15:英検対策準2級(Eiken Grade Pre-2)

Eiken Grade Pre-2 Vocabularies Lesson 4

Part 1: Vocabulary words

1. Pollution noun [puh-loo-shuh n]

damage caused to water, air, etc. by dirty or harmful substances

◼ Example: The tests showed high levels of pollution in the air.
◼ Note: The five major types of pollution include: air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, light pollution, and noise pollution.

2. Miniature noun [min-ee-uh-cher, -choor, min-uh-cher]

a representation or image of something on a small or reduced scale

◼ Example: You can buy miniatures of the tower in the souvenir shop.
◼ Note: Miniature is also an adjective which means being, on, or represented on a small scale; reduced: miniature statue

3. Plenty noun [plen-tee]

a lot of something, more than you need

◼ Example: I have plenty of time to do my homework.
◼ Note: Similar expressions are: a lot of, many, a great deal of, a good deal of

4. Quality noun [kwol-i-tee]

how good or bad something is

◼ Example: The air quality in this city is terrible.
◼ Note: As an adjective, quality means of or having superior quality: quality work, quality time

5. Middle noun [mid-l ]

the center of something

◼ Example: The river is in the middle of the forest.
◼ Note: Middle also means the central part of the human body, especially the waist.

6. Project noun [proj-ekt]

a piece of planned work or activity that is completed over a period of time and is done to achieve a particular purpose

◼ Example: We’re doing a class project on weather conditions.
◼ Note: Have you ever done a project? Tell me about it.

7. Network noun [net-wurk]

a group of radio or TV stations that show the same programmes at the same time

◼ Example: He was hired by ABC television network as a video editor.
◼ Note: What is your favorite TV network?

8. President noun [prez-i-duh nt]

the person in charge of a company or organization

◼ Example: The company president is scheduled to visit our office next month.
◼ Note: In some countries, a president is usually the leader of the government: the president of the United States

9. Organization noun [awr-guh-nuh-zey-shuh n]

a group of people who work together for the same purpose

◼ Example: WHO, which stands for World Health Organization, is concerned with international public health.
◼ Note: Are you a member of any organization?

10. Moment noun [moh-muhnt]

a very short period of time

◼ Example: She stopped for a moment and looked out the window.
◼ Note: Moment also means an appropriate time for doing something; an opportunity.

Part 2: Exercise 1

Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ pollution

◼ miniature

◼ plenty

◼ quality

◼ middle

◼ project

◼ network

◼ president

◼ orgnization

◼ moment

_________________ 1. a lot of something, more than you need

_________________ 2. a group of radio or TV stations that show the same programmes at the same time

_________________ 3. a piece of planned work or activity that is completed over a period of time and is done to achieve a particular purpose

_________________ 4. how good or bad something is

_________________ 5. damage caused to water, air, etc. by dirty or harmful substances

_________________ 6. a group of people who work together for the same purpose

_________________ 7. the person in charge of a company or organization

_________________ 8. a very short period of time

_________________ 9. the center of something

_________________ 10. a representation or image of something on a small or reduced scale

Part 2: Exercise 2

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) The team finished the school ___________ on schedule. They submitted it to the teacher today.

a. president

b. organization

c. project

d. moment

2) Theodore Roosevelt became the youngest __________ of the United States. He became the country's leader at the age of 42.

a. quality

b. president

c. miniature

d. plenty

3) The little boy resembles his father. He is like a __________ version of him.

a. network

b. miniature

c. middle

d. pollution

4) More than 817 animal species around the world are affected by water __________. Plastic is one of the most common causes of this.

a. materials

b. organization

c. network

d. pollution

5) I was disappointed with the cheap pair of boots that I bought. The price is low, but the __________ isn't very good.

a. quality

b. pollution

c. moment

d. president