16:英検対策準1級(Eiken Grade Pre-1)

42: Eiken Grade Pre-1 Vocabularies Lesson 42

Part 1: Vocabulary words

1. Crisis noun [krahy-sis]

a stage in which someone is in an extremely difficult, critical or dangerous situation

◼ Example: She’s struggling every day due to poverty, but she’s still hopeful that someday she will be able to recover from such a crisis.
◻ Note: What’s the worst crisis you have ever experienced?

2. Eruption noun [ih-ruhp-shuh n]

an impulsive expression of someone’s feelings such as anger, disappointment, etc.

◼ Example: He keeps on hiding his emotions; that’s why his friends are worried because this might lead to a serious eruption of bad feelings.
◻ Note: What’s the best way to avoid having an eruption of bad feelings?

3. Embarrassment noun [em-bar-uh s-muh nt]

someone or something that makes you feel uneasy, anxious or ashamed

◼ Example: She had been an embarrassment to her mom ever since she was a child but when she finally graduated from her university, she became the only pride of her mom.
◻ Note: Have you ever been an embarrassment to anybody? Tell me about it.

4. Ancestor noun [an-ses-ter]

any relatives or anyone from your family who lived a long time ago

◼ Example: Being frugal is one of the traits I have inherited from my ancestors.
◻ Note: What traits have you inherited from your ancestors?

5. Infant noun [in-fuh nt]

the earliest period of a child’s life; a very, young child

◼ Example: She gets only a few hours of sleep every day just to make sure that her infant is safe.
◻ Note: What are your parents’ stories about your behavior when you were still an infant?

6. Architect noun [ahr-ki-tekt]

a person whose job is to design buildings and is accountable for the construction of the designs

◼ Example: There are so many beautiful buildings and houses all over the world. Those creations wouldn’t have been possible without the brilliant minds of architects.
◻ Note: Name an impressive building construction designed by an architect.

7. Physician noun [fi-zish-uh n]

a person who has the license to practice medicine; a general medical doctor or practitioner

◼ Example: Physicians save the lives of many sick people, but they tend to forget themselves by working long hours just to give their services to everyone.
◻ Note: How often do you consult a physician?

8. Dimension noun [dih-men-shuh n]

the aspect, extent or importance of a situation

◼ Example: Life is like a mathematical problem. You will never succeed in solving your problem unless you focus on its dimension.
◻ Note: Do you believe in spiritual dimension? Explain your opinion.

9. Perspective noun [theft]

someone’s way of thinking or mentality about something; a view about something

◼ Example: You have to enlighten your perspective to achieve better decisions in life.
◻ Note: What’s your perspective on global warming?

10. Telescope noun [tel-uh-skohp]

an optical device that is used to make thinks appear closer and bigger

◼ Example: The stars and the moon are so distant but because of the invention of the telescope, they seem to be so near.
◻ Note: How important is a telescope in one’s life?

Part 2: Exercise 1

Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ Crisis

◼ Eruption

◼ Embarrassment

◼ Ancestor

◼ Infant

◼ Architect

◼ Physician

◼ Dimension

◼ Perspective

◼ Telescope

_______________ 1. a person who has the license to practice medicine; a general medical doctor or practitioner

_______________ 2. the aspect, extent or importance of a situation

_______________ 3. an impulsive expression of someone’s feelings such as anger, disappointment, etc.

_______________ 4. any relatives or anyone from your family who lived a long time ago

_______________ 5. a person whose job is to design buildings and is accountable for the construction of the designs

_______________ 6. someone or something that makes you feel uneasy, anxious or ashamed

_______________ 7. someone’s way of thinking or mentality about something; a view about something

_______________ 8. the earliest period of a child’s life; a very, young child

_______________ 9. an optical device that is used to make thinks appear closer and bigger

_______________ 10. a stage in which someone is in an extremely difficult, critical or dangerous situation

Part 2: Exercise 2

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) The universe is too enormous to be explored by anyone. Due to the advancement of technology and the invention of useful devices, astronomers and scientists make it possible for people to explore and understand the universe. A __________ is one of the devices that can help them study and scrutinize the universe in a much deeper dimension.

a. Dimension

b. Telescope

c. Perspective

d. Physician

2) Having a different _________ and insisting on it with the person you are talking to will always lead to conflicts, arguments or much worse, violent fights. Therefore, it is important to keep your cool every time you share your opinion with someone.

a. Dimension

b. Telescope

c. Perspective

d. Ancestor

3) The country is in a critical situation; demonstrations and strikes are all over. The citizens of the nation are hoping that thru their actions, the government officials will concentrate on the political __________ of the problem and not on irrelevant and unnecessary issues.

a. Infant

b. Dimension

c. Perspective

d. Ancestor

4) 'Health is wealth' and 'prevention is better than a cure' are some famous sayings and reminders from our doctors. These actually encourage everyone to consult their ___________ every time they feel something unusual with their physical or mental health.

a. Dimension

b. Telescope

c. Perspective

d. Physician

5) He was deprived of having his own house so he studied diligently and worked hard until he became a/an __________. He built houses and created impressive designs for huge buildings and eventually became an icon in the profession of designing buildings.

a. Architect

b. Eruption

c. Perspective

d. Physician

6) ______________ are like elderly people who are exposed to higher risks of being sick due to their weak immune systems. Therefore, doctors advise that young children and elderly people must be protected and treated very well.

a. Infants

b. Dimensions

c. Perspectives

d. Ancestors

7) We owe the advancement of technology and the development of people's lives to our _______ who worked hard for us to have a good life. Without their intelligent and innovative minds, we couldn’t enjoy any of the conveniences of life.

a. Infants

b. Dimensions

c. Perspectives

d. Ancestors

8) She could get whatever she wanted because she came from a well-off family. However, when she became a/an ______________ to her family, she was disowned by them and started to live an impoverished life.

a. Embarrassment

b. Eruption

c. Perspective

d. Physician

9) A/An_________ of negative and bad feelings must be avoided in order to maintain harmonious relationships with other people. Therefore, people must not keep their emotions in and must learn to express their feelings and thoughts in a subtle way.

a. Embarrassment

b. Eruption

c. Perspective

d. Physician

10) She has only turned twenty-seven years old, but she has already experienced a lot of good and bad changes in her life. She is too young to have a midlife __________ and this transition might even lead to depression.

a. Embarrassment

b. Eruption

c. Perspective

d. Crisis