materials for your artwork.”

2. Ever adverb [ev-er]

always or at all times; at any time or in any way; by any chance

◼ Example: Tina is ever ready to help other people.
◻ Note: Have you ever been abroad?

3. Outside noun [out-sahyd]

the outer part, outer side or outer surface;

◼ Example: The outside of the house still looks new, but the interior is already old.
position that’s farther away from the center or the inside

◼ Example: The car in the outside lane suddenly stopped.
on the outside or to the outside; in or to an area that is elsewhere

◼ Example: People from poor countries don’t have the culture of traveling outside.
◻ Note: ‘Outside’ can also be a preposition which means on or toward the outside of or beyond the borders of: There’s someone standing outside the door.

4. Still adjective [stil]

remaining at rest or remaining in place; free from sound or noise; free from movement; without noticeable current; calm

◼ Example: Never say a word about it. Try to keep still.
Still waters are deep.
without any movement

◼ Example: Don’t move, just stand still.
silence; a still photograph usually taken from a scene of a movie

◼ Example: He wants some stills for a magazine ad.
◻ Note: ‘Still’ can also be used as a conjunction which means ‘and yet’ or ‘but yet’: He’s already weak, still he’s fighting the disease.

5. Tonight noun [tuh-nahyt]

the night of the present day

◼ Example: Tonight is the best night of my life.
on the present night; during the night or evening of the present day

◻ Note: What are you going to do tonight?

6. Already adverb [awl-red-ee]

by this or that, or by a specified time; before a stated or expected time; very soon or so early

◼ Example: They were already home by the time we called them.
Why did you already stop?

◻ Note: ‘Already’ is different from ‘all ready’ in the sense that ‘all ready’ means entirely ready or prepared while ‘already’ means previously or so soon.

7. Usually adjective [yoo-zhoo-uhl, yoozh-wuhl]

habitually or customarily; ordinarily; at most times or under normal conditions

◼ Example: She’s usually early for work, but she’s late.
◻ Note: ‘Usual’ is the adjective form of ‘usually’.
◼ Example: What do you usually do in the morning?

8. Early adverb [ur-lee]

near the beginning of a period of time, a course of action, or a series of events

◼ Example: He finished all his tasks early.
in the early part of the morning

◼ Example: I never get up early.
occurring in or during the first or beginning part of a period of time, a given series or course of events; occurring before the expected time

◼ Example: He goes jogging in the early hours of the day.
◻ Note: Are you always late or early?

9. Part-time adjective [pahrt-tahym]

employed to work, used or expected to function for less than the standard time

◼ Example: College students usually look for part-time jobs to meet their schooling needs.
◻ Note: What part-time job is popular in your country?

10. Even adjective [ee-vuhn]

flat or horizontal surface without any irregularities; parallel or on the same level

◼ Example: This rough road should be cemented to make it even.

◼ Example: After the asthma attack, he now has even breathing.
used to imply that something constitutes an extreme case or an unlikely instance

◼ Example: Even the slightest movement wakes him up.
to a greater extent

◼ Example: I will be your friend even to death.
◻ Note: ‘Even’ can also be a verb which means to make even or smooth.

Part 2: Exercise 1

Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ ready

◼ still

◼ ever

◼ tonight

◼ outside

◼ already

◼ part-time

◼ usually

◼ even

◼ early

_________________ 1. the outer part, outer side or outer surface; external

_________________ 2. habitually or customarily; ordinarily; at most times or under normal conditions

_________________ 3. employed to work, used, or expected to function for less than the standard time

_________________ 4. remaining at rest or remaining in place; free from sound or noise; free from movement; without noticeable current; calm

_________________ 5. a flat or horizontal surface without any irregularities; parallel or on the same level

_________________ 6. prepared for immediate action or use; likely and willing to do something; available

_________________ 7. always or at all times; at any time or in any way; by any chance

_________________ 8. near the beginning of a period of time, a course of action, or a series of events

_________________ 9. on the present night; during the night or evening of the present day

_________________ 10. by this or that, or by a specified time ; before a stated or expected time; very soon or so early

Part 2: Exercise 2

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) I am a full-time student and a __________ saleslady. I go to school in the morning and work for four hours at night.

a. another

b. part-time

c. full-time

d. still

2) I _________ take a bath in the evening, but today I took a bath in the morning.

a. usually

b. early

c. never

d. even

3) It’s raining ___________, so bring an umbrella with you when you go out.

a. inside

b. outside

c. other side

d. side by side

4) I have to work overtime ____________ to finish my tasks. I think I’ll be up all night.

a. tonight

b. this afternoon

c. this morning

d. yesterday

5) Wake up __________ so you won’t be late for your morning meeting.

a. late

b. early

c. ever

d. ready