17:英検対策1級(Eiken Grade 1)

15: Eiken Grade 1 Vocabularies Lesson 15

Part 1: Vocabulary words

1. Implement verb [im-pluh-ment, -muhnt]

put (a decision, plan, agreement, etc.) into effect

◼ Example: The past semester was so chaotic that teachers and administrators decided to implement a new set of rules for this semester.
◻ Note: The word implement can also be used as a noun. It can be an agent, a tool, a gadget or an apparatus

2. Undergo verb [uhn-der-goh]

be subjected to, to submit to, to go through

◼ Example: The fact that you are healthy is more than enough to be thankful for, so if today you have to undergo something painful, just smile for it will only make you a better, stronger person.
◻ Note: Similar words are abide, bear, encounter, put up with, submit to, withstand

3. Manipulate verb [muh-nip-yuh-leyt]

to manage or utilize skillfully, to control or play upon by artful, unfair, or insidious means especially to one's own advantage

◼ Example: If the people whom you love and trust the most start to manipulate you to get what they want, you will feel betrayed.
◻ Note: Synonyms are operate, handle, work, control, use, employ, utilize.

4. Address verb [uh-dres]

to speak to a formal gathering, to take the floor, get on a soapbox, to give a speech

◼ Example: It is best to address the audience before we start the program.
◻ Note: The word can also mean to direct the efforts or attention of (oneself) <will address himself to the problem>

5. Fabricate transitive verb [fab-ri-keyt]

to make up for the purpose of deception <accused of fabricating evidence>
to create, whip up, invent

◼ Example: The suspect was still under investigation because it was discovered that an ally planned to fabricate the evidence.
◻ Note: Fabricate can also mean to produce or manufacture.

6. Administer verb [ad-min-uh-ster]

manage an organization or effort
to manage or supervise the execution or conduct

◼ Example: At our meeting this afternoon, she was voted to administer the fund for our team building activity.
◻ Note: You think you can handle administering a half day of assessments to 50 people?

7. Enact verb [en-akt]

to act out; accomplish; to personate

◼ Example: The role calls for someone who is Asian, who can speak average English, and who is a good dancer and singer; I think she is the best person who can enact this part.
◻ Note: The first use of the word enact was during the 15th century.

8. Duplicate adjective [doo-pli-kit]

consisting of or existing in two corresponding or identical parts or examples

◼ Example: I have to get a duplicate copy for my thesis partner so we can both be prepared for the presentation.
◻ Note: Duplication may be regarded as an activity because one duplicates (makes again) something, but replication is a process in which something is replicated(copied).

9. Orchestrate transitive verb [awr-kuh-streyt]

to arrange or combine so as to achieve a desired or maximum effect

◼ Example: I saw him at the dug out with his friends; maybe they were starting to orchestrate something against the new school policy.
◻ Note: to arrange or combine so as to achieve a desired or maximum effect

10. Inaugurate verb [in-aw-gyuh-reyt, -guh-]

to dedicate ceremoniously: observe formally the beginning of <inaugurate a new school>.
to bring about the beginning of something

◼ Example: I suggest we inaugurate our new partners with a brief program on Monday.
◻ Note: Synonyms are initiate, begin, start, institute, launch.

Part 2: Exercise 1

Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ Implement 

◼ Undergo

◼ Manipulate 

◼ Address

◼ Fabricate

◼ Administer

◼ Enact

◼ Duplicate 

◼ Orchestrate

◼ Inaugurate

____________1. To dedicate ceremoniously: observe formally the beginning of

____________2. To act out; accomplish; to personate

____________3. To arrange or combine so as to achieve a desired or maximum effect

____________4. Consisting of or existing in two corresponding or identical parts or examples

____________5. Manage an organization or effort; to manage or supervise the execution or conduct

____________6. To make up for the purpose of deception

____________7. To speak to a formal gathering, to take the floor, get on a soapbox, to give a speech

____________8. To manage or utilize skillfully, to control or play upon by artful, unfair, or insidious means especially to one's own advantage

____________9. Be subjected to, to submit to, to go through

____________10. Put (a decision, plan, agreement, etc.) into effect

Part 2: Exercise 2

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) On our school’s recognition day, before our medals and ribbons are distributed, the school head has to________ the crowd of students, parents, guardians and other family members first. This gives him the chance to thank the families for entrusting their children’s safety and future to the institution.

a. administer             

b. address    

c. duplicate      

d. undergo

2) Parents should start teaching kids how to do household chores at an early age. The division of tasks should be discussed among family members before parents start to ________ them, which may help the children be more responsible and disciplined.

a. implement

b. administer 

c. undergo      

d. address

3) Art museums contain numerous paintings that are of great value, based on their time of existence, uniqueness, materials used, culture and a lot more. Sometimes, with the risk involved in securing such value, it is considered to ___________ a painting, in order to display the fake one and keep the legit painting in a secure place.

a. duplicate     

b. address

c. undergo      

d. fabricate

4) It is best that we conduct individual pre and post testing of our new hires in order to check the effectiveness of trainings and workshops conducted by our communication skills and sales training department. In connection with this, let someone from the HR department ____________ the suggested examination.

a. enact

b. administer    

c. fabricate

d. implement

5) I was watching a documentary the other night and it was about a 9-year-old boy who died because of cancer. I didn’t get to finish the documentary because it was very heartbreaking to see what he and his parent had to _______ just to keep him alive.

a. undergo

b. enact  

c. implement

d. address

6) Celebrities and politicians are usually the most talked about since they are mostly surrounded by media people who deliver news. This gives the media the freedom and the responsibility to pass on genuine information to the people. However, there are some who take advantage of this right by ___________ information just to sell the story and worse, to bring a person down.

a. inaugurating 

b. implementing     

c. fabricating  

d. administering

7) The Phantom of the Opera was brought to the Philippines and did a couple of shows within a month. Judging from the pictures, everything was intricately made-- from costumes, make up, and the set per scene. I wonder how long it took them to _________ everything from the visuals down to the last note of every song.

a. manipulate

b. orchestrate    

c. address  

d. administer

8) Two months ago, one of the department secretaries tragically died in a plane crash. A couple of weeks after the tragedy, the country's leader finally made a decision as to whom to appoint to the position. It is said that the new department secretary will be _____________ on Monday after the flag ceremony.

a. enacted

b. implemented

c. manipulated  

d. inaugurated

9) Auditions for the lead roles will be held at the university theatre at 4pm. Actors for the lead role should be able to effectively ______ all emotions in the script, dance (preferably ballet), sing, and endure long rehearsals.

a. enact 

b. administer 

c. orchestrate   

d. address

10) Children are cute and adorable, and parents will always do their best to cater to every need and want of their little ones. However, there is a thin line between wants and needs, so parents should always be careful not to overlook the needs and spoil their little ones, because as they grow older, they may later on learn how to ________ you in getting what they want.

a. manipulate 

b. undergo 

c. orchestrate  

d. address