17:英検対策1級(Eiken Grade 1)

02: Eiken Grade 1 Vocabularies Lesson 2

Part 1: Vocabulary words

1. Exemplary adjective [ig-zem-pluh-ree, eg-zuhm-pler-ee]

worthy of imitation or commendation

◼ Example: He was recognized as the ‘Employee of the Year’ for his exemplary performance at work.
◻ Note: The antonyms of exemplary are deplorable, unworthy.

2. Commensurate adjective [kuh-men-ser-it]

having the same size, degree, extent, measure or duration as another; proportion

◼ Example: One’s pay should be commensurate with their performance and the amount of time worked.
◻ Note: 'Commensurate' and 'commiserate' are two different words. ‘Commiserate’ means to feel or express sorrow or sympathy for or to empathize with.

3. Transient adjective [tran-shuhnt]

not enduring; not permanent; not lasting but transitory; passing with time; for only a short time

◼ Example: Passionate love is transient. As time passes by, passion becomes companionship.
◻ Note: As a noun, 'transient' means a person or thing that is temporary like a temporary guest, boarder, laborer, or the like.

4. Ostensible adjective [o-sten-suh-buhl]

outwardly represented or appearing as such; pretended or professed

◼ Example: It is believed that people who laugh vociferously are the ones saddest for an ostensible exuberance conceals sadness.
◻ Note: The antonyms of ostensible are real, genuine.

5. Aesthetically adverb [es-thet-ik-lee]

done according to the principles of aesthetics or done in a tasteful way

◼ Example: To achieve a more appealing interior, the design of each room should be aesthetically consistent.
◻ Note: Are you aesthetically talented?

6. Marginally adverb [mahr-juh-nl-lee]

in a marginal manner; barely adequate or sufficient

◼ Example: The newly improved coffee of that brand tastes marginally better than the classic one.
◻ Note: What do you consider marginally interesting to you?

7. Indigenous adjective [in-dij-uh-nuhs]

originating, occurring or living naturally in and characteristic of a particular area, region or country; innate, natural or inherent to

◼ Example: The Ifugao indigenous people have been living on the slopes of Mount Data.
◻ Note: 'Indigenous' and 'endogenous' are two different words. While indigenous means innate or inherent, endogenous means derived from within or internally.

8. Inherent adjective [in-heer-uhnt]

existing as an important or significant element, characteristic or constituent

◼ Example: The idea that expatriation is an inherent right of the individual is not duly accepted or recognized.
◻ Note: This word applies best to non-living or abstract things like ideas.

9. Intrinsic adjective [in-trin-sik, -zik]

pertaining to the vital nature of a thing

◼ Example: Practicing the self-sacrifice of some for the good of others is almost intrinsic to battle.
◻ Note: Intrinsic can be confused with internal. If intrinsic means belonging to a thing by its very nature, internal on the other hand means existing in the interior part of something.

10. Latent adjective [leyt-nt]

present or potential but neither active nor evident; not visible or apparent

◼ Example: A latent talent should be developed to its full potential.
◻ Note: Does a latent ability mean an apparent ability?

Part 2: Exercise 1

Give the word being asked for each number.

◼ exemplary  

◼ commensurate

◼ transient 

◼ ostensible

◼ aesthetically

◼ marginally 

◼ indigenous

◼ inherent 

◼ intrinsic

◼ latent

_________________ 1. done according to the principles of aesthetics or done in a tasteful way

_________________ 2. outwardly represented or appearing as such; pretended or professed

_________________ 3. existing as an important or significant element, characteristic or constituent

_________________ 4. not enduring; not permanent; not lasting but transitory; passing with time; for only a short time

_________________ 5. present or potential but neither active nor evident; not visible or apparent

_________________ 6. barely adequate or sufficient

_________________ 7. worthy of imitation or commendation

_________________ 8. pertaining to the vital nature of a thing

_________________ 9. originating, occurring or living naturally in and characteristic of a particular area, region or country; innate, natural or inherent to

_________________ 10. having the same size, degree, extent, measure or duration as another; proportion

Part 2: Exercise 2

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences below.

1) Nineteen contestants took part in a contest for ___________-challenged men. They competed for a $500 prize and the crown “King of the Ugly”. It may not be considered a flattering award, but all contestants were more than eager to bring home the bacon.

a. indigenously      

b. marginally     

c. aesthetically      

d. affectionately

2) Japan has shown ____________ progression by the way in which it’s equipping itself with the assets of a strong power in an attempt to invigorate self-dependent defense mechanisms that’s not reliant on the United States of America. Some people believe that this plan is just to make Japan look able and may not materialize though.

a. exemplary      

b. ostensible     

c. latent      

d. commensurate

3) Mother Teresa’s generosity is ________ not just to her personality but also to her family. As a matter of fact, growing up seeing her family care for the poor and the less fortunate made a great impact on her young life.

a. aesthetic      

b. marginal      

c. intrinsic      

d. indigenous

4) Some people believe that science is too __________ for the church to have a foundation of theology built on it. Everything is ephemeral in science. With new discoveries each passing year, science keeps on evolving which makes novelties old in no time.

a. transient 

b. exemplary 

c. ostensible

d. inherent

5) A number of dangers __________ in nuclear power include health risks and environmental damage from the mining, processing and transport of uranium , the risk of nuclear weapons proliferation, the still unresolved problem of nuclear waste and of course, the possible further serious accidents that go with it.

a. inherent

b. transient

c. latent

d. commensurate

6) Mao Asada gave __________ performance in the ladies event at the 2010 Winter Olympic where she brought home an Olympic silver medal for the free skate. A lot of figure skaters aspire to be like her, most especially when she earned a Guinness World Record for the most triple axels performed in a competition.

a. an exemplary

b. an indigenous  

c. a marginal

d. an ostensible

7) In the Summer Olympic this year, there’s a huge discrepancy between the number of security personnel expected and the number of security personnel they were actually able to provide. Obviously, they were not able to provide appropriate security that was ______________ with the risk of danger.

a. exemplary

b. intrinsic  

c. commensurate  

d. inherent

8) The oldest living cultural history in the world is the _____________ culture of Australia, which dates back at least 50,000 years ago. In this country, the natives preserved their culture by passing their arts, knowledge, performances and rituals to younger generations.

a. transient

b. indigenous

c. latent  

d. marginal

9) Even though it’s considered a little contribution, any help from the people is not considered _____________ helpful. As they say, every cent can save a life so, earning just enough is not an excuse not to help the poorest of the poor.

a. marginally

b. aesthetically

c. commensurately

d. exemplary

10) Everyone is a multi-faceted individual and each ________ talent and ability should be discovered and unleashed. Most of the time, it takes tons of courage to awaken the sleeping tiger within.

a. latent

b. intrinsic

c. ostensible

d. transient