

オンライン英会話のキーアイホーム > 新着情報

2024/4/13    いつも笑顔で優しく教えてくれる先生です。小学生相手に難しいレッスンをお願いしていますが、先生のおかげで楽しんでレッスンを受けています。子供だけではなく大人にもお勧めしたい先生です。....(Jen先生)
2024/4/03    なかなかうまく聞き取れなくてごめんなさい またレッスンお願いします.....(Miriam先生)
2024/3/23    丁寧に対応してくれてありがとうございました。 またよろしくお願いします.....(Veron先生)
2024/3/23    今日もありがとうございました。 次回、復習でもう一度テキスト5、6から教えてください。.....(Mina先生)
2024/3/17    分かりやすく教えてくれてありがとうございました。 遅い時間までありがとうございました!.....(Mina先生)
2024/3/15    ミリアム先生へ いろいろ困らせてごめんなさい。 またよろしくお願いします。...(Miriam先生)
2024/3/15    分かりやすく教えてくれてありがとうございました。 遅い時間までありがとうございました!.......(Mina先生)
2024/3/14    いつも楽しい授業をありがとうございます。楽しいだけでなく間違いがあれば適切なタイミングで教えてもらえます。楽しさと緊張感のバランスがちょうど良く、今後も長くお世話になりたい先生です。これからもよろしくお願いします!.....(Kat先生)
2024/3/12    楽しくレッスンできました。またよろしくお願いします。...(Miriam先生)
2024/3/09    日本語交えてレッスンしていただき、リラックスしてレッスンできました。ありがとうございました。またよろしくお願いします。...(Mina先生)
2024/3/08    Sunny先生いつもありがとうございます。息子と仲の良い友達の様に今後なってくれる事を願っております。....(Sunny先生)
2024/2/14    楽しいレッスンで良かったです。...(Kim先生)
2024/2/11    楽しく明るく接してくれてやりやすかったです‼️....(Jed先生)
2024/2/02    明るくて面白い先生でした。....(Love先生)
2024/2/02    私に関連した話を沢山聞いてくれました。....(Joy先生)
2024/2/02    Jesie先生のレッスンはいつも楽しませてもらっています....(Jesie先生)
2024/2/02    テキスト以外の部分でも教えるのが上手でやりがいがあります....(Kan先生)
2024/1/26    私のお気に入りの先生です!言葉遣いも分かりやすく、レッスン時間があっという間に過ぎてしまうほど楽しいです!先生をワールドアイキッズをやってる子供におすすめしました★...(Lemon先生)
2024/1/23    いつも楽しく授業していただきありがとうございます。自分のレベルに合わせて会話してくださり、少しづつレベルアップしていると感じます。これからもよろしくお願いします。..(Kai先生).
2024/1/17    明るく元気で、ゆっくり分かりやすく説明してくださり楽しかったです。....(Luna先生)
2024/1/14    いつも笑顔で接してくださり、落ち着いて授業を受けさせてもらってます。これからもよろしくお願いします。....(Kai先生)
2024/1/04    とても楽しく参加できました。 ありがとうございましたー★....(Jed先生)
2023/12/30    楽しいレッスンで25分では時間が足りないくらいです.....(Kan先生)
2023/12/29    小さいミスもすぐに指摘してくれたので、間違いに気付きやすくて良かった。...(Blessy先生)
2023/12/29    とにかく楽しいレッスンで25分では足りないくらいです....(Van先生)
2023/12/28    授業の進め方が本当に素晴らしかったので、またレッスン受講したい....(Kan先生)
2023/12/27    楽しい授業だったので時間があっという間でした。また予約します。....(Van先生)
2023/12/09    会話スピードが一番速かったのでとても練習になりました。....(Amor先生)
2023/12/08    初めての先生で2Lesson続けて教えていただきました!終始笑顔で教え方もわかりやすかったです⭐︎......(Sunny先生)
2023/11/27    とても楽しかったです!....(Jen先生)
2023/11/22    しっかりと私の英語を聞こうとしてくれてるのでありがたいです。また質問も私のレベルに合わせた質問をもらえるので返しやすくていいです....(Mari先生)
2023/11/22    パソコンのトラブルがあっても臨機応変に対応してくださってよかったです。....(Jen先生)
2023/11/04    久しぶりのレッスンで少し緊張していましたが、とても和やかな雰囲気を作ってくださって嬉しかったです。...(Dear先生)
2023/10/31    丁寧に説明してくださりありがとうございました!....(Jed先生)
2023/10/16    とても楽しいレッスンでした!!....(Jen先生)
2023/10/13    本日が生まれて初めてのオンライン英会話で、何をどうしていいかわからない状態でしたが、うまくアテンドしてくれました。 ありがとうございました。...(Shine先生)
2023/9/30    初めてオンラインレッスンを受講しました。 とても明るく対応してくれたこと、こちらが話した内容を正しい文章に直してくれたことは、受講してとても良かったと感じています。....(Seth先生)
2023/9/21    先生の発話が聞き取りやすく、柔軟な発想をお持ちでとても話しやすい先生のお一人だと思います。....(Miya先生)
2023/9/18    2回目は1回目よりもさらに聞きたいことが聞けて、エバ先生がゆっくり話してくれたり、間違いを丁寧に教えてくれたおかげでとても勉強になりました!オンライン英会話がとても楽しくて自分のリスニング力、スピーキング力を高めるために必要なものだと改めて実感することができました。これからも続けたいと思います。ありがとうございました♪....(Eva先生)
2023/9/18    ○もっと相手の話しを良く聞く方がよい。 ○話しを続けているのに、次の質問をしないほうが良い。 ○私は英語が下手で聞きにくいと思いますが、次々に質問するより、一つの話しを深めていったほうが、こちらもも話しやすい。...(Miya先生)
2023/9/16    今日のレッスンもとても楽しかったです!!.....(Jen先生)
2023/9/10    初めてのオンライン英会話で緊張していましたが、明るくて優しい先生のおかげで英会話を楽しむことができました!また続けて行きたいと思いました!ありがとうございます...(Eva(エバ).
2023/9/10    レッスン開始から15分ごろ、無言で下を向いてタイピングしておられる時間が数分続き気になりました。今日は午前と午後2回レッスンを受けましたが、午前は要望欄のフレーズをたくさん使ってくださっていました。午後は適当に相槌をうっているようにみえました。お疲れだったのでしょうか。親としては相手が子どもでもレッスンですから真剣に向き合っていただきたかったと思っています。子どもは先生のレッスンが大好きです!..(Jed先生)..
2023/9/10    とてもスムーズに、時に間違いを正していだきました。 無駄が無くとても勉強になりました。...(Lemon先生)
2023/8/30    先生がとても明るくて優しいので毎回レッスンが楽しみです!!!(Jen先生)
2023/8/29    いつも楽しいイレッスンをありがとうございます。...(Dear先生)
2023/8/23    的確なアドバイスと、動機付けのおかげで、いつも短時間で多くの効果を実感しています。... (Jen先生)
2023/8/23    発音が不安なときに、すぐに正しい発音を教えてくれるので覚えやすいです‼︎...(Jen先生)
2023/8/16    ありがとうございました。またよろしくお願いします!...(Blessy先生)
2023/8/15    気になったところを詳しく教えていただきありがとうございました!...(Veron先生)
2023/8/14    25分のレッスンがあっという間で、とても楽しいです!!....(Jen先生)
2023/8/11    センテンスについては、読む速度がもう少し速くても問題ありません.....(Zel先生)
2023/8/10    初回はフリーチャット的な感じでしたが話が面白く興味深いもので楽しかったです。彼の話すスピードが早くて、一部理解できない部分がありましたが、今後は彼の話を完璧に理解できるように勉強に励みたいです。これからもよろしくお願いします。...(Brad先生)
2023/8/08    無茶苦茶明るい先生で楽しかったです.....(Seth先生)
2023/8/08    とても丁寧に解説をしてくれて、レッスンがいつもとてもスムーズです!!!.....(Jen先生)
2023/8/07    とてもわかり易いレッスンでした...(Tin先生)
2023/8/07    初めての先生で自己紹介と世間話だけでしたが、私の表現で修正すべき点があると教えてくれたのがとても良かったです...(Sunny先生)
2023/8/06    とても明るくて楽しい先生で、私のモチベーションを上げてくれます....(Dear先生)
2023/8/06    落ち着いたトーンの先生で説明がよく理解できました....(Kayelene先生)
2023/8/06    明るくて楽しい先生でやる気がアップします....(Dear先生)
2023/8/05    お友だちからマインクラフトに詳しいとお薦めしてもらって初めて受けました!今日はマインクラフトのレゴでフリートークを楽しみ、あっという間25分間でした。25分では足りず続けて予約しようと思ったのですが、レッスン開始5分前切っていて予約できませんでしたー!またよろしくお願いします♩....(Jed先生)
2023/8/02    話すスピードをこちらに聞かれたので、普通のスピードでお願いします、とお伝えしましたが、かなりスローに話されてました。....(Dear先生)
2023/8/02    次回、話すスピードは、普通でお願いします。....(Dear先生)
2023/7/27    いつも笑顔でレッスンをしてくれてとても楽しいです!!,....(Jen先生)
2023/7/19    笑顔が素敵でとても話しやすいです!!.....(Jen先生)
2023/7/17    毎回のレッスンがとても楽しいです!!.... (Jen先生)
2023/7/17    間違えた箇所を正しい答えと比較して下さりありがとうございます....(Veron先生)
2023/7/14    テキストを使わず色々な話をしましたがとても楽しく、新しい単語も知ることができてとてもよかったです。...(Cath先生)
2023/7/13    とても楽しいレッスンでした.....(Cath先生)
2023/7/12    間違いをすぐに指摘して、丁寧に解説をしてくれるのでとてもやりやすいです!....(Jen先生)
2023/7/08    料理や日本のキャラクターの話ができて、よかったです。...(Dear先生)
2023/7/07    いつも丁寧に教えてくださりありがとうございます。今日のレッスンは、わたしにはとても難しかったです。....(Lemon先生)
2023/6/28    T-Evaと楽しくレッスンできました.....(Eva先生)
2023/6/23    ありがとうございました。またよろしくお願いします!...(Mina先生)
2023/6/19    優しくてとても話しやすくてレッスンがあっという間でした!!!...(Jen先生)
2023/6/09    Thank you very much. I enjoyed talking with you. ....(Sunny先生)
2023/6/06    いつもやさしく教えていただき、長い時間かかりましたが今日ついにSMLEのレッスンを全て終了することができました。.....(Blessy先生)
2023/6/06    Thank you for good advice....(Sunny先生)
2023/6/06    Dear Lia, it was another exciting time with you ! ....(Lia先生)
2023/6/04    とても分かりやすく説明してくださったり、リラックスさせてくださって、ありがとうございました。...(Eva先生)
2023/6/01    ありがとうございました。またよろしくお願いします!....(Kayelene先生)
2023/5/30    Thank you very much. I enjoyed talking with you....(Coco先生)
2023/5/29    Dear Lia, thank you for good tips and info about cooking!I really enjoyed learning both Eng & cooking...(Lia先生)
2023/5/26    Thank you for your woderful comments! That would be a good motivation for me to learn English more.....(Jen先生)
2023/5/23    I enjoyed your lesson. Thank you very much....(Jen先生)
2023/5/23    Thank you very much. Ill see you in the next lesson. Have a nice day.....(Lemon先生)
2023/5/22    Very attractive lessons, Thank you....(Dear先生)
2023/5/19    Thank you very much. I enjoyed talking with you....(Coco先生)
2023/5/18    Dear Veron, it was another exciting talk with you! Yes, we fogot the time passing ! hahaha.......(Veron先生)
2023/5/16    Thank you very much. Ill see you in the next lesson.....(Coco先生)
2023/5/15    Dear Lia, yes it was another exciting talk w/U! I beleive a kind of power from universe,.... (Lia先生)
2023/5/11    Dear Lia, thanks for a wonderful time ! I rdid enjoy sharing many topics with you ! Today, scary experience!! ....(Lia先生)
2023/5/10    Thank you very much. Ill see you in the next lesson. Have a nice day!....(Jesie先生)
2023/5/10    Thank you very much. Ill see you in the next lesson.....(Coco先生)
2023/5/01    Dear Lia, thank you for your wonderful lesson! I found out Mahjong would be one of nice hobbies for me! ....(Lia先生)
2023/4/27    Thank you very much. Ill see you in the next lesson. Have a nice day!.....(Jesie先生)
2023/4/27    Thank u for the lesson. My son was right after waking up from his nap…....(An先生)
2023/4/27    Dear Veron, I wanna also say thank you ! It was a fun & exciting discussion :)....(Veron先生)
2023/4/21    Thank you very much. Ill see you in the next class!...(Coco先生)
2023/4/18    Thank you very much. Ill see you in the next lesson!....(Coco先生)
2023/4/18    Thanks for talking with me about studying....(Kayelene先生)
2023/4/17    Feedback is appropriate and clear. ....(Jen先生)
2023/4/16    Dear Veron, it was a fun and interesting discussion with you! Thank you for support to read the article for chatGPT-4! ....(Veron先生)
2023/4/15    Dear Lia, thank you for youAt first, I was so glad you were getting well! ....(Lia先生)
2023/4/13    Thank you very much. Ill see you in the next class. Have a nice day....(Jesie先生)
2023/4/13    Dear Lia, I also enjoyed sharing my story with you! I wish I could have explained them fluently. ...(Lia先生)
2023/4/11    Thank you very much! Ill see you in the next lesson. Have a nice evening.....(Coco先生)
2023/4/11    Ive learned some new words from our conversation. Thank you....(Coco先生)
2023/4/07    Dear Veron, it was a fun and exciting talk again with you ! It is so nice to know different traditions.....(Veron先生)
2023/4/05    Thank you very much. Ill see you in the next class!....(Coco先生)
2023/4/03    Dear Lia, thank you for your great lesson ! Talking with you is always fun & exciting & learnable!....(Lia先生)
2023/4/02    Dear Veron, it was a fun & exciting talk with you ! I am sure your Redmi brings you a great support !! ...(Veron先生)
2023/3/31    Thank you very much. Ill see you in the next lesson. Have a nice day!.....(Coco先生)
2023/3/31    Dear Veron, thank you for your great lesson! As usual we enjoyed sharing our opinions about various topics! ....(Veron先生)
2023/3/30    Dear Lia, thank you for your fun &exciting lesson ! I enjoyed a lot talking with you !....(Lia先生)
2023/3/29    Thank you very much. Ill see you in the next lesson!....(Jesie先生)
2023/3/29    Thank you very much. Ill see you in the next lesson. Have a nice day!....(Lemon先生)
2023/3/23    Thanks for talking with me about topic of school life, foods and so on!.....(Kayelene先生)
2023/3/23    Dear Veron, I had a fun talking with you ! I was surprised that youd visit seven churchs on Easter ! ...(Veron先生)
2023/3/20    Thank you very much. Ill see you in the next lesson. Have a nice day!......(Coco先生)
2023/3/19    Thank you very much. Ill see you in the next class.....(Coco先生)
2023/3/16    Thank you for your comments! But I wish I could speak more fluently like you! so Ill challenge again to get over 900 score on TOEIC ! .....(Lia先生)
2023/3/14    Thank you very much. I will see you in the next lesson. Have a good one!...(Coco先生)
2023/3/12    Thanks for talking with me about exercise. Talking with you was a lot of fun....(Kayelene先生)
2023/3/08    Thank you very much. Ill see you in the next lesson. Have a nice day.....(Coco先生)
2023/3/06    Dear Veron, thank you for your great lesson ! I enjoyed talking and learning the topic ! ......(Veron先生)
2023/3/02    Dear Lia, thank you for a fun talk with you!Im so happy to hear you enjoy Japanese meals!.....(Lia先生)
2023/2/28    Thank you very much! See you our next class....(Lemon先生)
2023/2/24    Dear Lia, great talk w/you ! I really enjoyed sharing topics between our contries! hahaha! Amazing-shot notice holiday!....(Lia先生)
2023/2/23    Thank you for fixing my English. No pain No gain. See you soon.....(Basil先生)
2023/2/22    Dear Veron, thank you for a great lesson !.....(Veron先生)
2023/2/21    Thank you very much. See you next our class.....(Lemon先生)
2023/2/21    It was good lesson as usual. I like the atmosphere surrounded of teacher....(Basil先生)
2023/2/20    Dear Lia, I had a fun and exciting time with you ! Thank you for offering good articles always!.....(Lia先生)
2023/2/19    I learned a lot about new things. Thank you so much!....(Veron先生)
2023/2/16    See you soon ! Thank you always for your great support! Take much care of yourself !.....(Lia先生)
2023/2/16    Dear Lia, thank you for your great lesson !Your culture that relatives will take care of their members is sometimes tough but that’s just family ties! ...(Lia先生)
2023/2/14    Thank you very much! See you next our class.....(Jesie先生)
2023/2/10    Dear Lia, Thanks a lot, I spent exciting time with you!There are a lot of special days during whole year. ....(Lia先生)
2023/2/06    brilliant teacher!!.....(Veron先生)
2023/2/06    Dear Lia, thank you for your great lesson and a good article! In Japan, we enjoy various chocolates on Valentains day :) ....(Lia先生)
2023/2/06    She is the Best I have ever had!! Her 25 minutes lesson is worth more than one hour....(Jen先生)
2023/2/05    Dear Veron, thank you for sharing your story today. I am worried about your health condition. Just try not to think too much about that !....(Veron先生)
2023/1/30    Dear Veron, I enjoyed amazing talk with you ! I am so happy to hear your kids follow your proper instructions....(Veron先生)
2023/1/30    Dear Lia, thank you for your great lesson ! I enjoyed talking with you about many topics!.... (Lia先生)
2023/1/27    Dear Lia, thank U for your great lesson!It was useful and fun time for me! ....(Lia先生)
2023/1/27    Thank you for your corrections to my sentences ! Ive got a little differences between mines and yours :).....(Lia先生)
2023/1/20    Dear Lia, I am so happy to hear your birthday celebration by your family! ...(Lia先生)
2023/1/20    Dear Veron, It was a nice talking with you !I am so glad youre getting better !......(Veron先生)
2023/1/13    Thank you for the chat. My son enjoyed it!....(Eva先生)
2023/1/13    Thank you Veron. It was an exciting talk with you about how important our health is...(Veron先生)
2023/1/12    Dear Lia, how much I enjoyed your lesson ! Thank you for picking up a great article again !....(Lia先生)
2023/1/09    It is good to promote to speak.....(Jen先生)
2023/1/06    Dear Lia, It was a great start talk with you! I really enjoyed your lesson as usual. ...(Lia先生)
2022/12/29    Dear Veron, thank you for your greaI really enjoyed talking to you about wide topics.about wide topics. ....(Veron先生)
2022/12/26    Dear Lia, thank you for your great lesson ! Wow! 2020 will be ending soon ! Ive spent fun time with you this year! I ....(Lia先生)
2022/12/23    Dear Lia thank you for your great lesson! It was so fun! The articles you chose are always learnable, and it makes me a chance to know them!...(Lia先生)
2022/12/23    This Christmas season, may your home be filled with love and happiness! ....(Lia先生)
2022/12/19    Dear Lia, thank you for your wonderful lessons ! It is much fun to talk with you about various topics! ....(Lia先生)
2022/12/16    Dear Veron, thank you for your comment even you feel so bad. Never worry about points, just take much care of yourself!....(Veron先生)
2022/12/12    Dear Lia, thank you for your great lesson! I really enjoyed variout topics!....(Lia先生)
2022/12/08    Dear Lia, thank you for your great lesson ! It was not only fun and also so leranable !....(Lia先生)
2022/12/05    Dear Lia, thank you for your great lesson ! I could know more about Australia! I ....(Lia先生)
2022/12/02    Dear Veron I really enjoyed talking a wide rage of topics! Thank you for sharing your stories, I do agree with your way of living life :)....(Veron先生)
2022/12/01    Dear Lia, thank you for your comment and notes!Opposite Day is so fun to have close realtionship w/ others! ....(Lia先生)
2022/11/26    Ms.Jen is always polite teaching and quick witted, so we can usually enjoy easy conversation....(Jen先生)
2022/11/26    Dear Lia, it was a fun time for me ! Thank you for great lesson even hard time to you. I do hope youll get well as soon as possilbe !....(Lia先生)
2022/11/19    Thank you so much.....(Spring先生)
2022/11/18    Dear Veron, I was so happy to hear your voice again ! As we get older, we need to think more about family matters......(Veron先生)
2022/11/14    amazing teacher!!....(Jen先生)
2022/11/12    Thank you for todays lesson. As you said, I try to review every lesson....(Lemon先生)
2022/11/10    Dear Lia, thank you for corrections to my sentences. They are so helpful and I can catch the differences from mine....(Lia先生)
2022/10/31    Dear Lia thank you for your great lesson ! Ive learned not only English but also living life by you! ..... (Lia先生)
2022/10/27    Dear Lia, thank you for your great lesson ! I really enjoyed talking w/u & learning the article!....(Lia先生)
2022/10/21    Dear Veron, it was a nice discussion with you! Your experience & opinions are helpful for me!....(Veron先生)
2022/10/17    Dear Lia, I reall enjoyed talking with you about customer services. I guess they always have many issues with various kinds of customers. ..Lia(リア)先生
2022/10/14    Dear Veron, thank you for your comment!You have a beautiful & warm heart, ....(Veron先生)
2022/10/14    Thank you for discussing about story with me! I learned many words. ,,,,(Rina先生)
2022/10/10    Dear Lia, thank you for a good article for me ! I learned a lot about religion and its a good chance to know other religions.... (Lia先生)
2022/10/03    I cant speak English fluently but step by step I feel to get better. .... (Jen先生)
2022/10/03    Dear Lia, I felt so comfortable after your lesson ! Your lessons are always so fun and learnable ! .... (Lia先生)
2022/10/03    She hesitates to make mistakes so she does not talk much but she has a good ear since she got used to native English speakers in the past 6 years....(Anya先生)
2022/10/03    I cant speak English fluently but step by step I feel to get better...(Jen先生)
2022/10/01    You have a lot of topics to talk about and you have fun lessons for me.....(Lemon先生)
2022/9/30    Dear Veron, thank you for a great lesson ! i enjoyed discussion of variety topies as uaual. .....(Veron先生)
2022/9/25    Thank you for your nice lesson!...(Ara先生)
2022/9/23    Thank you very much. It was a wonderful lesson..... (Mina先生)
2022/9/23    Thank you for your nice lesson!Your teaching inspires me a lot.....(Peach先生)
2022/9/19    Dear Veron, I enjoyed your lesson, it was fun time! I understand your much efforts, so I do hope your problems will solve properly.....(Veron先生)
2022/9/18    Thank you for talking with me about accessory. I learned a lot. I will try it some day!....(Kayelene先生)
2022/9/17    Thank you for talking about me about TV! It was really fun!....(Basil先生)
2022/9/15    Dear Lia, it was a fun & exciting time for me ! Ive learned a lot from your not only English but also the way of life ! .....(Lia先生)
2022/9/14    enjoyed a lot! thank you very much!....(Seth先生)
2022/9/12    Dear Lia, thanks for wonderful and exciting lesson ! I really enjoyed talking and sharing various stories with you ! ....(Lia先生)
2022/9/09    Dear Veron, thank you for useful grammer lesson !Thanks to your good explanation, I got the usages for tenses. ....(Veron先生)
2022/9/05    Dear Lia, it was a fun talk with you ! Thank you for being friendly and nice, so I really realxed & enjoyed talking with you....(Lia先生)
2022/9/02    Dear Veron, thank you for a fun and exciting discussion this morning. It gives useful tips on my life to share various topics with you !.....(Veron先生)
2022/8/30    Thanks a lot for wonderful time. I really enjoyed sharing many topics with you. How much excited with a new starting hobby !....(Lia先生)
2022/8/30    Dear Lia, thank you for a fun &exciting talk with you ! Youre always friendly to have me realx to speak easily!
2022/8/28    Dear Mary, it was a fun and amazing talk with you ! Sorry I spent too much time for my private talk... ....(Mary先生)
2022/8/26    Dear Veron, It was a fun talking with you ! I thought I booked 2 lessons as usual... but didint .....(Veron先生)
2022/8/17    Dear Veron, I had an exciting time with you !....(Veron先生)
2022/8/12    Dear Veron, it was a fun & exciting lesson for me ! Thank you for sharing your stories, I really enjoyed exchanging our ideas !.....(Veron先生)
2022/8/04    Dear Mary, thank you for offering an amazing lesson for me! I ......(Mary先生)
2022/8/03    Dear Veron, it was an fun and exciting talk with you ! Our topics are never ending ! ....(Veron先生)
2022/8/03    Dear Lia, thank you for an exciting talk with you !.....(Lia先生)
2022/8/02    Dear Lia, it was a fun talk with you again ! Hahaha, I am not young anymore.......(Lia先生)
2022/7/24    Dear Veron, It was an exciting talk with you ! Thanks for your concerns for our house construction !...... (Veron先生)
2022/7/22    I enjoyed Friday talking with you !Thank you for a good advice to preserve pictures !That would be another task .....(Veron先生)
2022/7/13    Thank you for the lesson. I always enjoy the class with you. .....(Cath先生)
2022/7/12    Dear Lia, it was a fun & exciting talk with you ! You are an amazing chef !!....(Lia先生)
2022/7/07    Thank you so much for your amazing lesson.....(Mina先生)
2022/7/06    Dear Veron, it was a fun Wed lesson ! You had a bad day yesterday,...(Veron先生)
2022/7/04    Dear Lia, it was a fun time for me!I enjoyed a lot seeing your pictures !You had a wonderful time yesterday with your friends and their family!....(Lia先生)
2022/7/04    Thank you for your great lesson.....(Mina先生)
2022/7/03    I always appreciate that she teaches kindly and correctly.....(Deng先生)
2022/7/03    Thank you always. I enjoy lesson with you......(Spring先生)
2022/7/01    Dear Veron, I enjoyed discussing various topics with you !Thanks to your clear explanaitons, I understood some expressions perfectly !! ....(Veron先生)
2022/6/30    Dear Lia, I like animals a lot, I used to have many birds, rabbits...but I love cats best :) ....(Lia先生)
2022/6/29    Dear Mary, I enjoyed your lesson a lot. Even short time, we shared a lot things! ....(Mary先生)
2022/6/27    Dear Lia, I had a fun time with you again ! Thanks for checking with google why bule is negative in English ! its from a certain persons feeling...(Lia先生)
2022/6/26    Thank you always. I appreciate that your teaching methods is fantastic. Gradually I am studying English with fan....(Deng先生)
2022/6/24    Dear Veron, it was a fun and informative lesson w/you ! I felt so sad with the death of youth. May thier souls rest in peace.....(Veron先生)
2022/6/19    Thank you very much!.....(Blessy先生)
2022/6/19    I appreciate that Deng sensei is kind and nice.......(Deng先生)
2022/6/18    Thank you for your wonderful lesson. I had a great time.....(Mina先生)
2022/6/17    Dear Veron, I enjoyed your lesson as usual & could have deep understanding with the word offend.....(Veron先生)
2022/6/15    Dear Lia, it was nice talking with you ! I was so suprised at your hospitalization, but it might be the time for our ages to take much care of our health!....
2022/6/12    Dear Deng, it was an amazing talk with you ! I found out how much you have engaged your tasks! I hope you can have relazing holidays soon !....(Deng先生)
2022/6/11    Thank you for the lesson. I enjoyed it as always.....(Honey先生)
2022/6/10    Dear Veron, it was a fun and fruitful time for me again ! B So sorry for my bad net connection.....(Veron先生)
2022/6/09    Thank you very much for your great lesson. I really enjoyed talking to you......(Mina先生)
2022/6/07    Thank you very much for your wonderful lesson!.....(Mina先生)
2022/6/03    Dear Veron, our discussion was so much fun again, which made us forget the time, haha.....(Veron先生)
2022/6/02    Dear Mary, thank you for your great lesson ! You always make me motivated to improve my skill ! .....(Mary先生)
2022/6/01    Thank you for the lesson. Im happy that I took it from you......(Cath先生)
2022/5/31    I enjoyed taking your great lesson. Thank you very much.....(Mina先生)
2022/5/31    Thank you for the wonderful lesson!.....(Erin先生)
2022/5/31    I enjoyed taking your great lesson. Thank you very much......(Mina先生)
2022/5/30    Thank you for your great lesson. I had a wonderful time....(Mina先生)
2022/5/29    Every time ,she teach me correctly and kindly......(Deng先生)
2022/5/27    Dear Veron, thanks again for an amazing lesson ! Your lesson always gets me much motivated for learning.....(Veron先生)
2022/5/26    Thank you so much. You always give me a lot of tips and new expressions those are so helpful.......(Jen先生)
2022/5/24    Thank you for your wonderful lesson.....(Mina先生)
2022/5/20    Dear Veron, It was useful lesson for me! Thank you! This lesson made me remind Im bad at summerizing ....(Veron先生)
2022/5/16    Thank you so much.....(Jen先生)
2022/5/13    Your lesson is always amazing! Thank you so much!!.....(Mina先生)
2022/5/13    Dear Veron, that was amazing lesson ! Thank you for great adivce about my eng learning! Your words makes me so motivated ! ....(Veron先生)
2022/5/12    Thank you for your amazing lesson!....(Mina先生)
2022/5/12    Dear Lia, it was fun time with you ! Yes! Vuity might change the world, nobody would need glasses ! .... (Lia先生)
2022/5/06    Dear Veron, thank you for awesome Friday morning ! Our discussion is extending and stopless always :)....(Veron先生)
2022/5/04    Thank you very much!.....(Summer先生)
2022/5/01    Your SMLE class is so polite. You corrects my wrong sentence. Thanks!....(Veron先生)
2022/5/01    Dear Lia, it was an exciting & relaxed talk with you ! I am always happy to listen & talk with you ! ....(Lia先生)
2022/4/29    Thanks her lessons, I have become confident in English. She is a great teacher.....(Lia先生)
2022/4/28    Dear Veron, I enjoyed talking with you as usual ! Thank you always for good advice for my Eng learning. .....(Veron先生)
2022/4/27    Thank you so much for your wonderful lesson .I.....(Mina先生)
2022/4/26    It was nice talking to you. See you next time!.....(Mina先生)
2022/4/26    Dear Mary, it was so fun talk w/you ! Your laugh makes everybody so happy :) Thank you for nice comments to me! ....(Mary先生)
2022/4/26    Thank you for today,Miriam!! Its been a while!! I(Mari) also wanted to see you! .....(Miriam先生)
2022/4/25    I enjoyed your wonderful lesson. Thank you.....(Mina先生)
2022/4/23    Thank you for a great English lesson......(Summer先生)
2022/4/21    Dear Lia, It was an exciting talk with you ! specially, Im so happy we could share kinda feelings of our ages :) ....(Lia先生)
2022/4/18    I really enjoyed your wonderful lesson......(Mina先生)
2022/4/17    Thank you for your continuous support......(Kat先生)
2022/4/14    Dear Mary, that was a fun &exciting talk with you ! Thank you for being much open to share & answer my questions ! .....(Mary先生)
2022/4/14    Thank you for extend the time.....(Jen先生)
2022/4/13    I could enjoy free-conversation. Honestly, I would like to the lesson based on text, but the conversation is very fun for us.....(Rina先生)
2022/4/12    Thank you for your detailed explanation....(Mina先生)
2022/4/12    It was challenging topic for me, but I enjoyed the lesson. Thank you for your patient that you tried to understand what I wanted to explain....(Kayelene先生)
2022/4/08    Dear Veron, it was another fun lesson ! I was so motivated with your great comments! .....(Veron先生)
2022/4/06    Thank you. I got to know how to learn English.....(Kayelene先生)
2022/4/05    Thank you for a lot of advice!.....(Minnie先生)
2022/4/03    Thank you for the wonderful lesson!....(Erin先生)
2022/4/02    Thank you for the wonderful lesson. My son enjoyed it very much!....(Mary先生)
2022/4/02    I would be helpful if Ming sensei could say more slowly......(Ming先生)
2022/4/01    Thank you very much!.....(Blessy先生)
2022/4/01    Dear Veron, thank you for an exciting & amazing lesson ! It was my pleasure to listen to your stories. ....(Veron先生)
2022/3/31    I had a great time with you. Thank you so much.....(Mina先生)
2022/3/30    Thank you very much!.......(Blessy先生)
2022/3/30    Thank you very much for your kind instruction....(Mina先生)
2022/3/30    Thank you for having a lot of fun conversations every time.....(Jolly先生)
2022/3/29    Thank you for your kind lessons every time....(Jen先生)
2022/3/28    Dear Mary, thank you for your great lesson. I enjoyed talking with you a lot. Now the Internet is necessary for our lives but it would have danger. ...(Mary先生)
2022/3/27    I really enjoyed your lesson, it was fantastic. Thank you so much!....(Mina先生)
2022/3/25    Dear Veron, thank you so much for offering a great lesson! As youve expanded topics widely, our discussions are never stopping :) ...(Veron先生)
2022/3/21    Thank you for the wonderful lesson!....(Ming先生)
2022/3/18    Dear Veron, thank you again for your great lesson ! Also, thanks for useful tips for my learning ! .....(Veron先生)
2022/3/16    Im very pleasant to take your lesson every time, and can learn lots of things by your correcting sentences gently....(Jen先生)
2022/3/14    Im very sorry for the interruption of the lesson today due to the sudden electric power outage occured in my area.....(Peach先生)
2022/3/11    Dearest Veron, it was fun & interesting time for me ! I got to know a lot about Christian practices, and I also learn how I should be !....(Veron先生)
2022/3/11    Thanks for teaching me! See you again soon.....(Rina先生)
2022/3/11    Thank you for your wonderful lesson. I had a very good time!!......(Mina先生)
2022/3/07    thanks see u again!........(Maria先生)
2022/3/07    Thank you for the wonderful lesson!......(Daisy先生)
2022/3/07    Thank you for your great lesson. It was nice talking to you,...(Mina先生)
2022/3/07    Thank you for the lesson. I still cant speak fluently, so I study every day.... (Jen先生)
2022/3/05    I like the way you suggest the better words insted of using the words I used in the sentences.....(Lia先生)
2022/3/04    Dear Veron, it was an amazing lesson with you ! When talking about various topics, I always realize the lack of my vocabulary.....(Veron先生)
2022/3/03    Thank you so much for your wonderful lesson! I .....(Mina先生)
2022/2/28    Dear Lia, I really enjoyed and sharing many topics with you! Your thought and love to your family always beautiful and motivate me a lot !...(Lia先生)
2022/2/26    Thank you for always paying attention what I am trying to say. and keep asking me until you understand....(Dona先生)
2022/2/25    Dear Veron, yes ! we had another exciting & relaxed conversation ! ....(Veron先生)
2022/2/23    It was long time no see! I enjoyed sharing information with you....(Ara先生)
2022/2/22    Thanks for talking with me!.....(Rina先生)
2022/2/20    Dear Mary, thank you so much for a wonderful lesson and comments afterwards. They made me much motivated me at learning Eng. ....(Mary先生)
2022/2/19    Thanks to your teaching, I can create long sentences.....(Veron先生)
2022/2/19    Thanks for talking with me about my school life and COVID 19.....(Basil先生)
2022/2/17    Thanks for talking with me......(Kayelene先生)
2022/2/17    Dear Veron, I really enjoyed our exciting talk ! I am so happy that we are so close with various talks including private ones ! .....(Veron先生)
2022/2/14    Dear Jen, thank you for a fun & lively lesson ! I really enjoyed engaging in conversation with you ....(Jen先生)
2022/2/12    My favorite teacher!....(Dona先生)
2022/2/11    Thank you for answering the sample......(Kat先生)
2022/2/11    Dear Veron, I had a fun & pleasant time with you again ! Our discussion is always enjoyable and meaningful for me ! ....(Veron先生)
2022/2/07    Dear Mary, thank you for your amazing lesson! I enjoyed sharing variety of topics with you. Thanks to being friendly to me,....(Mary先生)
2022/2/06    Thank you for your polite teaching! I can hear what you say.....(Kayelene先生)
2022/2/04    Dear Veron, thank you for an exciting class with you ! I was so curious about the house helper system in your country,...(Veron先生)
2022/1/30    Thanks for talking with me about food! Im glad to hear that you eat everything......(Kayelene先生)
2022/1/28    Dear Veron, thanks million for an exciting lesson ! How fast the time with you was passing ! ....(Veron先生)
2022/1/26    Thanks for discussing about corona virus especially omicron......(Kayelene先生)
2022/1/25    Thank you for teaching me about vocabulary. .....(Rina先生)
2022/1/24    Thank you so much for your lesson today. I really enjoyed talking with you!.......(Mina先生)
2022/1/23    Dear Veron, thank you for sharing your various stories! Even they are common topics, they are good hints and information for me :) ....(Veron先生)
2022/1/21    Dear Veron, I really enjoyed wide range of topics with you! So I always realize what words I dont know or I need to know !......(Veron先生)
2022/1/19    Thank you for your lesson. Its fun that we talked about that without hesitation. .....(Dona先生)
2022/1/18    Thanks for talking with me. I enjoyed sharing with you. See you again soon......(Mary先生)
2022/1/15    Thanks for talking with me about end-of-year examination......(Basil先生)
2022/1/15    Thank you for todays lesson. I learn new words......(Veron先生)
2022/1/12    Dear Jen, thanks for your amazing lesson! Sharing various topics with you is so exciting with me !....(Jen先生)
2022/1/10    Thank you for the lesson. Your advice for learning languages made me accerelate to study English.....(Lia先生)
2022/1/09    Thank you for kindly lesson. I enjoyed talking with you.....(Deng先生)
2022/1/07    Dear Mary, it was an exciting talk with you !I enjoyed sharing the last few months each other! .....(Mary先生)
2022/1/06    Dear Veron, it was another exciting time with you ! We talked & shared a lot of topics, and there are many hints of my life from you. ....(Veron先生)
2022/1/06    Dear Veron, I found that we never stop talking even 4 lessons a day :) Thank you for sharing many your stories with me ! .....(Veron先生)
2022/1/05    I enjoyed talking to you I experienced this beginning of year. See you in next lesson!...(Basil先生)
2022/1/05    My son was excited to talk with you. Thank you!.....(Mina先生)
2022/1/03    Thanks to revise my mistakes. Your are a kind teacher......(Maria先生)
2022/1/03    Thank you for the wonderful lesson!......(Emma先生)
2022/1/03    You always taught me kindly. I appreciate your teaching.....(Veron先生)
2022/1/03    Thank you Lia. I had a wonderful time with you to catch up each other! .....(Lia先生)
2022/1/02    Dear Veron, I really enjoyed your first lesson in 2022 ! You always bring me a lot of energy and smile to me ! .....(Veron先生)
2022/1/02    Thank you. Your explanation is good for me. .....(Veron先生)
2022/1/02    Dear Deng, I enjoyed talking with you after long time ! ......(Deng先生)
2021/12/30    Dear Veron, thank you so much for wonderful lessons in 2021. Thanks to you, I really enjoyed your lessons ! .....(Veron先生)
2021/12/28    I enjoyed sharing with you about how I spent Christmas......(Basil先生)
2021/12/28    Your class is always great. Thank you......(Blessy先生)
2021/12/24    Dear Veron, thank you for offering lesson even on Christmas Eve. It was an exciting time for me ! ......(Veron先生)
2021/12/23    Dear Veron, thank you for offering lesson even on Christmas Eve. It was an exciting time for me !.....(Veron先生)
2021/12/23    Dear Jen, thank you for a wonderful time with you ! I enjoyed sharing wide topics :) .....(Jen先生)
2021/12/18    Thank you for a great lesson. You always give me a lot of words and compositions. I enjoyed your lesson.....(Veron先生)
2021/12/17    Dear Veron, thank you for a joyful time with you ! How fun it was ! Every lesson, I7ve found many things and learned a lot form you ! ....(Veron先生)
2021/12/12    Thanks for chatting with me about how to spend Christmas. I enjoyed it. See you again soon.....Kayelene(先生)
2021/12/11    Thanks for talking with me. I enjoyed talking about topic about book. See you again soon.......(Mary先生)
2021/12/08    Thanks for talking with me about winter sports. .....(Kayelene先生)
2021/12/08    Dear Jen, thank you for your amazing lesson ! I am always glad you are so dedicated to teach English to me. ...(Jen先生)
2021/12/05    I enjoyed your lesson and it was very effective . Thank you.......(Daisy先生)
2021/12/05    Thanks for teaching to me..........(Kayelene先生)
2021/12/04    Thanks for talking with me about music. I can know many things about music.......(Basil先生)
2021/12/03    Dear Veron, thank you for an amazing time ! I really enjoyed talking & sharing many topics, and I could learn related Eng words !.....(Veron先生)
2021/12/02    Thank you for todays lesson. You taught me a lot of sentences and I expressed myself better than usual...(Cath先生)
2021/12/02    Dear Jen, thank you for amazing lesson ! How much I enjoyed talking with you !....(Jen先生)
2021/12/01    Thanks for teaching to me. See you soon!.....(Ara先生)
2021/11/30    I enjoy idle talk with teacher. See you soon!.......(Kayelene先生)
2021/11/29    Thank you very much for the lesson! He enjoyed explaining how to do origami......(Nica先生)
2021/11/27    Dear Veron, thank you for a wonderful time ! I enjoyed talking many topics with you ! .....(Veron先生)
2021/11/26    Dear Mary, I did enjoy your lesson ! I couldnt stop talking with you :) Thank you for sharing your stories with me !.....(Mary先生)
2021/11/24    Her good questions makes the chatting more fun and makes me speak more,.....(Jen先生)
2021/11/21    Thank you for your nice lesson!.....(Emma先生)
2021/11/18    Her good questions makes the chatting more fun and makes me speak more, Thanks......(Jen先生)
2021/11/17    Thanks for your lesson today. I enjoyed talking to you. See you next time.....(Feb先生)
2021/11/17    Thank you as always! I like talking with you :)....(Basil先生)
2021/11/14    I always enjoy your lessons! Thank you for your great work.....(Mina先生)
2021/11/14    Thank you for your message about my entrance test for junior high school.....(Summer先生)
2021/11/13    I enjoy taking lessons every time. Thank you so much.....(Basil先生)
2021/11/13    Thanks for teaching me how to study for exam. Ill try it from today. See you soon.....(Basil先生)
2021/11/12    Thank you for the wonderful lesson. My son is happy to have a chat about soccer…(Ming先生)
2021/11/11    Thanks for talking with me about many things.....(Mary先生)
2021/11/11    Dear Veron, I really enjoyed your lesson as usual ! I am sorry I got the end time passing ! Our time past so fast :)......(Veron先生)
2021/11/10    thank you for your lesson. My son enjoyed chatting with you.....(Feb先生)
2021/11/07    Dearest Cris, thank you for everything ! Ive enjoyed your amazing lessons so much. ....(Cris先生)
2021/11/06    I left the class a bit earlier,because something came up to me. It was all for my own convenience.so she should get paid....(Dona先生)
2021/10/31    Dear Cris, I enjoyed a fun talk with you! I got a sad news today, but I really want to say thank you for all Thanks to you,....(Cris先生)
2021/10/29    Dear Veron, how fun your classes were ! I enjoyed talking about wide topics with you ! .....(Veron先生)
2021/10/28    Dear Veron, I really enjoy talking with you ! I appreciate that you are so friendly and nice to share your story with me ! ....(Veron先生)
2021/10/23    Thank you for todays lesson. I will prepare to set up my PC 30 minutes before the class. See you next time.....(Veron先生)
2021/10/21    Dear Jen, I felt so happy after your lesson !! You gave me a lot of energy and confidence ! I....(Jen先生)
2021/10/17    Dearest Veron, thank you for your wonderful lesson !We talked a wide range of topics, so I enjoyed a lo a lot as usual.....(Veron先生)
2021/10/15    Dear Jen, thank you so much for your great lesson ! Your lesson always bring me much energy & motivation ! ....(Jen先生)
2021/10/13    enjoyed a lot! thank you!..... (Kat先生)
2021/10/08    Dear Jen, how much fun & wonderful your lessons are ! .....(Jen先生)
2021/10/03    Dear Veron, thank you for sharing your diet story !....(Veron先生)
2021/10/02    Thanks for talking with me about corona virus! See you again soon. Bye......(Basil先生)
2021/10/01    Dear Mary, thank you for your great lesson ! I enjoyed a lot talking with you ! .....(Mary先生)
2021/9/30    Dear Veron, time past so quickly as I talked to you ! It was a precious time for me ! ......(Veron先生)
2021/9/29    Thanks for teaching to me. I enjoy talking with you. Bye!....(Rina先生)
2021/9/27    It was nice to see you again. Thank you for the lesson. I enjoyed it a lot......(Millet先生)
2021/9/27    Thanks for talking with me. See you soon!....(Mary先生)
2021/9/26    You always make me happy! comfortable mood, I love it!........(Gin先生)
2021/9/20    Thank you for kindly lesson......(Maria先生)
2021/9/19    Thanks for talking with me about COVID 19. See you again!.....(Kayelene先生)
2021/9/19    Dear Veron, I spend precious time with you this Sunday morning. Thank you for sharing a lot, yes ! ......(Veron先生)
2021/9/18    Thank you for making my son talk!....(Gin先生)
2021/9/17    Thank you the fun chat with my son.....(Gin先生)
2021/9/16    Dear Veron, thank you for a fun and meaningful time :) I am happy to share various feeling of values of life ! ......(Veron先生)
2021/9/15    Thank you for making my son talkative! He was enjoying chatting with you......(Gin先生)
2021/9/13    Dear Jen, your class came to be a good start of this weekend for me ! Your professional and friendly teaching always makes me motivated a lot ....(Jen先生)
2021/9/12    Thank you for sharing your countrys education. I can understand well.....(Lia先生)
2021/9/12    Thanks. I understand a product delivery.....(Veron先生)
2021/9/11    Thank you for todays lesson. See you soon......(Lia先生)
2021/9/11    Thank you for listening about my topic! I enjoyed sharing. See you again soon!.....(Basil先生)
2021/9/11    Thank you for listening about my topic! I enjoyed sharing....(Basil先生)
2021/9/11    Dear Jen, I had a great time with you ! I still have difficulties with speaking though, thank to your great support & help, I could attend your class actively. ....(Jen先生)
2021/9/09    thank you for your kindness and humanity. I really enjoy first lesson....(Blessy先生)
2021/9/08    Teacher Lia always encourage me. Thanks.......(Lia先生)
2021/9/08    Thank you for todays lesson. I enjoy your lesson. ......(Daisy先生)
2021/9/07    enjoyed a lot! thank you very much!......(Kat先生)
2021/9/05    Thanks. I can learn a business meeting......(Veron先生)
2021/9/05    I appreciate you speak same phrases again and again. I try to listen more carefully....(Lia先生)
2021/9/04    Thanks a lot. I learned past tense.....(Lia先生)
2021/9/04    Dear Mina, I like your lesson. You have a lot of energy and when I made mistakes, let me know.....(Mina先生)
2021/9/04    Thank you for your lesson. I really enjoyed it! Hope to see you soon^^......(Pau先生)
2021/9/02    my best teacher!!♡.....(Gin先生)
2021/9/02    Dear Mary, thank you for having me in your class ! I enjoyed listening materials and sharing many topics with you ! ....(Mary先生)
2021/9/02    Thank you for talking with me! I could know many information about coronavirus in the Philippines......(Kayelene先生)
2021/9/02    Thank you Deng, it was a nice and fun talking with you ! I am so impressed that youve been so energetic and lived a happy life....(Deng先生)
2021/9/01    Thank you so much. I love your smile. See you soon....(Nica先生)
2021/8/31    Thank you for your lesson. I like your lesson style because its very simple so that it doesnt waste time. ....(Kayelene先生)
2021/8/30    Dear Jen, thanks to your clear and through explanation, I enjoyed and fully understood the article ! ......(Jen先生)
2021/8/30    Thank you for the wonderful lesson!.....(Gin先生)
2021/8/29    Dear Veron, I enjoyed talking many topics with you ! ...(Veron先生)
2021/8/29    Thanks a lot. Your lesson is easy to understand.....(Veron先生)
2021/8/28    Thank you for your advice. You are a great teacher.....(Lia先生)
2021/8/27    Thank you Emma, I had a fun time with you ! You are so nice and friendly, so I relaxed and talked during lesson. .....(Emma先生)
2021/8/26    Dear Mary, thank you for having me in your class ! You are always friendly and nice, so I had a really good time with you !.....(Mary先生)
2021/8/24    She is a good teacher. She is very kind and patient to me....(Jen先生)
2021/8/22    Haru enjoyed ur lesson. Thank you!.....(Gin先生)
2021/8/22    Thank you for correcting my sentences I said.....(Pau先生)
2021/8/21    Very sweet and helpful teacher!.....(Mina先生)
2021/8/21    Thank you for showing pictures which I don’t understand. It is easy to figure out it.......(Summer先生)
2021/8/20    Jen, thanks million for your great lesson and amazing comments ! ....(Jen先生)
2021/8/15    Thank you for todays lesson. I understand well.....(Mina先生)
2021/8/14    Thank you for the wonderful lesson. Haru likes it very much.....(Gin先生)
2021/8/13    Thanks. I appreciate to share your experience......(Summer先生)
2021/8/13    Thanks. Your teaching is very understandable.....(Lia先生)
2021/8/11    Teacher Jen can make interesting topics by asking proper questions even when I pick up a dull article......(Jen先生)
2021/8/10    Thank you for a wonderful lesson. When I had questions, you replied to them quickly with comments and chat in the Skype. ....(Jen先生)
2021/8/10    Thanks to teacher Peachs great question, I am good at answering English......(Peach先生)
2021/8/10    Thanks to teacher Lias lesson, I am good at English....(Lia先生)
2021/8/09    I healed by teacher Summers smile. Thanks....(Summer先生)
2021/8/09    Teacher Lia is very kind and a good teacher......(Lia先生)
2021/8/08    Thanks for talking wih me. I learned many thing. See you soon.....(Rina先生)
2021/8/07    Thanks for talking with me! See you again......(Basil先生)
2021/8/06    enjoyed lot! thank you so much!.....(Mna先生)
2021/8/05    enjoyed a lot! thank you!.....(Emma先生)
2021/8/01    Thanks for talking with me about Olympic games! See you soon......(Basil先生)
2021/8/01    Dear Jen, thank you for having me in your wonderful lesson ! ....(Jen先生)
2021/8/01    Thank you. I like the conversation with you . I can enjoy the lesson....(Summer先生)
2021/7/31    Thank you so much for everything. It was such a pleasure talking to you.....(Ami先生)
2021/7/31    She is always kind and knowledgeable......(Veron先生)
2021/7/31    Dear Mary, it was a happy and fun lesson ! Thank you for sharing your good news with me !....(Mary先生)
2021/7/30    He enjoyed todays class so much. Thank you very much for listening patiently for his talking!.......(Ami先生)
2021/7/29    Thank you for your great & meaningful lesson ! .....(Jen先生)
2021/7/28    Thanks for talking with me about breakfast!......(Basil先生)
2021/7/28    Thank you for the wonder lesson. Haru likes talking with you.....(Ami先生)
2021/7/26    Dear Mary, I really enjoy talking and sharing many topics with you ! Thank you for always being nice and friendly, that got me to talk easily ! I..... (Mary先生)
2021/7/23    Thank you so much for helping him throughout the lesson......(Ami先生)
2021/7/23    Thank you so much. My daughetr always enjoys your lesson. form Mother.......(Summer先生)
2021/7/22    Thanks for sharing with me about Olympic games......(Kayelene先生)
2021/7/21    a great teacher who covers variety of topics and spontaneous conversation.....(Jesie先生)
2021/7/21    Thanks for teaching me about words meaning! See you soon. Bye!.....(Rina先生)
2021/7/20    I enjoy having her class all the time. cheerful and caring......(Jesie先生)
2021/7/19    Thanks for teaching to me about lesson material! See you soon.....(Mary先生)
2021/7/19    Thank you for your lesson. I had a great time!......(Mary先生)
2021/7/18    Thanks for talking with me about our gardening......(Kayelene先生)
2021/7/16    Dear Jen, thank you for useful advice about my learning English ! ....(Jen先生)
2021/7/15    Thanks for talking to me about foods. See you soon.....(Mary先生)
2021/7/15    Great class as always.....(Brad先生)
2021/7/14    its been a long journey to learn English with you and I really enjoy every moment and topic we have.....(Bianka先生)
2021/7/13    Thank you for the lesson. Though I was a little nervous, I could enjoy the lesson.....(Mary先生)
2021/7/12    Thanks for sharing to me about Philippine. See you soon!.....(Ara先生)
2021/7/12    Dear Jen, talking and sharing a lot with you is really enjoyable time for me ! As you understand what I say more easily,....(Jen先生)
2021/7/11    Thanks for talking with me about my birthday. See you soon!.....(Basil先生)
2021/7/10    Dear Mary, I enjoyed the time with you, chatting, sharing about many, discussing about the article. ....(Mary先生)
2021/7/09    Thanks for teaching to me about lesson material. See you soon.....(Rina先生)
2021/7/08    Thank you Veron, it was a fun lesson with you ! Caching up talk was a good practice for my speaking. ....(Veron先生)
2021/7/07    Thanks for listening to me. See you soon.....(Rina先生)
2021/7/04    Thank you for sharing to me about the Philippines information. See you.....(Kayelene先生)
2021/7/03    Thank you for talking with me about birthday. I enjoyed talking with you. See you soon!.....(Basil先生)
2021/7/01    Thank you for talking with me about myself. See you soon.....(Mary先生)
2021/6/30    I enjoyed discussing about my school life.....(Kayelene先生)
2021/6/27    I REALLY enjoyed the lesson with you. Thank you very much!......(Nica先生)
2021/6/27    Thank you for yet another wonderful lesson! and sorry for bombarding you with many irrelevant emojis... (Ami先生)
2021/6/26    今日も親切丁寧に教えて頂きありがとうございました。 また、よろしくお願いいたします。...(Nica先生)
2021/6/26    Thank you! I enjoyed talking about badminton. See you soon.......(Mary先生)
2021/6/26    今日も親切丁寧に教えて頂きありがとうございました。 また、よろしくお願いいたします。.....(Nica先生)
2021/6/24    とても丁寧に親切に指導して頂けました。常に笑顔で緊張もほぐれました。間違いもきちんと指摘して頂けたので今後に活かしたいと思います。(Miriam先生)
2021/6/24    Thank you for talking with me about text about Japanese traditional sports....(Rina先生)
2021/6/24    とても丁寧に親切に指導して頂けました。常に笑顔で緊張もほぐれました。間違いもきちんと指摘して頂けたので今後に活かしたいと思います。....(Miriam先生)
2021/6/23    Thanks for talking with me about my badminton club. ...(Kayelene先生)
2021/6/21    とてもテンポよく、テキスト2つ実施し、効率的な学習ができました。自分のスキルよりも早く感じたので、早くその域に達せるよう頑張りたいです。...(Deng先生)
2021/6/21    明るく楽しいレッスンでした。 質問したい内容が英語で話せるように頑張ります。 ありがとうございました。...(Gin先生)
2021/6/21    明るく楽しいレッスンでした。 質問したい内容が英語で話せるように頑張ります。 ありがとうございました。.....(Gin先生)
2021/6/21    とてもテンポよく、テキスト2つ実施し、効率的な学習ができました。自分のスキルよりも早く感じたので、早くその域に達せるよう頑張りたいです。...(Deng先生)
2021/6/20    今日も親切丁寧で良かったです。 また、時間があったので次のテキストにも対応してくれて良かったです。 ありがとうございました。...(Rich先生)
2021/6/20    今日も親切丁寧で良かったです。 また、時間があったので次のテキストにも対応してくれて良かったです。 ありがとうございました。....(Rich先生)
2021/6/20    Dear Veron, it was an amazing time with you ! I really enjoyed with sharing random topics with you ! ...(Veron先生)
2021/6/18    聞き取れなかった会話をチャットしてくれて、とても親切でした。 どうもありがとうございました また、よろしくお願いします。....(Rich先生)
2021/6/17    Dear Jen, thank you for your wonderful & perfect lesson ! I leaned a lot from you ! ....(Jen先生)
2021/6/17    とても親切でやさしく教えてくれました。 ありがとうございました。.....(Gin先生)
2021/6/17    自信を持って、トライしてみて、など 勇気づけてくれるところが、すごく励みになります。 ありがとうございます。 これからもよろしくお願いします。..(Gin先生)..
2021/6/16    Im always happy with har class!.....(Gin先生)
2021/6/15    初めてで緊張していましたが、先生の明るく元気な応対に緊張がほぐれリラックスして受講できました。....(Emma先生)
2021/6/14    初めてのレッスンでしたがとても感じのよい優しい先生で楽しく受けることができました。.....(Avi先生)
2021/6/12    Dear Mary, thank you for your wonderful lesson ! I really enjoyed sharing & catching up with you! Every time I talk to you,....(Mary先生)
2021/6/10    Dear Jen, I feel I can speak English more in your class than other classes. ....(Jen先生)
2021/6/09    Avi先生のエッセイのクラスは珠玉のお講座です!^^小6の子どもが、英検1級のエッセイの書き方を教わっていますが、小論文の書き方を教えるのも上手ですが、内容が単なる英語の添削ではなく、論理的思考や、より説得力のある文章の作り方も学べますので、今後のいろいろな分野の試験に活かせそうです。本当に内容の濃い凝縮された25分でした。ありがとうございました♡.....(Emma先生)
2021/6/07    Dear Jen, I appreciate your great support always ! I still have difficulty to speak, though, thanks to your support,....(Jen先生)
2021/6/06    Teacher Gin is always make me happy ;).....(Gin先生)
2021/6/06    楽しく英検の授業ができました。 ありがとうございます。...(Kat先生)
2021/6/05    Thank you Lia, nice talking with you again !.....(Lia先生)
2021/6/05    Thank you as always! and we are sorry for hanging up so abruptly.....(Ami先生)
2021/6/05    Thank you for sharing with me about books! .....(Mary先生)
2021/6/05    Thank you for teaching Cocoro! She really enjoyed your lesson!....(Maria先生)
2021/6/03    Dear Jen, your lesson is always fun and meaningful !! That motivated me a lot !....(Jen先生)
2021/6/03    Your class was fun and encouraging for my daughter. Thank you!....(Mina先生)
2021/6/03    授業の経過をタイプして丁寧におくって下さるので 復習に役立ちます。.....(Kish先生)
2021/5/29    It was very nice talking with you Ara-sensei!......(Ara先生)
2021/5/27    Thank you for being my teacher for about entire 2 years! ......(Bianka先生)
2021/5/26    こちらが言葉に詰まっても優しくフォローしてくださったので、頑張ろうという気持ちになれました.....(Emma先生)
2021/5/25    Dear Mary, I enjoyed talking & sharing about many topics with you! It might be harder to move under covid-19, so take much care of your health....(Mary先生)
2021/5/23    Thank you for talking with me about my school life.......(Kayelene先生)
2021/5/22    I enjoyed talking with you about my badminton club.......(Basil先生)
2021/5/19    Dear Jen, thank you for a wonderful class today ! I am very happy to hear your wonderful holidays !......(Jen先生)
2021/5/16    Thank you for talking with me about teachers question....(Basil先生)
2021/5/16    Thank you so much for going over time and for encouraging him. ....(Ami先生)
2021/5/16    Dear Cris, thank you for a wonderful lesson! I was excited with talking with you :) I appreciate for your great support with my speaking. ....(Cris先生)
2021/5/15    Dear Jen, thank you for a wonderful lesson! I did enjoy and learn a lot by your great instruction :).....(Jen先生)
2021/5/14    Thank you for lesson this evening. You are always enthusiastic......(Rina先生)
2021/5/13    enjoyed a lot! thank you very much!......(Kat先生)
2021/5/09    Dear Cris, thank you for a precious time ! I am really happy to share many topics with you :)........(Cris先生)
2021/5/09    Thanks for teaching to me about story. See you soon.....(Rina先生)
2021/5/07    Dear Jen, thank you for your amazing lesson ! It is always a lot of fun, so it past very fast ! Thanks to your great teaching,....(Jen先生)
2021/5/05    Thank you. I learned relationship about global climate......(Basil先生)
2021/5/05    Thank you for correcting my sentence. Its very useful for me....(Nica先生)
2021/5/04    Dearest Jen, thank you for your wonderful lesson! That was enjoyable and useful time for me :) ...(Jen先生)
2021/5/03    Thanks to your great lesson, I speak more fluent than usual.....(Lia先生)
2021/5/03    The lesson was good for improving my skill.....(Nica先生)
2021/5/02    Thank you for talking with me about lesson material. ...(Rina先生)
2021/4/29    Thank you for talking with me. ....(Rina先生)
2021/4/29    クイズをしたり、楽しいレッスンをありがとうございました!......(Nice先生)
2021/4/28    Dear Mary, thank you for a wonderful lesson ! Again !....(Mary先生)
2021/4/27    Every time I hav Thank you so much. .....(Kat先生)
2021/4/27    Dear Jen, how enjoyable and meaningful your lessons are !!....(Jen先生)
2021/4/26    Thank you for your very kind and helpful lesson as always......(Jen先生)
2021/4/25    Thank you for discussing with me about corona virus.....(Basil先生)
2021/4/25    Thank you for your warm guidance......(Ara先生)
2021/4/24    Thanks for talking with me about school. See you again soon.....(Rina先生)
2021/4/23    Thank you so much. I enjoyed talking with you....(Miriam先生)
2021/4/22    Dear Jen, It was a wonderful class again ! I always learn a lot from your lesson ! I also enjoy sharing ideas each other about many topics ....(Jen先生)
2021/4/19    Dear Jen, I truly feel glad to join your class ......(Jen先生)
2021/4/18    Thank you so much for your kind lesson. .....(Veron先生)
2021/4/18    We had a great time. Thank you so much! Look forward to our next lesson :)...... (Ami先生)
2021/4/18    Thank you so much for your kindness in your every lessons☆ .....(Bianka先生)
2021/4/17    Thank you for your very kind and helpful lesson as always....(Mina先生)
2021/4/15    That was great meeting with you....(Nica先生)
2021/4/14    Thanks for talking with me about my club activities. .....(Kayelene先生)
2021/4/11    Thank you for teaching me many things.......(Ara先生)
2021/4/11    Thank you for talking about school.....(Basil先生)
2021/4/11    I every time enjoy your lesson! ......(Mary先生)
2021/4/10    Thank you for the fun lesson today. .....(Mina先生)
2021/4/10    Thank you for discussing with me about school. .....(Kayelene先生)
2021/4/07    明るくて、気さくな方でしたのですごく話しやすかったです。こちらが話すことも理解してくれようとしてくれて、間違ってたら、こういう風に言ったら良いよという感じで程良く訂正してくれました。....(Mary先生)
2021/4/07    とてもシャイな娘のためにたくさん話しかけて知っていることを引き出そうとしていただいたので、娘も知っている言葉や文章を発言でき、幼稚園以外の人と英語で話すことができるという自信につながったようです。笑顔で優しい雰囲気の先生だったことも安心してレッスンを受けられた理由だと思います。ありがとうございました。...(Blessy先生)
2021/4/07    Thank you very much for the lesson even though I chose the wrong one. ....(Blessy先生)
2021/4/06    she is flexible,smart and eager to teach........(Gin先生)
2021/4/05    Thank you for your amazing class !.....(Jen先生)
2021/4/05    I enjoyed learning English with you! .......(Ara先生)
2021/4/04    Since teach me meaning of vocabulary,....(Basil先生)
2021/4/04    Dear Cris, I really enjoyed your lesson as usual! ......(Cris先生)
2021/4/03    Thanks to teach me vocabulary.....(Kayelene先生)
2021/4/03    Im glad to see you again!!!!! Thank you....(Reya先生)
2021/4/01    Thanks for talking with me about text. See you again soon......(Rina先生)
2021/3/29    Thank you for talking with me about stories. ....(Basil先生)
2021/3/28    Thanks for talking with me about book. See you soon....(Basil先生)
2021/3/28    Since your lesson is always very simple, I like it!.....(Kayelene先生)
2021/3/28    Thank you for the nice lesson!!.....(Ara先生)
2021/3/26    Thank you for your wonderful lesson. ...(Veron先生)
2021/3/25    Thak you very much for your pleasnt lesson......(Ami先生)
2021/3/25    Thank you for your nice lesson!.......(Ara先生)
2021/3/25    Thank you so much. I am happy to take you lesson.....(Jen先生)
2021/3/24    Topic about cram school was fun!....(Basil先生)
2021/3/24    Thank you so much. I am happy to talk you lesson......(Kat先生)
2021/3/23    Thank you so much. I always have great time talking with you.....(Peach先生)
2021/3/22    Thank you so much for your warm guidance.....(Jen先生)
2021/3/22    I am sorry for being late today......(Ara先生)
2021/3/21    Thank you for giving me a wonderful lesson....(Kat先生)
2021/3/21    Thank you for talking with me about graduation book. .....(Kayelene先生)
2021/3/20    Kay is the best tutor for me every week......(Kat先生)
2021/3/19    Thank you for your kind and helpful lesson.....(Peach先生)
2021/3/18    Thank you so much for your warm advice......(Rich先生)
2021/3/17    Thank you for talking with me. ....(Kayelene先生)
2021/3/16    Thank you for always your great lesson! ...... (Gin先生)
2021/3/13    I enjoy your class every time.....(Ara先生)
2021/3/13    Thank you so much for your nice lesson. ......(Bianka先生)
2021/3/13    Thank you for talking with me.....(Basil先生)
2021/3/12    Thank you for your SMLE lesson. ....(Nica先生)
2021/3/11    Thank you for talking with me about many things!....(Rina先生)
2021/3/11    Dear Jen, thank you for your great lesson ! ...(Jen先生)
2021/3/10    Thank you very much! I enjoyed talking about foods and fruits....(Mary先生)
2021/3/09    Your lesson is fun! Talking to you motivates me to study more!....(Gin先生)
2021/3/07    Thank you for your very kindly and helpful lesson as always.....(Kat先生)
2021/3/07    Thank you for your nice lesson as usual!.....(Ara先生)
2021/3/07    Thank you for your very kindly and helpful lesson as always......(Kat先生)
2021/3/07    Thank you for your very kindly and helpful lesson as always.....(Kat先生)
2021/3/05    Dear Jen, thank you for enjoyable lesson ! Your lesson always brings me splendid time for me ! ...(Jen先生)
2021/3/05    Thank you so much. I always have great time talking with you.....(Veron先生)
2021/3/04    Thank you very much for discussing with me about opinion. I want to talk more next time....(Rina先生)
2021/3/03    Thank you for discussing with me about Meiji Mura.....(Mary先生)
2021/3/01    Thank you for very kind and helpful lesson.....(Daisy先生)
2021/3/01    Dear Jen, Id like to say thank you for your amazing class ! ....(Jen先生)
2021/2/28    Thank you for always having a good time!...(Gin先生)
2021/2/28    I am sorry that he bursted into tears. It seems he did not know how to say ......(Ami先生)
2021/2/28    Thank you for always having a good time!...(Jen先生)
2021/2/28    Thank you for support me to learn English!......(Ara先生)
2021/2/28    Thank you for support me to learn English!......(Ara先生)
2021/2/28    You are great help to me, when you hear my English sentences and correct the wrong pronunciation! ....(Jen先生)
2021/2/28    Thanks for discussing with me about foods sample. I enjoyed talking about it. ....(Kayelene先生)
2021/2/27    Thank you for teaching me the grammar....(Ara先生)
2021/2/27    Thank you for discussing with me about school rules. In our school, we cant eat snacks, but all students eat school launch together. ....(Basil先生)
2021/2/27    Thank you so much for your wonderful lesson......(Kish先生)
2021/2/26    Dear Jen, thank you always for your fun & wonderful lesson! With your clear explanation & great support, ....(Jen先生)
2021/2/26    Thank you for being so patient with me!.....(Ara先生)
2021/2/25    Thank you for a wonderful lesson ! I really enjoyed talking and learning ! I hope I would have wide knowledge and vision like you....(Jen先生)
2021/2/25    Your lessons are always fun! I can keep trying because of you.....(Gin先生)
2021/2/25    Thank you always for your great lesson! .....(Kat先生)
2021/2/24    Thanks for talking with me about school life and etc. I enjoyed sharing with you about school trip what well go to on March 2nd. ....(Mary先生)
2021/2/23    Thank you so much for your warm guidance.....(Ara先生)
2021/2/23    Thank you for talking with me about school trip! I want to talk about more about it.......(Basil先生)
2021/2/23    いつも笑顔でいてくるのでとても話しやすいです。またよろしくお願いします。...(Gin先生)
2021/2/21    Thank you for giving a wonderful lesson....(Cris先生)
2021/2/21    Thank you for yournice advices about the Toeic test!.....(Mary先生)
2021/2/20    Thank you very much for correcting my pronunciations!....(Mary先生)
2021/2/20    Thank you for helping me make sentences!!.....(Ara先生)
2021/2/20    I had a good time! Thank you for teaching me.....(Gin先生)
2021/2/20    Thank you for your great lesson! I had a fun time!....(Kat先生)
2021/2/19    優しい先生で、緊張せずに受けられました。ありがとうございました。....(Ara先生)
2021/2/19    Thank you so much for your warm guidance.....(Peach先生)
2021/2/19    Thank you that you continued the lesson until end of the text....(Ara先生)
2021/2/19    優しい先生で、緊張せずに受けられました。ありがとうございました。....(Ara先生)
2021/2/18    Thank you Mary, it was a fun and wonderful talk with you ! .....(Mary先生)
2021/2/18    Thank you today. I was happy that I finally see you again after a long time......(Mina先生)
2021/2/17    Thank you for talking a lot with my son. He is very talkative!.....(Ara先生)
2021/2/17    Thank you for the nice lesson as usual!......(Ara先生)
2021/2/17    Thank you for always kindly teaching me.....(Daisy先生)
2021/2/17    Thank you for a wonderful and fun lesson! Your explanation are always clear and easy to understand, .....(Jen先生)
2021/2/16    Thank you for sharing story. I had learn a lot of thing.....(Veron先生)
2021/2/16    Thank you for your support and patience. He likes your lesson!......(Veron先生)
2021/2/16    My son really enjoyed your lesson, thank you so much!.....(Jen先生)
2021/2/15    Thank you for giving me a wonderful lesson....(Rich先生)
2021/2/15    Thank you for your patience! Todays lesson was a little bit hard for my son......(Rina先生)
2021/2/15    Thank you for correcting my wrong pronunciation!.....(Jen先生)
2021/2/14    Thanks to talk with me about school life and primary school. I hope we could talk again soon....(Basil先生)
2021/2/14    Thank you so much for your warm guidance.....(Veron先生)
2021/2/13    Thanks for today! Ill work hard to remember vocabulary that I can talk more smooth.....(Kayelene先生)
2021/2/13    Thank you for your comfortable lesson!.....(Rina先生)
2021/2/13    Thank you for your explanation of my questions.....(Ara先生)
2021/2/13    Thank you for your explanation of my questions.....(Ara先生)
2021/2/13    Thank you for always kindly teaching me.....(Peach先生)
2021/2/12    Thank you so much for the great conversation......(Rich先生)
2021/2/12    Thank you for correcting my pronunciation many time! It helps me a lot......(Rina先生)
2021/2/12    Thank you for writing and showing me what I dont understand.....(Kat先生)
2021/2/11    Thank you for teaching Sato. She always enjoys your class.....(Avi先生)
2021/2/11    Thanks for talking with me about free chat. .....(Basil先生)
2021/2/11    Thank you for your great conversation......(Veron先生)
2021/2/10    I like the way you teach my daughter with talking.....(Avi先生)
2021/2/10    Thank you so much. I learned a lot from you.......(Jen先生)
2021/2/10    Thank you for the nice lesson!....(Ara先生)
2021/2/10    Its very easy to understand because you will search for and show the image immediately.....(Kat先生)
2021/2/10    Thank you for discussing with me about school! See you soon......(Rina先生)
2021/2/09    Thank you so much, I am happy to take you lesson......(Peach先生)
2021/2/09    I every time enjoy learning English with you. Thanks....(Ara先生)
2021/2/08    Thank you so much for your precious time.....(Rich先生)
2021/2/08    Thanks for talking with me about school life. I really enjoyed talking with teacher. ....(Kayelene先生)
2021/2/08    Dear Mary, thank you for a great lesson ! It was interesting to know the different feelings about full moon between us !.....(Mary先生)
2021/2/07    Thanks for talking about me! Ill find new text. See you soon.....(Basil先生)
2021/2/07    Dear Cris, thank you for your great lesson and comment! I still have difficulties to express my thought in English though, .....(Cris先生)
2021/2/07    Thank you so much for your warm guidance.....(Kat先生)
2021/2/07    Thank you for the fun and fruitful lesson, as always......(Ami先生)
2021/2/07    You will immediately point me out the mistakes and give me a better expression......(Kat先生)
2021/2/06    Thanks! I enjoyed discussing about text. See you soon.....(Basil先生)
2021/2/06    Dear Veron, thank you for your great lesson and comment. It was a meaningful time, and I could learn a lot in your class....(Veron先生)
2021/2/06    Thank you for giving me a wonderful lesson......(Peach先生)
2021/2/06    Thank you for correcting my sentences!.....(Ara先生)
2021/2/06    Thank you for correcting my pronunciation!.....(Rina先生)
2021/2/05    Thank you for your kind and helpful lesson.......(Rich先生)
2021/2/05    Thank you for correcting my pronunciation! It helps me a lot......(Jen先生)
2021/2/04    Thank you for always kindly teaching me.....(Jen先生)
2021/2/03    Thank you so much. I learned a lot from you.......(Veron先生)
2021/2/02    Thank you so much for your precious time.....(Daisy先生)
2021/1/31    Thanks for talking about yesterday’s exam. I’ll take a rest today......(Basil先生)
2021/1/31    Thank you for the nice lesson!...(Ara先生)
2021/1/31    Thank you for your warm guidance......(Ara先生)
2021/1/30    Teacher Velon always teaches me new words and knowledge.....(Veron先生)
2021/1/30    Enjoyed the lesson. Thank you Teacher Ami!....(Ami先生)
2021/1/30    Thank you for the nice lesson!....(Ara先生)
2021/1/30    Thanks for talking about my test. Im going to walk hard for that test....(Basil先生)
2021/1/30    thank you so much for giving a lot of exciting exercise in speaking.....(Blessy先生)
2021/1/30    Thank you for giving me a wonderful lesson......(Rina先生)
2021/1/29    Thanks for talking with me! I enjoyed your lesson.....(Rina先生)
2021/1/29    Dearest Jen, how much I enjoyed your lesson ! As you are so kind and knowledgeable, I learned a lot in your class ! ....(Jen先生)
2021/1/29    Thank you for your very kind and helpful lesson......(Veron先生)
2021/1/28    ありがとうございました。またよろしくお願いします!......(Kayelene先生)
2021/1/28    Thank you for giving me a wonderful lesson....(Kat先生)
2021/1/28    Thanks! I enjoyed talking with you about school life.....(Kayelene先生)
2021/1/27    Thank you so much. I had a wonderful talking with you.....(Daisy先生)
2021/1/26    ありがとうございました。またよろしくお願いします!....(Nica先生)
2021/1/26    Thank you so much . I am grateful for your kindness.......(Rich先生)
2021/1/26    Thank you for the lessons today. I feel nervous at first but I had fun talking with the teacher......(Jen先生)
2021/1/25    明るくて親切でとても先生でした。 チャットで会話を残してくれたので、終わってから落ち着いて読み返し復習する事ができました。.....(Blessy先生)
2021/1/25    Thank you so much for your great guidance......(Kat先生)
2021/1/25    Thank you so much, Jen. It was a fun & wonderful lesson ! Yes, Id like to get my English to reach perfection !....(Jen先生)
2021/1/24    Thank you so much, as always! Have a wonderful week :).....(Ami先生)
2021/1/24    Thank you very much! It was a nice conversation. Have a nice weekend....(Mary先生)
2021/1/24    Thanks for discussing about Philippines and etc. See you soon....(Kayelene先生)
2021/1/24    Thank you very much for the nice conversation!.....(Rina先生)
2021/1/24    Thank you very much for your professional lesson. I like it....(Ara先生)
2021/1/23    ありがとうございました。またよろしくお願いします!...(Nica先生)
2021/1/23    ありがとうございました。またよろしくお願いします!.....(Rich先生)
2021/1/23    Thank you for discussing about COVID. I satisfied.....(Basil先生)
2021/1/23    Thank you for your nice tip! You helped me to improve my English skills.....(Mary先生)
2021/1/23    Thank you so much. I learned a lot from you.......(Peach先生)
2021/1/23    Thank you for always deepening the story.....(Peach先生)
2021/1/23    Thank you for the nice lesson. I learned a lot today.....(Ara先生)
2021/1/23    Thank you for your nice lesson! I really enjoyed it!.....(Jen先生)
2021/1/22    ありがとうございました。またよろしくお願いします!....(Rich先生)
2021/1/21    ありがとうございました。またよろしくお願いします!....(Rich先生)
2021/1/20    ありがとうございました。またよろしくお願いします!....(Nica先生)
2021/1/20    I always have great time taking with you.....(Daisy先生)
2021/1/19    ありがとうございました。またよろしくお願いします!....(Nica先生)
2021/1/19    わかりやすく説明してくださいました。 次回レッスンの提案をしてくれてよかった。.....(Deng先生)
2021/1/19    Thank you so much for your kind lesson. I learned a lot.....(Veron先生)
2021/1/18    ありがとうございますした。またよろしくお願いします。.....(Nica先生)
2021/1/18    Thank you so much for your warm guidance.....(Peach先生)
2021/1/17    ありがとうございました。またよろしくお願いします!.....(Nica先生)
2021/1/17    ありがとうございました。またよろしくお願いします!....(Nica先生)
2021/1/17    Thank you! Good luck for your Japanese exam. I enjoyed talking with you about finish.....(Ara先生)
2021/1/17    Thank you so much . I had a wonderful talking with you....(Daisy先生)
2021/1/16    丁寧に教えてくださりありがとうございました。....(Nica先生)
2021/1/16    ありがとうございました。またお願いします!.....(Nica先生)
2021/1/16    Teacher Peach always taught me a useful phrases. Thank you very much......(Peach先生)
2021/1/16    It was nice to see you again! Thank you so much for your nice lesson!...(Cris先生)
2021/1/16    It was nice to see you again! Thank you so much for your nice lesson!...(Rina先生)
2021/1/16    Thank you for the nice conversation! I think I have to train it too....(Rina先生)
2021/1/16    Thank you for correcting my R pronunciation!....(Mary先生)
2021/1/16    The lesson was exactly what I wanted! Writing words according to your speaking was fun and great practice! ....(Mary先生)
2021/1/16    Thank you for always kindly teaching me.....(Veron先生)
2021/1/16    Thank! im glad talking with you about class. See you.....(Basil先生)
2021/1/15    Thank you for your English explanation.....(Kat先生)
2021/1/15    Thank you very much! It was really nice lesson and I could learn a lot....(Ara先生)
2021/1/15    Thank you so much. I enjoy having conversation with you.....(Rich先生)
2021/1/14    間違いをすぐに直してくれるところがとても素晴らしい。また、こういったほうが良いという言い方をタイピングしてくれるので、大変助かっております。....(Kat先生)
2021/1/14    Dear Jen thank you for your great lesson ! As you were so friendly I could enjoy & learn a lot in your class !.......(Jen先生)
2021/1/14    Thank you for previous lessons review test. I understand very well.....(Rich先生)
2021/1/13    Mirai enjoyed your lesson! Thnk you and see you soon!.....(Veron先生)
2021/1/13    You make every time really nice lesson! Thank you very much!....(Mary先生)
2021/1/13    Thank you so much I learned a lot. I really appreciate this year.....(Ara先生)
2021/1/13    Thank you for teachin me English! I enjoyed it with you.....(Rina先生)
2021/1/12    Teacher Blessy , You are the best teaching SLME......(Blessy先生)
2021/1/12    Thank you so much. I learned lot from you. I am grateful for your kindness......(Veron先生)
2021/1/11    Thank you so much. You are very good at teaching.....(Blessy先生)
2021/1/11    Thank you for your great conversation....(Jen先生)
2021/1/11    Thank you for correcting my mispronunciations and sentences!....(Ara先生)
2021/1/11    Teacher Gin, Your class is my favorite. And I registered.......(Gin先生)
2021/1/11    I satisfied discussing with you. We discuss the change by Colona Virus and other topics....(Mary先生)
2021/1/10    Thank you so much for your precious time......(Ac先生)
2021/1/10    Its fun! Thank to your good explanation , I can understand about the text.....(Kat先生)
2021/1/09    Thank you so much for your good lesson and nice smiling.....(Mary先生)
2021/1/09    Thank you so much. Im not good at writing sentences in my head during English conversation, so is there any way to improve it?.....(Rich先生)
2021/1/09    Its long time no see! Thanks for discussing about Christmas and New Year!....(Basil先生)
2021/1/09    I appreciate your kind lesson, though Today’s material was difficult for me.....(Peach先生)
2021/1/08    Thanks for talking with me about New Year! See you again.....(Mary先生)
2021/1/08    Thank you so much for your kind and helpful lesson as always....(Peach先生)
2021/1/08    Thank you so much. Im not good at writing sentences in my head during English conversation, so is there any way to improve it?....(Rina先生)
2021/1/07    Thank you! Good luck for your Japanese exam. ....(Ara先生)
2021/1/07    Thank you very much for fun conversation in the class today. ....(Peach先生)
2021/1/07    Dear Mary, I really enjoyed talking & sharing a lot with you ! One of my goals in 2021 is to improve English skill, so I wanna join your class more :) ....(Mary先生)
2021/1/06    Thank you for always kindly teaching me.....(Deng先生)
2021/1/06    Thank you for your lessons. This is my first SLME class and I have enjoyed it. ...(Blessy先生)
2021/1/06    Thank you po Teacher Deng! We had a great conversation with various thoughts.....(Deng先生)
2021/1/05    Thanks for discussion. I enjoyed talk with you. Bye!....(Kayelene先生)
2021/1/05    Thank you so muchfor your great conversation....(Peach先生)
2021/1/05    Thank you so muchfor your great conversation....(Peach先生)
2021/1/05    Thank you for sharing the articles of news papers. I had learned you, .....(Jesie先生)
2021/1/05    Thank you for your powerful lesson! I got a lot of energy from you!....(Blessy先生)
2021/1/04    Thank you for teaching your special language po! That is quite new for me......(Deng先生)
2021/1/04    Lia, thank you for a great lesson and a nice comment ! Nobody knows where 2021 would be going ++ but your lesson always makes me happy and motivated a lot !.....(Lia先生)
2021/1/04    Thank you for giving me a wonderful lesson......(Veron先生)
2021/1/04    Thanks for talking with me! I enjoyed discussing with you......(Ara先生)
2021/1/03    Thank you for the sample sentence!....(Ara先生)
2021/1/03    Thanks for talking with me about New Year! See you soon......(Rina先生)
2021/1/03    Dear Deng, thank you for a fun lesson ! It was interesting in sharing many topics with you !...(Deng先生)
2021/1/02    とても丁寧に教えてくれてよかったです。このような表現にすればよいというセンテンスをその都度メッセージで送っていただいたのには感動しました。...(Nica先生)
2021/1/02    Dear Cris, thank you. It was a fantastic time with you for my first class in 2021.....(Cris先生)
2021/1/02    Thanks for discussion with me about New Year and Christmas celebration. I enjoyed knowing about your countrys celebration.....(Kayelene先生)
2021/1/02    Thank you for your explanation about the grammatic.....(Veron先生)
2020/12/30    Thank you so much for your lesson!! Hope the New Year will be happy and wonderful for you☆.....(Gin先生)
2020/12/30    Thank you so much for your kind lesson. I really appreciate next year.....(Ara先生)
2020/12/30    Thank you so much! Despite the pandemic, we feel that this year has been a wonderful year because we met you. .....(Ami先生)
2020/12/29    Thank you so much for the great conversation......(Deng先生)
2020/12/29    Thank you for your nice lesson! I enjoyed it!....(Nica先生)
2020/12/29    Thank you so much for your nice lesson!!.....(Emma先生)
2020/12/28    Thank you so much. I could learn new words.....(Peach先生)
2020/12/28    Thank you for the nice lesson! I every time admired your pronunciation!.....(Mary先生)
2020/12/27    Thank you for correcting my pronunciation!.....(Cris先生)
2020/12/27    Thanks for your lesson! I hope I can see you again soon! Have a nice holiday!....(Rina先生)
2020/12/27    Thank you so much. I am happy to take you lesson.....(Rina先生)
2020/12/27    Thank you so much. I am happy to take you lesson....(Daisy先生)
2020/12/27    Thank yo so much. I am happy to take you lesson......(Daisy先生)
2020/12/26    It was very nice lesson. Thank you very much.....(Ara先生)
2020/12/26    Thank you so much for your precious time. I am grateful for your kind ness. ....(Juvy先生)
2020/12/26    Thank you for the nice lesson. I learned a lot!...(Mary先生)
2020/12/26    Thank you for the link of the YouTube video.....(Rina先生)
2020/12/25    Thank you for giving me a wonderful lesson. I learned a lot.....(Deng先生)
2020/12/24    Thank you for your great lesson! I really enjoyed it! ....(Mary先生)
2020/12/24    The teacher Blessy is very nice. You will patiently tell me even when Im very bad......(Blessy先生)
2020/12/24    Thank you so much. Every time I have good time and enjoying conversation with you......(Kat先生)
2020/12/23    丁寧に教えてくれます....(Kat先生)
2020/12/23    Thanks for talking with me about baseball and bread. I enjoyed talking with you. ....(Kayelene先生)
2020/12/22    Thank you so much for your kind lesson...(Nice先生)
2020/12/21    Thank you very much for Teacher Blessy. I had a very good time.....(Blessy先生)
2020/12/21    Thank you for your nice lesson as usual! I could start today with happy feeling......(Jen先生)
2020/12/21    Thank you so much for your precious time....(Veron先生)
2020/12/20    初心者の私にもわかりやすく話してくださり、とてもよかったです。機会があればまたよろしくお願いいたします。....(Kish先生)
2020/12/20    Thank you for your nice lesson!....(Cris先生)
2020/12/20    Thank you so much. I could learn new words.....(Peach先生)
2020/12/20    Thank you for the lesson from the early morning.....(Rina先生)
2020/12/20    I was learning English with you admiring your pronunciation.....(Mary先生)
2020/12/20    Thanks to you, it was a very easy-to-understand and fun class. It was a great learning experience for me because you spoke without using too difficult English words...(Gin先生)
2020/12/19    Dear Kayelene, it was a nice talking with you again ! As you are friendly and bright, I could relax and speak English !....(Kayelene先生)
2020/12/19    Thanks for your lesson. I enjoyed your lesson. See you again soon....(Rina先生)
2020/12/19    Thank you for correcting my pronunciation! It helps me a lot!....(Nica先生)
2020/12/19    Thank you for your precious time. I had a wonderful talking with you.....(Rina先生)
2020/12/19    Thank you for your nice lesson! I like to speak with you.....(Jen先生)
2020/12/18    Thank you so much for your very kind and helpful lesson as always....(Daisy先生)
2020/12/18    I enjoyed talking with you about Christmas and New Year Festival......(Mary先生)
2020/12/18    I everytime enjoyed learning English with you. Thank you a lot!......(Nica先生)
2020/12/18    Thank you for your nice lesson! I enjoyed it with you!....(Jen先生)
2020/12/17    Thank you for correcting my mispronunciation!....(Marj先生)
2020/12/17    Thank you so much for your kind lesson......(Rich先生)
2020/12/17    Thank you for your heartwarming lesson!......(Mary先生)
2020/12/17    Dear Mary, thank you for your wonderful class ! Such a amazing time always makes me forget the time passing !....(Mary先生)
2020/12/16    Thank you so much for your time....(Ara先生)
2020/12/15    I enjoyed your lesson today! Thank you very much!!....(Nica先生)
2020/12/15    Very nice lesson! Thank you very much!!.....(Cris先生)
2020/12/14    お世話になりました。娘が先生のことを気に入ったようで、また教えていただきたいとのこと。ありがとうございました。先生の声が好き、聞きやすい、綺麗。面白かった。...(Jen先生)
2020/12/14    Thank you for your correction of my sentences and pronunciation! It was really nice lesson with you......(Marj先生)
2020/12/14    Thank you for always kindly teaching me....(Peach先生)
2020/12/13    間違えたところを即座に理解し、直してくれるので、勉強になったと、喜んでいました。 母.....(Kat先生)
2020/12/13    Thank you so much for your kind lesson. I learned a lot.....(Daisy先生)
2020/12/13    Thank-you for teaching. Aoi could study well because you corrected her msitake immediately ......(Kat先生)
2020/12/12    Thank you for always kindly teaching me.....(Veron先生)
2020/12/12    Dear Cris, thank you for having me in your class ! ....(Cris先生)
2020/12/12    Thank you for your nice lesson! See you soon.....(Cris先生)
2020/12/12    Thank you a lot for your nice lesson. Your smile loosens my nervousness!....(Jen先生)
2020/12/11    I am grateful for your kindness. And I always received appropriate advice.....(Rich先生)
2020/12/11    We have enjoyed the English lesson! Thank you very much!.....(Jen先生)
2020/12/10    Her pronunciation is very beautiful and clear. I could learn English very well with her.....(Mary先生)
2020/12/10    Thank you for your nice lesson! I enjoyed learning English with you every time. Take care.....(Nica先生)
2020/12/10    Thank you for your kindness!! I enjoyed todays lesson with you!.....(Jen先生)
2020/12/09    I enjoyed discussing about difference between Hiragana and Katakana...... (Rina先生)
2020/12/09    It was very funny how you teach English to Kids......(Nica先生)
2020/12/09    Id like you to say, you wore a nice T shirts, but I had no chance to say that......(Jen先生)
2020/12/08    とても親切でわかりやすく楽しくレッスン出来ます。....(Jen先生)
2020/12/07    とても穏やかで笑顔でレッスンをしてくれており、リラックスして自然に会話が進んでいました。   母.....(Kat先生)
2020/12/06    「英検のスピーチの最初の導入部分が長すぎるので、そこをもっと短くして20秒くらいにするべきである」と具体的な意見をいただけたので良かったです。..(Brad先生)
2020/12/06    子供が急に泣いてしまいましたが、やさしく励ましてくださってとても助かりました。....(Ami先生)
2020/12/06    I enjoyed today lessons! Thank you very much. Please take enough rest and keep your health....(Nica先生)
2020/12/06    Thank you for your very nice lesson! I really enjoyed learning English with you....(Jen先生)
2020/12/06    Dear Cris, thank you for your great lesson ! English words have a lot of meanings, thats the hard part... ...(Cris先生)
2020/12/05    Thank you so much, as always!....(Ami先生)
2020/12/05    Thanks for talk with me about corona virus. See you soon.....(Kayelene先生)
2020/12/05    Thank you so much for your kind lesson. I learned a lot.....(Daisy先生)
2020/12/04    Thank you so much. I could learn new words.....(Peach先生)
2020/12/04    Dear Mary, thank you for your great lesson ! I leaned a lot with talking about many topics !....(Mary先生)
2020/12/04    Thanks for talking with me about Christmas. See you again.....(Mary先生)
2020/12/03    Thank you so much. Ialways received appropriate advice.....(Rich先生)
2020/12/03    Thanks for talking with me about Japanese food culture and Western food culture.....(Rina先生)
2020/12/02    Thank you so much. I always received appropriate advice....(Daisy先生)
2020/12/02    Thanks for talking with me! I enjoyed talking with you. See you soon....(Kayelene先生)
2020/12/02    Dear Cris, thank you for your wonderful lesson ! As you are always friendly, I could learn english relaxingly.....(Cris先生)
2020/12/01    Thank you for giving me a wonderful lesson. I really appreciate it.....(Veron先生)
2020/11/30    Thank you so much for your kind lesson. I had a wonderful talking with you.....(Miriam先生)
2020/11/29    Thank you for the fun class, as always! Have a happy Sunday ;).....(Ami先生)
2020/11/29    Thank you so much for your kind lesson. I learned a lot.....(Peach先生)
2020/11/28    Thank you so much. I am happy to take you lesson.....(Ara先生)
2020/11/27    Thanks for talking with me about medicine. Have a nice weekends!......(Mary先生)
2020/11/27    Thank you so much for your kind lesson. Have a wonderful day.....(Nice先生)
2020/11/26    Thank you so much. I always received appropriate advice. I learned a lot.......(Rich先生)
2020/11/26    Thanks for talking about school year album! I rarely enjoyed talking about it. See you again and talk a lot.....(Kayelene先生)
2020/11/25    いつも 心のこもった コメントを頂き 感謝しています。.....(Jen先生)
2020/11/24    Thank you for giving me a wonderful lesson. I am happy to take you lesson.....(Cath先生)
2020/11/24    Thanks for your lesson! I enjoyed talking with you about our plants. See you again soon. Bye!......(Rina先生)
2020/11/23    I could learn about birds. So im happy. I like animals. Thank-you .....(Reya先生)
2020/11/23    Thank-you for teaching. My daughers like you very much. By mother.....(Reya先生)
2020/11/23    Thanks for your lesson! I hope we can talk together soon. Bye for now.....(Mary先生)
2020/11/23    Thank you so much for your giving me a wonderful lesson....(Ara先生)
2020/11/22    Thank you! We talked about Japanese and foreign schools culture.....(Kayelene先生)
2020/11/22    Thank you for correcting my sentences. I could find my big mistakes.....(Nica先生)
2020/11/22    Thank you for allowing his lesson to go past the scheduled time. He understand the difference perfectly...(Ami先生)
2020/11/22    いつもすごく丁寧に教えてくださってありがたいです。.....(Ami先生)
2020/11/21    Thank you so much, as always!....(Ami先生)
2020/11/21    Thank you so much.Every time I have good time and enjoying conversation......(Veron先生)
2020/11/21    Thanks for your lesson. See you again soon!....(Basil先生)
2020/11/21    Thank you so much.Every time I have good time and enjoying conversation.....(Veron先生)
2020/11/21    Thanks for your lesson. See you again soon!....(Basil先生)
2020/11/20    Thank you for your great conversation. I always received appropriate adviced.....(Peach先生)
2020/11/20    Thanks for your lesson! See you again soon.....(Mary先生)
2020/11/19    Thank you for your very kind and helpful lesson......(Daisy先生)
2020/11/18    Thank you for your nice lesson!.......(Mina先生)
2020/11/18    Thank you so much .I could learn new words.......(Ara先生)
2020/11/17    Thank you for giving me a wondeful lesson. I had a great time speaking with you......(Deng先生)
2020/11/17    Thank you so much for your wonderful class:).....(Reya先生)
2020/11/17    I had a wonderful lesson from you today,my birthday!I want to proceed my skill.Thank you!.....(Reya先生)
2020/11/16    Thank you so much for your time. I learned a lot....(Rich先生)
2020/11/15    Thank you. I like trip. I want to talk about trip more !!!.......(Reya先生)
2020/11/15    Thank you so much. I could learn new words.....(Peach先生)
2020/11/14    Thank you so much for your time. I learned a lot....(Rich先生)
2020/11/14    日本に詳しく日本語も上手な先生だったので、初心者でもコミュニケーションがとりやすく、楽しい時間を過ごすことができた。ありがとうございました。...(Mina先生)
2020/11/13    Thank you so much . I always received appropriate advice.....(Veron先生)
2020/11/11    Thank you so much for another wonderful lesson:).........(Avi先生)
2020/11/10    It was a wonderful lesson !! Thank you‼️......(Jen先生)
2020/11/10    Thank you so much for your kind lesson. I learned a lot.....(Veron先生)
2020/11/09    Thank you so much. I always received appropriate advice and it was a great learning experience.....(Ara先生)
2020/11/08    Thank-you for teaching. Please watch the skating TV about Yuzuru Hanyuu(^o^)/.....(Reya先生)
2020/11/08    Thank you for the good lesson. If I make a mistake, she will point out immediately....(Kat先生)
2020/11/08    Thank you so much for always kindly teaching me.....(Daisy先生)
2020/11/07    The lesson was very fun and easy to understand.....(Kat先生)
2020/11/07    Thank you so much for your time. Have a great day.....(Mina先生)
2020/11/06    Thank you so much. It was a great learning experience.....(Peach先生)
2020/11/06    I enjoyed the conversation about the school trip. Thank-you\(^-^)/......(Reya先生)
2020/11/05    Thank you very much❣️❣️とても優しく、笑顔で話してくれました!すごくおすすめです!.....(Kat先生)
2020/11/05    非常に分かりやすかったです...(Nice先生)
2020/11/04    Thank you for sharing your story. I learned a lot from you.....(Veron先生)
2020/11/04    Thank you for your advice. I would like to continue the chat for some topic.....(Rina先生)
2020/11/03    わたしにとって初めてのオンライン英会話でしたが、先生が笑顔で優しくリードしてくださって楽しくレッスンできました♪ また、わたしが海外で初めて行った場所ネグロス島の先生とお話しできたことにもご縁を感じました。ありがとうございました!また事務局が細やかにサポートしてくださるということがメールやスカイプから伝わってきて心強いです。ありがとうございます。...(Araアラ先生)
2020/11/03    it’s been a very long time since i spoke in english.......(Jesie先生)
2020/11/03    Thanks for your lesson! I hope I can see you again soon. Bye!....(Mary先生)
2020/11/03    Thank you so much for your time. I always received appropriate adviced......(Rich先生)
2020/11/02    Thank you so much for your precious time. Have a great day......(Jen先生)
2020/11/02    Dearest Cris, I was happy to join your evening class ! .....(Cris先生)
2020/11/02    I learned a lot from your class today. Thank you so much!.....(Avi先生)
2020/11/01    I enjoyed talking with you about sisters birthday. See you again soon. Bye Bye!......(Basil先生)
2020/11/01    Thank-you. I enjoyed your lesson with your costume\(^-^)/.....(Reya先生)
2020/11/01    I enjoyed your lesson!! See you again next time☆......(Ac先生)
2020/11/01    I always received appropriate advice and it was a great leraning experience......(Peach先生)
2020/10/31    Dear Mary, thank you for your fun and wonderful lesson ! I still have some difficulties to express my though correctly, though I really enjoy talking to you...(Mary先生)
2020/10/31    Thank you so much I always have great time talking with you.....(Rich先生)
2020/10/31    Thanks for your lesson! I hope I can see you again soon. Bye!....(Basil先生)
2020/10/30    Thank you so much for your kind lesson......(Joy先生)
2020/10/29    Thank you so much for your kind lesson. I learned a lot.....(Daisy先生)
2020/10/29    I really appreciate to you. Youre always patient enough to listen to my broken English....(Veron先生)
2020/10/29    Thanks for talking about sport festival. We talked many things about sports. See you soon.....(Kayelene先生)
2020/10/28    Thanks for teaching me! I hope I can take your lesson soo. Bye! ....(Ara先生)
2020/10/27    Thank you for giving me a wonderful lesson....(Rina先生)
2020/10/27    She always kind to teach and helpful! My daughter is always looking forward to her lesson!........(Ara先生)
2020/10/25    Thank you for aiways kindly teaching me.....(Peach先生)
2020/10/24    thank you so much for your precious time. I learned a lot.....(Kayelene先生)
2020/10/23    Thanks! I enjoyed talking with you. See you soon!.......(Rina先生)
2020/10/23    Thank you so much for your precious time.....(Kat先生)
2020/10/23    Thank you so much for your precious time.....(Kat先生)
2020/10/22    Thanks for your lesson. I hope I can talk with you soon. Bye!.....(Kayelene先生)
2020/10/22    Thank you so much for your time.....(Daisy先生)
2020/10/21    Thank you, Brad. I like your lesson. Your explanation is very easy to understand!.....(Brad先生)
2020/10/20    Thank you so much for your time. I always have great time talking with you ....(Peach先生)
2020/10/20    大好きなMary先生だったので興奮してしまい、とても騒がしくなってしまいました。。本人はとても楽しかったようです。ありがとうございました!...(Mary先生)
2020/10/19    Thank-you so much. I like your lesson\(^-^)/.....(Reya先生)
2020/10/19    Thank you so muchfor your precious tiem. I learned a lot from you.....(Veron先生)
2020/10/18    T hank you so much for your nice lesson.I really appreciate it....(Daisy先生)
2020/10/18    わかりやすくて丁寧で、しかも無駄がないレッスンをしてくださいました!..(Kat先生)
2020/10/17    Thank you so much for being so supportive and encouraging. Your Japanese always makes him feel at ease.....(Ami先生)
2020/10/17    Thanks for your lesson. See you again soon. Bye!...(Ara先生)
2020/10/17    Dear Cris, thank U for giving me a fun and amazing lesson ! I always enjoy talking and sharing with U ! Your comments also motivate me a lot !....(Cris先生)
2020/10/17    子どもの機嫌が悪いときも、ハイテンションすぎるときも、どんなときもあたたかく受け止め、やさしく教えてくれる本当にいい先生です。Ami先生にめぐり会えてよかったです。..(Ami先生)
2020/10/16    Thank you so much for your time....(Daisy先生)
2020/10/15    Thank you so much for giving me a wonderful lesson....(Kat先生)
2020/10/14    Dear Mary, thank you for giving me a fun and wonderful time ! I always forget the flow of time talking with U ! ....(Mary先生)
2020/10/12    Thank you so much. I am happy to take you lesson.....(Ara先生)
2020/10/11    Your class is always fun! Thank you very much.....(Reya先生)
2020/10/11    Thank you. I enjoyed your class.....(Reya先生)
2020/10/11    Your lessons are always so much fun! We learned many new words today.....(Ami先生)
2020/10/11    Thank you for the great conversation.....(Veron先生)
2020/10/11    いつも楽しみながら学べるレッスンをしてくれてありがたいです!....(Ami先生)
2020/10/10    Thanks for talking with me about school trip. I really enjoyed talking with you.....(Basil先生)
2020/10/10    I really enjoyed talking and I am so comfortable when I talking with you Thank you.......(Ami先生)
2020/10/10    Thank you so much for your kind lesson....(Rich先生)
2020/10/10    子供が集中できなくてもあたたかく見守って下さるので本当に助かっています。......(Ami先生)
2020/10/09    Thank you so much for your kind lesson......(Juvy先生)
2020/10/08    Thank you so much for yor precious time.....(Daisy先生)
2020/10/08    Thank-you . Your voice is soft, so I can listen well....(Rich先生)
2020/10/06    This lesson motivate mea lot. thank you so much.....(Veron先生)
2020/10/06    Thank you for your kindness......(Bianka先生)
2020/10/05    Dear Mary, thank you for your fun and amazing lesson ! Such a wonderful time with you ! You always make me happy and relaxed....(Mary先生)
2020/10/05    Thank you so much for your time. I learned a lot from you....(Rich先生)
2020/10/05    Thank you so much for your time. I learned a lot from you....(Rich先生)
2020/10/04    Thank you. I could understand your English very well . See you next time...(Gin先生)
2020/10/04    Thank you so much for cheering him up. Thanks to you, he is feeling better and working hard!...(Ami先生)
2020/10/04    Thank you for your very kind and helpful lesson as always....(Peach先生)
2020/10/04    子供が機嫌が悪くて泣いていたのですが、やさしく励ましてくれました。...(Ami先生)
2020/10/03    Thank you so much for your kind lesson. I really appreciate it.....(Joy先生)
2020/10/02    Thank you so much for your precious time.....(Peach先生)
2020/10/01    Tahnk you so much for your time. I really appreciate it.....(Daisy先生)
2020/9/29    Thank for giving me a wonderful lesson......(Veron先生)
2020/9/29    自分の知らないニュースについて教えてもらい非常に勉強になりました。.....(Gin先生)
2020/9/29    自分の知らないニュースについて教えてもらい非常に勉強になりました。.....(Gin先生)
2020/9/28    Thank you so much. Your smile is very nice. See you next time !....(Reya先生)
2020/9/28    Thank you so much. Your lesson always makes me happy....(Ara先生)
2020/9/28    Dear Mary, thank you for a fun & enjoyable lesson ! ..(Mary先生)
2020/9/28    Thank you for always being nice to him! He always says after your class, "That was so fun!". .....(Ami先生)
2020/9/28    いつも楽しく丁寧なレッスンで、息子も楽しみにしています。.....(Ami先生)
2020/9/27    Thanks for your lesson! I enjoyed talking with you about excursion.....(Kayelene先生)
2020/9/27    Thank you so much . I enjoyed the conversation about my dog!.....(Reya先生)
2020/9/27    Thank you so much for your kind lesson. I learned a lot.....(Kat先生)
2020/9/27    Thank you for your support every time. I can see your feedback today also.....(Ara先生)
2020/9/27    Dear Cris, thank you for a wonderful time for me ! Yes, it came to be a good start of Sunday with you ! ....(Cris先生)
2020/9/26    Thank you. I could practice to make speech....(Kat先生)
2020/9/26    Thank you so much . You are very kind , so I was relaxed to learn English !.....(Kat先生)
2020/9/26    Thank you so much for your kind lesson. I enjoyed talking during your class☆......(Nica先生)
2020/9/26    Thank you, Teacher Ami. It means a lot to us coming from you. .....(Ami先生)
2020/9/26    I enjoyed talking about history travel. See you soon....(Basil先生)
2020/9/26    いつも元気に根気強く教えてくださって、子供も英語の時間を楽しみにしています。....(Ami先生)
2020/9/25    フリートークを選びましたが、とても話しやすかったです。フィリピンのとても興味深い文化を教えてくれました。また、先生とお話ししたいと思いました。...(Nica先生)
2020/9/25    色々な質問を興味を持って投げかけて下さったため、自分自身について沢山話をすることができました。...(Gin先生)
2020/9/25    自分が沢山話せる場を提供して下さり、英語を楽しく学ぶことができました。....(Reya先生)
2020/9/25    フリートークを選びましたが、とても話しやすかったです。フィリピンのとても興味深い文化を教えてくれました。...(Nice先生)
2020/9/25    フリートークを選びましたが、先生の方から、様々な質問をしてくれて、ネタに困ることなく、会話が弾みました。色々な物事に興味を持ってくれる人柄がよかったです。...(Spark先生)
2020/9/25    Thank you for sharing your story. I learned a lot from you.....(Veron先生)
2020/9/24    Dear Mary, thank you for your great class ! I could learn many expression by talking & sharing many with you :)......(Mary先生)
2020/9/24    Thanks for your nice lesson`s.I really enjoyed your class....(Peach先生)
2020/9/23    Thanks for your precious time.It was fun!!!...(Peach先生)
2020/9/23    Thank you so much fo yourprecious time. Have a good day.....(Rich先生)
2020/9/22    Thank you so much.  You are very cheerful , so I was very excited ....(Reya先生)
2020/9/22    Thank you, Teacher Ami! You are always so kind :).....(Peach先生)
2020/9/22    Thank you, Teacher Ami! You are always so kind :)....(Ami先生)
2020/9/22    とても明るい先生で、恥ずかしがり屋の娘も笑顔で嬉しそうに会話をしておりました。 ありがとうございました。...(Reya先生)
2020/9/19    Thank you for the great conversation.....(Daisy先生)
2020/9/19    Skype上でのメッセージのやり取りも丁寧で、短い時間の中で色々な話題の質問をテンポよく投げかけて下さったため、非常に満足できました。ありがとうございました。....(Spark先生) .
2020/9/18    Thank you so mach. I had learn a lot of things this lesson....(Peach先生)
2020/9/18    Thanks for talking about many things. I enjoyed talking about Mountains and Insects and etc.....(Mary先生)
2020/9/18    家で試験勉強ばかりに専念していたが、このアプリに出会い、自宅からでも楽しく会話をすることができ、英語学習へのモチベーションが上がりました。...(Nica先生)
2020/9/17    Thank you so much, Ms.Reya. Thanks to you, Celina can now speak without being afraid.....(Reya先生)
2020/9/17    Mina-sensei was a really cheerful and kind teacher.I can relax a lot thank to her good lesson!....(Mina先生)
2020/9/17    Thanks for talking with me! I enjoyed talking about difference of japan and other country's cultural......(Rina先生)
2020/9/16    Thanks as always for your kindness!I really enjoyed your class.....(Peach先生)
2020/9/16    すごく練習になりました!今日はありがとうございました。.....(Miriam先生)
2020/9/16    Thanks as always for your kindness!I really enjoyed your class.....(Peach先生)
2020/9/15    Thank you so much for your time. I could learn new words.....(Rich先生)
2020/9/14    Thank you very much Ms.Gin!! Your class is always fun!!!....(Gin先生)
2020/9/14    Thank you so much for your precious time. I really appreciate it....(Ara先生)
2020/9/13    Thank you very much Ms. Kat. Celina likes your lesson.....(Kat先生)
2020/9/13    はじめて英検準一級の面接に挑戦しましたが、とても指導が分かりやすく丁寧で安心して受講できました。また是非お願いしたいと思います。よろしくお願いいたします。..(Jen先生)
2020/9/12    Thank you veer much Ms. Gin !! Celina always enjoys your lesson.....(Gin先生)
2020/9/12    Thank you for your great conversation......(Daisy先生)
2020/9/12    Thank you for last lesson. I really enjoyed talking with you.......(Basil先生)
2020/9/11    Thanks for talking with me. See you soon......(Mary先生)
2020/9/10    Thank you so much for your precious time......(Kat先生)
2020/9/09    Thank you so much for your precious time. And very kind lesson.....(Rich先生)
2020/9/07    Thank you for the lesson today. You create a very friendly atmosphere, trying listen to my story.....(Veron先生)
2020/9/06    Your lesson is always fun time for me☆ Thank you so much!!.....(Ac先生)
2020/9/06    I enjoyed discussing with teacher. I hope I could see you again soon. Bye.....(Basil先生)
2020/9/05    Thanks for listening to me. I am glad I could talk with you. See you soon.....(Kayelene先生)
2020/9/05    Dear Cris, I really enjoyed your class ! You are always nice and friendly, so I can relax and talk any topics with you !....(Cris先生)
2020/9/03    Thank you so much.This lesson motivates me a lot....(Peach先生)
2020/9/02    Thank you for always kindly teaching me.....(Veron先生)
2020/9/01    You are always smile, so I can enjoy to studying with teacher! Thank you very much....(Ac先生)
2020/9/01    Thank you Hisa is happy to have your lesson again!....(Deng先生)
2020/9/01    いつも笑顔で、楽しく勉強することができます!.....(AC先生)
2020/8/31    Thank you so much for your great lesson!! I enjoyed talking with you☆......(Kat先生)
2020/8/31    Dear Mary, thanks million for your wonderful lesson. I really enjoyed talking and sharing many topics with you ! As you are so nice and friendly,...(Mary先生)
2020/8/29    Thank you very mcuh, Ms.Gin! Your lesson is always very fun!.....(Gin先生)
2020/8/29    I very enjoyed talking with you. I hope I could see you again soon. Bye!.......(Basil先生)
2020/8/28    Thank you for giving me a wonderful lesson....(Peach先生)
2020/8/27    I'm amazed at his improvement in just a couple of months! I can't thank you enough for keeping him motivated :).....(Ami先生)
2020/8/27    いつも工夫しながら丁寧に教えてくださってありがとうございます。....(Ami先生)
2020/8/26    Thanks for yor lesson. I hope I could discuss soon. Bye for now.....(Kayelene先生)
2020/8/25    Thank you so much. I could learn new words....(Ara先生)
2020/8/23    Thank you so much for your great lesson!! ..(Joy先生)
2020/8/23    Thank you so much, as usual. He looks proud of the milestone (new textbook)......(Ami先生)
2020/8/23    Thank you so much for your time. I really appreciate it. ...(Veron先生)
2020/8/22    Hello! I was satisficed to answer Teacher's question......(Basil先生)
2020/8/22    いつもわかりやすく教えて頂きありがとうございます。.....(Ara先生)
2020/8/21    Thanks for talking with me about many topics....(Mary先生)
2020/8/20    話題を自分からふってくださってとても喋りやすかったです。....(Jen先生)
2020/8/20    先生は優しく教えてくださいるので助かります。...(Blessy先生)
2020/8/20    Thanks for discussing about fruit and vegetable. I spent great time.....Ara先生

2020/8/19    she’s very energetic when she teaches me , with which i can do my best in the lesson....(Rina先生)
2020/8/19    very useful expression to be shared with her.....(Rina先生)
2020/8/19    英会話でのコミュニケーションスキル向上も目的のため、日常会話レベルで途切れる事無く楽しい会話が続き、レッスン時間を有効利用出来たと思います。ありがとうございました。...(Blessy先生)
2020/8/18    Thank you so much .I always have great time talking with you....(Daisy先生)
2020/8/18    聞き取りやすく、発音がきれいで、とても分かりやすかったです。....(Nica先生)
2020/8/17    Thank you for the lesson today. I think my speech has improved thanks to your advice from the previous class......(Basil先生)
2020/8/15    Dear Mary, thank you always for fun and wonderful lesson to me ! ....(Mary先生)
2020/8/15    very productive lesson. she always gave a lot of opportunity to make as many sentences as possible. ....(Rina先生)
2020/8/15    through the TOEIC lesson, i can make some sentences with Rina Sensei......(Rina先生)
2020/8/15    Thank you so much for your nice lesson!! See you again next time☆.....(Veron先生)
2020/8/14    Thank you for talkjng with me! I spent good time. See you soon.....(Mary先生)
2020/8/13    Ms.Reya's lesson is very good. She is kind, fun and patient teacher.....(Reya先生)
2020/8/13    we’re focusing the vocab and listening today. i needed to make summary and discussion about what i hear of , which was quite hard but very engaging lesson.....(Rina先生)
2020/8/13    we started with such an amazing conversation for the obon holiday in Japan. ...(Rina先生)
2020/8/12    Thank you for encouraging me many times. You are a very nice and enthusiastic teacher....(Basil先生)
2020/8/11    Thank you very much! Celina always enjoys your lesson. See you next time!!.....(Gin先生)
2020/8/10    Thank you so much, as always! His English is certainly improving....(Ami先生)
2020/8/08    Thank you very much !! I am very happy to I can speak English well and well ! ....(Miriam先生)
2020/8/08    今日は、はじめてabcyaのツールを使い、一緒にピザを作りました。英語を使ってのゲームなので、英語の勉強にもなるし、インターフェイスがよく出来ているので目が覚めて気分転換にもなりよかったです。Ami先生にはいつも楽しく飽きない授業を考えて工夫してくださり、本当にありがとうございます。...(Ami先生) 
2020/8/08    先生のお陰で、自分の英語力が凄く伸びて嬉しかったです!本当にありがとうございます。本当に凄く楽しく英語が学べて心から感謝しています。ミリアム先生のお陰で私はもっと人と英語で話したい、もっと学びたいという意志が強くなり、英語力も向上できてとても良い先生だと思います❣️...(Miriam先生)
2020/8/07    Thank you very much Ms. Gin!! Celina enjoy your class very much every time....(Gin先生)
2020/8/06    Thank you for talking with my son. Soto likes you very much. He really likes a lesson with you. ....(Ara先生)
2020/8/06    Dear Nice, I enjoyed your lesson a lot ! Thank you for sharing information about Filipino curry !.....(Nice先生)
2020/8/05    Thank you very much! Your class is always fun!! See you next time!!.........(Reya先生)
2020/8/05    Thank you for your great advice! It was very helpful to me.....(Jesie先生)
2020/8/04    Thank you so much for your great lesson!!.....(Emma先生)
2020/8/03    The most interesting and gentlest teacher in the world, my favorite teacher......(Gin先生)
2020/8/03    Thank you for the lesson today! Thank you for encouraging me and great advice.....(Jesie先生)
2020/8/01    to comprehend and use a lot of phrases is very important. i’m still doing my best to explain what i am thinking to you and learn if it’s correct....(Rina先生)
2020/8/01    Thank you so much for your great lesson ☆ I enjoyed talking about topics with you!!....(Veron先生)
2020/8/01    to comprehend and use a lot of phrases is very important. i’m still doing my best to explain what i am thinking to you and learn if it’s correct....(Rina先生)
2020/7/30    Thank you very much! Your lesson is always very good!! See you next time!! .............(Reya先生)
2020/7/29    thanks for a good explanation for ventosa....(Reya先生)
2020/7/29    her lesson is always attentive and i really like her way to teach , which is very comfortable......(Rina先生)
2020/7/29    very supportive and motivating lessons. i owe you a lot , Rina sensei ! today i can’t speak nor come across into my mind of what i am going to express. ...(Rina先生)
2020/7/28    Thank you for the lesson today! I learned a lot with fun.....(Basil先生)
2020/7/28    Thank you for the lesson. Thank you for waiting patiently for me to speak English and the advice....(Basil先生)
2020/7/27    Thank you very much! Celina enjoyed a lot. See you next time!....(Gin先生)
2020/7/26    Basil-sensei. Thank you for lesson today. You are a very nice and enthusiastic teacher.....(Basil先生)
2020/7/26    Thank you for your lesson! I was glad to talk about garden and etc......(Basil先生)
2020/7/26    I love having a Wonderful lesson with you!.....(Basil先生)
2020/7/26    Mr. Brad, Thank you for your lesson today. ....(Brad先生)
2020/7/26    時間を誤って設定してしまいましたが、丁寧に対応してもらいました。....(Nica先生)
2020/7/25    Thank you very much for playing icecream shop with Celina.....(Reya先生)
2020/7/25    I was satisfied with your lesson today. Because I could practice shout speech and debate. ....(Kat先生)
2020/7/25    very supportive and motivating lesson. i’m always impressed how she teaches english......(Rina先生)
2020/7/25    Thank you for listening about my sister and our garden. ....(Kayelene先生)
2020/7/24    Thank you very much! My daughter enjoyed a lot. See you next time!!...(Gin先生)
2020/7/24    Thank you for talking with me! I enjoyed talking with you. See you soon......(Mary先生)
2020/7/23    いつも楽しく丁寧に教えてくださって感謝しています。...(Ami先生)
2020/7/23    Thank you very much!! Celina enjoyed your lesson as usual....(Reya先生)
2020/7/23    We had a super fun class today as usual!! His English is certainly getting better. .....(Ami先生)
2020/7/22    Thank you !! I'm glad that you are the teacher of me !!....(Marj先生)
2020/7/22    Thank you very much always!! Celina enjoyed a lot. See you next time!!....(Reya先生)
2020/7/21    Thank you very much always! Your class is good......(Kat先生)
2020/7/20    Thank you so much. Your lesson alwys makes me happy....(Ara先生)
2020/7/20    Avi-teacher, Thank you for your lesson today. You are a very nice teacher, friendly, highly skilled, and very enthusiastic.....(Avi先生)
2020/7/20    この度はお世話になります。Avi先生の体験レッスンを受講しました。とても感じのよい先生で、スキルが高く、フレンドリーで、大変熱心に丁寧に教えてくださいました。とてもよかったです。引き続きお願いしたいと思いました。今後ともよろしくお願い致します.。......(Avi先生)
2020/7/19    Thank you so much!! I really enjoyed your lesson☆ Your teaching skills are so nice!!......(Veron先生)
2020/7/19    Thank you for talking today! I enjoyed talking about the words opposite mean and describe picture.....(Rina先生)
2020/7/19    とても分かりやすく授業をしてくれました。悩んでいても、こちらの回答を待ってくださり、ありがとうございます。優しい先生です。根気強く回答を待ってくださるなど、子供への対応に長けています。初めての英検授業でしたが、分かりやすく、教え方が非常に上手でした。...(Ara先生)
2020/7/19    非常に分かりやすく本人も初めてのトライアルでオンラインレッスンを受ける楽しさを分かった様でよかったです。....(Gin先生)
2020/7/18    Dear Daisy, thank you for having me in your lesson ! It was a fun and interesting lesson as usual! ...(Daisy先生)
2020/7/18    Thank you very much! I satisfied to talk oh about vegetables. See you soon....(Kayelene先生)
2020/7/18    Thank you so much!! Your class is always fun!! We really appreciate it......(Reya先生)
2020/7/17    Thank you so much. Your lesson always makes us happy.....(Veron先生)
2020/7/16    Thank you very much! Your lesson is always nice!! See you next time!!....(Reya先生)
2020/7/15    Thank you very much! Your lesson is always nice!! See you next time!!...(Kat先生)
2020/7/15    She is a good teacher. Thank you so much....(Joy先生)
2020/7/13    She is a very friendly and nice teacher. Her pronunciation, grammar, accent and sentence structure are accurate......(Kat先生)
2020/7/13    お互いのことを話しながら緊張をほぐしてくれ、リラックスしてレッスンの臨めました。.....(Eda先生)
2020/7/13    途中でも読み方や英単語の意味などを丁寧に教えていただき、助かりました。ありがとうございます。..(Spark先生)
2020/7/12    I could enjoy your lesson. I want to enjoy your lesson after few days.....(Kat先生)
2020/7/12    Dear Daisy, thank you for a great lesson ! It was a fun and interesting ! I wish I could speak as you did with constructing proper sentences!...(Daisy先生)
2020/7/11    Thank you for celebrating my birthday! I enjoyed your birthday celebration party.....(Mary先生)
2020/7/11    Thank you very much Ms. Kat!! Your lesson is very good. ....(Kat先生)
2020/7/10    止まってしまっても、丁寧に対応頂き、ありがとうございます。.... (Rich先生)
2020/7/10    Thank you so much. This lesson motivates me a lot....(Daisy先生)
2020/7/10    Thank you very much! Your lesson is always fun!! See you next time.....(Reya先生)
2020/7/09    Dear Mary, thank you for having me in your class ! It also became a wonderful Thursday with you :) I appreciated for your comment !...(Mary先生)
2020/7/08    Thank you so much for your kind lesson.....(Eda先生)
2020/7/08    Thank you! I was satisfied to talk about pizza and etc...(Mary先生)
2020/7/07    Thank you so much for your nice lesson!! You are good at teaching English with textbook☆ ....(Jen先生)
2020/7/06    Thank you so much for your great lesson!! I am glad to read your message☆.....(Gin先生)
2020/7/06    Dearest Cris, thank you for your great lesson today! Also I appreciated you for arranging schedule :) ....(Cris先生)
2020/7/06    Thank you so much for your time. I could learn new wards....(Veron先生)
2020/7/06    I'm sorry I couldn't write a word.I need to practice writing a lot.It was a very fun lesson.....(Avi先生)
2020/7/05    I was happy I took your lesson. So I will make reservation for your lesson.....(Kat先生)
2020/7/05    Dear Veron, thank you for fun and interesting discussion ! Also I appreciated for your comments that motivated me a lot :)...(Veron先生)
2020/7/05    Thank you very much! I enjoyed your lesson. We talked about my garden’s vegetables....(Basil先生)
2020/7/04    Thank you very much. She enjoyed your lesson. Have a nice day!...(Mary先生)
2020/7/04    Thank you so much for your very kind lesson. I could learn new words...(Peach先生)
2020/7/04    いつも授業後のコメントありがとうございます。また、チャットで難しいところはタイプしてくれたり、復習もできるので助かります。....(Jen先生)
2020/7/03    Thank you so much for your precious time. Have a great day....(Jen先生)
2020/7/02    先生はとても明るくて習っていても時間の経過を忘れるほどです❕....(Emma先生)
2020/7/02    英語が苦手な私の為に、ゆっくりご指導いただき感謝しています。.....(Nica先生)
2020/7/02    急な予約でしたが、ご対応ありがとうございました。また丁寧な説明でわかりやすかったです。...(Daisy先生)
2020/7/02    とても優しく指導して下さりありがとうございました。.....(Brad先生)
2020/7/02    Thank you so much for giving me a woderful lesson....(Daisy先生)
2020/7/01    Thank you very much Ms. Reya!! Your lesson is always good! See you next time!!.....(Reya先生)
2020/6/29    I really enjoyed talking with you☆ I am looking forward to seeing you again soon!!...(Reya先生)
2020/6/29    Dear Cris. Thanks to your support, I always have fun learning English ! I appreciate that you motivate me a lot :) ...(Cris先生)
2020/6/29    Dear Cris. Thanks to your support, I always have fun learning English ! I appreciate that you motivate me a lot :)....(Kat先生)
2020/6/29    初めてのトライアルで緊張していましたが、笑顔で対応頂き、安心して受講できました。聞き取りやすい声で、ゆっくりわかりやすく教えて頂き、ありがとうございました。間違えた箇所をしっかりとなおしていただき、とてもわかりやすかったです。....(Avi先生)
2020/6/28    Thank you for teaching! I could fun to leaning. I look forward to working with you...(Kat先生)
2020/6/28    Thank you so much for your nice lesson. I enjoyed talking with you☆ See you again!!.....(Kat先生)
2020/6/28    Thank you very much! Ms. Reya's lesson is very fun! My daughter enjoyed it.....(Reya先生)
2020/6/28    What a fun lesson we've had today! My son said after today's lesson that his Sunday doesn't start until he takes your class. ...(Ami先生)
2020/6/28    いつも丁寧に根気強く教えてくださって感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです!....(Ami先生)
2020/6/27    I enjoyed sharing ideas about girls group☆ Thank you for listening and asking it....(Emma先生)
2020/6/27    Thank you very much. You corrected my daughter's mistakes and It was very helpful for her....(Rina先生)
2020/6/26    Dear Daisy, thank you always for your fun & useful lesson ! I wish I could speak English like you ! ...(Daisy先生)
2020/6/25    Your lesson was very nice!! My daughter enjoyed it. ....(Mary先生)
2020/6/25    Thank you for your kindness. I enjoyed your lesson today too....(Kat先生)
2020/6/25    Thank you fo giving me a wonderful lesson....(Kat先生)
2020/6/24    I learned more about Might have, must have, may, have....(Jen先生)
2020/6/23    Thank you very much Ms. Ami!!! Your class is always fun!!!....(Ami先生)
2020/6/23    Thank you so much for your time. I really appreciate it.....(Kat先生)
2020/6/23    Thank you as always! I'm looking forward to seeing you next time:)....(Basil先生)
2020/6/22    Teacher Joy is an excellent teacher. She is polite, ardent, punctual, cheerful and patient. ...(Joy先生)
2020/6/22    Dear Mary, It was a fun and useful lesson for me ! I really like your delight taking way much, which makes me feel happy :) ..(Mary先生)
2020/6/21    Your teaching and communication skills are great!! ....(Veron先生)
2020/6/21    Thank you so much for your kind lesson. I really appreciate it....(Reya先生)
2020/6/20    Your passionate teaching style was very impressive....(Reya先生)
2020/6/20    I enjoyed sharing with you about my vegetables. ...(Basil先生)
2020/6/20    Your English is like natives. I must improve my English with you....(Brad先生)
2020/6/20    always motivating and coming along with me when you teach me......(Rina先生)
2020/6/20    always motivating and coming along with me when you teach me. ....(Rina先生)
2020/6/20    We had a great time. Hayato becomes quiet when he's not really sure how to reply, but you always encourage him very nicely...(Ami先生)
2020/6/20    Your lesson is very enjoyable....(Gin先生)
2020/6/20    Thank you very much Ms.Gin. You are great teacher!...(Gin先生)
2020/6/20    Thank you very much Ms.Gin. You are great teacher! ..(Gin先生)
2020/6/20    Thank you so much for your nice lesson and message. It was nice to see you again. ..(Emma先生)
2020/6/20    Thank you so much for your precious time. and very kind lesson.....(Juvy先生)
2020/6/20    Thank you so much for your nice lesson and message. ....(Emma先生)
2020/6/20    内容が難しくなると沈黙してしまうことがあるのですが、いつもあたたかく見守ってくださってとても感謝しています。....(Ami先生)
2020/6/20    添削指導ありがとうございます。もし余裕があれば、スピーチの全文を通してチャットボックスの方へ表示していただければ幸いです。.....(Mina先生)
2020/6/20    初めてのレッスンでスカイプの操作がわからなかったのですが、そういった対応もしっかりしてくださり大変親切な先生でした。ゆっくり丁寧に話してくださり、聞き取りやすく、要望通りに間違いもその都度訂正してくださいました。...(Nica先生)
2020/6/20    とても良い先生で、娘が大満足でした。...(Mina先生)
2020/6/19    Ms. Emma is very good teacher. She is kind and patient teacher....(Emma先生)
2020/6/18    My daughter took Ms. Ami's lesson. She is very bright, kind and nice teacher!! My daughter likes her very much.....(Ami先生)
2020/6/18    とても、可愛い優しい先生です!...(Ac先生)
2020/6/17    Thank you so much for your time. I learned a lot from you.... (Daisy先生)
2020/6/16    Thank you very much,teacher Emma. I had a good time. ...(Emma先生)
2020/6/16    Thanks for the great lesson today. My daughter had fun....(Mary先生)
2020/6/15    Hi, Ms. Juvy. You are very bright and fun!!! My daughter liked your class......(Juvy先生)
2020/6/15    Thank you for your fun lesson! I love talking with you:) .....(Ami先生)
2020/6/15    Thank you Cris. This was the good starting of this week with your lesson ! ...(Cris先生)
2020/6/15    とても明るく子供好きな先生で、娘も親しみやすかったようです。どうもありがとうございました。....(Juvy先生)
2020/6/14    Thank you very much! I enjoyed talking with you! ....(Rina先生)
2020/6/13    Thank you for your grate lesson. You were very kindness during Lesson...(Mina先生)
2020/6/13    I enjoyed talking about foods☆ See you next time!!...(Peach先生)
2020/6/12    Kat is a very good teacher and she is really sophisticated how to choose / use vocabularies....(Kat先生)
2020/6/12    Ema`s lesson is very easy understand....(Emma先生)
2020/6/12    Thank you teacher Eda! We could talk about your birthday. ...(Eda先生)
2020/6/11    エマ先生は、いつも親切、丁寧に教えてくれます。.....(Emma先生)
2020/6/11    Thank you for your wonderful lesson! You gives me energy always! I like both your English & personality! ....(Mina先生)
2020/6/11    Thank you , teacher Jen. I had a good time with you. It was easy for me to hear your English. ...(Jen先生)
2020/6/10    わたしの要望をしっかり聞き入れてくれて、なおかつ親切に丁寧に教えて頂きました。..(Kat先生)
2020/6/10    こども向けの先生といった感じで楽しくできました。...(Spark先生)
2020/6/10    先生はフレンドリーでとても楽しくレッスンをしてくださいました。友達にもおすすめしました。...(Ac先生)
2020/6/10    Her lesson`s are very polite and easy to understand!!!!....(Emma先生)
2020/6/10    Thank you so much for your kind lesson. Please take care....(Rich先生)
2020/6/09    we enjoyed a lot. thank you very much......(Miriam先生)
2020/6/09    Thank you ,teacher Emma! I had a good time. I enjoyed talking with you. ....(Emma先生)
2020/6/09    I love teacher Emma. She is awsome^^....(Emma先生)
2020/6/09    Thank you for the great coversation and kind lesson....(Jen先生)
2020/6/08    I had a good time! I could understand about your speaking. It is fun for me to understand each other.....(Eda先生)
2020/6/08    Her lesson is very easy to understand,and very kind...(Emma先生)
2020/6/08    Thank you for giving me a wonderful lesson. .....(Veron先生)
2020/6/08    久しぶりに、レッスンをしていただきました!とても楽しかったです!とてもフレンドリーな先生です!...(Nice先生)
2020/6/08    明るく優しく楽しくレッスンができました。今回は簡単な英会話で慣らすには最適でした。次回はK3(インター幼稚園の年長)レベルで指導いただけると嬉しいです.....(Nice先生)
2020/6/07    I'm amazed at how improved he's been! ....(Ami先生)
2020/6/07    Thank you for telling me the top priority of the speech in 30 minutes....(Rina先生)
2020/6/06    Ami's lessons are full of fun. We are big fans of her smile :) ....(Ami先生)
2020/6/06    Her lesson is very easy understand.and,very kind.....(Emma先生)
2020/6/06    Dear Mary, thank you for your great lesson ! I enjoyed talking and sharing many with you ! .....(Mary先生)
2020/6/05    Thank you for teaching my daughter. She really enjoyed. ....(Nice先生)
2020/6/05    Thank you Teacher Emma! I had a good time today,too. I was sorry that I could not express about TV dramas well. ...(Emma先生)
2020/6/05    Thank you for share with me about many things. I was tired that day, but Teacher talked me kindly. ...(Mary先生)
2020/6/05    Thank you for you wonderful lesson. Ireally appreciate it.....(Rich先生)
2020/6/05    スピード感があり、一回のレッスンでたくさん学べて飽きなかったようです。上手にレベルにあわせて、わかっていることはさっと、理解すべきところは立ち止まって教えてくださいました。..(Nice先生)
2020/6/04    チャットに重要な事、ワードなどを書いてくださるので、目で見て理解できるので覚えが早いです!....(Juvy先生)
2020/6/03    Thank you very much! I spent fun a half hour with talking with you! I enjoyed talking with you. ...(Mary先生)
2020/6/03    難しそうな単語もとても分かりやすく説明していただき、子供もやる気がでます!ありがとうございます!.....(Juvy先生)
2020/6/02    Thank you,Emma-sensei! We had a good time,today! We could talk about fruits and foods. I cold understand your talking well. ....(Emma先生)
2020/6/01    thank you for listening to my son...(Juvy先生)
2020/6/01    Thank you so much for your time.I am looking forward to seeing you again....(Peach先生)
2020/6/01    Thank you so much for your time.....(Peach先生)
2020/5/31    I was late for your lesson. But you ware kind during lesson....(MIna先生)
2020/5/30    Thank you very much! I enjoyed talking with you about my new school life made by colona.....(Basil先生)
2020/5/29    Thank you so much for your kind lesson. I am happy to take you lesson....(Jen先生)
2020/5/29    Thank you , teacher Eda! Today's lesson was very fun. We could talk about a favorit food.....(Eda先生)
2020/5/29    thank you for having a great time with me as always. ...(Lia先生)
2020/5/29    Dear Veron, thank you for your fun lesson and nice comment to me ! Our time flied very fast, I really enjoyed talking and sharing with you!....(Veron先生)
2020/5/28    Thank you,teacher Nica! I had a good time. We could talk about sweets......(Nica先生)
2020/5/28    you are such a great teacher. I always enjoy conversations with you. you are very knowledgeable and curious....(Lia先生)
2020/5/27    Dear Veron, thank you for your fun and great lesson ! Your friendly approach made me speak at ease. I also appreciated for your comment! ...(Veron先生)
2020/5/27    I always enjoy our lesson because we have so many commons...(Bianka先生)
2020/5/27    とても親切でかわいらしい先生でした。質問にも快く答えていただきました。...(Nica先生)
2020/5/26    Thank you,Teacher Eda! Today, we could talk about favorite movies. ...(Eda先生)
2020/5/26    Thank you for your kind lesson. I am happy to take you lesson...(Jen先生)
2020/5/24    Tank you so much . I am happy to take you lesson...(Peach先生)
2020/5/24    Thank you so much, as always! My son wanted me to change the background image to surprise you ;) ...(Ami先生)
2020/5/24    Thank you! I was excite to talk about my garden. Next time? ...(Kayelene先生)
2020/5/24    Dear Cris :) I had a good time with you, and it was a good start of the day for me ! I hope that I have more chance to join your lesson ! ...(Cris先生)
2020/5/24    Thank you so much for teaching him very politely.....(Miriam先生)
2020/5/24    Dear Cris :) I had a good time with you, and it was a good start of the day for me ! I hope that I have more chance to join your lesson ...(Cris先生)
2020/5/23    Thank you so much foryour kind lesson....(Daisy先生)
2020/5/23    Thank you for the lesson. My son was excited!...(AC先生)
2020/5/23    I was able to have fun learning English conversation thanks to you. ...(Mina先生)
2020/5/22    Thank you , Teacher Emma! Today, I had a good time. I could enjoy talking with you. .....(Emma先生)
2020/5/21    Dear Daisy. Thank you for your great lesson always ! There are some words that I was not sure cleary though, your explanation was clear and easy to understand. I look forward to ur next lesson......(Daisy先生)
2020/5/21    It was nice to see you☆ Your talking speed and tempo was good for me. Thank you!!....(Basil先生)
2020/5/20    Thank you for the lesson. He enjoyed chatting with you!...(Mina先生)
2020/5/19    Thank you ,Teacher Ema! We talked about many things today.....(Emma先生)
2020/5/19    とても先生が明るく楽しめました。...(Miriam先生)
2020/5/18    Thank you for your lesson. My daughter was enjoying your lesson....(Eda先生)
2020/5/18    It was nice to see you!! Since your lesson was energetic, I enjoyed talking with you.....(Mina先生)
2020/5/18    親切でわかりやすく丁寧に教えていただきました。...(Mina先生)
2020/5/17    Dear Daisy, Thank you for your wonderful lesson and comments after. I always enjoyed your lesson, and I really like the way you speak ....(Daisy先生)
2020/5/17    Thank you so much for your message!! It encourages me to learn English☆ .....(Cris先生)
2020/5/17    とてもわかり易く指導してくれて勉強になりました。またお願いします。...(Mina先生)
2020/5/17    とても楽しい授業でした!!ありがとうございました!またお願いします☆....(Mary先生)
2020/5/16    You are very diligent teacher, thank you!...(Gin先生)
2020/5/16    レッスン中ずっと笑顔で話してくださり、娘もとても楽しいレッスンだったと喜んでおりました。ぜひまたお願いしたい先生です。とても楽しいレッスンをありがとうございました!.....(Miriam先生)
2020/5/16    とてもわかり易く楽しいレッスンでした!ありがとうございました!!...(AC先生)
2020/5/15    Thank you for the lesson! My son was relaxed and enjoyed talking with you....(Ac先生)
2020/5/15    Thank you so much for your nice lesson and message!! I enjoyed talking in your class☆...(Emma先生)
2020/5/15    Thank you for talking with me kindly. You always kept a friendly smile and made a good atmosphere, so I always enjoyed practicing speaking English....(Nica先生)
2020/5/15    親子で楽しめました!ありがとうございました!...(Nica先生)
2020/5/14    Dear Cris. I was glad to join your class today, as it's past almost one month since last lesson !.....(Cris先生)
2020/5/14    フリートークで自分の話ばかりをしていましたがずっと笑顔で聞いてくれて嬉しかったです!....(Daisy先生)
2020/5/14    はじめてでしたが、とても丁寧でフレンドリーでした!分かりやすくて楽しかったです.....(Nica先生)
2020/5/14    とてもわかり易く楽しいレッスンをしてくださいありがとうございました。またお願いします。...(Nice先生)
2020/5/13    Thank you for the wonderful lesson. It was good for my son to know a new idiom......(Mina先生)
2020/5/12    明るくて、優しくて、感じが良くて、英語のスキルも高くて、素晴らしい先生です。いつもありがとうございます。....(Mina先生)
2020/5/11    Thank you so much for your kind lesson. I enjoyed talking with you....(Ara先生)
2020/5/11    とてもわかり易く楽しかったです。またお願いします。....(Ara先生)
2020/5/11    日本語も堪能で、私を丁寧にフォローしていただきました。明るく素直でとっても素敵な先生です。有難うございました。これからもよろしくお願いします。......(Mina先生)
2020/5/10    Great teacher! While talking, she always kept a friendly smile and made me feel comfortable....(Nica先生)
2020/5/10    今日は有難うございました。緊張していたけど、喋ってみたらとても話しやすくて楽しかったです。体験してよかったです!....(Blessy先生)
2020/5/09    Thank you for your nice lesson. Your corrections were very useful to me......(Nice先生)
2020/5/09    Thank you so much.I learned a lot from you....(Peach先生)
2020/5/09    今日はありがとうございました。 明日も予約させていただきました。よろしくお願いします。...(Rina先生)
2020/5/08    明るく楽しい先生で、またお話したい!と喜びます。レッスンもしっかり教えてくだいます。...(Cath先生)
2020/5/08    My daughter was so excited! Thank you very much for happy time.....(Cath先生)
2020/5/08    Thank you for the lesson. My son was really glad to see you again!..(Rich先生)
2020/5/08    Thank you Lia. I always enjoy your class with sharing ideas of many topics. ..(Lia先生)
2020/5/07    優しく丁寧な先生です。ひとりでレッスンを受けられるようになり、楽しそうな声がよくきこえてきます。....(Emma先生)
2020/5/06    Thank you so much for your time. You are very smart teacher....(Bianka先生)
2020/5/05    Thank you for the wonderful lesson. He was glad to see you again!.....(Madee先生)
2020/5/05    I can always enjoy talking with you. I had a good time today,too......(Emma先生)
2020/5/05    Thank you for your great lesson!! I always feel happy to have your lesson☆ See you again soon!!...(Fina先生)
2020/5/05    illustrating the situations is not easy but i can get through in her lesson to make these better ....(Rina先生)
2020/5/04    Thank you so much. I could understand correct English work.....(Mina先生)
2020/5/04    すごく受けやすかったです‼....(Eda先生)
2020/5/03    We were able to practice speaking in English by your lesson. ...(AC先生)
2020/5/03    Thank you very much. I could enjoy talking. We could talk about voicano and earthquake. ....(Eda先生)
2020/5/03    Thank you for correcting the content of my speech out of your busy schedule....(Rina先生)
2020/5/02    Thank you for the awesome lesson! ....(Miriam先生)
2020/5/02    Thank you for the awesome lesson! ....(Miriam先生)
2020/5/02    She is a friendly teacher. I had a fun lesson with her......(Ac先生)
2020/5/02    We really apreciate your lesson. My daughter, son and I like you and your lesson....(Emma先生)
2020/5/02    ミナ先生との初めての授業でした。代講の先生でしたが、あっという間に時間がたつほどお話が弾みました。... (Mina先生)
2020/5/02    たくさん話せるように話題をふったり質問をしてくださり、こどもが楽しくレッスンを受けています。親切な先生です。...(Emma先生)
2020/5/02    こちらの先生も素晴らしい先生です。御スクールには優秀な先生が多くて、頼もしいです。これからのレッスンが楽しみです。ありがとうございました(^^)....(AC先生)
2020/5/01    申し分ないレッスンでした。ありがとうございました。....(Mina先生)
2020/5/01    really enjoyed our lesson. You are an excellent teacher. You are very friendly and polite....(Mina先生)
2020/4/30    初めから私のレベルを瞬時にとらえて、私に合わせたスピードでやって頂き感謝です。間違えもすぐ直していただけました。....(Nica先生)
2020/4/30    Thank you so much for your lesson!! I had a great time in your lesson☆ See you again!!...(Jen先生)
2020/4/30    You are a great teacher! I appreciate you teaching my son....(Nica先生)
2020/4/30    Thank you for your time! I’ll practice the words that I learned today!......(Mary先生)
2020/4/30    Thank you for your time! I’ll practice the words that I learned today!....(Mary先生)
2020/4/30    at the last lesson we take over the sentence to revise for this lesson.....(Rina先生)
2020/4/30    thank you for having lesson to lift me up with learning a lot of words and phrases ....(Rina先生)
2020/4/30    My son likes your lesson!Thankyou....(Avi先生)
2020/4/29    Thank you so much for your fun lesson......(Ami先生)
2020/4/29    とても楽しいレッスンで、25分があっという間でした。...(Ami先生)
2020/4/29    初めてのレッスン。子供相手に分かりやすく明るくレッスンしていただけました。緊張していたようであんまりしゃべれなかったみたいです。次回はもっとしゃべりたいようです。ありがとうございます。....(Mary先生)
2020/4/28    はじめてのレッスンでしたが、子供が楽しめるような工夫をたくさんしてくれました。....(Nice先生)
2020/4/26    Thank you so much for your lesson and message!! .....(Emma先生)
2020/4/25    It was my first lesson in KEYEYE. It was very good time for me.....(Jen先生)
2020/4/25    Thank you so much☆ It’s been a while!! I was happy to book your lesson today....(Fina先生)
2020/4/25    読めない単語の発音を的確に教えて下さいます。明るくて楽しいです。.....(AC先生)
2020/4/24    Thanks a lot. We always looking forward to seeing you. ...(Emma先生)
2020/4/24    Thank you for your lesson and message. I will be carful to speak English according to your advices...(Nica先生)
2020/4/24    Thank you for your fun lesson!! I like to share mine diary with you because you always laugh or nod while I am talking!.....(Basil先生)
2020/4/24    明るく楽しくレッスンしていただけています。テキストをただなぞるだけでなく、お話を引き出して広げるよう促してくれて、有意義な時間を過ごしています。....(Emma先生)
2020/4/24    とても明るくて、英語だけでなく元気がでます!....(Mina先生)
2020/4/23    Thank you so much . I always have great time talking with you.....(Peach先生)
2020/4/22    Thank you so much. I am happy to take you lesson.......(Fina先生)
2020/4/21    Thank you so much for your help........(Rina先生)
2020/4/21    Thank you for your lesson. I hope I could see you again soon.......(Basil先生)
2020/4/20    Thank you so much!! I had a good time in your lesson☆ See you again!!.....(Ac先生)
2020/4/20    Thank you so much for your time. ....(Peach先生)
2020/4/20    とても親切で明るく安心感のある先生で、ありがとうございました。こちらで英語の勉強をしたいと強く思いました。説明もわかりやすく、楽しく受けられてやる気も湧きました。...(Jen先生)
2020/4/19    Thank you so much for your time. ....(Eda先生)
2020/4/19    I didn't know how to use 'tired' or 'tired'. I learned a lot.....(Nica先生)
2020/4/19    Thak you so much Teacher Nica. You're wonderful ! ......(Nica先生)
2020/4/19    Thank you for your advice!! I will try to improve my reading skill☆.....(Rich先生)
2020/4/19    とても素敵な先生です。またよろしくお願いします。.....(Nica先生)
2020/4/18    thank you so much for your lessons. making phrases makes me better learner.....(Rina先生)
2020/4/18    her lesson is always motivating me and supportive of solving each question which i found difficult to answer. ....(Rina先生)
2020/4/18    Thank you so much!! I had a nice time having your lesson today☆ See you again!!.......(Kayelene先生)
2020/4/18    Thank you very much for teaching me many things!......(Kayelene先生)
2020/4/17    Your lesson was good. Because I could talk to you for long time and practiced speaking in English......(Ac先生)
2020/4/17    Dear Cris. Thanks a lot for your great lessons ! Talking with you is one of my favarites and always look forward to it !.......(Cris先生)
2020/4/16    いつも一生懸命教えてくれます。とても可愛くて、熱意のある先生です。...(AC先生)
2020/4/16    娘の話をたくさんひきだしてくださり、ニコニコとたくさんお話できていました。ありがとうございました。....(Nica先生)
2020/4/15    the way she was encouraging me to listening compositions was very motivating me to catch up with the lesson......(Rina先生)
2020/4/15    it was a really enjoyable lesson tonight. listening to the audio, i got sometimes lost in the middle. ....(Rina先生)
2020/4/15    Thank you so much. He had a great time and learned a lots....(Miriam先生)
2020/4/15    Thank you for happy lesson. Rio really enjoyed!We are looking forward to seeing you again....(Jen先生)
2020/4/14    I could talk with you for long time. So I am happy with your lesson....(AC先生)
2020/4/14    Thank you so much for your lesson and advice☆ I will improve my English skill more.....(Rich先生)
2020/4/13    Thank you for your lesson. I enjoyed your lesson. .....(Kayelene先生)
2020/4/13    Thank you for being such a nice teacher. Please do not let Natsuki play a game at the end of the lesson. ...(Rich先生)
2020/4/13    初めてのレッスンありがとうございました。娘は楽しかったと言ってます。..(Jen先生)
2020/4/13    臨機応変に対応していただき、本当にありがたかったです。ありがとうございます!.....(Cath先生)
2020/4/12    Thank you so much for the great lesson this morning. so sorry about the sleepy face on skype. hahaha. ....(Rina先生)
2020/4/12    I’ve really appreciated morning lessons on Sunday. Practice makes perfect. ....(Rina先生)
2020/4/12    とても一生懸命にレッスンをしていただき、本当にありがたかったです。....(Ac先生)
2020/4/11    I was able to walking with you much and practice speaking in English as long as possible.......(Miriam先生)
2020/4/11    丁寧でわかりやすかったです!ありがとうございました!....(Brad先生)
2020/4/11    とても丁寧で、わかりやすかったです!...(Nica先生)
2020/4/11    楽しくレッスンできたようでした。ありがとうございました。..(Spark先生)
2020/4/10    Dear Cris, Thank you for your woderful lesson and comments! It was fun talk and I am glad to hear your voice :)....(Cris先生)
2020/4/09    明るく話しかけて娘の緊張をほぐしてくれてありがとうございました。...(Jen先生)
2020/4/08    私のレベルに合わせたスピードで配慮を感じました。今後、早いスピードに慣れるように努めます。....(Nica先生)
2020/4/07    Thank you doing fun lesson. You were kind and softness.......(Emma先生)
2020/4/07    とても親切に教えてくださりありがとうございました。...(Jen先生)
2020/4/06    Thank you for your enjoyable and helpful lesson!....(Rina先生)
2020/4/05    Thak you very much! I could enjoy talking with you. I can learn a lot of things from you.....(Emma先生)
2020/4/05    very engaging lesson tonight. i was always feeling her entertaining our lessons. practice makes perfect. ....(Rina先生)
2020/4/05    great lesson as always. errors get me stronger every time i take her lessons. ....(Rina先生)
2020/4/05    Thank you so much for your kind lesson. I was glad you understood my idea when I had difficulty to share it. ....(Daisy先生)
2020/4/04    Thank you for your nice lesson and message!! ....(Bianka先生)
2020/4/04    her class makes me feel that i am progressing at the moment. ...(Rina先生)
2020/4/04    such a brilliant lesson! her class drove me into the higher level very naturally. ....(Rina先生)
2020/4/04    Thank you for teaching me English very fun! I really enjoy larning English.....(Basil先生)
2020/4/03    Thank you so much for your precious time. I really appreciate it.....(Ac先生)
2020/4/03    初めて受けましたが、とても良かったです。.....(Mary先生)
2020/4/02    たのしく話すことが、できました。特に、自分が話す時間が多く取れたのが、良かった。スピーキングの練習に良いと思いました。....(Miriam先生)
2020/4/01    Thank you for your giving me a wonderful lesson.....(Veron先生)
2020/3/31    Thank you so much! I hope I could see you again soon.....(Kayelene先生)
2020/3/30    Nica,teacher was very kind and understandable.I was very fun...(Nica先生)
2020/3/30    Thank you Lia. It was a great time with you! I have a long time to stay at home though, I have enjoyed to join your class :)....Lia先生

2020/3/29    Thank you Cris. Coronavirus news everyday has made me feel so sad, but I got fine with your lesson this morning :) With just wishing the ealiest end of this virus...(Cris先生)
2020/3/28    I can not start my day without taking your class :)....(Bianka先生)
2020/3/28    Thank you for your lesson all the time. Ricky likes to pretend to fight with many toys with you....(Emma先生)
2020/3/28    小学1年生の息子とよく闘いごっこをしてるので、いつも大盛り上がりで楽しそうです。その中で自然に忘れかけていた英語も出るようになり、とても感謝しています。...(Emma先生)
2020/3/27    I was able to enjoy walking with teacher. especially It was good to get many my speaking time. ....(Miriam先生)
2020/3/26    Thank you Deng. I enjoyed talking with you ! I was glad to hear your voice ! ....(Deng先生)
2020/3/25    Thank you so much for your time. I really appreciate it.....(Miriam先生)
2020/3/25    Thank you Lia. I always enjoy talking with you sharing many topics. Nobody thought that our lives were threatened by this coronavirus ! ...(Lia先生)
2020/3/25    Thank you Lia. I always enjoy talking with you sharing many topics. Nobody thought that our lives were threatened by this coronavirus ! ...(Lia先生)
2020/3/25    Thank you Lia. I always enjoy talking with you sharing many topics. Nobody thought that our lives were threatened by this coronavirus ! ...(Lia先生
2020/3/25    Thank you for listning my talking! I enjoyed talking with you! ....(Kayelene先生)
2020/3/25    Thank you for listning my talking! I enjoyed talking with you! I want to talk you more. Have a nice day....(Kayelene先生)
2020/3/24    Thank you for your lesson today. ....(Nica先生)
2020/3/24    she is a very hardworking reliable teacher. ....(Bianka先生)
2020/3/22    Thank you for your lesson! I really enjoy taking yourlesson. You're patient enough to listen to my speaking. ....(Mina先生)
2020/3/21    Thank you for your nice lesson. I enjoyed to share ideas about a topic and differences between your country and Japan!! ...(Kayelene)
2020/3/20    文法も直してもらえて良かったです。日本の状況にも詳しくて、子供が言いやすいように促してくれて良かったです。......(Nice先生)
2020/3/20    子供が聞き取りずらいところは何度でも別の言い方に直してくれてよかったです。.....(Emma先生)
2020/3/18    Dear Cris, thank you for a great class ! Also I appreciated for your comments, which made me motivate more for learning English !.....(Cris)先生
2020/3/17    Dear Lia, thank you for giving a fun and useful lesson ! .....(Lia先生)
2020/3/16    Your lesson was very fun to my daughter.....(Nica先生)
2020/3/16    Thank you so much for your nice lesson and message. ....(Bianka先生)
2020/3/14    Hi,Teacher AC. I had very fun time today. Your voice is so attractive and easy to hear.....(Ac先生)
2020/3/14    I like your class! I really enjoyed a conversation with you......(Rina先生)
2020/3/14    I enjoyed talking with you! You're very nice teacher ♡.....(Ami先生)
2020/3/14    Thank you for your nice lesson and advice☆......(Rich先生)
2020/3/14    Thank you so much for the great conversation......(Peach先生)
2020/3/14    Thank you for tenching me about minila. I learned many things on this lesson.....(Kayelene先生)
2020/3/13    I was happy to talk with you. I could enjoy talking about plant and harvest.....(Nica先生)
2020/3/13    Thank you for the wonderful lesson everyday. very engaging and creative methods......(Rina先生)
2020/3/12    Thank you for the wonderful lesson every night. that 25 mins means to me a lot.....(Rina先生)
2020/3/11    she motivates me in speaking very naturally in a formal occasion such as at the office. ...(Rina先生)
2020/3/11    Thank you so much for your great lesson☆ I enjoyed talking with you about Tokyo and hometown. ...(Kayelene先生)
2020/3/10    Thank you very much. I had a good time to talk with you. We could talk about our hobby. We could know that we wanted to go to each other's country.....(Emma先生)
2020/3/10    she is very helpful for me to catch up with the conversation on the audio file. some parts are not hard for me but she’s trying to give me some hints....(Rina先生)
2020/3/10    Dear Lia, Thank you for providing a wonderful lesson ! I really enjoyed your lessons today as well. ...(Lia先生)
2020/3/09    I am grateful for your kind guidance.....(Fina先生)
2020/3/09    自分が言いたかった英語を綺麗に言い直してくださり、とても参考になりました。....(Rich先生)
2020/3/08    Always have a wonderful & amazing lesson! Such an astonishing way of teaching ! .....(Rina先生)
2020/3/08    Thank you very much!! I enjoyed talking with teacher! I always enjoying your lesson. ....(Kayelene先生)
2020/3/07    Thanks! It was long time not see! I'd spend fun half hour! I hope I will see you again soon......(Basil先生)
2020/3/05    Thank you very much for the wonderful lesson! I am attracted by your lesson! Also, I appreciate your adequate advance to my grammatical mistakes. ....(Mina先生)
2020/3/05    I could enjoy talking with you. It was easy for me to hear your English. I had a good time.....(Eda先生)
2020/3/05    Thank you so much. I am happy to take you lesson.....(Miriam先生)
2020/3/03    thank you so much for motivating me at the class. i really appreciate it......(Rina先生)
2020/3/03    very attentive class. i need to keep up with hanging on !....(Rina先生)
2020/3/03    thank you for your wonderful lesson.....(Peach先生)
2020/3/02    Thank you so much for your lesson. I think that I can improve my English skills with you.....(Nice先生)
2020/3/02    Thank you very much! I had a good time. I could enjoy talking about gardening. ....(Maica先生)
2020/3/02    We talked about many things! I enjoyed your lesson. See you again.....(Carol先生)
2020/3/02    もう何年も一緒に息子が学習しています。息子が興味ある話題を中心にお話していただいています。よく息子のことを理解していただいているので、とてもありがたいです。....(Deng先生)
2020/3/01    very intermediate level lesson ! i need to keep on learning english.....(Rina先生)
2020/3/01    it was a very motivating lesson today. i definitely felt the progress......(Rina先生)
2020/3/01    Dear Lia, I had a wonderful conversation with you ! It was a fun and relaxed time for me :) Thank you for correcting my sentences and took notes for me !....(Lia先生)
2020/2/29    Thank you very much! I learned a lot of things at your lesson!....(Carol先生)
2020/2/29    Thank you so much for kind lesson.I really appreciate it.....(Peach先生)
2020/2/28    Dear Cath Thank for your great lesson ! It was fun and I could learn useful English words :)....(Cath先生)
2020/2/28    英語キレイで聞き取りやすかったです。テンションも程よくてよかった。....(Blessy先生)
2020/2/27    I had a good time to talk with you. Today, I could talk about my job. It was difficult for me to explain.....(Nica先生)
2020/2/26    thank you so much for your time. I learned a lot from you.....(Peach先生)
2020/2/24    Thank you Lia. I could have a wonderful morning with you ! I really enjoyed talking and sharing various topics !.....(Lia先生)
2020/2/24    Thank you for teaching me right English! I coud understnd in our class. It is easy for me to understand your lesson. I want to take your lesson.....(Nica先生)
2020/2/21    Thank you for your lesson!! I enjoyed your lesson. Your lesson is fun and easy-to-understand. I hope I could see you again soon! See you soon....(Carol先生)
2020/2/19    Thank you so much .....(Veron先生)
2020/2/18    Thank you! I enjoyed talking with you. We could talk about hobbies each other.....(Nica先生)
2020/2/18    Thank you Daisy. Your lessons are always fun and useful ! ....(Daisy先生)
2020/2/18    可愛くて、とても、感じのいい先生でした!楽しく授業受けさせてもらいました!....(Nica先生)
2020/2/17    Thank you for your advice☆ I will be careful of articles and be verbs.....(Nica先生)
2020/2/17    Thank you so much for your kind lesson......(Carol先生)
2020/2/15    Lia, thank you for giving me great lesson ! It was fun talking about various topis! Thank you for sharing interesting information....(Lia先生)
2020/2/15    Thank you very much! I enjoyed talk with you. We talked about mine badminton tournament!....(Kayelene先生)
2020/2/14    Thank you Daisy. I really enjoyed talking with you, and could learn a lot of words and expression from you!.....(Daisy先生)
2020/2/13    Thank you for teaching me English! I could talk about many things today.....(Ella先生)
2020/2/13    Thank you Lia. I really enjoyed your lesson and learned a lot ! Thanks to your good explanation, I comprehented the article more! ....(Lia先生)
2020/2/12    楽しく、ほとんど緊張せずに学習できる雰囲気が好きです。...(Jesie先生)
2020/2/11    She is slways smiling and she has a great teaching skill.....(Juvy先生)
2020/2/09    Thank you for your lesson, Teacher Carol! .....(Carol先生)
2020/2/07    Thank you very much!! I enjoyed your lesson....(Carol先生)
2020/2/06    Thank you so much.I enjoyed talking with you.....(Cris先生)
2020/2/05    Thank you so much. I could learn new words floss....(Ara先生)
2020/2/04    Thank you so much. I had very fun time for your class. You are so nice.....(Emma先生)
2020/2/04    丁寧に正しい文章を教えてくださり、有益なレッスンでした。....(Rich先生)
2020/2/03    Thank you so much☆ I had a great lesson with you....(Fina先生)
2020/2/03    Thank you very much! It is fun for me to learn English with you. See you next lesson.....(Nice先生)
2020/2/02    Thank you very much! I enjoyed your lesson! ...(Ara先生)
2020/2/02    ゆっくり話してくださり、じっくり話を聞いていただけたので、楽しいFree chatになりました。....(Emma先生)
2020/2/01    Thank you Daisy. I could start my day with your wonderful lesson this morning! ....(Daisy先生)
2020/2/01    とても明るくて、話しやすかったので、リラックスしてレッスンを受けることができました。....(Daisy先生)
2020/1/31    Thank you very much. I had enjoyed talking with you......(Ella先生)
2020/1/31    Dear Cath, Thank u 4 wonderful lesson. I really2 enjoyed talking with u!Also thanks a lot for amazing comments!....(Cath先生)
2020/1/31    Dear Cris. Thank you for your fun and meaningful lesson! I could start my day well with you ! Also I appreciated for your good comments! ...(Cris先生)
2020/1/30    t’s been a long time since the last lesson where we had in 2018. thank you for the advice how i progress my english from now on and how to choose materials on my own....(Avi先生)
2020/1/30    Dear Cris. Thank you for your fun and meaningful lesson! I could start my day well with you ! Also I appreciated for your good comments! ....(Cris先生)
2020/1/30    このまま英検1級のレッスンを続けて良いか質問したり確認したりすることが出来ました。私の場合、自分の意見を論理的にまとめられない傾向にあるので、英語を通じて鍛えていければと考えています。Aviさんは良いアドバイスをくれました。ありがとうございました。(Avi先生)
2020/1/29    Thank you so much. this lesson motivates me a lot....(Veron先生)
2020/1/28    I always enjoy talking with you and I am happy to see your messages......(Fina先生)
2020/1/27    Thank you very much. It is fun for me to talk with you.....(Nice先生)
2020/1/27    Thank you so much for your message....(Rich先生)
2020/1/25    Thank you very much! I enjoyed your lesson......(Kayelene先生)
2020/1/24    Thank you so much for your precious time.....(Carol先生)
2020/1/23    Thank you very much for teaching me. ...(Nica先生)
2020/1/22    Thank you for your lesson. I am glad that I can share a lot of things with you☆....(Juvy先生)
2020/1/22    Thank you so much. I could learn new words....(Daisy先生)
2020/1/21    I was happy to talk with you. We could enjoy talking about K'pop music.....(Nice先生)
2020/1/21    Dear Cris. It was a fun and meaningful lesson ! Thank you for your comments and notes for corrections ! That notes are very useful, ....(Cris先生)
2020/1/21    You are so wonderful teacher. I love you. Your typing is fast and very easy to understand.....(Basil先生)
2020/1/20    We always have fun conversation together. She is open mind and very friendly, i am glad that she opens early morning class....(Bianka先生)
2020/1/19    Thank you so much☆ It was good practice to answer your questions....(Emma先生)
2020/1/19    Hi there. Thank you for lesson. l can make any sentences......(Juvy先生)
2020/1/18    Hi there. Thank you for lesson. and I enjoyed your lesson.....(Rie先生)
2020/1/18    Thank you very much!! I enjoyed your lesson....(Kayelene先生)
2020/1/17    I had learn a lot of things this lesson. Thank you so much....(Daisy先生)
2020/1/17    Thank you very much for your wonderful class today. I had a very nice time.Your typing is so good....(Madee先生)
2020/1/16    Thank you for your essage☆ It helps to increase my motivation.....(Fina先生)
2020/1/16    Thank you so much for your time....(Ara先生)
2020/1/14    I had a very good time in your class. Thank you very much. I'm sorry for my poor English. I was helped by what taught.....(Juvy先生)
2020/1/14    Thank you ,Teacher Carol. I could talk about news ,family ,and sports. I had a good time with you. I could see a picture of your children.....(Carol先生)
2020/1/14    Thank you for sending me a detailed lecture note I can review....(Mary先生)
2020/1/13    Thank you so much.I had very fun time. Your personality is very bright....(Eda先生)
2020/1/12    Thank you very much :) I enjoyed your lesson! Your lesson is kind and easy-to-understand.....(Carol先生)
2020/1/11    Hello! Thank you for your easy-to-understand lesson!....(Kayelene先生)
2020/1/10    Nice teacher I'm really sorry today my computer was broken. Your class was very fun. Your smile is wonderful...(Nice先生)
2020/1/10    Good evening!! Thank you for your lesson!!....(Carol先生)
2020/1/09    Thank you Cris. Your class always gives me a lot of enegy and motivation. Gee...lack of my vocaburary.....(Cris先生)
2020/1/08    Thank you for a good class.I have a fun time.....(Mimi先生)
2020/1/08    Thank you for a very fun class today. The topic of the weather was very interesting and I think it is also useful for English conversation....(Rich先生)
2020/1/03    Thank you Veron. I really enjoyed your class and learned a lot ! As following your advice, I will start to keep a jornal to improve my English!....(Veron 先生)
2020/1/03    Thank you so much for your help.....(Daisy先生)
2020/1/02    Thank you so much for your advice. I learned a lot.....(Rich先生)
2020/1/02    Thank you very much for your class. I was very fun.....(Madee先生)
2019/12/30    Today's lesson was fun, too. You are not only a great teacher but also a wonderful mother. I studied about hair trouble along with a text and discussed. It was profitable. ....(Gail先生)
2019/12/28    I enjoyed vey much talking with you about dishes, cooking, for Chrismas and New Year and clothing. ...(Kayelene先生)
2019/12/27    A fantastic instructor in Keyeye....(Hazel先生)
2019/12/27    I studied Job Interview and discussed our experience about the job interview. ....(Gail先生)
2019/12/27    Thank you very much!! I enjoyed your lesson. Your lesson is easy to understand.....(Carol先生)
2019/12/26    Dear Lia, thank you for your fun and useful lesson ! .....(Lia先生)
2019/12/26    Thank you very much for your lesson.....(Kayelene先生)
2019/12/26    A very good instructor here in Keyeye!....(Nica先生)
2019/12/23    Thank you Teacher Rich! I enjoyed talking with you. I could talk about my hobby and hear about your family.....(Rich先生)
2019/12/23    I'm so happy to see you today. Thank you for your heartwarming lesson so much.....(Marj先生)
2019/12/23    Dear Cath, thank U for giving me Ur wonderful lesson, in addition, a long comment ! I am glad to read them! ...(Cath先生)
2019/12/22    Thank you for your heartful lesson. I enjoyed it (*^-^*)....(Juvy先生)
2019/12/22    I studied 'Haircut' and discussed about hair problems for us. ....(Gail先生)
2019/12/20    it was such a nice lesson to get to learn a lot of difficult words again.....(Miriam先生)
2019/12/19    Your lesson improves my English skills so much....(Nica先生)
2019/12/19    It' was a very helpful and meaningful lesson for me. Thanks a lot (^^)v....(Nica先生)
2019/12/19    it's really motivating lesson.i sometimes messed up with new words and the words i have already known.....(Miriam先生)
2019/12/19    Every time I appreciate your kind lesson!! I had a great time talking with you! See you again☆.....(Fina先生)
2019/12/19    A very friendly and fun teacher.....(Bianka先生)
2019/12/19    Thank you teacher Cath, my son always enjoys and learns a lot from your lesson!....(Cath先生)
2019/12/18    Teacher Bianka is great listener. i enjoy having conversation with her....(Bianka先生)
2019/12/17    Thank you for your outstanding lesson so much! I learned a lot from you.....(Nica先生)
2019/12/17    excellent teacher. great teaching skill....(Avi先生)
2019/12/16    Dear, teacher Marj, thank you for your wonderful and amazing lesson for me today. I am very happy....(Marj先生)
2019/12/16    Your lesson always makes us happy.....(Marj先生)
2019/12/16    it was such a great lesson that i could learn a lot of words and phrases. not knowing what the meaning was, you gave me several hints.....(Jesie先生)
2019/12/15    Teacher's lesson is always very fun.I feel that I am able to speak English because teacher Rich teach me the correct sentences....(Rich先生)
2019/12/15    Thank you for your heartwarming lesson as always! Your class makes me smile (^^)....(Heart先生)
2019/12/15    You are very exellent teacher! Your lesson always teach me many things and encourages me to learn English more (^^)v.....(Nica先生)
2019/12/14    It's very nice to take your class today. Hope to see you again!.....(Mary先生)
2019/12/14    Sorry for being late today. Talking with you is really fun. See you next lesson......(Kayelene先生)
2019/12/13    Thank you so much for your time. You are very kind teacher!....(Fina先生)
2019/12/12    I could enjoy talking with you. Today, I knew about your family. See you next time!....(Rie先生)
2019/12/12    Dear Lia, I really had a great time with you ! Thank you for sharing your story, your family tie is so heartful and I am so impressed with it ! ....(Lia先生)
2019/12/12    Thank you for your kind and easy-understanding lesson every time! ....(Kayelene先生)
2019/12/12    Thank you for your such a wonderful lesson! ...(Marj先生)
2019/12/11    Your lesson is very amazing.....(Nica先生)
2019/12/10    teacher Avi is undoubtedly one of the best teachers in Keyeye. .....(Avi先生)
2019/12/10    she talks with a good rhythm. also with her being smart, ....(Fina先生)
2019/12/10    I had a good time to talk with you. We could talk about Christmas,New year Holidays and tenparature.....(Nice先生)
2019/12/09    I enjoyed talking with you and I felt time passed quickly.....(Fina先生)
2019/12/09    thank you for having a wonderful and practical lesson. you were waiting for me to pronounce words correctly while i was trying.....(Ara先生)
2019/12/08    I love you. I am happy to take your lesson.....(Daisy先生)
2019/12/07    I love you. I am happy to take your lesson. I love your lesson.....(Gail先生)
2019/12/07    We discussed about resolutions of next year aside from text contents. I got energy from you....(Gail先生)
2019/12/07    I learned a lot from you! Thank you so much!...(Nica先生)
2019/12/07    Thank you for your kind lesson. I enjoyed it (^^)v....(Madee先生)
2019/12/07    Rich先生はいつも私の話をよく聞いて答えてくれるし、それにからめて先生の話をすることで表現などを更に理解できるのでレッスン後も英語を話せた達成感を味わう事ができます。お気に入りの先生としていつも楽しくレッスンをさせてもらっています。ありがとうございます!!....(Rich先生)
2019/12/06    Your lesson is really amazing. Thank you for your fantastic lesson!....(Nica先生)
2019/12/06    Welcome back to key-eye I like your lesson and Clear English.....(Nica先生)
2019/12/06    I had a good time. I could enjoy speaking English with Teacher Karl.....(Karl先生)
2019/12/05    自分のペースに合わせて先生が耳を傾けてくれ話してくれるのでとても心地よくレッスンが進んでいきました。先生になら色々話すことにチャレンジしてみようという気持ちになりました。ありがとうございました!...(Carol先生)
2019/12/05    the free conversation is a lot of fun to know about the culture in philippines. next time i’ll get back to learn einen lesson again...(Ara先生)
2019/12/05    so pleasure to get to know about the country where you’re living in......(Ara先生)
2019/12/04    Dear, teacher Ara, thank you for your wonderful and amazing lesson for me today. ...(Ara先生)
2019/12/04    日本のことを本当によく知っていらっしゃるので安心感が抜群でした。またとにかく先生は明るく笑顔が素敵でレッスン中は英語を使っていることを忘れるくらい楽しくレッスンを受けることができました!ありがとうございました!!...(Rie先生)
2019/12/03    Your class is always fun and meaningful for me! Thank you Cris,....(Cris先生)
2019/12/03    丁寧に説明をしていただけて分かりやすい。文章を作っている間も辛抱強く待ってくれるのはありがたい。その後、チャットボックスに発話内容を残してくださるのもありがたいです。...(Ara先生)
2019/12/02    such a fantastic lesson . I've just logged in skype before the lesson but this computer didn't work then kept you waited for a few minutes , so sorry ! ...(Ara先生)
2019/12/02    thank you so much for having a wonderful lesson in the early morning ,....(Ara先生)
2019/12/02    とてもわかりやすい先生でした。ゆっくりとこちらの発言を待ってくれるので、文章を作るときも安心です。文法訂正も適切で何度も受講したい先生です。...(Ara先生)
2019/12/02    とても分かりやすい先生です。以前、登録していた時にいた先生が見つからず、こちらの先生で受講しましたが、教え方がていねいなので、安心してレッスンが受講できました。..(Ara先生)
2019/11/30    My son likes a lesson with you very much. Her pronunciation really good.....(Ara先生)
2019/11/30    Thank you very much!! I enjoyed your lesson!! We spent fun time with fun disccusion....(Carol先生)
2019/11/29    I had a good time to talk with you. Today,we could talk about countories.....(Maica先生)
2019/11/29    Your classes are always enjoylable ones! You always make feel so excited and interested in many things!...(Cath先生)
2019/11/29    I'll not forget you forever. ....(Marj先生)
2019/11/29    Your classes are always enjoylable ones!....(Cath先生)
2019/11/28    Teacher Rina is an amazing teacher. I like her lesson very much....(Rina先生)
2019/11/28    Thank you for your fantastic lesson! I learned a lot from you!...(Ara先生)
2019/11/28    The lessons of Miriam-sensei are really good. Thanks to you I enjoy learning English......(Miriam先生)
2019/11/27    Thank you for having a fun time. You provided nice topics to me.....(Fina先生)
2019/11/27    Your lesson is always very kind and fun. Thank you so much!....(Ara先生)
2019/11/26    Thank you for giving me a wonderful lesson ! It was fun and useful! Whever you summerized my thought, I find to know how to compose the setences and what words I shoud have used!....(Daisy先生)
2019/11/26    Thank you so much for your class and message!! I will practice English following your advice.....(Rich先生)
2019/11/26    I enjoyed talking with you. We could talk about hobbies each other.....(Avi先生)
2019/11/25    Thank you for having a fun conversation! You are a good talking partner for me.....(Gail先生)
2019/11/25    Dear, Teacher Heart, thank you for your very kind and helpful lesson as always....(Heart先生)
2019/11/25    Dear, teacher Maica, thank you for your wonderful snd amazing lesson for me today. I am very happy.....(Maica先生)
2019/11/24    Thank you so much for your wonderful lessons! Thanks to you I can stay motivated to learn English.....(Miriam先生)
2019/11/23    Thank you for your very kind lesson as always.....(Madee先生)
2019/11/22    Thank you for your amazing lesson as always! Your class is always very interesting......(Mary先生)
2019/11/21    Thank you Teaccher Maica! I am giad that I can learn some words.....(Maica先生)
2019/11/20    She really enjoyed your lesson and learned a lot from you. Hope to see you again soon......(Mary先生)
2019/11/19    You are very kind teacher! I really appreciate it.....(Fina先生)
2019/11/19    Thank you for your very kind and child-friendly lesson as always.....(Mary先生)
2019/11/19    Thank you for your kind lesson. Every time I have good time and enjoying conversations with you.....(Brad先生)
2019/11/18    Thank you for your such a kind and heartful lesson as always.....(Marj先生)
2019/11/17    Thank you very much!! I enjoyed your lesson. See you soon....(Kayelene先生)
2019/11/16    Thank you for the lesson!! It was a long time not see. I was glad to see you!....(Carol先生)
2019/11/15    Thank you very much!! I enjoyed your lesson!! I had learn a lot of things from this lesson!....(Ara先生)
2019/11/14    Thank you for your soch a wonderful lesson as always. We really rely on your teaching.....(Marj先生)
2019/11/13    Rich先生のレッスンはいつ受けても安心して落ち着いた気持ちで25分過ごせるので楽しくて大好きなレッスンです!いつも英語の文も残してくださるのでしっかり復習もでき身に着いた感覚も大きいです。ありがとうございました!...(Rich先生)
2019/11/13    I am very happy teacher Ara. Because your lesson was very wonderful!....(Ara先生)
2019/11/12    先生の落ち着いたレッスンの進め方のおかげで安心してレッスンをすすめることができました!わからないことがあればすぐに画像を見せて解決してくれるなど対応してくださるので疑問を残さないままレッスンを終えられました!ありがとうございました。...(Daisy先生)
2019/11/12    Thank you for your lesson and message. I enjoyed talking with you and sharing ideas about topic.....(Fina先生)
2019/11/12    Thank you very much for teaching kindly...(Kayelene先生)
2019/11/11    Your lesson is always perfect and attractive! I hope to see you again soon!....(Marj先生)
2019/11/10    Thank you for proofreading and sharing about the foods in your country....(Spark先生)
2019/11/10    Dear, teacher Maica, thank you so much for your very interesting lesson for me today!!!!!!!!!!!!.....(Maica先生)
2019/11/09    I was a lot of fun . Thank you for teaching patiently !...(Judy先生)
2019/11/09    Thank you very much to this lesson!! I enjoyed your lesson!....(Kayelene先生)
2019/11/08    子供の好きな話題をしてくれたり、飽きないようにしてくれ、楽しいレッスンでした。...(Cath先生)
2019/11/07    Dear, teacher Marj, thank you for your interesting and kindness lesson for me today....(Marj先生)
2019/11/06    I had a good time to talk with you....(Maica先生)
2019/11/06    子供がアニメが好きなので、日本のアニメの話をしてくれたりフレンドリーな先生です。....(Fina先生)
2019/11/06    上級レベルの授業内容で、大変満足しています。...(Brad先生)
2019/11/06    Thank you for your wonderful lesson!! ....(Mary先生)
2019/11/06    Thank you so much .You are very kind teacher!...(Rich先生)
2019/11/05    Thank you for your wonderful lesson.....(Yuki先生)
2019/11/05    優しい先生で子供もリラックスしてレッスンを受けています。....(Fina先生)
2019/11/04    Thank you so much. I think your pronunciation is very good.....(Mary先生)
2019/11/04    You are the very excellent teacher, Daisy. ...(Daisy先生)
2019/11/04    Thank you so much for your great lesson...(Miriam先生)
2019/11/04    Thank you very much!! I enjoyed your lesson. Your lesson is useful and easy to understand!....(Kayelene先生)
2019/11/04    You are really excellent teacher! Thank you for your fantastic lesson!! ...(Marj先生)
2019/11/03    Thank you for today, too. I could learn extra things aside from English.....(Kayelene先生)
2019/11/03    辻さま、色々ご配慮ありがとうございました。楽しかったみたいで、レッスン続けられそうです。....(Rie先生)
2019/11/02    Thank you for the joyful lesson. I am happy to hear how you celebrate the birthday and enjoy some events.....(Mary先生)
2019/11/02    Thank you Daisy for your fun and meaningful lesson ! That would be the good chance to think about the origin of human. ...(Daisy先生)
2019/11/02    Thank you Lia. I enjoyed your lesson and it was a very useful foe me! I could learn many things from you ! I am happy that I could know how nice you are a good mom ! ...(Lia先生)
2019/10/31    とても落ち着いていて、聞きやすかったし、集中しやすい声のトーンだったので、分かりやすかったです。またお願いしたいと思います。ありがとうございました。...(Kayelene先生)
2019/10/31    Dear Deng, thank you for your wonderful lesson and a lot of comments! Yes, we have a plenty of topics to talk :) ...(Deng先生)
2019/10/31    Thank you so much for your time. You are nice teacher!....(Ara先生)
2019/10/30    Dear Cris. Thank you for your wonderful lesson and nice comments. I sometimes feel difficulty to express my thoughts precisely.....(Cris先生)
2019/10/30    Dear Cris. Thank you for your wonderful lesson and nice comments. I sometimes feel difficulty to express my thoughts precisely. But you always support me to find proper words and pharases! Thank U...(Cris先生)
2019/10/29    Thanks to your support, I can manage to answer questions!!....(Gail先生)
2019/10/29    I was a little bit nervous but you supported me a lot. So, at the end, I really enjoyed your lesson.....(Ami先生)
2019/10/29    Thank you so much for the fun lesson. ....(Ami先生)
2019/10/29    初めてのオンラインレッスンで緊張していたのですが、とても楽しく、また学びのあるレッスンでした。....(Ami先生)
2019/10/29    テンションの高い先生でいつも楽しく盛り上げてくれます。時間がたつのが早すぎるくらい楽しいです。....(Rie先生)
2019/10/28    you are one of the best teachers in Keyeye.....(Avi先生)
2019/10/28    Dear teacher Marj I love you! thank you for your wonderful and amazing lesson for me today. ....(Marj先生)
2019/10/28    とても楽しい授業で あっという間の時間でした。またお願いします。...(Rie先生)
2019/10/27    Thank you for making the lessons so fun....(Kayelene先生)
2019/10/27    Dear, teacher Ami, thank you for your child-friendly lesson!...(Ami先生)
2019/10/26    We discussed about dried fruits and talked about ones we have eaten. I learned a lot of new words today....(Kayelene先生)
2019/10/26    Thank you for your lesson. My son had a wonderful time yesterday. ...(Kayelene先生)
2019/10/25    Your lesson is very interesting! and very fun!....(Jesie先生)
2019/10/25    Thank you for your outstanding and attractive lesson as always.....(Daisy先生)
2019/10/24    スポーツについて楽しく会話できました。だいたいは 聞き取れ回数を重ねるほど理解度があがってきてるようです。....(Maica先生)
2019/10/24    It was nice seeing you!! Thank you for sharing some photos of my place.....(Spark先生)
2019/10/24    Dear Cath :) Thanks for your fun class and nice comments! I also enjoyed talking to you with a lot of topics.....(Cath先生)
2019/10/23    she is friendly.she doesnt put on airs.so you can talk to her casually.....(Gail先生)
2019/10/23    とても優しい雰囲気で、リラックスして受講できました。またお願いします!....(Jesie先生)
2019/10/23    非常に丁寧に教えていただけており、感謝しています。....(Brad先生)
2019/10/22    Thank you for teaching. Today's study material was quite long and included many words I don't know. ....(Mary先生)
2019/10/22    Thank you for your continued support for me at all times.....(Peach先生)
2019/10/22    Dear, Teacher Marj, your lesson always makes me happy......(Marj先生)
2019/10/22    Dear, teacher Marj thank you for your wonderful and amazing lesson for me today....(Marj先生)
2019/10/21    I had a good time with you. Today I could talk about sports. It was difficult for me to talk about my ideas,but I could enjoy talking.....(Peach先生)
2019/10/21    Dear, teacher Marj thank you for your very intersting lesson for me today.....(Marj先生)
2019/10/20    Thank you so much for many exciting questions that make me learn English more. ....(Mary先生)
2019/10/20    Thank you very much. I enjoy your class everytime.....(Nice先生)
2019/10/20    毎回とても楽しいレッスンをして下さいます。息子は終わった後いつも最初の第一声は楽しかったです。今後ともよろしくお願いします....(Rina先生)
2019/10/19    Thank you for the class. It was clear and easy to understand......(Maica先生)
2019/10/18    I had a good time with Teacher Rie. It was very fun for me to talk with you! ....(Rie先生)
2019/10/17    Dear, teacher Marj I am so happy to take your lesson....(Marj先生)
2019/10/16    Thank you for your lesson and your kind advices to me afterward. There were a lot of things to talk about.....(Spark先生)
2019/10/16    とても聞き取りやすい英語で、何より息子が授業が終わった第一声が楽しかったでした。今後も続けたいと思います。ありがとうございました。....(Rina先生)
2019/10/15    It was a great class!....(Brad先生)
2019/10/15    Thank you Teacher Maica! I had good time with you....(Maica先生)
2019/10/15    元気があってとても楽しかったです。わからないところも丁寧に教えてくれてありがとうございました!....(Nice先生)
2019/10/14    Thank you for your messages!! I enjoyed talking with you....(Fina先生)
2019/10/14    Thank you so much for your great lesson.....(Maica先生)
2019/10/13    Thank you for your kindness. The image −picture of prepositions would be very help full for me.....(Kayelene先生)
2019/10/13    Dear, teacher Heart I am so happy to take your lesson today. ....(Heart先生)
2019/10/12    Thank you so much for your lesson and message....(Fina先生)
2019/10/12    I studied 'Headscarf'. Thank you for sharing your friend and family's experiences in the Middle East. ....(Spark先生)
2019/10/12    Thank you! I enjoyed communication. I was a little nervous,but I tried.....(Blessy先生)
2019/10/11    楽しくて優しい先生で最初のフリートークからずっと話していたい気持ちになりました!フリートーク、レッスン共にですが私の話す事にしっかり耳を傾けてくださりきちんと訂正しリピートしてくれるので正しく英語が身につく感覚です!先生と一緒に楽しく正しく英語を勉強していきたいという気持ちです!!ありがとうございました!!....(Miriam先生)
2019/10/11    フリートークで楽しく会話できました。丁寧に話していただき わかりやすかったです。....(Peach先生)
2019/10/11    SMLEのレッスンを初めて受講しました。通常テキストに比べて緊張しましたが、Jessie先生とのフリートークでいっぱい笑って緊張もすぐにほぐれました。SMLEのシステムはタイピングしたりリピートしたりする事で自然とフレーズが頭に入り口からでてくるのですごい!と思いました。またJessie先生がわかりやすく楽しく教えてくれるのでずっと英語を話していたい気持ちになりました!ありがとうございました!....(Jesie先生)
2019/10/10    内気な性格で、声も小さく、発音など自信がないとモゴモゴと話していましたが、先生からシャイにならずにと、口を大きく開けて、しっかり発音練習や、チャントのやりとりを何度も丁寧にやってもらえたおかげで、声も少し大きくなり楽しくレッスンする事ができました!...(Veron先生)
2019/10/10    Thank you for your kind attitudes toward me. You're really patient while I was speaking,even though I had some difficulties with speaking English....(Spark先生)
2019/10/09    Your words, facial expressions and gestures are pleasant to listen to English.....(Ami先生)
2019/10/08    Thank you so much for the fun lesson.I am really having a great time with you!....(Mark先生)
2019/10/08    Thank you so much for showing me some kinds of pictures that let me know more information about the Philippines.....(Ami先生)
2019/10/08    Thank you for your continued support for me at all times.....(Peach先生)
2019/10/08    先生とのレッスンは最初の自己紹介から始まりましたが、自分の話をよく聞いてくれ応えを引き出してくれたのでとても楽しかったです!!質問がないかもこまめにチェックしてくれるのでわからないまま進むことがありません。教えてもらった事を復習して頑張ろうと思えるレッスンでした!ありがとうございました!!(Nice先生)
2019/10/08    画像をだしてくれたり タイピングでわからない単語を表示してくれて親切でした。ゆっくり話してくれて聞き取りやすかったです。...(Ara先生)
2019/10/07    Thank you so much for your great lesson.....(Mark先生)
2019/10/06    I didn't realize the time. Thank you for spending your break time and teaching me....(Kayelene先生)
2019/10/06    I had a lovely time to talk with you!.....(Ara先生)
2019/10/06    Your questions inspired to learn English more....(Mary先生)
2019/10/06    Thank you very much for the lesson, appreciate your patience. ...(Nice先生)
2019/10/05    All the unfamiliar words in the text were cleared. Thank you for teaching.....(Fina先生)
2019/10/05    Thank you for your continued support for me at all times.....(Veron先生)
2019/10/04    I had fun time with teacher Rich!....(Rich先生)
2019/10/04    Maica先生のレッスンはとても丁寧でテキスト以外の例も出しながら示してくれるのでとてもわかりやすかったです。発音のレッスンだったのですが、上手にできない時でも先生ができるようになるまであきらめずに繰り返してくれたのでレッスン後も感覚として残っており、少し発音に自信がつきました。先生の英語はとてもきれいなので、先生にようになれるように頑張ろうと思います。ありがとうございました!...(Maica先生)
2019/10/04    明るい先生で とても楽しい時間でした。あっとゆうまの30分でした。....(Rie先生)
2019/10/03    Dear Cath, Thank you for your wonderful comments! I'm very impressed! I'm happy to meet such a bright, friendly and talent teacher as you !....(Cath先生)
2019/10/02    We can share passion and dedication for education. I'm so inspired by what l learn from you.....(Ami先生)
2019/10/02    とても聞き取りやすい英語でした。フリートークでお互い自己紹介しあい楽しい時間でした。....(Peach先生)
2019/10/02    明るく元気な先生のレッスンはスキルだけでなくモチベーションも上げてくれるのでとても楽しくレッスンを受けることができました。上手く表現できない時も「OK!OK!」とフォローしてくださったり上手くできた時には「Good!」と一緒に笑顔で喜んでくださいます。先生の温かい人柄が伝わるレッスンで、またすぐに先生のレッスンを受けたくなるプラス先生に会いたくなります!...(Ami先生)
2019/10/01    Dear Daisy, Thank you for your nice comments for me! You always lead me to talk English propery, I could positively join your class! ...(Daisy先生)
2019/9/30    Dear, teacher Maica, thank you for your wonderful and kindness lesson for me today.....(Maica先生)
2019/9/30    Thank you teacher Ami. ....(Ami先生)
2019/9/30    Thank you teacher Ami. I want to learn more with you! I think it is very fun!...(Ami先生)
2019/9/30    とても聞き取りやすい英語かつ分かりやすい説明でした。....(Bianka先生)
2019/9/30    分かりやすい単語を使ってくれ理解できました。タイピングもしてくれ より分かりやすかったです。....(Bianka先生)
2019/9/29    Today's lesson was very meaningful for me.....(Mark先生)
2019/9/27    Thank you for the lesson.The priority of the order for using adjectives was difficult and confusing for me. ...(Annie先生)
2019/9/27    話すスピードもちょうどよく丁寧で聞き取りやすかったです。わからに単語もタイピングしてくれて親切でした。....(Ella先生)
2019/9/27    先生の英語はわかりやすく、スピードの確認をしてくださったり、うまくいかない時も笑顔で確認しながら進めてくれるので安心して最後までレッスンすることができました。初レッスンで緊張しましたが、楽しくレッスンできました!....(Rich先生)
2019/9/27    初めての英語オンライン授業だったのですが理解できなかった点や聞き取れなかった点に対して画面で記載してくれたり,随時質問はあるかどうか確認してくれたので理解しながら取り組むことができました。また,よく笑ってくれる先生だったので楽しみながら授業ができました!....(Rich先生)
2019/9/26    色々の細かい質問もしましたがとても丁寧に説明してもらいました。...(Gail先生)
2019/9/26    丁寧な指導で聞き取りやすい きれいな英語でした。....(Maica先生)
2019/9/24    I am happy because I can talk with teacher Ami in my first lesson......(Ami先生)
2019/9/24    I'll try to learn more vocabularies. Thank you for teaching me new words. ...(Rich先生)
2019/9/23    Thank you for the lesson every time....(Mark先生)
2019/9/22    Your way of reading books was interesting. I was impressed with your reading the same book many times....(Zelle先生)
2019/9/22    Thank you for today. I learned how to pronounce 'Napoleon III'.....(Mary先生)
2019/9/22    Thank you for teaching me useful sentences during our lesson....(Mark先生)
2019/9/21    Thank you for your cooperation, I could study about the contents of the textbook.....(Cris先生)
2019/9/21    I studied 'Quality time in the midst of family members' hectic schedule'. ...(Kayelene先生)
2019/9/21    Thank you for the awesome lesson!...(Mark先生)
2019/9/20    Thank you for your lesson! It's really clear your pronunciation to understand.....(Ella先生)
2019/9/20    Thank you so much for the time today! ...(Ami先生)
2019/9/20    You always teach me English brightly and politely.....(Annie先生)
2019/9/20    音声もクリアで良かったです。....(Ella先生)
2019/9/19    Teacher Daisy, l enjoyed the dialog in an electronic retail store with you. ...(Daisy先生)
2019/9/19    Mark is always good at making his students productive......(Mark先生)
2019/9/18    Thank you so much and I had so fun.You always cheer me up!.....(Mark先生)
2019/9/17    Thank you Cris. It was a fun and interesting class ! That was also a good time to think about the future ! Yes, I will watch the movie 'Armagedon' and would like to talk about it with you next time
2019/9/17    レッスンコメントに感動しました。初めての単語でも、とても印象に残る説明をして下さり、その場で覚えられました。ありがとうございます。....(Ami先生)
2019/9/16    I had a great discussion over the text book. Thank you for teaching some words and correction my sentences......(Lia先生)
2019/9/16    Thank you for the lesson !! I always enjoy conversation with you!.....(Cath先生)
2019/9/15    I had a good time taking your lesson today!....(Mark先生)
2019/9/15    Thank you for your lesson. I could learn a lot from you....(Charlotte先生)
2019/9/15    our lesson is always so attractive!.....(Marj先生)
2019/9/15    Your lesson is very helpful. Thank you so much!.....(Marj先生)
2019/9/14    Your lesson is very interesting. I enjoye your class.....(Fina先生)
2019/9/13    Thank you for your lesson and message. I will continue to seek new challenges!! See you again☆.....(Rich先生)
2019/9/13    Thanks to her help and paticence, we could talk about a difficult topic.....(Peach先生)
2019/9/12    I was very pleased and satisfied to have Brad's lesson today. His teaching is so kind and skilled !!...(Brad先生)
2019/9/11    Thank you so much. I had a great time. I am sorry. I have kept you waiting a lot. Next time,I don’t want to make you wait. ...(Rachel先生)
2019/9/10    You are very nice at the teaching English. Your speaking is very easy to understand . I am very happy to receive your lecture....(Ella先生)
2019/9/10    Thank you for fun & meaningful lesson and wonderful comments! That motivates me a lot on learning English! I always learn much from you !....(Cris先生)
2019/9/09    Thank you for your lesson. I learned a lot from you. You have great skills to teach students. Looking forward to having your lesson soon!...(Mary先生)
2019/9/09    Thank you Daisy. It was a useful and fun lesson as usual! Thanks to your good and detailed explanation.....(Daisy先生)
2019/9/09    You are very good at teaching English. I had a lot of fun studying. ....(Rich先生)
2019/9/09    レッスンの進行状況、会話の盛り上げ方の両方に気を使いながら、満足いくレッスン提供してくれる。不要な箇所は、とばしてくれる。発音、語彙力ともに 素晴らしい。....(Mary先生)
2019/9/08    Thank you for your lesson. I appreciate to your adequate advice.....(Charlotte先生)
2019/9/07    Teacher Rich is AWSOME! Not only she's friendly and patient, but she's also capable of customizing the lesson in accordance with the student's needs and level.....(Rich先生)
2019/9/07    Thank you so much for the lesson. Time passed so fast when I'm having fun.I'll check the website!.....(Mark先生)
2019/9/07    I appreciate you helped me with my sentences.....(Mark先生)
2019/9/06    Thank you for your great comments! That motivated me a lot to learn English more!.......(Daisy先生)
2019/9/06    Thank you very much!! I enjoyed your lesson. I learned a lot of things too! See you again!.....(Ara先生)
2019/9/05    Thank you for a nice class. Your class is helpful to practice speaking English....(Maica先生)
2019/9/05    Thank you so much Ami.Our conversation was fun and I had a wonderful time with you!.....(Ami先生)
2019/9/05    Thank you very much!! I enjoyed your lesson very much!! See you soon!......(Kayelene先生)
2019/9/05    Thank you so much for your wonderful lesson. It's been really helpful, thank you! I'll practice a lot!......(Mark先生)
2019/9/04    Thank you for your great lesson!! I ll keep your message and try to learn more. See you next time!!....(Mary先生)
2019/9/03    Thank you so much for teaching me with enthusiasm. Learning English is so much fun,.....(Mark先生)
2019/9/03    Thank you for your great lesson. See you soon.....(Avi先生)
2019/9/03    Thank you very much. I trust you are my best english teacher.....(Nice先生)
2019/9/03    It's nice to talk with you again. Thank you for your interesting lesson.....(Mary先生)
2019/9/03    Thank you very much. I trust you are my best english teacher.....(Nice先生)
2019/9/02    Best teacher! Thank you!....(Jesie先生)
2019/9/01    Thank you very much for the lesson! It was fun....(Shiny先生)
2019/9/01    Thank you Alex. It was a fun talking with you ! I was happy to share ideas about many topics !.....(Alex先生)
2019/8/31    I'm happy to have talked with you about how to raise a daughter....(Karl先生)
2019/8/31    講師の方たちは レッスンで忙しいにも関わらず、ありきたりの言葉でなく、リアルなコメントをレッスン後に下さるので、嬉しいです。以前は ECCウェブレッスンを数年やってましたが、キーアイさんに変えてから 毎日のレッスンを楽しく受講してます。....(Karl先生)
2019/8/30    Thank you for your kind lesson! I really enjoyed your class....(Daisy先生)
2019/8/30    It was very fun. Thank you for your great lesson....(Ami先生)
2019/8/29    Thank you for having a fun class. Your class is very helpful to improve my speaking skill.....(Heart先生)
2019/8/29    T'hank you very much for everything you taught me in your lesson! ...(Ella先生)
2019/8/29    Thank you for a fun-filled lesson. I truly appreciate your willingness to help me improve my English.....(Mark先生)
2019/8/29    とても、素敵な先生でした。.....(Ella先生)
2019/8/28    Your lesson after 2 weeks was lots of fun and time passed so fast. ...(Mark先生)
2019/8/27    Thank you for your very interestign lesson! I hope to see you again soon!...(Maica先生)
2019/8/27    smart, she's a Wonder Woman...(Julie先生)
2019/8/27    Her classes are every time marvelous....(Julie先生)
2019/8/26    Thank you for your enjoyable class. You made good atmosphere to talk comfortably for me....(Heart先生)
2019/8/25    Thank you for the enjoyable lesson. I have a long bout of cold but I will not depend on taking medecine anymore.....(Mary先生)
2019/8/24    Thank you for your helpful comments so much....(Zelle先生)
2019/8/22    Thank you for an enjoyable class today. We talked a lot about a parenting.....(Rie先生)
2019/8/21    Dear, teacher Maica, thank you for your hlpful, lesson for me today, too....(Maica先生)
2019/8/21    Thank you for teaching me so kindly. I really enjoyed your great lesson....(Mark先生)
2019/8/21    Thank you so much. I had so fun!! see you soon.....(Mark先生)
2019/8/20    Thank you for your enjoyable class....(Julie先生)
2019/8/20    Thank you for your attractive lesson as always!....(Zelle先生)
2019/8/20    とても良いレッスンをしてくださいました。またぜひ受けたいと思います。....(Peach先生)
2019/8/19    Mark-san is a good teacher.....(Mark先生)
2019/8/19    Thank yu for your very helpful class as always.....(Zelle先生)
2019/8/18    It was the first lesson, but I had a nice time talking with you....(Maica先生)
2019/8/17    Thank you Cris. Your lessons are always fun and bringing me many things to learn! ....(Cris先生)
2019/8/17    Thank you so much for your wonderful lesson.....(Mark先生)
2019/8/16    Thank you very much. I keep motivate to keep up English.....(Nice先生)
2019/8/15    話しやすい先生です!1日に何回も受けても飽きないです!...(Julie先生)
2019/8/14    Thank you for your fruitful lesson.See you soon!...(Mark先生)
2019/8/13    Thank you for your nice lesson. Your cheerfulness makes me happy☆ See you again!!...(Mary先生)
2019/8/12    Thank you for your fun lesson. I could talk with you comfortably....(Rie先生)
2019/8/12    Your lesson always encourages us to learn English more. Thank you o much!...(Annie先生)
2019/8/11    Nice to talking with you. We talked about various topics from one after another...(Kayelene先生)
2019/8/10    Nice talking with you and thank you for teaching. ...(Spark先生)
2019/8/10    I was able to spend a very productive time,thank to you....(Mark先生)
2019/8/09    Your lesson is always very helpful for me. Thank you so much!....(Annie先生)
2019/8/09    Thank you so much.I could get deep understanding about the sentences you taught me.See you soon!....(Mark先生)
2019/8/07    She’s a very nice teacher! Always gives me a lot of useful expressions which are not written in the textbook.....(Dulce先生)
2019/8/06    Thank you so much.Your lessons are always helpful and I have fun to conversation with you.....(Mark先生)
2019/8/05    Thank you for your so outstanding lesson as always....(Zelle先生)
2019/8/04    Nice to meet you. I studied 'Scientist Claimed Obesity Could Be Contagious' today and discussed what the scientists claimed about....(Spark先生)
2019/8/04    Your lesson is so helpful for me. Thank you so much.....(Maica先生)
2019/8/04    Thank you very much to talking with me. ...(Carol先生)
2019/8/04    Your lesson is so helpful for me. Thank you so much.....(Maica先生)
2019/8/04    Thank you very much to talking with me. I spent really fun minutes! See you soon! Bye....(Carol先生)
2019/8/03    Dear Daisy Thank you for giving me an excellent lesson ! I enjoed talking with you to share some ideas about health care ! I appreciated for your kind care for my body. (Daisy先生)
2019/8/03    Dearest Cris. Thank you for great comment for me! You always motivate me a lot to keep studying English with much of fun ! ....(Cris先生)
2019/8/03    Your lessons are always interesting and I enjoy them. ...(Mark先生)
2019/8/02    Thank you for having a nice conversation. I’m very happy to share the topic about our pets!...(Bianka先生)
2019/8/01    Thank you so much for today.I had fun and I like your way of teaching!....(Mark先生)
2019/7/31    Thank you so much for teaching lots of corrections.I had fun!....(Ami先生)
2019/7/31    初めてのクラスということでちょっと緊張しているようでしたが、とても話しやすい雰囲気を作ってくれて会話が弾んで良かったです。声のトーンやスピードも聞き取りやすかったです。...(Bianka先生)
2019/7/29    Thank you Cris. It was a wonderful time for me ! Your classes are always fun and interesting, which motivates me to learn English more and more!....(Cris先生)
2019/7/29    Thank you so much!Your smile encourage me....(Ami先生)
2019/7/28    Your lesson is always very fruitful for me. Thank you so much!....(Zelle先生)
2019/7/28    I like your lesson.I had so fun!! Thank you so much.....(Mark先生)
2019/7/27    We discussed about the text 'Jogging Alone Is Not Healthy' Both of us disagreed the researchers. Thank you, I enjoyed very much....(Kayelene先生)
2019/7/27    とても感じの良い先生です。ただ話すスピードがとてもゆっくりなので、初心者向きに感じました。....(Spark先生)
2019/7/26    It's very nice to take your class again today. Thank you for your helpful advices as always!....(Zelle先生)
2019/7/26    Thank you very much for the class!Our conversation was a lot of fun.See you soon!....(Mary先生)
2019/7/25    The comment after the lesson was very good. Very useful....(Julie先生)
2019/7/25    I am happy when talking with you. Your attitude of listening attentively to your student is always impressive....(Veron先生)
2019/7/24    Thank you Sunset. It was a useful and fun lesson for me !....(Sunset先生)
2019/7/24    Today's lesson was really beneficial for me. I enjoyed them, thanks to you....(Mark先生)
2019/7/22    Thank you Cris. It was a pleasant time with your class ! The topic was a little disgusting, but sharing ideas with you was so fun and interesting ....(Cris先生)
2019/7/21    Today we talk about many things! About Free chat and Basic English... You told me some mistakes. I learned of many things. And I enjoyed your lesson....(Kayelene先生)
2019/7/21    楽しく会話できる気遣いがあり、会話が弾みます! key eyeのオリジナルカリキュラムと、先生の豊富さと、好きな時間に学べるシステムが気に入ってます。...(Rachel先生)
2019/7/20    she memorizes all conversion that we previously had and asks questions based on those...(Dulce先生)
2019/7/20    We talked about alternative medicine and shared our knowledge each other. I had a great time! Thank you!....(Kayelene先生)
2019/7/20    Thank you so much for the fun lesson also today. I was able to learn about the difference in usage in one word.....(Mark先生)
2019/7/19    It was please to talk with you ms Carol! I know my grammar went so crappy at times, thank you for being patient with me...(Carol先生)
2019/7/19    I had fun and I felt time passes so fast also today! I have to learn English more, but I feel that my English speaking skills are gradually getting better, ...(Mark先生)
2019/7/18    Thank you for the wonderful lesson.How time flies!...(Mark先生)
2019/7/17    Thank you for your enjoyable class. I am happy with having conversation a lot....(Nice先生)
2019/7/17    Thank you for being so diligent throughout the lesson. I really enjoyed it.....(Mark先生)
2019/7/17    Thank you so much and the lesson after more than one week was a lot of fun!See you soon.....(Mark先生)
2019/7/16    Thank you for your fantastic class as always! I like your lesson.....(Zelle先生)
2019/7/15    Thank you for your so splendid lesson! I like Teacher Marj!....(Marj先生)
2019/7/15    Thank you for your helpful correction to my sentence.....(Zelle先生)
2019/7/14    You're the kind and nice teacher, thank you!.....(Brad先生)
2019/7/14    Thank you for sharing the Filipino food culture. Your stories are really interesting for me....(Kayelene先生)
2019/7/13    I enjoyed talking with you!! I’m looking forward to seeing you again☆......(Mary先生)
2019/7/13    I enjoyed your class and learned many things from your lesson. Thank you!.....(Cath先生)
2019/7/13    Thank you for your very helpful lesson as always!....(Zelle先生)
2019/7/13    Nice meeting you. You are friendly and provided an enjoyable lesson.....(Mary先生)
2019/7/13    Thank you for sharing me to game of pool and etc. It was fun lesson....(Ara先生)
2019/7/12    Your lesson is always splendid! Thank you so much!....(Zelle先生)
2019/7/12    Thank you for your great class! I have always good time with you and I like your smile......(Veron先生)
2019/7/11    Thank you for your outstanding class as always!....(Annie先生)
2019/7/11    I was having fun with you! Thank you! I'll see you soon. Bye for now.....(Mary先生)
2019/7/10    Thank you so much for your lesson! I really enjoyed it.....(Julie先生)
2019/7/10    I’m really happy with having a nice conversation! Thank you!....(Mary先生)
2019/7/10    I said the lesson was dense. this 'dense' might have caused misunderstanding.....(Veron先生)
2019/7/10    声がクリアでとても聞き取りやすく、楽しく会話出来ました。....(Mary先生)
2019/7/09    Thank you for the great lesson. It was really fun and we enjoyed it very much.....(Ami先生)
2019/7/09    I've learnt so many new things, thank you. I'll practice more....(Mark先生)
2019/7/08    以前は帰国子女と言うことを言いたくないといった様子でしたが、今では学校の英語授業も積極的に参加できているようです。 これも、...(Marj先生)
2019/7/08    明るくて話しやすい先生でした。ありがとうございました。...(Madee先生)
2019/7/07    Thank you for giving some choices for correction of my slips so that I could learn multiple expressions.....(Stef先生)
2019/7/07    Thank you for your comment! It'll help me a lot! I hope we'll have your lesson soon :)...(Daisy先生)
2019/7/07    Our discussion were really fun.Thank you so much....(Mark先生)
2019/7/07    Your lessons are always interesting and I enjoy them. Thanks a lot for correcting my English....(Mark先生)
2019/7/07    Your lessons are always interesting and I enjoy them. Thanks a lot for correcting my English....(Mark先生)
2019/7/06    Your class is always amazing!...(Cris先生)
2019/7/06    We talked about various topics, weather to museum. Thank you for enjoyable lesson always. ...(Kayelene先生)
2019/7/06    Thank you for the fantastic lesson also today.I enjoed and I hope to see you soon!...(Mark先生)
2019/7/04    I had a good time with you! I wanted to take your classes since you came to Keyeye as a teacher, but I couldn't do it....(Marvee先生)
2019/7/03    Thank you for your great lesson. Your class encourages me to study English more.....(Zelle先生)
2019/7/02    Thank you for your fun lesson. I'm already a huge fan of you!....(Mary先生)
2019/7/02    Thank you so much for correcting lots of my sentences.....(Mark先生)
2019/7/02    Thank you so much for correcting lots of my sentences.....(Mark先生)
2019/7/02    前からMarvee先生のclassを取りたかったのですが、時間が合わず、なかなか取れませんでした。今日やっと受講することができ、やはり私と合う感じがして嬉しくなりました。また時間が合えば是非Marvee先生のclassを取りたいです。...(Marvee先生)
2019/6/29    Thank you for the class! I couldn't take your classes as I was busy with my job, but wonderful time came back! ....(Mark先生)
2019/6/27    Thank you for being so attentive to detail during my lesson! I really enjoyed your lesson.....(Mark先生)
2019/6/27    I am sorry that I was busy during the lesson also today. The lesson was fun and I appreciate that you taught me carefully.....(Mark先生)
2019/6/26    Thank you Sunset. Your fun and valuable lessons help me maintain the discipline by learning English ! I always feel happy when I have your lesson ....(Sunset先生)
2019/6/26    The lessons are always fun! I am glad that I was able to take your lesson and I appreciate your kindness!....(Mark先生)
2019/6/26    I feel very comfortable and motivated with your lesson! Thank you very much!....(Jesie先生)
2019/6/25    Thank you Sunset. I really enjoyed discussing the topic and sharing ideas about crypto-currency ! Thanks to you,....(Sunset先生)
2019/6/25    Thank you for such an informative lesson. I'll reviewe today's lesson repeatedly.....(Mark先生)
2019/6/24    We are happy to have you a teacher! Thank you for offering fun classes to my daughter.....(Ara先生)
2019/6/24    Dearest Cris ! Thank you always for your fun and great lesson ! I haven't known about zero-carbon power a lot, thanks to your support I could understand the article !....(Cris先生)
2019/6/24    Dear, teacher Marj, thank you for your wonderful and amazing lesson for me today, too. I understend, all the meen's werds. I'm so happy.....(Marj先生)
2019/6/24    いつも、どうやったら息子が興味を持って授業に取り組めるか考えて下さいます。 こちらからの要望にも応えて下さり、感謝しています。....(Marj先生)
2019/6/23    she talks in a good tempo....(Veron先生)
2019/6/22    she answered to my trivial question very kindly and eagerly.....(Annie先生)
2019/6/22    It was fun and I am always satisfied with your lesson!....(Mark先生)
2019/6/20    子どものテンポに合わせて、すぐに答えを出すのではなく、しっかり考えさせて教えてくださるのがとても良かったです。写真も見せながら、興味付けしてくださり、小1の娘も楽しんでいました。...(Carol先生)
2019/6/19    Thank you Sunset! It was a fun and valuable lesson, you led me understand the article more. So I could think about the topic deeply....(Sunset先生)
2019/6/18    Thank you for your patience and I had fun!Excuse me for my voice......(Mark先生)
2019/6/17    Thank you for your perfect lesson. My son really enjoyed your class......(Mary先生)
2019/6/15    Thank you for prooreading and tips for improving listening skill. Also I enjoyed talking about various topics with you as usual....(Kayelene先生)
2019/6/14    久しぶりのレッスンでしたが安心して受けることができました。英語がきれいな先生だと思います.....(Marj先生)
2019/6/13    Thank you for your easy-to-understand lesson. I'm looking forward for the next lesson!....(Mark先生)
2019/6/13    I really enjoyed your lesson. I appreciate that you explained things to me in a way that makes them easier to understand.....(Mark先生)
2019/6/13    I think your teaching style is very good. I hope I will take your lesson more!!....(Olive先生)
2019/6/12    I love your lessons! It's always very fun!....(Olive先生)
2019/6/10    You are so cheerful, I enjoyed your lesson. Thank you so much....(Mary先生)
2019/6/10    Thank you so much for the fun lesson! I am glad that I am able to know new words and new phrases.....(Mark先生)
2019/6/07    とにかく丁寧です!うやむやに流したりせずに、きちんと習得できるまで何度もやってもらえるので助かります。....(Avi先生)
2019/6/06    Thank you for teaching me carefully and your pronunciation is easy to follow....(Mark先生)
2019/6/05    It's been a month since my last lesson. Thank you for responding to the sudden request.....(Mark先生)
2019/6/02    Thank you for today. Even simple sentences can not be remembered yet, but I can do my best because teachers teach me carefully and repeatedly....(Miriam先生)
2019/6/02    I studied 'UN Warns, Fake Meds on the Rise' and talked about counterfeit products to harbal medicine with you. You know a lot in all aspects. ...(Kayelene先生)
2019/6/01    You taught me the right meaning of the word 'epidemic'. I had memorized it in a wrong way....(Carol先生)
2019/6/01    Thank you Veron. Thanks to you, I could really understand the article. I wish I could mention my opinion cleary with correct words....(Veron先生)
2019/5/31    Dear, teacher Marvee, thank you for your wonderful and amazing lesson for me today, too! I'm so happy....(Marvee先生)
2019/5/31    Thank you for your lesson!! Your lesson is fun! ....(Ara先生)
2019/5/31    Thank you so much and it was fun! I appreciate your kindness.....(Mark先生)
2019/5/30    The lessons are always fun and thank you so much for understanding what I wanted to say....(Mark先生)
2019/5/30    やさしい雰囲気の先生で、緊張せずに話せました。...(Rachel先生)
2019/5/27    im dont know so much about english, so im not so sure but, when talking with him,i feel like im talking with an american....(Ge先生)
2019/5/26    I studied 'Heavier Toys to Fight Obesity' We exchanged our opinion each other....(Kayelene先生)
2019/5/26    Hi! Thank you for your useful lesson every time! Every time I think so. I recommend Kayelene teacher at all. See you next time....(Kayelene先生)
2019/5/25    Thank you for your useful lesson! I was sorry for my voice was cut. I enjoyed your lesson! I hope I will see you again soon....(Carol先生)
2019/5/25    It's very nice to see you today. I'm happy to learn English from you today. Hope to see you again soon.....(Paula先生)
2019/5/25    Dear Dee Arigato! It was great to talk again with you ! I enjoyed your lesson a lot! I hope to see you soon ! ...(Dee先生)
2019/5/23    I always feel like speaking English more in his lessons. That allows me to feel my English might become better. That's why I enjoy the teacher's lessons very much. Thanks. I suppose that giving comments everytime is kind of troublesome...(Mark先生)
2019/5/23    Thinking of what to say in English is still difficult for me, but you patiently wait while I think so I really appreciate your kindness....(Mark先生)
2019/5/22    i think she is so eager to teach and so polite.....(Annie先生)
2019/5/22    Dear Cris. Thank you very much for great lesson for me ! I enjoyed and leaned a lot ! Also, I appreciated for taking notes ! .....(Cris先生)
2019/5/22    It was fun lesson! Thank you for correcting lots of my sentences also today......(Mark先生)
2019/5/22    いつも絵を見せて頂いたり、文章を入力してもらうのに時間を要していたのですが、それはスカイプだから仕方のない事なのかと思っていました。が、オリーブ先生は全てがスムーズで教え方も分かり易く、先生によってこんなにも無駄だと感じる空白の時間が少ないのだなぁと初めて思いました。...(Olive先生)
2019/5/21    Thank you Sunset. I really enjoyed your class and leaned a lot of words and phrases ....(Sunset先生)
2019/5/19    Thank you so much for your understandable lesson.....(Miriam先生)
2019/5/18    Thank you for today's class I always appreciate your comment....(Mark先生)
2019/5/17    Dear, teacher Deng, thank you for your wonderful and amazing lesson for me today, too. I'm so happy. I don't quit your lesson.....(Deng先生)
2019/5/16    Dear, teacher Marj, thank you for your wonderful and amazing lesson for me today, too. I'm so happy. I don't quit your lesson....(Marj先生)
2019/5/15    It was really nice talking with you a lot!Thank you so much correcting long my journal.....(Mark先生)
2019/5/13    Thank you so much as usual.The lesson was fun and I appreciate your enthusiasm.....(Mark先生)
2019/5/13    Although we had a problem with an internet connection, we had a good conversation....(Aping先生)
2019/5/12    She speaks fluent English. She taught me with spell out and correct my mistake! Thank you! .....(Sunset先生)
2019/5/12    楽しく盛り上げていただき、楽しく勉強させていただきました また、お願いしたいと思いますのでよろしくお願いします.....(Aki先生)
2019/5/11    We talked a lot about hair derived text contents. I learned not only English but also the school rules etc related with hair circumstances in the philippine....(Kayelene先生)
2019/5/11    Thank you very much! It was second time lesson with you but you are very easy to hear english! I want to lesson with you more times!...(Ara先生)
2019/5/10    Dear, teacher Deng, thank you for your amazing lesson for me today, too. I'm so happy. ....(Deng先生)
2019/5/09    Thank you for the lesson.I enjoyed and your lesson was very useful to me.....(Ami先生)
2019/5/09    Thank you!! I was glad to see you! It was the first time but I wasn't nervous......(Ara先生)
2019/5/09    Thank you for the lesson.Your lesson always helped me so much!.....(Mark先生)
2019/5/09    レッスンが楽しみです。親切で教え方も素晴らしいです。....(Avi先生)
2019/5/08    Dear, teacher Ara, thank you for your wondeful and amazing lesson for me today, too.....(Ara先生)
2019/5/08    Thank you so much.Your lesson makes me exciting and I always enjoy it!....(Mark先生)
2019/5/08    とても楽しくレッスンさせてもらっています。丁寧でわかりやすくとても親切です。...(Brad先生)
2019/5/06    明るくて身振り手振り使って小4の娘がとても気に入ってました。娘が話しやすい話題を振ってくれて、楽しそうでした。また予約します.....(Ami先生)
2019/5/06    Mrs.Marj はパソコンのキーボードをタイプするのがとても早く、生徒の言ったことを素早く修正してくれます。また先生は笑顔がとても素敵で幼い子供から大人まで楽しく彼女の授業を受講することができると私は思います。また、先生の発音はとても聞き取りやすいです。ベテランの先生なので英語が初心者の人も安心して授業を受けることができると思います。....(Marj先生)
2019/5/05    発音も綺麗で、丁寧に話してくれました。....(Daisy先生)
2019/5/05    It was nice meeting you:) Thank you for the advice on my pronunciation....(Aping先生)
2019/5/05    Thank you for lesson in night! I always happy to meet you. I like your easy to understand lesson.....(Kayelene先生)
2019/5/05    Thank you for sharing lots of things.I enjoyed our conversation.....(Mark先生)
2019/5/05    I really appreciated your lesson! Thank you for always correcting my sentences....(Mark先生)
2019/5/05    Thank you for great lesson for my daughter. She said it was fun and difficult to say exactly what she wants to say in English about some proper nouns...(Daisy先生)
2019/5/02    I learned not only English but also why the children who are taken care of by grandparents have a risk becoming obese. Thank you for shareing your experiences....(Veron先生)
2019/5/01    Thank you for your patient to teaching me some of new wards. You correct my pronounce and sometimes spell out for me, this kind of lesson is very valuable for me. ...(Cris先生)
2019/5/01    Thank you for your lesson! I had a great time. I hope you see you again soon!.....(Kayelene先生)
2019/4/30    Thank you Cris. I enjoyed talking with you, and could learn some medical terms ! I should have known what vaccine I had already....(Cris先生)
2019/4/29    I'm happy to hear your experiences and thought. You are so strong and dependable person....(Sunset先生)
2019/4/29    常に楽しませてくれながら、やる気を出させてくださいます。また、理解度もきちんと確認しながら、テンポよく進めてくださいました。またお願いしたいです。..(Ami先生)
2019/4/28    明るく元気にレッスンしていただいて、楽しんでいました。ありがとうございました。母音や子音という難しい英単語が出てきましたが、先生のご説明できちんと理解していたようです。...(Karl先生)
2019/4/27    Thank you very much for teaching me so kindly....(Mark先生)
2019/4/26    Daisy先生は、教え方、発音、お人柄、全てにおいて素晴らしい先生です。とても若いのに、忍耐強く、指導力があって、いつレッスンをとってもムラがなくブレない、教えることが天職のような先生だと感じました。きっとKeyeyeの中でも人気講師さんだと思います!.....(Daisy先生)
2019/4/26    初めてのオンライン英会話でしたが、娘にあった内容、レベル、速度を考えながら楽しくレッスンを進めてくださってありがとうございました。レッスン後に改善点を明白に教えてくださったので、復習ができて嬉しいです。初めてのレッスンでも、子どもの得意や不得意を即座に判断して、臨機応変にレッスンるを進めてくださいました。...(Avi先生)
2019/4/25    Veron先生は大好きな先生のうちの1人です。とても親近感がわくというか、リラックスしながらも、押さえるところは押さえてくれるので、私にとっては無くてはならない先生です。...(Veron先生)
2019/4/25    friendly and patient. THANK YOU!....(Ami先生)
2019/4/24    Thank you for such an informative lesson.....(Mark先生)
2019/4/24    It's been a long time to take a class because I was busy, but your ordinary smile made me comfortable and relax......(Mark先生)
2019/4/24    家のことで忙しく、約1ヶ月ぶりにクラスを取りました。久しぶりのクラスはドキドキしましたが、知ってる先生と顔を合わせると、普通に会話もでき、やっぱりキーアイは私の居場所なんだなと実感できました。辞めたら、英語力も下がってしまうのはもちろん、大好きな先生達とも会えなくなると思うと、このままずっと受講し続けたいと思わせるスクールです。....(Mark先生)
2019/4/24    Thank you so much, Daisy sensei....(Daisy先生)
2019/4/24    Thank you for such an informative lesson.....(Mark先生)
2019/4/23    Thanks to your clear and pollite explanation, I could understand the article, and enjoyed the lesson very much.....(Sunset先生)
2019/4/22    I really enjoyed the class. You made it easier for me to understand....(Mark先生)
2019/4/22    Dear, teacher Marj, thank you for your wonderful and amazing lesson for me today, too. I'm so happy. Idon't quit your wnderful and amazing lesson.....(Marj先生)
2019/4/22    Thank you so much for understanding what I wanted to say.....(Ami先生)
2019/4/22    レッスン中の誤りを、受講後のレッスンコメントに書いていただけるので、復習に役立ちます。....(Marj先生)
2019/4/21    会話をしていて楽しかったです。 難しい単語を親切に教えてくださってありがとうございました。とても親切で、きちんとしたレッスンをしてくださる先生です。...(Ara先生)
2019/4/20    Today’s lesson topics was very interesting. There were some unfamiliar words and expressions, you explained courteously.....(Kayelene先生)
2019/4/20    Dear, teacher Ara, thank you for your wonderful and amazing lesson for me today, too. ....(Ara先生)
2019/4/19    Thank you for the lesson. It was clear and easy to understand, thanks to you.....(Mark先生)
2019/4/19    I like your lesson very much. Your class always let me learn many things to improve my English skills......(Daisy先生)
2019/4/19    Thank you so much for correcting about my questions.I really appreciate your support! I'll do my best.....(Ami先生)
2019/4/18    Thank you very much! I leaned many things by teacher. I hope you see you again soon!....(Kayelene先生)
2019/4/18    Thanks for paying close attention to me during the lesson.....(Mark先生)
2019/4/17    Thank you for your curious class. I'm looking forward to seeing you again soon.....(Pia先生)
2019/4/16    Thank you so much for today!I am glad that I was able to share today's topic and it was really fun time.....(Ami先生)
2019/4/16    She speaks naturally. I like it. I could get new useful idioms.....(Sunset先生)
2019/4/16    Thank you for being so attentive to detail during my lesson!....(Mark先生)
2019/4/16    Dear, teacher Marj, thank you for your kindness lesson for me today, too.....(Marj先生)
2019/4/15    教え方がうまく,いつも笑顔でレッスンをしてくれます。発音がきれいで聞き取りやすいです。....(Blessy先生)
2019/4/14    Thank you for your lesson! I enjoyed your lesson. .....(Kayelene先生)
2019/4/13    I'm very happy. Beceuse, you had happy lesson for me today, too.....(Ara先生)
2019/4/13    大変丁寧に対応頂きました。....(Brad先生)
2019/4/12    Thank you so much for teaching me how to use words in detail. ....(Mark先生)
2019/4/12    Thank you for your helpful class so much.....(Adel先生)
2019/4/11    Thank you for your so fantastic class as always....(Ara先生)
2019/4/11    Its so nice to see you again today.....(Pia先生)
2019/4/11    Thank you for your peaceful class as always. I like the lesson time with you....(Pia先生)
2019/4/11    Thank you very much. I enjoyed your lesson. And I learned a lot of things for your lesson.....(Kayelene先生)
2019/4/11    Thank you for correcting lots of my sentences......(Mark先生)
2019/4/10    I appreciate that you explained things to me in a way that makes them easier to understand.....(Mark先生)
2019/4/10    Thank you so helpful lesson. Your class always improve my English skills gradually.....(Adel先生)
2019/4/09    Thank you for your fantastic class. Your lesson always makes me smile and happy....(Ara先生)
2019/4/09    Thank you so much for today. I have really enjoyed today's lesson.....(Mark先生)
2019/4/09    Thank you for today! It was fun lesson and making my journal is also fun.......(Mark先生)
2019/4/09    面白くて分かりやすい先生です。とてもためになります。....(Jesie先生)
2019/4/08    今日はフリートーキングをありがとうございました。私の話している事をよく汲み取ってくださっていたと思います。楽しかったです。...(Madee先生)
2019/4/07    Thank you for your very kind lesson as always. I really like your lesson.....(Ara先生)
2019/4/07    Thank you for your such an excellent lesson! I really enjoyed the class.....(Rina先生)
2019/4/07    Thank you for beautiful and fun lesson! In fuct I am laughing in my heart. And I learned a lot of thing....(Basil先生)
2019/4/07    Thank you for your wonderful class! I learned a lot from you...(Marj先生)
2019/4/07    テキストが表示できない(私のせいか?)トラブルの中でも、落ち着いてにこやかに対応してくれました。すみませんでした、とともにありがとうございました。...(Daisy先生)
2019/4/07    スムーズなレッスンが出来ました。ありがとうございました。....(Daisy先生)
2019/4/07    スカイプが上手く作動せず、全くレッスン出来ず、大変申し訳なく思います。やさしそうで、熱心そうな先生でした。....(Aki先生)
2019/4/06    Thank you so much. I like the way you taught me,.....(Miriam先生)
2019/4/05    Thank you so much for the fun lesson!...(Mark先生)
2019/4/05    Thank you for teaching me so patiently. ...(Mark先生)
2019/4/05    I don't know why, but Teacher Mark's lessons are mostly interesting and intellectual. That makes me feel like taking his lessons again....(Mark先生)
2019/4/05    I'm very happy to take your class. Your lesson is always interesting.....(Ara先生)
2019/4/04    Thank you for being so attentive to detail during my lesson!...(Mark先生)
2019/4/04    Thank you so much for correcting my sentences.....(Mark先生)
2019/4/04    Thank you very much fokr 1 hour lesson! 1 hour was very short. ...(Avi先生)
2019/4/04    レッスン前後のメール連絡等、とてもスムーズで良いと思いました。...(Miriam先生)
2019/4/03    Thank you for the fun class. You are kind, friendly, and patient.....(Ara先生)
2019/4/03    I hadn't had a lesson for a while so I really enjoyed your wonderful lesson,thanks to you.....(Mark先生)
2019/4/03    Thank you for the fun lesson! I sometimes think about making English sentences difficultly, but I like learning English....(Mark先生)
2019/4/02    Thank you for your very interesting chatting with me. See you again soon!.....(Rina先生)
2019/4/02    Thank you so much! Translating from English to Japanese is sometimes difficult, but I was able to understand.....(Mark先生)
2019/3/31    Thank you for your helpful class as always!....(Ara先生)
2019/3/30    Thank you always. Daisy sensei! Your teaching is great....(Daisy先生)
2019/3/30    Thank you for your great comment ! I always appreciate for metting such wonderful English teacher as you ! You make me improve my motivation a lot !...(Cris先生)
2019/3/30    Nice talking to you again. Construction of the sentences is always difficult for me but I enjoyed our conversations.....(Veron先生)
2019/3/29    Thak you so much also today!Time fries so fast ,but I learned a lot from you.....(Mark先生)
2019/3/28    Thank you for the wonderful lesson....(Mark先生)
2019/3/27    Thank you very much for lesson! I really enjoyed your lesson! I hope you see you again soon! Have a good day!...(Basil先生)
2019/3/27    I took Veron's advice and changed the text. I was nervous about free chatting section....(Veron先生)
2019/3/26    It's long time not see! Your lesson is fun and very helpful. I want you teach again soon....(Avi先生)
2019/3/26    Thank you so much also today.....(Mark先生)
2019/3/26    Dear, teacher Ara, thank you for your wonderful and amazing lesson for me today for me today, too. I'm so happy....(Ara先生)
2019/3/26    Teachear Pulp corrected my mispronouciation that I didn't notice....(Pulp先生)
2019/3/25    It's nice to meet you. I'm very glad to take your class......(Adel先生)
2019/3/24    Dear, teacher Candy, thank you for your wonderful lesson for me today, too....(Candy先生)
2019/3/24    Thank you for your such an interesting and heartwarmimng class....(Ara先生)
2019/3/23    I got extra knowledges about food sanitation aside from English...(Sunset先生)
2019/3/22    Dear, teacher Marj, thank you for your wonderful lesson for me today....(Marj先生)
2019/3/22    I really appreciate that you always understand my english even is not good....(Mark先生)
2019/3/22    Thank you very much for today! It was long time not see. I was glad to see you....(Candy先生)
2019/3/22    Thank you so much and I also enjoyed your lesson.....(Ami先生)
2019/3/21    Thank you for your excellent detailed lesson.....(Mark先生)
2019/3/21    Thank you very much for sharing your ideas during class.....(Veron先生)
2019/3/21    Thank you for the fun lesson today. We talked about the topics derived from cosmetics....(Jash先生)
2019/3/21    Dear, teacher Ara, thank you for your wonderful lesson for me today, too. I'm so happy. Have a nice day. See you next time.....(Ara先生)
2019/3/21    I like your class very much, since you teach English very clearly....(Daisy先生)
2019/3/20    Thank you for the class! Today we talked about lots of things, and I had fun! Although I couldn't understand 100% what you said, it was fun time to me. ...(Bella先生)
2019/3/20    Thank you for sharing your experiences and other countries' culture.....(Deng先生)
2019/3/20    Thank you so much for teaching me patiently. It is fun making sentences....(Mark先生)
2019/3/20    たくさん子供に英語を話させてくださいます。それにすぐタイプしてくださるのでわかりやすいです!....(Ami先生)
2019/3/19    Thank you Cris. I had a blast on your lesson as usual! I have learned many expressions and new words, I will use them more in my conversation....(Cris先生)
2019/3/19    Veron先生と話していると、勉強しているんだ!という緊張感ではなく、楽しくおしゃべりをして、リラックスした雰囲気の中で、尚且つ新しいことも学べるという感じで、とても好きです。キーアイの先生たちのおかげで、...(Veron先生)
2019/3/18    I'm happy seeing you again! I appreciate that you always throw on me some questions about articles ...(Peach先生)
2019/3/18    Pulp先生は、丁寧で確実に間違いを指摘して直してくれたり、褒めてくれたり、物腰柔らかで、大好きな先生の1人です。.....(Pulp先生)
2019/3/17    Thank you so much for correcting my journal quickly!...(Mark先生)
2019/3/17    久しぶりのレッスンで少し不安もあったが安定の丁寧なレッスンで良かった。....(Brad先生)
2019/3/16    She is one of the best teachers to handle any students requests and attitude.....(Rina先生)
2019/3/16    Dear, teacher Daisy, thank you for your wonderful and amazing lesson for me today, too....(Daisy先生)
2019/3/15    Dear, teacher Ara, thank you for your wonderful and amazing lesson for me today, too....(Ara先生)
2019/3/15    ゆっくりわかりやすく進めてくれました。片言の単語で答えると、フルセンテンスに言い直して教えてくれました。とても良いレッスンでした。....(Jash先生)
2019/3/14    It's been a long time no see, and I'm happy seeing you again! Thank you for the wonderful class as usual....(Ara先生)
2019/3/14    I always feel good after I talk with you! Thank you for making me happy!!! ....(Veron先生)
2019/3/14    Thank you so much for the funfilled lesson! I am glad that I could know lots of words.....(Mark先生)
2019/3/14    Veron先生と話すと、英語だけでなく、他にもいろいろな話が聞けて楽しいです。フィリピンの事情も分かってきたし、日本との違いを直接話せるのはとても楽しく、オンライン英会話の醍醐味を十分に味わっているところです。100%理解できるようになるよう頑張りたいです。...(Veron先生)
2019/3/13    Thank you for the class! I'm happy seeing you again! The article was difficult for me, but you taught me in plain language, so I could understand it easily. ...(Pulp先生)
2019/3/13    Thank you, I was easily able to understand what you told me....(Mark先生)
2019/3/13    Thank you so much for the lesson.....(Mark先生)
2019/3/13    I like your class so much! Thank you for your fine lesson as always!....(Pia先生)
2019/3/13    Thank you for your proofreading. I appreciate your help....(Brad先生)
2019/3/13    初めてのレッスンでしたが、講師が明るく親しみやすい方で、リラックスして臨めました。オリジナルのマテリアルを使いましたが、内容がとても良かったです。言葉に詰まった時は上手くリードしてくださり、適切な表現に言い換えてくださったりと、学ぶことの多いレッスンでした。教材も豊富にあるので、自分に合ったレッスンをカスタマイズして受けることで、スキルを上げることができると確信しています。...(Rika先生)
2019/3/13    Pulp先生の丁寧な説明と、全てにおいて聞き逃さず、間違いを的確に直してくれるところがすごく好きです。物腰柔らかで、安心できる教え方で、私にはとても合っているので、コンスタントにclassを取るようにしています。...(Pulp先生)
2019/3/12    She listens to me with lots of care and corrects my misunderstangs that some teachers miss. ....(Veron先生)
2019/3/12    It is a pleasure learning English now, thank you for that. ...(Mark先生)
2019/3/12    It is a pleasure learning English now, thank you for that. ....(Mark先生)
2019/3/12    たくさんお話してくださって、表情も豊かでわかりやすかったです。...(Ami先生)
2019/3/11    Thank you for the awesome lesson! I really enjoyed your teaching skills and encouragement.....(Mark先生)
2019/3/10    Thank you very much!! I studied a lot for your lesson! See you soon! ....(Carol先生)
2019/3/09    Dear, teacher Daisy, thank you for your wonderful and amazing leeson for me today. ...(Daisy先生)
2019/3/09    Dear, teacher Candy, thank you for your wonderfull and amazing lesson for me today, too......(Candy先生)
2019/3/09    Thank you very much!! I studied a lot for your lesson! ....(Kayelene先生)
2019/3/09    Dear, teacher Marj, thank you for your wobderful and amazing lesson for me today, too...(Marj先生)
2019/3/09    フィリピンの事情を話してくださり、レッスンが盛り上がりました。...(Karl先生)
2019/3/08    Peach先生の、焦らせず、でもさりげない助け船がとても有難いです。なんて英語でコミニケションを取るって楽しいのだろうと思わせてくれます。....(Peach先生)
2019/3/07    しばらく忙しく、なかなかレッスンの予約が入れられませんでしたが、久しぶりにレッスンを受けても全く緊張せずにいられるのは、やはり先生が優しく、穏やかで、リラックスさせてくれる雰囲気作りをしてくれるからでしょう。とりあえず少し落ち着いたので、またコンスタントにレッスンを取りたいと思います。...(Mark先生)
2019/3/07    発音がきれいなので勉強になりました。....(Daisy先生)
2019/3/06    Thank you so much for the wonderful lesson and I had fun also today!....(Mark先生)
2019/3/06    毎日30分ずつのレッスンで、ゆっくり確実に英語を身に着けていっていると思います。自信を持って取り組み、楽しいと言う息子を見ていると嬉しいです。ありがとうございます。....(Mark先生)
2019/3/06    毎日30分ずつのレッスンで、ゆっくり確実に英語を身に着けていっていると思います。自信を持って取り組み、楽しいと言う息子を見ていると嬉しいです。ありがとうございます。....(Mark先生)
2019/3/05    Thank you for the class. Your explaination about words is really helpful....(Jash先生)
2019/3/05    Dear Sunset, it was a wonderful time with you ! I really enjoyed talking with you and could learn more about diabetes....(Sunset先生)
2019/3/04    Thank you for your outstanding class!....(Daisy先生)
2019/3/04    Thank you Dee. I had a great and fun time with you! You always make me motivate to learn more ! ....(Dee先生)
2019/3/04    Thank you so much for teaching me lots of my questions politely! ....(Mark先生)
2019/3/04    習った語句や、文をレッスンコメントで送ってくださったので、復習するときに役立ちました。このような気配りが嬉しいです。.....(Daisy先生)
2019/3/03    Dear, teacher Daisy, thank you for your amazing lesson for me today,....(Daisy先生)
2019/3/03    Thank you for your such a wonderful lesson! .....(Daisy先生)
2019/3/03    We shared what is the life's greatest pleasure and how we played in our childhood.....(Jash先生)
2019/3/03    いつもクリアな発音なので、英語の音が印象に残ります。...(Daisy先生)
2019/3/02    Thank you very much! I enjoyed your lesson.....(Carol先生)
2019/3/02    Thank you for teaching me so patiently.The lesson was a challenge for me,...(Mark先生)
2019/3/02    終始にこやかに教えてくださいました。....(Dee先生)
2019/3/01    Thanks for your enthusiasm to corect my mistakes and misunderstandings.....(Pulp先生)
2019/3/01    I like your class so much. Thank you for your interesting and helpful lesson!....(Dee先生)
2019/3/01    Thank you so much for the lesson. I really enjoyed it. ....(Mark先生)
2019/3/01    Thank you so much for correcting my journal. And I enjoyed to talk with you a lot.....(Mark先生)
2019/3/01    緊張気味でしたが徐々にDEE先生のペースに乗って英語の発音も楽しくできました。 ありがとうございました。....(Dee先生)
2019/2/28    Thank you for teaching me how to use the narration....(Mark先生)
2019/2/28    Thank you so much for today. Changing sentences were a little difficule but I was able to know some new words so it was fun!....(Mark先生)
2019/2/27    Thank you for teaching me so patiently....(Mark先生)
2019/2/27    とても素敵な先生で、やる気を失いかけていた私を元気にしてくださいました。....(Ami先生)
2019/2/27    今日は、先生と写真を紹介し合ったり、とても楽しい授業だったようです。楽しいから記憶に繋がり、先生の授業が更に楽しくなったようです。....(Mark先生)
2019/2/26    I had a good time with you! Thank you for making me happy! I'll see you next time. ....(Veron先生)
2019/2/26    I felt it was sometimes hard for me to express what was going on to me. But you always tried to understand it.....(Mark先生)
2019/2/26    Thank you so much for the fun lesson! I'll more practice how to explain train transfer.....(Mark先生)
2019/2/26    几帳面に誠実に教えていただいて助かってます。...(Pulp先生)
2019/2/24    Thank you Daisy! I enjoyed your lesson and could learn a lot such as useful words ! ....(Daisy先生)
2019/2/23    Thank you for your fantastic class and interesting conversation with me....(Daisy先生)
2019/2/23    I'm very happy to see you as your student today. Thank you for your excellent class.....(Marj先生)
2019/2/23    I enjoyed your class and it was really fulfilling lesson.....(Mark先生)
2019/2/23    Thank you for always correcting my sentences.....(Mark先生)
2019/2/22    Your teaching is very helpful for me to improve my English skills.....(Daisy先生)
2019/2/22    Dear, teacher Candy, thank you for your wonderful and amazing lesson for me today, too.....(Candy先生)
2019/2/22    I'm so happy to see you today! Thank you for your excellent lesson!....(Ami先生)
2019/2/22    いつもパワフルに教えてくださいます。....(Daisy先生)
2019/2/21    今日は息子一人で、受講できました。 先生方が優しく対応して下さるので、間違えをおそれずに話せるようです。....(Mark先生)
2019/2/20    Thank you so much for teaching me lots of correct sentences.....(Mark先生)
2019/2/20    発音がきれいな先生なので、授業が楽しいですね。....(Daisy先生)
2019/2/19    Thank you so much Teacher Shiny!!I'm glad you typed many Example Conversation for me.....(Shiny先生)
2019/2/19    You are a very excellent teacher. I'm very happy to see you today!.....(Pia先生)
2019/2/19    Thank you so much.I had fun also today......(Mark先生)
2019/2/19    Thank you so much and I was able to have valuable time with you....(Mark先生)
2019/2/19    鋭い指摘に感謝します。....(Daisy先生)
2019/2/18    Your lesson is always so helpful and fun for me. Thanks a lot!....(Daisy先生)
2019/2/18    He listened carefully to me and corrected my English kindly. ....(Pulp先生)
2019/2/18    Hi, Erin. It was a fun and interesting lesson ! Your explanation was clean and your advice made me motivate a lot. ...(Erin先生)
2019/2/18    マーク先生は、いつもレッスン後レッスンコメントで話した内容の訂正を書いて下さるので、復習に役立ちます。...(Mark先生)
2019/2/17    Dear, teacher Daisy, thank you for your for wonderful and amazing lesson for me....(Daisy先生)
2019/2/17    I struggled express what I wanted to say because of my lack of bocabularies, but you caught I mean and corrected my sentences. ...(Daisy先生)
2019/2/17    カール先生はせおんのお気に入り先生で、いつも楽しみにしています。....(Karl先生)
2019/2/16    Thank you for teaching me some phrases. ...(Mark先生)
2019/2/16    Thank you for your very kind class as always! I'm happy to talk with you.....(Ara先生)
2019/2/16    Thank you for your wonderful class! I really like your lesson.....(Ara先生)
2019/2/15    Thank you for always teaching me so kindly. ....(Mark先生)
2019/2/15    Thank you for your so kind and fantastic class!....(Daisy先生)
2019/2/15    Thank you for your such a wonderful class. I really like your lesson. Your lesson is always so helpful....(Candy先生)
2019/2/14    He shows me my mistakes in 'originaal sentences' and correct them in 'better'. That's quite helpful to review. He is the first teacher that said 'you should say 'I am looking at the text' instead of 'I am watching the text' because the text is not moving.
2019/2/14    You are very kind and affable. I love you and your lessons!.....(Charlotte先生)
2019/2/14    Thank you so much and it was really fun lesson! I'll more practice making English sentences and the piano also.....(Mark先生)
2019/2/14    若いのにたいへんていねいで礼儀正しい先生です。...(Pulp先生)
2019/2/14    今日も楽しそうに受講していました。日々自信が増しているようです。先生方に感謝致します。...(Karl先生)
2019/2/14    たくさんYouTubeをみました。娘は楽しかったようです。...(Bella先生)
2019/2/13    Thank you for your kind lesson and interesting chatting with me. ....(Deng先生)
2019/2/13    We talked about badminton convention. I haved a fun lesson! And you teached me a lot of mistake! Thank you very much!....(Kayelene先生)
2019/2/13    Thank you for the fun-filled lessons today. That was an informative time for me.....(Mark先生)
2019/2/13    Thank you so much! I really appreciate you for listening and sharing about children.....(Mark先生)
2019/2/13    I like your class so much! Thnak you for your so helpful lesson always. ...(Daisy先生)
2019/2/13    はっきり発音してくださるので聞きやすいです。...(Daisy先生)
2019/2/12    I had fun lesson also today! Thank you so much for correcting my journal and your corrections are helpful for me....(Mark先生)
2019/2/12    I like your class so much. Thank you for your wonderful class as always!......(Ami先生)
2019/2/12    Thank you for your helpful class. I really enjoyed your class today, too......(Ara先生)
2019/2/12    今日も楽しく受講できました。先生の授業のテンポが息子に合うらしく、また、息子が先生のペースにうまく乗れているようで、本人も楽しい、分かる、達成感がある…と、とても嬉しそうにしています。...(Karl先生)
2019/2/11    Thank you so much.Topic is difficult but I could tell you about'草食男子'hahaha .....(Mark先生)
2019/2/11    間違えたつづりをすぐ直してくださるし、また、臨機応変に対応してくださり、あと説明も多くわかりやすく、不安なくレッスンに臨めました。....(Basil先生)
2019/2/11    笑顔が素敵な先生です。...(Annie先生)
2019/2/10    Dear, teacher Marj, thank you for your intersting lesson for me today, too.....(Marj先生)
2019/2/09    Thank you for some tips to improve my English. Since I learned new words, will try to make a sample sentence using the words....(Daisy先生)
2019/2/09    Thank you so much. I had fun. We have a lively conversation also today(^^)See you soon.....(Mark先生)
2019/2/09    Thank you for your interesting lesson. The pictures of Uprooted Trees are easy to understand....(Erin先生)
2019/2/09    Thank you for your great comment! It always makes me motivate to learn Engish :D Thanks to you, I really enjoy and learn a lot!.....(Cris先生)
2019/2/09    台風の話題、Uprooted Treesの写真をすぐにチャットで送ってくださり、英単語のイメージが湧き、理解が深まりました。 視覚的に理解できるよう、レッスンを工夫されていて、素晴らしいと思いました。...(Erin先生)
2019/2/08    Bella先生の話すテンポが好きです。話題も豊富だし、嫌みのない明るさで、眠気が覚めないときでも、Bella先生の明るさでそれが吹っ飛びます!まあ、キーアイの先生皆さんに共通することなのですが。。。 どんどん頑張って、英語をものにしていきたいです!....(Bella先生)
2019/2/08    フリートークのときに、粘土を持ち出しそれについて話をした息子。とても楽しそうにしていました。 何かを使いながら英語を話すと記憶にも残りやすいような気がしました。ゆっくり話を聞いていただき、ありがとうございました。...(Madee先生)
2019/2/07    Veron先生がやっぱり大好きです!何度classを取っても楽しく、教え方も上手く、生徒の扱いもとてもnaturalで、気の合う友人とお茶をしながら会話している感じがします。でも、もっと深い話もしたいので、更に勉強を頑張っていきたいです。...(Veron先生)
2019/2/07    今日もMark先生のclassは最高でした! こんなに毎日の英会話が楽しく、ほぼ毎日続けられるのは、テキストはもちろん、先生たちが素晴らしいからだと思います。...(Mark先生)
2019/2/07    今日の授業では、全てを自己紹介の時間に費やしました。数を重ね慣れたのか、自分の言いたい事を全て先生に伝えることができ、とても満足そうだったのが嬉しかったです。 どの先生も急かすことなくじっくり息子の話を聞いてくださるので、感謝しています。....(Carol先生)
2019/2/06    Thank you very much. I really appreciate your thoughtfulness......(Mark先生)
2019/2/06    Thank you for giving me your advice.....(Mark先生)
2019/2/06    息子がこんなにテンポよく英語で先生の質問に答えるのを見るのは日本に帰国以来初めてで驚きました。初めて受講する先生で、最初はとても緊張していたと思うのですが、直ぐにリラックスできました。 授業の内容も、求めていたそのもので、是非また受講させていただきたいと思っています。....(Karl先生)
2019/2/05    Thank you for the lesson! I strongly struggled with this article and making sentences......(Jash先生)
2019/2/05    Thank you for spending your precious time for me!.....(Peach先生)
2019/2/05    Thank you so much and I really enjoyed your lesson....(Mark先生)
2019/2/05    今日は、授業の内容から少し離れて、息子の大好きなカードゲームの話をする時間をいただき、とても喜んでいました。いつも柔軟に対応していただき、感謝しております。息子はとても満足して、それ以降も意欲的に授業を受けることができました。...(Mark先生)
2019/2/04    Thank you for your very interestign class so much. I really enjoyed it.....(Ami先生)
2019/2/04    今日は息子だけで受講しました。いつもは何と言っていいか分からないときや単語を思い出せないとき、いつも母に聞いてから答えていましたが、今日は息子だけで頑張りました。また、それにお付き合いいただいた先生にも感謝致します。...(Rich先生)
2019/2/03    It was a good time with you even my computer didn't work well!.....(Rika先生)
2019/2/03    Thank you for your so fantastic class as always! ireally enjoyed it.....(Ara先生)
2019/2/03    I studied 'Living near Fast Food Restaurants harms our Health'. ....(Mark先生)
2019/2/03    Thank you for your amazing class. We are so happy to see you today. .....(Marj先生)
2019/2/03    ありがとうございます。緊張していたようですが、楽しい時間が過ごせました。...(Rich先生)
2019/2/02    Thank you for your excellent detailed lesson.....(Mark先生)
2019/2/02    Thank you so much, Daisy sensei. I enjoyed your lesson.....(Daisy先生)
2019/2/02    Thank you for your fantastic class! I really enjoyed your lesson.....(Daisy先生)
2019/2/02    Hi, Cris. Thank you for your great lesson ! As usual I had a good time with you....(Cris先生)
2019/2/02    ありがとうございました。初めてのレッスンで緊張していたようですが「もう25分なの?」と楽しい時間を過ごしたようです。ふわふわ猫の写真付きメッセージをくれて、可愛いと何度も言っていました。焦らずゆっくり先生と仲良くなってほしいと思っています。宜しくお願い致します。...(Madee先生)
2019/2/02    ありがとうございました。初めてのフリートークで緊張していたようですが、先生が楽しくお話してくれて楽しい時間を過ごしたようです。焦らずゆっくり先生と仲良くなってほしいと思っています。宜しくお願い致します。....(Madee先生)
2019/2/01    ありがとうございました。昨日よりリラックスしてレッスンが出来たようです。簡単な文字しか読めないけれど、丁寧に指導してくれました。...(Dee先生)
2019/2/01    ど素人で不安がありましたが、終始こちらのペースに合わせてくださりました。 良い時は褒める、間違いも分かりやすくご指摘頂きました。 ありがとうございました。....(Rich先生)
2019/2/01    I was glad that I was able to know about a part of your fashion.....(Mark先生)
2019/2/01    Thank you for your wonderful lesson as usual! I was a little bit frustrated at not being able to construct good sentences, but you helped me a lot!.....(Pulp先生)
2019/2/01    Thank you for your sharing your experiences in Taiwan. .....(Zas先生)
2019/2/01    We are very happy to see you again. Thank you for your kind and helpful class as always.....(Candy先生)
2019/2/01    Your advices are so helpful to improve my English skills......(Daisy先生)
2019/1/31    とても優しくてキュートな先生です!ゆっくり話してくれ聞き取りやすいです。SMLEを受講していますが合間にフィリピンの文化と日本の文化の違いなどを雑談するのがとても楽しいです。...(Charlotte先生)
2019/1/31    ありがとうございました。レッスンで質問に答えられないとき、丁寧に教えてくれました。逆に、上手に答えられたときはパチパチと手を叩いて褒めてくれ本人も嬉しそうでした。....(Dee先生)
2019/1/31    Thank you for your great lesson ! I enjoyed it a lot. Your explanation helped me to understand the article clearly....(Erin先生)
2019/1/31    Thank you for your so exciting class! I like your lesson so much....(Dee先生)
2019/1/30    Thank you for your great lesson and I had fun time with you.....(Mark先生)
2019/1/30    レッスンでの話題が遊園地についてだったので、とても楽しく受講できたようです。....(Rich先生)
2019/1/29    Thank you very much for your understandable instruction. .....(Mark先生)
2019/1/29    自分の好きな料理の話題で、レッスンを楽しめたようです。 こちらの選んだ内容でレッスンを組み立てていただき、ありがたいです。....(Mark先生)
2019/1/28    Thank you for your helpful and interesting chatting with me. ....(Ami先生)
2019/1/28    Thank you for the lesson! It was hard for me to discuss about this topic, but it was good for me to have time to think about it.....(Jash先生)
2019/1/28    Jash先生の穏やかな話し方は、本当にお勧めです。丁寧、キレイな発音の英語で、朝からclassを取ると穏やかな気持ちになります。....(Jash先生)
2019/1/28    息子がなかなか単語を覚えられ無いのですが、繰り返し復習してくださるので、焦ることなく取り組めます。 ありがとうございます!....(Madee先生)
2019/1/27    Thank you for your such an amazing class! I enjoyed your class.....(Deng先生)
2019/1/27    Thank you very much!! I learned many words in your lesson!! I hope see you again!!.....(Kaleyene先生)
2019/1/27    Thank you so much!Your corrections are easy to understand and I like your way of teaching.....(Mark先生)
2019/1/27    Peach先生の、笑顔の中にも淡々とした教え方が私は好きです。冷たくもなく、かつテンション上がり過ぎでこちらが英語以外のところで疲れることもなく、だけどもフレンドリーで、落ち着くclassです。...(Peach先生)
2019/1/26    Thank you for today's class! I had a good time with you and appreciated that wonderful lesson.....(Robin先生)
2019/1/26    娘はRich先生とお話するのを楽しみにしています。今日もありがとうございました....(Rich先生)
2019/1/26    Robin先生のclassを初めて取りました。とてもフレンドリーで話しやすい上に、間違いや知らない言葉も丁寧に教えてくれて、とても助かりました。発音も聞き取りやすく、進め方のテンポもよく、私にはとっても合っている先生だなと感じました。....(Robin先生)
2019/1/25    Our conversation became lively about movies and airplane!!hahaha......(Mark先生)
2019/1/25    初めて男性の先生のレッスンを受講しました。息子は非常に緊張していましたが、先生が興味を引く話をして下さり、直ぐにリラックスできました。いつもは、自己紹介をしても、直ぐに話が止まってしまいましたが、話したいことが有りすぎて困っているくらいでした。同性の先生の良さを発見できたようで、先生に感謝です。...(Mark先生)
2019/1/25    娘はAra先生と遊ぶのがだいすき! 今日もメルちゃんで遊びました。 またよろしくお願い申し上げます。...(Ara先生)
2019/1/24    Thank you for your interesting class as always!....(Deng先生)
2019/1/23    I always enjoy talking to her, she is not like a strict teacher but gives me time to relax to covey chats......(Annie先生)
2019/1/23    Thank you for being so attentive to detail during my lesson! I really enjoyed and fun.....(Mark先生)
2019/1/23    娘ははじめ恥ずかしがっていましたが先生の明るい雰囲気で娘も楽しくお話できました。途中からカリキュラム無視でおもちゃで遊んでいましたが先生と英語で話しながらなのでとてもよかったです。またよろしくお願いします。...(Ara先生)
2019/1/22    Thank you for the lesson! I had an effort to explain what I wanted to say, and I appreciate you helped me a lot.....(Rika先生)
2019/1/22    Thank you for your interesting class, as always. Your talking make me happy.....(Pia先生)
2019/1/22    Thank you so much. I had fun also today. I really enjoy your lesson every time.....(Mark先生)
2019/1/22    Rika先生の、時間内にキチンと1つのテキストを終わらせようとする姿勢は素晴らしいです。終わらせるだけでなく、こちらの理解も確認し、質問もしてくれ、楽しく進むclassはとてもwonderfulです!...(Rika先生)
2019/1/22    ゆっくりとしたペースで進めて下さいますが、それでも単調になる事なく、飽きずに受講できるようです。 たくさん褒めてくださるので、励みになっています。...(Rich先生)
2019/1/21    Thank you for the lesson! I really like your lesson. We had a good discussion today as usual. I appreciated it.....(Pulp先生)
2019/1/21    Thank you for the lesson! I had a good discussion with you about the article.....(Peach先生)
2019/1/21    Pulp先生の適切な直しは、とても助かります。よく聞いてくれ、よく直してくれ、よく質問をしてくれ、私にはとても合っている先生です。..(Pulp先生)
2019/1/21    授業前に送るテキストを使って、楽しいしレッスンを提供してくださいます。....(Madee先生)
2019/1/20    Thank you for your fantastic lesson.....(Ami先生)
2019/1/20    I've always appreciated in a great way of your teaching! I like to talk and discuss with you! ....(Peach先生)
2019/1/20    Peach先生の絶妙な教え方と優しさとテンポ・・・全てが好きです! 私の理解力に特に問題が無ければ、大体1回のレッスンで1つのテキストを終えてくれるのがとても有難いです。次回のレッスンはどのtopicを選ぼうかなと、とてもワクワクします。...(Peach先生)
2019/1/20    とても明るくて良い先生です。またよろしくお願い申し上げます。....(Veron先生)
2019/1/20    今回も息子は、集中して受講できました。習った単語を私に教えてくれたり、クイズを出したり徐々に英語に対する自信を高めてくれているように思います。 途中、先生側のインターネットが途切れてしまいましたが、その分延長してくださいました。25分しっかり教えてくださり、信頼できる先生だと感じました。...(Madee先生)
2019/1/20    Rich先生の声がとても聞き取りやすいです。娘は楽しくレッスンしており25分間あっという間におわります。またよろしくお願い申し上げます。....(Rich先生)
2019/1/19    Thank you Cris. I really enjoyed your lesson as well. I will share my VR simulation with you next time.....(Cris先生)
2019/1/19    とても良い先生です。3歳の娘は集中力がすぐにきれてしまいますが、先生が楽しくお話ししてくださるので最後まで楽しめました。またよろしくお願い申し上げます。...(Rich先生)
2019/1/18    Thank you Dee. As we haven't talk for a long time, it was exciting talk with you ! .....(Dee先生)
2019/1/18    I really had a good time with you as usual! Have a nice day and I'll see you soon!.....(Mark先生)
2019/1/18    Thank you for your so fantastic class as always! We are very happy to see you today. ....(Marj先生)
2019/1/18    I really want to thank you to improve my English!! I realized I could talk better today.....(Marj先生)
2019/1/18    Mark先生との授業は、毎回楽しく進みます。言い回しも難しいものがあって、頑張って伝えると、それを上手に汲み取ってくれ、better sentenceとして直してくれます。絶対に外せない先生です。...(Mark先生)
2019/1/17    Bella先生は、テキストに忠実に沿うというよりも、テキストに合った内容でdiscussionをしていくという授業スタイルだと思います。Bella先生の言ってることを理解し、それに対する自分の考えをテキストの内容に沿って言うのは大変ですが、その場で自分の考えを英語で言うということに慣れたい人にはとてもいいと思います。....(Bella先生)
2019/1/17    最近はtopicトークが楽しいです。TOEICを受けようと思っているのですが、TOEICのテキストよりもarticleを選んで、それについてのdiscussionを先生とするのが好きです。Mark先生は、辛抱強く待ってくれるし、的確な言い回しを教えてくれるのでとても助かっています。...(Mark先生)
2019/1/17    少しずつ自信を取り戻して来たようで、先生の質問に答えるときの声が大きくなってきました。学習意欲もアップし、次のレッスンでは何について話そうかと楽しみにしているようです。...(Rich先生)
2019/1/17    Bella先生は、テキストに忠実に沿うというよりも、テキストに合った内容でdiscussionをしていくという授業スタイルだと思います。Bella先生の言ってることを理解し、それに対する自分の考えをテキストの内容に沿って言うのは大変ですが、その場で自分の考えを英語で言うということに慣れたい人にはとてもいいと思います。....(Bella先生)
2019/1/17    最近はtopicトークが楽しいです。TOEICを受けようと思っているのですが、TOEICのテキストよりもarticleを選んで、それについてのdiscussionを先生とするのが好きです。Mark先生は、辛抱強く待ってくれるし、的確な言い回しを教えてくれるのでとても助かっています。.....(Mark先生)
2019/1/17    少しずつ自信を取り戻して来たようで、先生の質問に答えるときの声が大きくなってきました。学習意欲もアップし、次のレッスンでは何について話そうかと楽しみにしているようです。...(Rich先生)
2019/1/16    Thank you, I was easily able to understand what you told me.....(Mark先生)
2019/1/16    Veron先生のレッスンは絶対に外せません。とても分かりやすく、嫌みのない明るさで教えてくれて、本当に大好きです。もっともっと英語を操れるようになって、Veron先生ともっといろいろな話をしたいです。...(Veron先生)
2019/1/16    テキストに沿って、英語を喋る機会をを沢山与えてくれました。 テキストの問題を読む、解くだけでなく、フリートークをアウトプットする、いい練習になりました.....(Rich先生)
2019/1/16    間違いは都度毎にチャットボックスと口頭で訂正してくれました。楽しいレッスンでした!.....(Peach先生)
2019/1/16    Pulp先生は、本当によく文法やセンテンスの間違いを直してくれます。そして、丁寧にゆっくり教えてくれて、とても有難いです。ソフトだけれども、決して嫌みのない接し方で、私は好きです。....(Pulp先生)
2019/1/16    苦手・なじみのない単語を発音する練習が、的確でよかったです。 単語の意味などをチャットでリアルタイムで送っていただき、 文字で視覚的に確認できたことでイメージ・理解が深まりました。....(Ara先生)
2019/1/16    今日も少し緊張しながらも、有意義な時間を持てました。 ありがとうございました。鼓二郎が質問に答えられなくても、いろいろな聴き方をしてくださったので、どうにか会話が続きました。...(Sunset先生)
2019/1/16    Veron先生のレッスンは絶対に外せません。とても分かりやすく、嫌みのない明るさで教えてくれて、本当に大好きです。もっともっと英語を操れるようになって、Veron先生ともっといろいろな話をしたいです。....(Veron先生)
2019/1/16    テキストに沿って、英語を喋る機会をを沢山与えてくれました。 テキストの問題を読む、解くだけでなく、フリートークをアウトプットする、いい練習になりました....(Rich先生)
2019/1/16    間違いは都度毎にチャットボックスと口頭で訂正してくれました。楽しいレッスンでした!......(Peach先生)
2019/1/16    Pulp先生は、本当によく文法やセンテンスの間違いを直してくれます。そして、丁寧にゆっくり教えてくれて、とても有難いです。ソフトだけれども、決して嫌みのない接し方で、私は好きです。...(Pulp先生)
2019/1/16    苦手・なじみのない単語を発音する練習が、的確でよかったです。 単語の意味などをチャットでリアルタイムで送っていただき、 文字で視覚的に確認できたことでイメージ・理解が深まりました...。(Ara先生)
2019/1/16    今日も少し緊張しながらも、有意義な時間を持てました。 ありがとうございました。鼓二郎が質問に答えられなくても、いろいろな聴き方をしてくださったので、どうにか会話が続きました。....(Sunset先生)
2019/1/15    Thank you so much for teaching me the difference in meaning of words politely.....(Mark先生)
2019/1/15    Ara先生の可愛らしい話し方が好きです。丁寧に教えてくれるし、話しやすいです。変にテンションも高くなく、疲れません。私に合う先生です。...(Ara先生)
2019/1/15    ゆっくりと丁寧に教えていただき、息子も安心して受講できました。褒めてくださる時に、可愛いカードを使ってくださるのも嬉しかったようです。...(Rich先生)
2019/1/15    Ara先生の可愛らしい話し方が好きです。丁寧に教えてくれるし、話しやすいです。変にテンションも高くなく、疲れません。私に合う先生です。...(Ara先生)
2019/1/15    ゆっくりと丁寧に教えていただき、息子も安心して受講できました。褒めてくださる時に、可愛いカードを使ってくださるのも嬉しかったようです。....(Rich先生)
2019/1/14    Thank you for your very helpful lesson today. Your class taught me a lot.....(Ami先生)
2019/1/14    I'm happy to take your class for the first time today. Your lesson is so jelpful to improve my English skills....(Ami先生)
2019/1/13    Your class is very informative and educational. Thank you for your outstanding class today.....(Bella先生)
2019/1/12    Thank you for the lesson! You gave me a lot of questions about this article and I appreciated it....(Peach先生)
2019/1/12    Thank you so much for today. Today's lesson was extremely useful for me.....(Mark先生)
2019/1/12    Thank you so much Mark!You really understand what I want to explain.....(Mark先生)
2019/1/12    とても優しく、丁寧に授業を進めてくださる先生をご紹介いただき、ありがとうございました。息子は、緊張しつつもいつも以上に意欲的に終えるこ授業に取り組めました。 こちら側か先生側のインターネットの問題か分かりませんが、若干音声が聞き取りづらいときがあったので、まずは私の端末のスピーカーの調節をしてみようと思います。 先生のお人柄と辻様のサポートのお陰で、楽しい気持ちで授業をとができました。..(Madee先生)
2019/1/12    とても優しく、丁寧に授業を進めてくださる先生をご紹介いただき、ありがとうございました。息子は、緊張しつつもいつも以上に意欲的に授業に取り組めました。 こちら側か先生側のインターネットの問題か分かりませんが、若干音声が聞き取りづらいときがあったので、まずは私の端末のスピーカーの調節をしてみようと思います。 先生のお人柄と辻様のサポートのお陰で、楽しい気持ちで授業を終えることができました。....(Madee先生)
2019/1/11    Thank you for your fun way lesson as usual! I can feel I came back to my place because of you after long holidays....(Veron先生)
2019/1/10    You told me original sentence and better sentence in every lesson....(Pulp先生)
2019/1/10    Thank you Cris. It was a fun and useful lesson with you ! You always make me feel fun and happy, and it motivates me to study English more! ...(Cris先生)
2019/1/10    Thank you for the lesson! It was a good time with you as usual! I could feel the Philippines as I heard your mom cooking....(Mark先生)
2019/1/10    Thank you so much.I had fun also today!! We were able to finish the textbook!! YEAH~(^o^)丿....(Mark先生)
2019/1/10    年末年始のお休みから、また始めたレッスンで、顔見知りの先生の授業を取るとホッとします。少し期間が開いて、英語が話せるか心配でしたが、いつもの先生で慣れていたので大丈夫でした。いつまでもお気に入りの先生がキーアイに留まっていてほしいです。....(Mark先生)
2019/1/10    キーアイのテキストは内容が面白く、英語以外での勉強にもなるため(健康についてなど)、いろいろな知識が身に着きます。キーアイのおかげで、食生活の考え方にも変化が出てきたほどです。....(Jash先生)
2019/1/09    Thank you for correcting my example sentence and grammar. I am grateful to you,....(Mark先生)
2019/1/09    Thank you for the lesson! I had a good time with you. I appreciated you corrected my own sentences a lot.....(Pulp先生)
2019/1/08    Thanks again! It was long time no see and I was a little bit worried about speaking English. However, you led me to comfortable situation and I could relax,...(Mark先生)
2019/1/08    I appreciate your lesson. It's very easy to understand. Your comment for the lesson is useful to improve my ability.....(Candy先生)
2019/1/08    年末年始で2週間ほどレッスンを受けなかったので心配しましたが、何とか話せました! また、コンスタントにレッスンを受け、英語漬けの日々にしたいと思います。...(Mark先生)
2019/1/08    Skypeで、私の発した英文に対し、良いタイミングでフィードバック・修正を行ってくださり、力がつくレッスンだと思いました。 発音がきれいな先生で、また受講させていただきたいと思いました。(Cris先生)
2019/1/08    Skype・授業後のコメント、英文表現の修正が的確で、非常に勉強になりました。 先生がコメントを残してくださり、安心・集中できる密度の濃い25分間でした。 すべての先生がCandy先生のように役立つコメントを残してくださるわけではなく、口頭で間違いを指摘なさるだけの先生ですと、こちらがスペルがわからずメモに時間をとられる事もあります。 今後より多くの先生がそうしてくださることを期待しています。...(Candy先生)
2019/1/08    Pulp先生の授業を初めて受けました。とても物腰柔らかで優しい先生です。たまにskypeの画面が固まることもありましたが、ほとんど授業に影響のない程度です。またお気に入りの先生が出来て、毎日、あの先生とも話したい、この先生とも話したいと思い、予約をするのも一苦労です(笑)....(Pulp先生)
2019/1/07    Dear, teacher Ara, thank you for your wonderful and amazing lesson for me today too. I'm so happy. ...(Ara先生)
2019/1/07    Thank you for teaching me very politely until I understand.....(Mark先生)
2019/1/06    Your class is always exciting and gives her a lot of tips to improve her English skills. ...(Ara先生)
2019/1/06    Thank you for your amazing class! I like your lesson.....(Deng先生)
2019/1/06    Though the textbook has some difficult words to understand for her, she even enjoyed learning English through your class....(Deng先生)
2019/1/05    Thank you so much for the great lesson. I appreciate your help correcting my mistakes....(Mark先生)
2019/1/05    Thank you for your very excellent class as always! .....(Marj先生)
2019/1/05    Thank you for your very kind and fantastic class!....(Ara先生)
2019/1/05    Thank you so much for teaching me so patiently! Now,I understand your explanation.....(Jane先生)
2019/1/05    We are so happy to see you today! Your class is always interesting and heartwarming.....(Candy先生)
2019/1/05    Thank you very much for the flexible , kind and fun lesson today! ....(Carol先生)
2019/1/04    It's nice to see you again! You are my favorite teacher! Thank you!.....(Alex先生)
2019/1/04    Thank you for today. My teacher's lesson is really fun It is my pleasure this year too.....(Miriam先生)
2019/1/04    I really enjoyed the class. You made it easier for me to understand.....(Mark先生)
2019/1/04    Thank you so much and I was able to get a good start for this year......(Mark先生)
2019/1/03    専門的な内容で、やや医学的な単語も出てきましたが、 親しみがわくように、わかりやすく、かみくだいて 単語の解説をしてくださり、理解が深まりました。 単語の意味の確認だけでなく、単語を使って例文を作る練習を入れてくださったので力がつくと思いました。...(Karl先生)
2019/1/03    ありがとうございます すごく楽しかったです 娘喜んでいました.....(Madee先生)
2019/1/03    I had a great time with you ! It was a lot of fun to share our ideas! I hope you will get a nice house and move there successfully this year ....(Karl先生)
2019/1/02    Thank you Veron. I had a very good time with you ! Your great advice from you motivated me a lot !....(Veron先生)
2019/1/02    娘がくつろぎながら楽しんでいました.......(Madee先生)
2018/12/30    Thank you for your amazing class as always. I really enjoyed your lesson....(Pia先生)
2018/12/30    I'm really appreciate your way of polite teaching and I always enjoy learning English thanks to you!....(Mark先生)
2018/12/30    カール先生の発音は美しく正確で、英検の語彙を増やすにあたり、 耳・脳にしみわたるように理解を助けてくれます。...(Karl先生)
2018/12/30    授業中におもちゃの恐竜の歯が抜けてそれを楽しそうに話していました。....(Jelai先生)
2018/12/29    I appreciate that you always correcting my example sentences. Thank you for telling me about the New Year's Eve in the Philippi.....(Mark先生)
2018/12/29    Thank you very much. I really appreciate your thoughtfulness.It was a little difficult for him to read a story....(Madee先生)
2018/12/28    I'm very happy I took your lesson. Although I have lots of what I want to tell you.....(Rich先生)
2018/12/28    Thank you so much for always your kind instruction. I really enjoyed your class today.....(Mark先生)
2018/12/28    いつも楽しいレッスンをありがとうございます。集中力がない息子ですみません、、。またよろしくお願いします。...(Avi先生)
2018/12/27    Thank you so much for your pleasant lesson today. He enjoyed your lesson.....(Jesie先生)
2018/12/27    Rika先生の明るいトークの中にも、キチンとしたレッスンがあるのが好きです。チャットボックスへの書き込みがもっとあれば、....(Rika先生)
2018/12/27    お絵描きしたり、楽しくすごせたようです.....(Rich先生)
2018/12/26    Dear, teacher Ara, thank you for your wonderful and amazing lesson for me today too. I'm so happy. See you next time.....(Ara先生)
2018/12/26    Thanks for the wonderful lesson as usual! I'll see you next year, so wishing you a Happy New Year!......(Jash先生)
2018/12/26    Thank you so much. It is difficult for me to say what I want to say in English......(Mark先生)
2018/12/26    初めてリッチ先生のレッスンを受けましたが、とても相性が良かったのか、初めてにしては緊張もせずスムーズに受けられて良かったと娘が喜んでました。....(Rich先生)
2018/12/26    説明がていねいでものすごくわかりやすかったです。....(Rich先生)
2018/12/23    Thank you so much for your great lesson. He really enjoyed and he learned some new words. ....(Miriam先生)
2018/12/23    Thank you for your helpful class as always. I like to talk with you so much......(Deng先生)
2018/12/23    Thank you very much. It was really easy to understand.I really enjoyed your wonderful lesson.....(Mark先生)
2018/12/22    Dear, teacher Ara, thank you for your wonderful and amazing lesson for me today too. I'm so happy......(Ara先生)
2018/12/21    Thank you so much, Rika sensei. Your lesson is great! I learned many things in 25 min......(Rika先生)
2018/12/21    Dear, teacher Deng, thank you for your wonderful and amazing lesson for me today too......(Deng先生)
2018/12/21    Thank you so much for always teaching me carefully. I enjoy making sentences......(Mark先生)
2018/12/20    ちょっと緊張している感じでした。誠実な人柄が伝わりました。....(Jash先生)
2018/12/20    Bella先生は、ご主人がイギリス出身ということで、発音もとてもキレイでした。そして、楽しい雰囲気で、生徒を飽きさせない授業をしてくれます。話が弾む中にも、テキストの内容からはそれずに、必ず軌道修正もしてくれます。テキストの半分も終わらなかったのは、私が話し続けてしまったからです。。。その話しやすく、聞き上手さがとても有難いです。...(Bella先生)
2018/12/20    Mark先生だけでなく、キーアイの先生方は、どんな言い回しをしても、大らかな気持ちで受け取ってくれるので、間違っていても恥ずかしがらずに話せるようになりました。もっともっとスムースに話せるようになりたいです。..(Mark先生)
2018/12/20    Dear, teacher Lisa, thank you for your wonderful and amazing lesson for me today too.....(Lisa先生)
2018/12/20    Thank you for the lesson in a fun way! I had a really good time with you. It was so comfortable for me in your class.....(Bella先生)
2018/12/20    I always appreciate you and your behavior for waiting patiently for me. Although it's still hard for me to make sentences what I want to say,......(Mark先生)
2018/12/20    Dear, teacher Marj, thank you for your wonderful and amazing lesson for me today too......(Marj先生)
2018/12/19    another great lesson today! Thank you very much for such a flexible and fun-learning lesson for my son! ....(Rich先生)
2018/12/19    Thank you very much for always teaching him so kindly! ...(Miriam先生)
2018/12/19    I am very thankful for you always teaching me so kindly and patiently.....(Mark先生)
2018/12/19    Ara先生のソフトな話し方を紹介動画で見て、是非レッスンを受けてみたいと思い予約しました。思ってた通りの話し方で、とても聞きやすく、優しい感じで、またお気に入りの先生が増えて嬉しいです。...(Ara先生)
2018/12/18    Thank you for your class! It was a really good time to me.....(Rika先生)
2018/12/18    It was a great time for me :D And thank you for your comments, it motivates me a lot to study more and more ! Also I can learn a lot of vocaburary from your comment! ...(Cris先生)
2018/12/18    Thank you for giving me a lot of knowledge of new words and expressions. The only hoping is to have a good internet connections(^.^;) ...(Veron先生)
2018/12/18    Rika先生、すごく明るくて楽しいです! 妙にテンションが高いわけでもなく、でも明るく、その上でキチンと授業はするという、私にはものすごく合っている先生でした。発音も聞き取りやすく、言い回しも直してくれます。残念なのは、今のところ、朝早くのclassしかないところです。だから、取りたくても取れない日も多そうです。もう少し日中にやってくれると有難い・・・・..(Rika先生)
2018/12/18    Veron先生の根気強い教え方が好きです。また頑張ろうという気にさせてくれます。本当にいい先生に会えて嬉しいです。...(Veron先生)
2018/12/17    I would say your lesson is amazing! My son really enjoyed and also improved his English a lots. ...(Rich先生)
2018/12/17    Thank you for your outstanding class as always! Your class always makes me smile.....(Pia先生)
2018/12/17    Your lessons are always so much fun! Thank you for correcting my example sentences.....(Mark先生)
2018/12/17    Thank you for the valuable lesson! I was too concentrate the lesson and I didn't realize the time of the end. Sorry.....(Mark先生)
2018/12/16    Her pronunciation is clear and her explanation is easy to understand.....(Deng先生)
2018/12/16    Thank you for the class. It was clear and easy to understand.....(Mark先生)
2018/12/16    Thank you for the class. It was clear and easy to understand....(Mark先生)
2018/12/15    I really appreciate her that she gave me a lot of chances to speak. We proceeded 2 stories in one class!....(Cris先生)
2018/12/15    Thank you very much. I really appreciate your thoughtfulness....(Mark先生)
2018/12/15    楽しくお話しさせていただいていました 娘がよく笑って話していました....(Rich先生)
2018/12/15    Mark先生は 丁寧に説明してくれてとてもわかりやすいです。...(Mark先生)
2018/12/14    Thank you so much for your splendid lesson. It was a first lesson for him....(Rich先生)
2018/12/14    Thank you for the lesson today! I am grateful for waiting patiently while I'm struggling with making sentences. And I also appreciate that you help me a lot using the chat box....(Mark先生)
2018/12/14    Thank you for the wonderful lesson! Time passes so fast every time because your lesson is so creative and motivated....(Mark先生)
2018/12/14    いつも優しくレッスンしてくださるので、助かります。アヴィ先生だと安心して見ていられます。....(Avi先生)
2018/12/14    キーアイでのレッスンが楽しくて止まりません。私は、旦那さんに内緒でレッスンを受けているので、ポイント制で、毎日1回と決まっていないところもとても有難いです。なんて良いオンラインスクールを見つけたのかと、毎日レッスンを受けるたびに思います。...(Avi先生)
2018/12/14    Mark先生は、私がなかなか思うように表現出来なくても、辛抱強く待っていてくれ、chat boxにも少しの間違いも見逃さず書き込んでくれて感謝しています。なかなか全部を覚えて次回に繋げるのは難しいですが、10分の1でも新しいことを覚え、少しでも前へ進みながら、英語力をつけていきたいと思っています。...(Mark先生)
2018/12/13    Thank you for the wonderful and interesting lesson always! I had a good time with you as usual.....(Mark先生)
2018/12/13    Mark先生のレッスンの進め方が好きです。やはり、レッスンの進め方や話す雰囲気など、人それぞれだと思うので、何人かの先生のレッスンを受けて、自分に合う先生を見つけたらいいと思います。他の受講者の意見も大切ですが、他の人がいいと言っても、自分には合わないこともあるので。。。(Mark先生)
2018/12/12    Thank you for your wonderful lesson even my wifi didn't work well. I really like your lessons...(Peach先生)
2018/12/12    I really enjoyed your pleasant lesson.It was a little difficult to make sentences but it was fun....(Mark先生)
2018/12/11    Thank you for the lesson! I always struggle with making sentences, but you help me a lot with examples....(Peach先生)
2018/12/11    Jash先生のレッスンは、落ち着いている中にも笑顔があり、とても癒されます。ゆったりとした気持ちでレッスンを受けたい人と、自分からも意見を発信できる人に向いているレッスンだと私は思います。発音も直してくれるし、先生の発音もとてもキレイで聞き取りやすいです。...(Jash先生)
2018/12/11    Peach先生のレッスンは、間違いをすかさず直してくれ、何となくオッケーとならないところがとても有難いです。ともすれば、日本人は、まあオッケーとなると流されやすい国民なので・・・ 今日もとても為になるレッスンでした。..(Peach先生)
2018/12/11    私は、めちゃくちゃテンション高い先生は少し苦手なので(嫌いではないのですが、何となく疲れる 笑)、Peach先生はちょうど良いです。フレンドリーだけど、落ち着いていて、的確に直してくれ、それでも話は弾む。 最近は先生との相性もわかってきて、気の合う3、4人の先生のクラスを交代で取ってる感じです。...(Peach先生)
2018/12/10    大好きなVeron先生とのスカイプが上手くいかず、テキストは画面で、Skypeはスマホでやってみました! とても音声もクリアで満足でした。音声が途切れ途切れになったりする方は、...(Veron先生)
2018/12/10    とても優しく、勇気づけながら教えてくれる先生です。また取りたいです。....(Tina先生)
2018/12/09    Thank you very much for the great lesson always! Looking forward to see you again soon!....(Aki先生)
2018/12/09    Thank you for your very helpful class today. I'm happy to take your lesson today.....(Sen先生)
2018/12/09    I like exchanging ideas with you and enjoyed it today, too. Thank you.....(Sunset先生)
2018/12/08    We talked about various topics today, too. You give me the enjoyable lessons always. ....(Kayelene先生)
2018/12/07    I like your class so much, since your teaching is always friendly and easy to understand. ....(Sen先生)
2018/12/07    Thank you so much! Your lesson is very energetic and attracts children, but there were a few times that you missed listening to the my son speaks.....(Aki先生)
2018/12/06    Veron先生が大好きですが、最近、Veron先生の時だけskypeの調子が悪く、映像を切って声だけでレッスンを受けています。それでも楽しいのですが、できればface to faceで話したいなーと思っています。でも、Veron先生のclassを外さないのは、それだけレッスンが楽しいからでしょう。....(Veron先生)
2018/12/06    楽しくてわかりやすいレッスンをありがとうございました。またお願いします。...(Avi先生)
2018/12/06    Thank you for your outstanding and fantastic class! I really like your English lesson....(Ara先生)
2018/12/06    it was nice to talk to you. Your lesson remind me of how fan talking inEnglish is.....(Dee先生)
2018/12/06    Thank you Deng. I was really pleased to talk with you! Thank again for correcing traslation ...(Deng先生)
2018/12/06    I enjoy studying English, thanks to you.It is a little difficult to make example sentences but it is fun......(Mark先生)
2018/12/06    Thank you so much! I was glad that I was able to understand my questions because you taught me in detail.....(Mark先生)
2018/12/06    Thank you so much for your pleasant lesson.He enjoyed drawing pictures and learning new words....(Jesie先生)
2018/12/06    英語で会話することの楽しさを感じました。英語学習のモチベーションにつながりそうです。....(Dee先生)
2018/12/05    Thank you so much! Your lesson is wonderful! This is our second time to take a trial lesson,and I could see his smile whole during the lesson!....(Aki先生)
2018/12/05    とても気持ちの良い対応で、また授業をお願いしたいと感じました。....(Kayelene先生)
2018/12/04    Thank you so much for your pleasant lesson......(Mark先生)
2018/12/04    Thank you for your wonderful lesson! I learned new words from you again! Time flies so fast every time.....(Mark先生)
2018/12/04    とにかく楽しいの一言で尽きます。Mark先生は、わかってるようでわかっていない単語などを、鋭く見抜き、質問してきてくれます。そうすると、説明しながらも、あー そう言えばわかってなかったなと気付き、また新たな知識が増え、レッスンがどんどん楽しくなってきます。....(Mark先生)
2018/12/03    Thank you for correcting my sentences. Your corrections are pretty clear!......(Mark先生)
2018/12/03    I'm very glad to see you and have your class. Though you are young teacher, your teacheing is very helpful for me....(Sen先生)
2018/12/03    Thank you for always teaching him so kindly....(Miriam先生)
2018/12/02    I enjoyed your class! Thank you very much for your advice which will have great impact to my English study.....(Deng先生)
2018/12/02    Thank you for offering such a wonderful lesson for me ! I really enjoyed it and you motivated me to improve English more! Yes! I try to learn 2 english words every day :)....(Charlotte先生)
2018/12/01    Thank you for your amazing class as always! Your class is helpful to improve my English skills.....(Elly先生)
2018/12/01    Thank you for having a good time with me. I learned some new words and expressions from you. I rarely can take classes on weekends....(Cris先生)
2018/12/01    Cris先生は、柔らかい口調で、丁寧で聞き取りやすいです。授業もぴったりに終わりました。とても良かったです。.....(Cris先生)
2018/12/01    いい勉強になったようです。楽しかったそうです。ありがとうございました。....(Carol先生)
2018/11/30    Thank you for very interesting class today. I'm happy to talk with you on many things.....(Alex先生)
2018/11/30    やはり、Mark先生のclassを取ると、テンションアップします。今日も少し眠気があって、どうしようかと思いましたが、Mark先生のおかげで目も覚めました(笑) そして、珍しくMark先生のclassがこの後空いていたので、また予約をしてしまいました。....(Mark先生)
2018/11/30    人気のあるMark先生のclassが、奇跡的に1日で2回取れました。また頑張ろうという気にいっそうなります。....(Mark先生)
2018/11/30    先生のおかげで会話がスムーズになってきました ありがとうございます.....(Madee先生)
2018/11/29    Thank you for having a fun lesson early in the morning....(Aki先生)
2018/11/29    I always appreciate you teach me in a good way that I can understand easily.....(Mark先生)
2018/11/29    Mark先生のclassは、本当に会話も弾んで、何を話せばいいだろう?と考える必要もないので、リラックスした雰囲気で授業が受けられます。..(Mark先生)
2018/11/28    Amazing! Even before the lesson I told my daughters that today’s teacher would be Aki, they were so excited and looked very happy....(Aki先生)
2018/11/28    娘の話をたくさん聞いて合わせてくれて、とーっても楽しんでいました!.....(Sunset先生)
2018/11/27    thank you very much for the lesson! Noah explained to me that he now knows Quater!! and he is playing with his toy clock and show me quater past 3! Which is amazing.....(Jelai先生)
2018/11/27    息子が途中ふざけて笑ってばかりですみません。楽しいみたいです。その都度対応を変えてくださる先生に感謝です。....(Avi先生)
2018/11/27    Peach先生はいつも1レッスンの中で1つのテキストをほぼ終えてくれるので、とても有難いです。私は現在、TOEICのテキストも並行してやっていますが、Peach先生はTOEICを受け持っていないので、他の授業の時に時々取らさせて頂いてます。....(Peach先生)
2018/11/27    今日はKarl先生のclassを取ってみました。textの内容だけでなく、私の知らないフィリピン事情も教えてもらって、とても充実しました。最近は特にキーアイでのレッスンが楽しくてたまりません。もちろん最初はドキドキしてましたが、強制的にレッスンをするために頑張ってほぼ毎日予約を押し込んでいたら、このようになりました。..(Karl先生)
2018/11/26    Veron先生の優しさが大好きでホッとします。間違っても大丈夫という安心感もあり、たくさんのお気に入りの先生がいる中でも、ホッとしてレッスンを受けたい時に取らせて頂いてます。そして、キーアイの先生方は皆さん大好きなので、少しずつclassを取り、....(Veron先生)
2018/11/26    Jash先生のクラスは最初取った時、先生もまだ始めたばかりで、少し表情も固く、緊張が見られた感じがしました。でも、今回また取ってみると、だいぶ慣れてきた感じがして、いい意味でリラックスしていた感じがあり、....(Jash先生)
2018/11/26    キーアイの先生は、生徒を笑顔にしてくれる方が多いです。フィリピン人の性格もあるのでしょうが、私にとても合っているスクールです。Belle先生も例外でなく、レッスン中に自然と笑みがこぼれてきます。...(Belle先生)
2018/11/26    Thank you for the class! I had a good time with you. I was struggled what I wanted to say in English, but it was also good time for me.....(Belle先生)
2018/11/26    子供が騒いでも落ち着いて対応してくださいました。....(Ara先生)
2018/11/25    初めてDeng先生のクラスを取りました。今までのフレンドリーな先生と比べると、少しビジネスライクな先生で、無駄なおしゃべりは無しでした。少し緊張しましたが、教え方も上手く、淡々と進めてくれる授業は、好みは分かれるかもしれませんが、本気でやりたい人にはとてもいいと思いました。...(Deng先生)
2018/11/25    Dear, teacher Marj, thank you for your wonderful and amazing lesson for me today too......(Marj先生)
2018/11/24    レッスン後に送られてくるコメントも今後の勉強方法など役立つものです。....(Marj先生)
2018/11/24    いい先生だと思いますが、skypeの調子がイマイチで、あまりclearに聞き取れず、少し残念でした。たぶんこちらの言ってることも、Madee先生によく伝わっていない感じもして、申し訳ない気もしました。まあ、skypeなのでたまにこんな時もありますが、ほとんどはclearでとてもいい授業なので、こんなこともあるさ、...(Madee先生)
2018/11/24    You are the very exellent teacher! Your English is easy to listen and understand......(Ara先生)
2018/11/24    It was fun talking with you ! We talked about a lot of topics, children, pregnant, human life :) Amazing.....(Aki先生)
2018/11/24    It was very nice to meet you today and thank you very much for the great lesson!......(Carol先生)
2018/11/23    今日も楽しいレッスンでした。受講歴も1ヶ月が過ぎ、skypeのコールにもだいぶ慣れました。いろいろ気になるテキストがあり、気分によって変わると思いますが、...(Veron先生)
2018/11/23    テキストの最後まで教わった時にぴったり受講時間が終わったので時間配分の上手さに感動しました。有意義でした。....(Madee先生)
2018/11/23    Thank you for always correcting my sentences......(Mark先生)
2018/11/23    Your class is always fun. I could learn Phillipino culuture......(Pia先生)
2018/11/23    Your lessons are always so much fun!He enjoyed today's lesson......(Miriam先生)
2018/11/22    Veron先生の楽しい授業が今日も終わりました。楽しい中にもキチンとしたチェックがあり....(Veron先生)
2018/11/22    優しくてレッスンを楽しくしてくださりありがとうございます 娘がアキ先生大好きです......(Aki先生)
2018/11/22    Thank you so much for teaching him patiently.A slightly long sentence seems to be difficult for him....(Miriam先生)
2018/11/22    Thank you for your such an amazing class! I'm happy to talk to you in English.....(Ara先生)
2018/11/22    Thank you for the fun-way class again! Time flied fast and I had a good time with you as usual....(Veron先生)
2018/11/22    Thank you for the fun lesson.I will do my best to review at home......(Happy先生)
2018/11/22    Thank you for teaching me so patiently. ...(Mark先生)
2018/11/21    Thank you so much for teaching him so kindly. ...(Miriam先生)
2018/11/21    Mark先生は、ちょっとした最初の会話文も丁寧にチャットボックスで直してくれるのが有難いです。このちょっとしたことがものすごく大切で、通じてるからそれでいいというのではお金を払って授業を受けている意味がないので、重要です。でも、キーアイの先生は、大体がそういう先生なので、他のオンライン英会話を経験した身としては、....(Mark先生)
2018/11/21    初めてリスニングのテキストを使ってみました。私の苦手分野の1つでもあり、初級でも聞き取るのが少し難しかったです。しかし、Elly先生が明かるく面白く教えてくれたので、楽しんでやることができました。...(Elly先生)
2018/11/21    ミリアム先生、いつも楽しいレッスンをありがとうございます....(Miriam先生)
2018/11/20    Your class is always helpful to improve my English skills so much.....(Ara先生)
2018/11/20    Thank you Karl. You always make me feel happy and fun during lessons....(Karl先生)
2018/11/20    Thank you for teaching me and waiting patiently while I was struggling to make sentences as usual!....(Mark先生)
2018/11/20    Mark先生は、常に笑顔を絶やさず、優しく丁寧に教えてくれるので、本当に助かっています......(Mark先生)
2018/11/20    スーパーマンの人形を見せてもらって、こっちはアンマンの人形をみせてパンチなどと言って遊んでました。....(Jelai先生)
2018/11/20    イラストを描いたり、優しい先生でいいと思う。....(Jesie先生)
2018/11/19    初めてVeron先生のクラスを取りましたが、教え方が丁寧で笑顔も素敵で、いっぺんに好きになりました。キーアイでクラスを取れば取るほど、お気に入りの先生がたくさん出てきて、...(Veron先生)
2018/11/19    今日も娘はとても楽しそうで私たちまで嬉しくなりました ありがとうございます!.....(Avi先生)
2018/11/19    Thank you very much. Our teacher is always doing well...(Aki先生)
2018/11/19    Thank you for the awesome lesson! He really enjoyed your teaching skills and encouragement.....(Miriam先生)
2018/11/19    Thank you for teaching me in your class today. ...(Veron先生)
2018/11/18    よく娘が英語を話していました 上手に会話を引き出して下さりありがとうございます....(Madee先生)
2018/11/18    Your lesson is always very excellent! ...(Ara先生)
2018/11/18    Thank you for the funny lesson. Before the lesson, Daughter was bit shy but she finally laughed aloud with your gestures on bye-bye song...(Aki先生)
2018/11/18    Thank you for your enjoyable lesson today. My daughter really enjoyed your class. She is looking forward to seeing you again...(Miriam先生)
2018/11/18    I learned a lot in the class today, your encouragement helps me.....(Mark先生)
2018/11/17    アキ先生のレッスンいつも娘は楽しくて笑っています 最高です....(Aki先生)
2018/11/17    Thank you for your wnderful class. Your class is very helpful for me to improve my listening skill, as well as speaking skill....(Erin先生)
2018/11/17    2 also he tried to think a lots to share his stories and toys with you. And you kindly correct his grammer nicely let him repeat....(Rich先生)
2018/11/16    いつも楽しいレッスンをありがとうございます。娘も大変喜んでおります。...(Aki先生)
2018/11/16    Thank you so much for the class. It was always clear and easy to understand....(Jane先生)
2018/11/16    Thank you very much for the great lesson always! Can't wait to see you next lesson....(Aki先生)
2018/11/16    Thank you so much for checking my sentences.....(Mark先生)
2018/11/15    Miriam先生は、とても明るく、こっちまで楽しくなってくるようなレッスンをしてくれる先生です。笑顔が可愛く、大好きになりました。英語も聞きやすく、チャットボックスの説明の英単語が更にわからなくても(笑)、根気よく他の言葉で教えてくれます。....(Miriam先生)
2018/11/15    授業を準備しなくても、スムーズにお互いに話すことができます。 先生Marjに本当に感謝しています。...(Marj先生)
2018/11/15    Thank you for your such an excellent class! I really enjoyed the conversation with you....(Alex先生)
2018/11/14    Thank you for the fun-filled lessons. He learned a lot and enjoyed your class.....(Miriam先生)
2018/11/14    You always make me feel happy and positive during lesson.....(Cris先生)
2018/11/14    I was able to learn a lot from the lesson today! It was a really fruitful time! Thank you so much for your wonderful lesson...(Mark先生)
2018/11/14    娘が楽しく話せたみたいです ありがとうございます.....(Aki先生)
2018/11/13    Thank you for your amazing class today! Your English is easy to listen and understand....(Karl先生)
2018/11/13    Thank you so much for correcting my sentences and for teaching me carefully....(Mark先生)
2018/11/13    Thank you for the lesson! I was able to memorize new words and I had a good time with you.....(Sunset先生)
2018/11/13    Erin先生はきちんと間違いもチャットボックスで直してくれるし、こちらが言う言葉に詰まっていても、我慢強く待ってくれ、助け船を出してくれます。....(Erin先生)
2018/11/13    とても明るい先生です!わからない単語もわかりやすい英語で説明をしてくれるし、タイプもしてくれます。最初、音声が小さくて聞こえづらかったけど、言ったら直してくれました。とにかくキーアイの先生は皆さんいい方達ばかりです。...(Sunset先生)
2018/11/13    初めてのオンラインレッスンで子供は見たことないくらい緊張していました。親もスカイプ操作に慣れていなくてアタフタ。なかなか会話のやり取りできない中でも、色々と話しかけていただき頑張ってレッスンできました。....(Jelai先生)
2018/11/12    I really enjoyed your class. You made it easier for me to understand.....(Mark先生)
2018/11/12    レッスンが楽しくて楽しくて娘が笑い転げていました ありがとうございます またよろしくお願いいたします....(Elly先生)
2018/11/11    I appreciate that you explained things to me in a way that makes them easier to understand.....(Mark先生)
2018/11/10    You have an excellent skill to teach pronunciation! ....(Ara先生)
2018/11/10    I studied 'Advertising ' today and you let me know a touching commercial of your country......(Deng先生)
2018/11/10    Thank you so much for your help. I freaked out becouse my PC is broken...But you help me!!....(Mark先生)
2018/11/10    Thank you so much for always correcting my sentences.....(Mark先生)
2018/11/09    you are my best teacher to learn reading NEWS articles!....(Mark先生)
2018/11/09    I have gained much knowledge from this lesson, thank you....(Mark先生)
2018/11/08    I was feeling some kind of nervous, but now I'm stressless....(Miriam先生)
2018/11/08    Thank you for the lesson. It was the first time for me to type the sentences in a class.....(Lia先生)
2018/11/08    Thank you so much for your understandable explanation.....(Mark先生)
2018/11/07    I have a good time with you all the time we have a lesson. I can get new words every time, and It's getting difficult for me because of lots of words I don't know....(Mark先生)
2018/11/07    I have a good time with you all the time we have a lesson.....(Mark先生)
2018/11/07    Dear, teacher Marj, thank you for your amazing lesson for me today.....(Marj先生)
2018/11/06    Thank you for giving me a lot of advice. I will continue to enhance my vocabulary by reading and listening English....(Belle先生)
2018/11/05    とてもていねいに教えて頂きました。都度都度間違ったところは指摘してくれるので勉強になります.....(Dee先生)
2018/11/05    楽しくレッスンできたようで、また同じ先生がいいな、と言っていました。息子にもわかるように伝えてくれたり、飽きないように楽しませてくれてとても嬉しかったです......(Avi先生)
2018/11/05    Teacher Marjはとても優しくてわかりやすい授業です。また、発音がとてもよく聞き取りやすい声で初心者にもわかりやすいです。....(Marj先生)
2018/11/05    いつも丁寧なレッスンで、生徒を持ち上げながらも、間違いを正してくれる、優しい先生です。Mark先生のレッスンが大好きです。...(Mark先生)
2018/11/05    I still don’t know the word and grammar, but Ms. Marj connects the conversation well. ...(Marj先生)
2018/11/04    今までのレッスンの中で一番スムーズに英語を話す理解できていたと思います。子どももにこにこでした。....(Jelai先生)
2018/11/04    I’m satisfied with the solid lesson in which my daughter could fully focus on thanks to you......(Miriam先生)
2018/11/04    Thank you very much for lesson! I learned a lot of things in this lesson. I can enjoy your lesson. I want to lesson again!....(Kayelene先生)
2018/11/04    You are very kind teacher. I'll improve my English skills by your class....(Ara先生)
2018/11/03    次々に質問をしてくれますので、空白の時間が殆どありません。話題も豊富です。 今まで知らなかった単語や言い回しを沢山教えて頂きました。やたらと陽気なタイプではなく、落ち着いた感じの先生なので疲れません。安心してレッスンを受けられます。生徒により多くのことを伝えようとする意欲が伺えましたが、...(Erin先生)
2018/11/03    It was very fun! And your Japanese was very good. Thank you for teaching me....(Karl先生)
2018/11/03    Thank you so much for giving me the interesting topic and initiating interesting discussion....(Ara先生)
2018/11/03    Before the lesson, my daughter was bit shy to see you because it was a first class of you, however she looked relaxed during the lesson....(Madee先生)
2018/11/02    初めてのレッスンでしたが、子供がとても楽しんでいました。また是非お願いしたいです!....(Candy先生)
2018/11/02    娘が笑ったり楽しそうでした ありがとうございます...(Candy先生)
2018/11/02    毎回フリーチャットをやっています。その度に話題作りに窮しますが、Pia先生は気軽ではあるけれどもきちんとて考えて答えなければいけない質問をしてくれます。..(Pia先生)
2018/11/02    It was a pleasure meeting you. I had a good time in your lesson.....(Jane先生)
2018/11/02    Thank you so much for your pleasant lesson. He really enjoyed your class today....(Miriam先生)
2018/11/02    Thank you for your helpful comments and interesting conversation with me....(Deng先生)
2018/11/02    The lesson time has exceeded five minutes. I'm sorry. A very effective lesson for improving my pronunciation.....(Jash先生)
2018/11/01    とても楽しかったようで、娘がレッスン中ずっと笑っていました ありがとうございます....(Aki先生)
2018/11/01    Peach先生は、ゆっくり丁寧に教えてくれるのが醍醐味に感じました。また教えてもらいたいです。....(Peach先生)
2018/11/01    Thank you for the wonderful lesson! Usually my son is shy but he was relaxed with u....(Marj先生)
2018/11/01    Very enjoyable lesson! Your explanation is very easy, so I learned a lot about your county....(Ara先生)
2018/10/31    Thank you for good lesson early in the morning. Your lesson is very good for me.....(Aki先生)
2018/10/31    Thank you so much for correcting my sentences and for teaching me lots of imformation!....(Mark先生)
2018/10/31    Thank you for the wonderful lesson. My son is very shy but when he have a lesson with u, he try’s to talk!....(Marj先生)
2018/10/31    毎回、Mark先生とのレッスンが楽しみです。25分があっという間に過ぎます。...(Mark先生)
2018/10/30    Thank you for good lesson early in the morning. Your lesson is very good for me....(Dee先生)
2018/10/30    It was the second time for the lesson with you and I always appreciated your teaching.....(Mark先生)
2018/10/30    一番のお気に入りの先生です。この先生がいるからキーアイにしたと言ってもいいくらい気に入っています。....(Mark先生)
2018/10/29    Thank you for the lesson! I like the way of your speaking. I'll see you again!....(Jash先生)
2018/10/29    Thank you for having a fun lesson early in the morning. Your lesson is very good for me. See you next time!....(Aki先生)
2018/10/29    娘がおお喜びで話していました ありがとうございます.....(Jelai先生)
2018/10/28    Thank you for the lesson and I had a good time with you! I like your hairstyle! ....(Sy先生)
2018/10/27    Thank you for your polite and interesting class. See you again soon!....(Ara先生)
2018/10/27    Speaking English is difficult for me ,but I enjoyed your lesson. Your lesson was very carefully for me.....(Jelai先生)
2018/10/27    Thanks to your clear explanation, I could deeply understand that article. And I really enjoyed sharing our stories....(Veron先生)
2018/10/27    Thank you for your very kind and helpful class today! I'm glad to take your lesson....(Karl先生)
2018/10/26    Thank you so much!I was able to learn a lot of things from you and it was fun....(Mark先生)
2018/10/25    Thank you for teaching him so kindly. He really enjoyed your class.....(Miriam先生)
2018/10/24    Thank you so much for your lucid explanations and correcting my example sentences....(Mark先生)
2018/10/23    Thank you for teaching me in your best way! I really appreciated it and I had a good time with you. You are the best teacher I've ever met....(Mark先生)
2018/10/22    お絵描きしながらお話しできて楽しかったみたいです ありがとうございました....(Avi先生)
2018/10/22    Thank you for your amazing and interesting class as always. I really enjoy learning English. See you again soon....(Jane先生)
2018/10/22    I had a good time with you and I really appreciated you about letting me know the correct sentences....(Avi先生)
2018/10/21    今日も丁寧なレッスンをありがとうございました!....(Madee先生)
2018/10/21    Thank you, I was easily able to understand what you told me.....(Mark先生)
2018/10/21    Thank you so much as always. I am glad because I was able to know lots of expressions and new words that I didn't know before....(Mark先生)
2018/10/20    娘がスペルを書いていてびっくりしました ありがとうございます!....(Candy先生)
2018/10/20    綺麗な発音で、楽しくわかりやすくレッスンしてくれます。 わからない時は、辛抱強く待ってくださり、自分のペースでレッスンできることを尊重してくださいます。キーアイのオリジナル英語学習メソッド「SMLE」は、とてもわかりやすく、英語が話せるようになり、かつ総合的な英語力のつくカリキュラムが組まれていて、とても気に入っています。....(Blessy先生)
2018/10/20    Thank you for your excellent class! You always teach me better grammer, pronunciation, and expression.....(Deng先生)
2018/10/20    Your class motivates her to keep learning English. Thank you for your patient and kind lesson as always.....(Marj先生)
2018/10/19    楽しく遊んでいただきました。またよろしくお願いします。....(Jane先生)
2018/10/19    You are very excellent teacher! I always learn a lot from you. I hope to see you again soon....(Deng先生)
2018/10/19    Thanks for your pleasant lesson today. He had a wonderful time with you and he learned a lot of words.....(Jesie先生)
2018/10/18    Your class is always very useful to improve English skills. I'm looking forward to taking your next class soon.....(Jane先生)
2018/10/18    Thank you very much for your class today. Ms.Candy's lesson is very easy to understand and fun....(Candy先生)
2018/10/17    I appreciate your corrections as they help me learn better English. Thank you so much for your pleasant lesson....(Mark先生)
2018/10/17    Thank you so much for teaching me carefully as usual and I had fun time with you....(Mark先生)
2018/10/17    Thank you so much for always teaching him so kindly.He really enjoyed your wonderful lesson.Thanks to you....(Miriam先生)
2018/10/16    すごく楽しくお話しできたみたいです 素晴らしい先生です ありがとうございます....(Lisa先生)
2018/10/15    thank you. you taught me many things. i want to lean more with you. see you soon! good night!....(Jane先生)
2018/10/15    Your class is so helpful to improve my English skills! I'm sincerely looking forward to taking your next class!...(Deng先生)
2018/10/15    Thank you so much for reading and for correcting my sentences.I had great time with you!....(Mark先生)
2018/10/15    お絵描きとっても楽しかったようです ありがとうございます.....(Avi先生)
2018/10/15    娘が大笑いしていました すごく楽しかったみたいです ありがとうございます....(Lisa先生)
2018/10/14    とーっても楽しくお話しさせていただきありがとうございました ドアごしに娘が楽しそうに笑っている声が聞こえてきました。....(Jelai先生)
2018/10/14    Thank you for always helping him enjoy learning English. He likes your splendid lesson....(Miriam先生)
2018/10/13    今日も楽しくレッスンしていただきました。レベルに合わせた質問をしてくれ答えるのに時間がかかりますがじっと待ってくれます....(Alex先生)
2018/10/13    Thank you for your lesson. You are friendly and kind! I want to lesson again! See you soon!....(Carol先生)
2018/10/13    Thank you very much for the great lesson today! His speaking skill is much better !....(Happy先生)
2018/10/12    Thank you for explaining things to me in a way I can understand.It is a pleasure learning English now, thank you for that.....(Mark先生)
2018/10/12    Thank you for always teaching him so kindly. Your lesson was easy to understand. Thank you....(Miriam先生)
2018/10/11    ゲームしたり、すごく楽しかったみたいです ありがとうございます‼️....(Avi先生)
2018/10/11    風船の絵をかいたりハロウィンの変装したり楽しそうでした。....(Avi先生)
2018/10/11    Your class was fun. I enjoyed and studied a lot with you today. Thank you.....(Veron先生)
2018/10/11    Speaking English is difficult for me ,but I enjoyed your lesson.Thank you so much.See you soon!!....(Mark先生)
2018/10/11    Thank you so much for correcting my sentences.Furthermore,it was fun to learn new tpoics as well.....(Mark先生)
2018/10/10    My daughters really enjoyed 'archery-rabbit-wall' Thank you for a good time with you.....(Miriam先生)
2018/10/10    I like your lesson. I really enjoyed.Thank you so much also today!! See you soon...(Mark先生)
2018/10/10    バジル先生は初めてでしたが、人見知りでマイペースな娘に合わせたレッスンをしてくださいました。ありがとうございました。....(Basil先生)
2018/10/10    すごく楽しかったみたいです ありがとうございます....(Madee先生)
2018/10/09    Thank you for teaching me how to pronounce the word, rule of grammer and so on.....(Mark先生)
2018/10/09    Thank you for your wonderful lesson so much! I enjoyed talking with you, and learned a lot form you.....(Jane先生)
2018/10/09    楽しかったし、わからない語彙も私にとってはわかりやすい説明で助かりました。とてもフレンドリーで話しやすい先生でした。....(Jelai先生)
2018/10/09    お絵描きすごく楽しかったようです ありがとうございます...(Candy先生)
2018/10/08    Thank you for initiating interesting class, I enjoyed, you can talk to your other students as well....(Belle先生)
2018/10/08    Teacher Miriam is excellent! She corrects my sentences in proper ways and always motivates me....(Miriam先生)
2018/10/08    Your lessons are always fun. He had great time and learned some words....(Jesie先生)
2018/10/08    ミリアム先生はいつも元気に授業をしてくださります。先生の明るい雰囲気のおかげで、話していると自分も元気をもらえるので、...(Miriam先生)
2018/10/07    Thank you for your wonderful class today. I believe that your lesson will improve my English skills.....(Elly先生)
2018/10/07    Your class always encourges me to learn English more, since you teaches me how intetersting to communicate in English....(Pia先生)
2018/10/07    Thank you for your fantastic lesson! Your lesson is always kind and easy to understand for children....(Alex先生)
2018/10/07    Thank you for your amazing class! My daughter is so fine to take your class and learn English from you....(Alex先生)
2018/10/07    Thank you very much! I learned a lot of thing. I can enjoy your lesson....(Kayelene先生)
2018/10/06    Your lessons are always interesting and he enjoys them.Thank you for teaching him so kindly.....(Happy先生)
2018/10/06    Thank you very much for the great lesson! My son enjoyed the time with you sharing sports festival story....(Marj先生)
2018/10/06    Hi, Cris. Thank you for a great lesson today! Thanks to you, I always enjoy the lessons and get more motivation for English from you! I can't wait for your next lesson....(Cris先生)
2018/10/05    ニコニコしていて感じがよい。英語の発音もクリアでわかりやすい。....(Avi先生)
2018/10/03    Your class is always attractive and intertesting.....(Elly先生)
2018/10/03    娘が本当に楽しそうで英語に対する苦手意識を克服できそうです ありがとうございます....(Jesie先生)
2018/10/02    Your class is always so interesting and exciting!....(Elly先生)
2018/10/02    she’s been so cheerful and very friendly that i can do my best without hesitation.....(Aki先生)
2018/10/02    I'm happy to take your class today. Your English is always easy to listen and good for me to improve ....(Pia先生)
2018/10/02    元気な授業で、質問すればきちんと豊富な例文やコロケーションを用いて説明してくださいます。とても良い先生です。....(Aki先生)
2018/10/01    Thank you so much for the enjoyable lesson and for correcting my sentences....(Mark先生)
2018/10/01    Thank you for listening to my story, it was so nice to meet you.....(Elly先生)
2018/9/30    Thank you for sharing your logical ideas. I enjoyed conversation with you during the class.....(Charlotte先生)
2018/9/30    お絵描き楽しかったみたいです ありがとうございました....(Millet先生)
2018/9/29    Thank you for your kind and patient class....(Marj 先生)
2018/9/29    Hi! Thank you very much for the great lesson again! My son always having great fun learning English with you....(Aki先生)
2018/9/29    Thank you so much for correcting my sentences. Your teaching style is so good for me....(Dee先生)
2018/9/29    とても楽しかったと娘が言っていました ありがとうございます またよろしくお願いいたします....(Avi先生)
2018/9/28    Thank you so much for teachimg me the meaning of many words I asked....(Mark先生)
2018/9/27    Thank you so much for your splendid lesson today....(Miriam先生)
2018/9/27    Today’s lesson was really beneficial for me.Your lessons are always interesting and helpful.....(Mark先生)
2018/9/27    Thank you so much for listening to my explanation and teaching my naughty girl,...(Marj先生)
2018/9/26    I enjoyed your class, thank you so much. ...(Karl先生)
2018/9/26    Thank you very much for the fun lesson today! My son really enjoyed!....(Lisa先生)
2018/9/26    話を盛り上げて下さり、娘の言葉をどんどん引き出してくださいました ありがとうございます 楽しかったと娘も大満足でした.....(Jesie先生)
2018/9/25    Thank you so much for your lesson! Your lesson was very useful to me....(Jane先生)
2018/9/25    everything’s perfectly clear after the lesson. she can always translate the slight difference between the closest words....(Aki先生)
2018/9/25    It was difficult for me to make some sentences, but it was very fun. ...(Mark先生)
2018/9/25    数日体調不良でレッスンをお休みしていましたが、授業を受けて少し元気になりました。....(Aki先生)
2018/9/25    体験レッスンありがとうございました。娘の遊びを学びにかえるレッスンで、楽しくできました。側でみていて安心しました。ありがとうございました。...(Madee先生)
2018/9/24    Thank you so much for always correcting my example sentences. Your teaching style is so good...(Mark先生)
2018/9/24    Your lessons are always interesting and he enjoys them....(Happy先生)
2018/9/24    Thank you so much for always correcting my example sentences....(Mark先生)
2018/9/24    It was nice talking with you. Talk with us spread to crime from shopping after the text....(Enna先生)
2018/9/24    Thank you for the wonderful lesson. I liked it very much! ....(Jesie先生)
2018/9/23    Dear, teacher Miriam, thank you for your womderful and amazing lesson for me ...(Miriam先生)
2018/9/23    Thank you so much for initiating interesting lesson and listening to my story,...(Veron先生)
2018/9/23    Thank you so much for initiating interesting lesson and listening to my story...(Veron先生)
2018/9/23    素敵な先生でした 娘も楽しかったようです ありがとうございます....(Madee先生)
2018/9/22    I studied 'Is this for yourself or a gift to someone?' and learned difference of Japan and the Philippines on custom what the shop cleark does. ...(Mark先生)
2018/9/22    娘が楽しかったと言っていました 本当にありがとうございます....(Dee先生)
2018/9/22    先生が話していることはなかなか理解が難しいようでしたが楽しんでいました。ニコニコと接してくれる良い先生でした。またお便りをたくさんかいてくれて友花も大喜びです。きちんと文章を友花のために考えて書いてくれたのが分かり嬉しいです。次回以降も参加したいです。...(Madee先生)
2018/9/21    Thank you so much for correcting lots of my questions....(Mark先生)
2018/9/21    話していても楽しいし、ただ会話するだけでなく、きちんとミスを修正してくれました......(Candy先生)
2018/9/21    娘の笑い声が聞こえてきて楽しそうで嬉しかったです 素晴らしい先生でした ありがとうございます またよろしくお願いいたします....(Candy先生)
2018/9/20    Thank you very much! I like your lessons. Because your lessons is fun and I can hear a lot of English....(Olive先生)
2018/9/19    Thank you for the fun-filled lessons.Your explanation made that clear to me.....(Mark先生)
2018/9/19    コミュニケーションがいっぱい出来て楽しそうでした。...(Candy先生

2018/9/18    Thank you so much, today. I almost gave up, but you are really patient and waited for my son....(Aki先生)
2018/9/18    Your lessons are always interesting and he enjoy them.It was easy to understand....(Miriam先生)
2018/9/18    Thanks to your kind instruction, I understood that well. ...(Mark先生)
2018/9/18    Thanks to your kind instruction, I understood that well....(Mark先生)
2018/9/18    親切丁寧わかりやすいです。...(Avi先生)
2018/9/18    yes no で成立してしまうところがあるオンライン英会話ですが 先生はyes noでは答えられない質問をいくつかしてくださり またその返事に時間がかか...(Alex先生)
2018/9/17    Dear, teacher Marj, thank you for your happy leeson for me today. Have a happy day. ...(Marj先生)
2018/9/17    とても明るく親しみの持てる先生でした!子供も初めは緊張していたのですが、すぐに慣れ、楽しくレッスンすることができました。...(Miriam先生)
2018/9/16    Dear, teacher Alex thank you for your wonderful and amazing lesson for me today. I'm so happy...(Alex先生)
2018/9/16    I am always impressed your way to summarize and explain. It's understanderble. After studing the text we exchanged infomation about specialty on alchole in each countries....(Kayelene先生)
2018/9/16    とても娘が喜んでいました ありがとうございます....(Basil先生)
2018/9/16    落ち着いた感じでレッスンができると思います。...(Kayelene先生)
2018/9/15    Thank you very much for the FUN lesson again! My son always happy with Aki teacher! Looking forward to seeing you soon.....(Aki先生)
2018/9/15    Hi, Cris. Thank you so much for your great instruction always! My motivation toward English improvement can be maintained by your wonderful classes!...(Cris先生)
2018/9/15    Thank you for correcting my pronunciation, spelling, grammar and so on. It was easy to understand...(Mark先生)
2018/9/15    Time is so fast. I enjoyed entire our lesson and hope to hear the continuation of the story....(Mark先生)
2018/9/15    大きな台風が来ていて大変そうでした。無事をお祈りします。....(Lia先生)
2018/9/14    文法の疑問点について一番丁寧に解説してくれます。...(Lia先生)
2018/9/14    Thank you so much for today. Today's discussion was very fun. l will research it more and I will make some example sentences.....(Mark先生)
2018/9/14    Thank you for correcting my some sentences.I really enjoyed your wonderful lesson!....(Mark先生)
2018/9/14    I trust you of course! i don't know more good teacher than you. please look after a whimsical boy.....(Jesie先生)
2018/9/14    びっくり箱みたいな箱から色々なおもちゃを取り出してくれていました。....(Miriam先生)
2018/9/13    Thank you for the wonderful lesson. ...(Alex先生)
2018/9/13    Thank you for sharing your story. I would really love to hear more! I hope the tyhoon won't give you hard time....(Veron先生)
2018/9/13    Thank you for your great class....(Mark先生)
2018/9/13    バギオの先生です。生徒が分かりやすいように色々工夫してくれる先生です。....(Veron先生)
2018/9/12    I can learn a lot from your class. I sincerely like your teaching....(Jane先生)
2018/9/11    Thank you for your attractive class. Your lesson is always kind and interesting....(Jane先生)
2018/9/11    she’s so experienced teacher to guide me into the brightest place when i don’t understand the meanings or the sentences...(Aki先生)
2018/9/11    i’m so glad to take her lessons every day. tonight i got back to my work 10 minutes before the lesson...(Aki先生)
2018/9/11    It was very nice to meet you! Thank you for sharing your information.....(Isabelle先生)
2018/9/11    話しやすい先生です。フリーチャットにおすすめです。....(Isabelle先生)
2018/9/11    有益な授業で、毎回気づきがあります。曖昧にしていた部分が明白になり、丁寧に説明してくださるのでありがたいです。.....(Aki先生)
2018/9/11    分からない部分を丁寧にいくつも例を出して説明してくださるので、きちんと理解して前に進むことが出来ます。仕事がなければ一日中レッスンを受けたいくらいです。...(Aki先生)
2018/9/10    Thank you for always correcting my pronunciations, spelling, grammar and so on.....(Mark先生)
2018/9/10    分からないことが有ればゆっくり何回も繰り返してくれるからわかりやすいと言っています。 出来るだけ先生のレッスンをとれたらと思います。 今後とも宜しくお願いします。..(Avi先生)
2018/9/10    明るくレッスンを盛り上げてくれました。 「blue」をただ絵を見せて「青」と教えるのではなく、「何かblueのもの持ってきて」と家の中を探させたり、質問に対する答えも、文で答える答え方を逐一教えて言わせていてよかったです....(Miriam先生)
2018/9/09    Thank you so much for the productive class. In our lesson, you shared how to pronunce R and L that I was not good at....(A先生)
2018/9/09    pleased to have lesson with her. i’m so impressed that she keeps cheering me during the lesson.....(Aki先生)
2018/9/09    モチベーションの上がる授業なので、やる気が持続します。....(Aki先生)
2018/9/09    元気になる授業なので、時間問わず受講できます。親しみやすくて本当にいい先生です。...(Aki先生)
2018/9/08    she speaks very clearly and teaches me with a very friendly atmosphere.....(Aki先生)
2018/9/08    such a great lesson! i’m sure that she can lift my skills up with a very friendly atmosphere.....(Aki先生)
2018/9/08    It was nice talking to you. We get to know how different the construction of the drama in each contries.....(Kayelene先生)
2018/9/08    とても気持ちの良い授業です。TOEICの授業ですが、会話でもすぐに使えそうな表現もたくさん教えてくださいますのでありがたいです。...(Aki先生)
2018/9/08    とてもうまく私の言いたいことをシンプルにまとめてくださるので、次回はこういう表現を使ってみようと応用できます。次回楽しみにしています。...(Aki先生)
2018/9/07    やるきがない息子にも丁寧に接してくださりいつもありがとうございます。....(Happy先生)
2018/9/06    ハイテンションで教えていただき、子供もハイテンションになっていました。....(Aki先生)
2018/9/05    Thank you so much for your great class. That was an informative lesson.....(Mark先生)
2018/9/05    Thank you for your patient and so kind lesson as always....(Marj先生)
2018/9/05    レッスンに日本語を入れると混乱するので、英語だけのレッスンをお願いします。日本語サポートは必要ないとです。次回のレッスンでは名前もあこちゃんではなく、...(Jesie先生)
2018/9/04    It was my first SMLE lesson, because my teacher was laughing, I was able to take lessons fun while I was nervous.....(Adel先生)
2018/9/04    Thank you for your amazing class today. Your talking is easy to understand for my daughter.....(Marj先生)
2018/9/04    SMLEのレッスンでは、質問文と回答文を繰り返し話すことで、聴く力と話す力がどちらも育つと思いました。....(Adel先生)
2018/9/04    言いたいことを上手く引き出してもらえて、とても嬉しいです。知的で素晴らしい先生です。....(Jane先生)
2018/9/03    Today's lesson was very interesting.....(Mark先生)
2018/9/03    Thank you so much for the wonderful lesson!.....(Mark先生)
2018/9/03    Thnak you for your splendid lesson as always! ....(Marj先生)
2018/9/03    Thank you so much for your wonderful lesson. ....(Jesie先生)
2018/9/02    Thank you so much! You are very kind! So I can enjoy your lesson!....(Kayelene先生)
2018/9/02    Thank you very much, I really enjoyed your lesson. ...(Mark先生)
2018/9/02    先生に慣れてきて親は近くにいない方が良いみたいです。 楽しそうで嬉しいです.....(Miriam先生)
2018/9/02    バギオの文化はとても興味深いです。いつも熱心に教えてくれます!.....(Sunset先生)
2018/9/02    いつもお世話になっております。 とても楽しく、優しい先生でとても良かったとおもいます。....(Kayelene先生)
2018/9/01    Dear, teacher Alex thank you for your wonderful and amazing lesson for me today....(Alex先生)
2018/9/01    Thank you for listening to my personal opinion and initiating interesting lesson....(Veron先生)
2018/9/01    'Ship 'is veeeeeery difficult to pronounce haha... (Mark先生)
2018/9/01    Thank u for ur lesson. My son are getting relaxed and he asked some questions by himself!!....(Mark先生)
2018/9/01    ルソン島ナガ在住の先生です。フィリピンの文化について質問したところ、熱心に答えてくださいました。....(Charlotte先生)
2018/8/31    Thank you for your wonderful class today. ...(Aki先生)
2018/8/31    Thank you very much for the great lesson.....(Aki先生)
2018/8/31    Thank you very much for your understandable explanation....(Mark先生)
2018/8/30    Thank you so much for your fruitful lesson.....(Mark先生)
2018/8/30    ほぼ毎日レッスンを受けています。とても有意義な25分で、午前中が空いている私にはぴったりのレッスンです。....(Isabelle先生)
2018/8/30    初めてのレッスンでドキドキしてましたが先生の印象がとても良く沙希も喜んでいました。 出来るだけ先生のレッスンを予約をしたいので今後ともよろしくお願いします。...(Miriam先生)
2018/8/29    Thank you very much! I like your lessons! Because your lessons is fun...(Basil先生)
2018/8/28    Thank you very much for the lesson today! My son always enjoying the lesson with Mark sensei. Oh, today, son's primary school teacher told me that his English is improving a lots!...(Mark先生)
2018/8/28    Thank you for correcting my lots of sentences and teaching me carefully. It was a little difficult for me,but I was able to imagine...(Mark先生)
2018/8/28    I always love her class! She is a very enthusiastic teacher...(Marj先生)
2018/8/28    わかりやすい授業でこちらの意図を汲み取って修正してくださるので、しっかり25分集中して授業を受けることができました。....(Isabelle先生)
2018/8/27    thank you for keeping my motivation going through the lesson. i'm a little nervous but the encouraging words made me confident...(Isabelle先生)
2018/8/27    熱心に教えていただき、集中して取り組めました。普段英語を話している時は、使い回せる熟語や語彙が乏しく、....(Isabelle先生)
2018/8/27    とても落ちついて優しい感じの先生です。ご自分の街や文化について色々教えてくれます。....(Sunset先生)
2018/8/26    Thank you for your wonderful lesson! I really enjoyed it. And your advices were so helpful for me....(Aki先生)
2018/8/26    Thank you very much today. It was very fun to talk to you. I'll definitely take your lesson again,...(Belle先生)
2018/8/26    I'm so honored that you gave me lots of pragmatic tips and suggestions for my job interview....(Sunset先生)
2018/8/25    Thank you for correcting my pronunciation....(Mark先生)
2018/8/24    What a superb teacher you are! I really enjoyed your class today. ...(Jane先生)
2018/8/24    you are such a fun and kind teacher. My son really looking forward to take your class....(Sunset先生)
2018/8/24    Hi! Thank you very much for the great lesson again. ...(Mark先生)
2018/8/23    It was easy to understand. Thank you for teaching him....(Happy先生)
2018/8/23    Thank you so much also today...(Mark先生)
2018/8/23    I had fun also today.Our discussion was really fun.....(Mark先生)
2018/8/23    アメリカに住んだことのある先生でした。若干フィリピン的な発音もありますが、自然なアメリカ的な言い回しと発音でお話しされる先生です。...(Lia先生)
2018/8/22    Thank you for teaching me so kindly and correcting my example sentences....(Mark先生)
2018/8/21    楽しそうにTを書く練習をしていました。...(Alex先生)
2018/8/20    Thank you very much! I really enjoyed this lesson! ...(Candy先生)
2018/8/20    Thank you very much for the today's lesson. My son really enjoyed to spend the time with you. ...(Miriam先生)
2018/8/20    Thank you so much for the wonderful lesson also today....(Mark先生)
2018/8/20    人見知りの娘の気持ちを上手く捉えて、積極的にレッスンできるように工夫してくださっていました。ありがとうございました。....(Shenna先生)
2018/8/19    Thank you for your fantastic class as always....(Alex先生)
2018/8/19    Thank you very much for the beautiful lesson today! ....(Miriam先生)
2018/8/19    I always enjoy taking your class.Thanks for typing the answers so quickly....(Mark先生)
2018/8/19    日本の歴史に関するテキストでしたが、興味を持ってレッスンをしていただけたので良かったです。....(Jelai先生)
2018/8/18    I learned new usage of 'Of course'. Thank you for explaining. Now I undrstand it perfectly....(Mark先生)
2018/8/18    Thanks to your kind lessons, she can keep learning English with joy....(Marj先生)
2018/8/18    Thank you for your heartwarmimng lesson. YHour positive feedbacks encourage me to keep learning English more.....(Pia先生)
2018/8/18    Your lesson is always very attractive and fantastic lesson!...(Candy先生)
2018/8/18    Thank you for initiating interesting lesson every time, I enjoyed :)....(Peach先生)
2018/8/18    Thank you for your polite and interesting class today.....(Esa先生)
2018/8/17    Thank you so much for correcting my lots of sentences....(Mark先生)
2018/8/17    Thank you very much for the great lesson today! My son enjoyed having conversation with you...(Yana先生)
2018/8/17    Dear, teacher Alex, thank you for your wonderful and amazing lesson for me today.....(Alex先生)
2018/8/17    Thank you Peach. Your classes always give me much motivation to improve English !....(Peach先生)
2018/8/17    たくさんお話してくださるので勉強になりました。...(Enna先生)
2018/8/17    知識の豊富な先生だと思いました。発音もなまりもとても少なく、実力のある先生だと思います。....(Dee先生)
2018/8/17    たくさん間違いを修正していただきありがとうございます。 これからもよろしくお願いします。....(Candy先生)
2018/8/16    Thank you for the lesson. You are very nice teacher! Hope to see you again. Take care!......(Shenna先生)
2018/8/16    Dear, teacher Candy, I'am so happy. Because your class is so interesting....(Candy先生)
2018/8/16    My son always likes English, thanks to my generous and gentle teacher....(Miriam先生)
2018/8/16    Thank you, Peach. It was an enjoyable and useful lesson for me! Your clear explanation made me understand the article easily....(Peach先生)
2018/8/16    Thank you very much for your lesson. I enjoy conversation very much....(Elly先生)
2018/8/16    Hi! Thank you very much for the great lesson again! I think my son's English is much better now....(April先生)
2018/8/16    Your class is very enjoyable and helpful to improve my English....(Olive先生)
2018/8/16    優しい感じの先生です。発音も明瞭で良いと思います。....(Shenna先生)
2018/8/16    こどもと一緒に踊りを踊ってくれていました。....(Belle先生)
2018/8/15    Thank you very much for the lesson today! My son looks very happy and enjoyed the time with you today....(Miriam先生)
2018/8/15    子供が絵を描くのが大好きでご丁寧に付き合っていただきましてありがとうございました。....(Miriam先生)
2018/8/15    大変指導が行き届いていて助かています。 自分が話す英語をちゃんと聞きとって頂き、...(Carol先生)
2018/8/15    大変指導が行き届いていて助かています。 自分が話す英語をちゃんと聞きとって頂き....(Carol先生)
2018/8/14    Dear, teacher Candy, I'am so happy. Because your class is so interesting.....(Candy先生)
2018/8/14    Thank you very much for the great lesson today! It was my son's very very first lesson....(April先生)
2018/8/14    Dear, teacher April, thank you for your wonderful and amazing lesson today for me.....(April先生)
2018/8/14    タイプしてくださるのでとてもわかりやすいです。....(April先生)
2018/8/13    Today my daughter used 'Not yet' for the first time. I was very surprised at that. My daughter began to have confidence in speaking English.....(Jesie先生)
2018/8/12    Thnak you for your so child-friendly class as always. She likes your lesson so much.....(Candy先生)
2018/8/12    素敵な拍手で息子も喜んでいました.....(Madee先生)
2018/8/12    楽しくてためになるレッスンでした。....(Yana先生)
2018/8/11    Thnak you for your fantastic lesson. She really enjoyed your class and learned a lot from you....(Alex先生)
2018/8/11    Chris, I always want to say thank you for offering great lessons ! Your words make me so motivated to improve English more....(Cris先生)
2018/8/10    Thank you for the lesson also today. Your lessons always fun and I feel time fly so fast.See you soon.....(Mark先生)
2018/8/09    Thank you so much for correcting lots of my sentences.Your lessons are always fun!see you soon.....(Mark先生)
2018/8/09    Dear, teacher Marj, thank you for your wonderful lesson for me today. I' am so happy....(Marj先生)
2018/8/09    集中力のない娘にあわせて下さり、ありがとうございました。 Hi,five thums up! 今日初めて教えてもらったことも、もう覚えました!....(Jelai先生)
2018/8/08    Thank you very much! Your lessons are very fun! See you soon!.....(Carol先生)
2018/8/08    Today's lesson was difficult for me. But I was fun.....(Mark先生)
2018/8/07    Thank you so much for the great lesson. I could understand easily.....(Mark先生)
2018/8/07    Thank you for teaching me and correcting my sentences again.....(Mark先生)
2018/8/06    thank u for the greatest lesson. u are a superior and professional teacher. u taught me english timely in our lesson naturally.....(Alex先生)
2018/8/06    Thank you for telling me kindly.I feel like I could calm down English than usual.....(Avi先生)
2018/8/05    Thank you so much for your nice lesson.I really enjoy talking with you....(Aki先生)
2018/8/05    thank for good advices to improve my English skill....(Alex先生)
2018/8/05    Thank you so much for your splendid lesson....(Jesie先生)
2018/8/05    My daughter trying to use the phrase she knows on a dairy.....(Jesie先生)
2018/8/04    Thank you for always teaching me a lot of things.....(Madee先生)
2018/8/04    Thank you Sunset! It was a fun lesson ! I enjoyed sharing our opinions ! You are always very friendly and kind.....(Sunset先生)
2018/8/04    Thank you so much. I'm always having fun talking to you....(Basil先生)
2018/8/03    Thank you very much also today. It is difficult how to say my opinion in English......(Mark先生)
2018/8/03    Your lessons are always so much fun!....(Mark先生)
2018/8/03    Dear, teacher Avi, thank you for your wonderful lesson for me today....(Avi先生)
2018/8/02    Thank you for your fantastic lesson. I enjoyed your class so much.....(Belle先生)
2018/8/02    Thank you teacher Mark!I had great time.I was laughing with lots of fun....(Mark先生)
2018/8/02    Thank you for correcting my example sentences.....(Mark先生)
2018/8/02    Dear, teacher Marj, thank you for your wonderful and amazing lesson for me today.....(Marj先生)
2018/8/01    Dear, teacher Marj, thank you for your wonderful and amazing lesson for me. I am so happy....(Marj先生)
2018/8/01    Thank you for your amazing lesson. Your talk is really interesting and attractive.....(Hope先生)
2018/8/01    いつも楽しくレッスンしてくれます。今日はハイタッチの嵐でとても楽しかったそうです。.....(Miriam先生)
2018/7/31    I could learn English with joy through your class....(Dee先生)
2018/7/31    Thank you always, A sensei. I enjoyed and learned many things from your lesson today as well.....(A先生)
2018/7/30    Thank you Cris. You always make me relax and enjoy the class! I could learn a lot of things from your lesson.....(Cris先生)
2018/7/29    Thank you for your amazing lesson! I enjoyed the conversation with you and learned some words.....(Adel先生)
2018/7/29    I enjoyed your lesson very much. Especialy role-play was difficult but enjoyable.....(Sunset先生)
2018/7/29    Thank you so much for your wonderful lesson.It was clear and easy to understand.....(Miriam先生)
2018/7/29    Thank for initiating interesting lesson every time, i enjoyed....(Peach先生)
2018/7/29    Thank you Karl. I really enjoyed your lesson ! You are always kind and friendly, so I can relax and talk with you....(Karl先生)
2018/7/29    Thank you for your fantastic lesson as always....(Marj先生)
2018/7/29    落ち着いた声で子供も安心してレッスンしました......(Yana先生)
2018/7/28    Thank you for your lesson. Your smile made me not to hesitate to speak English....(Madee先生)
2018/7/28    Thank you very much for teaching me. I always learn a lot in your lessons....(Mark先生)
2018/7/28    Thank you very much for teaching me. I always learn a lot in your lessons....(Mark先生)
2018/7/28    Your lesson was so fan that I could tell you about my opinion without reserve....(Avi先生)
2018/7/28    thank u for the nice lesson. you make me relax and help me to communicate in english....(Yana先生)
2018/7/27    He learned some words and he had a wonderful time with you.....(Miriam先生)
2018/7/27    Thank you very much for your kind instruction and politely correcting my sentences.....(Mark先生)
2018/7/27    Thank you for correcting my answers......(Mark先生)
2018/7/27    Thank you so much for your lesson.....(Aki先生)
2018/7/26    まだまだ英語がうまく話せませんが...(Dee先生)
2018/7/25    you are a good teacher. you teach some vocabulary and phrases.....(Yana先生)
2018/7/25    Thank you for the lesson. It was clear and easy to understand.....(Mark先生)
2018/7/25    穏やかでこちらの言うことに最後まで耳を傾けてくれる先生です。....(Kayelene先生)
2018/7/24    Thank you for your wondeful lesson today! She really likes your class and enjoyed it.....(Candy先生)
2018/7/24    I really enjoyed the class. Thank you for correcting my sentences.....(Mark先生)
2018/7/24    Thank you for your patient lesson.....(Marj先生)
2018/7/24    ゆっくり話してくれて助かります。 優しい先生でした。....(Candy先生)
2018/7/23    Thank you for your amazing lesson as always! .....(Marj先生)
2018/7/23    Thank you for your fantastic and interesting class today.....(Alex先生)
2018/7/23    朝から楽しく元気になるレッスンでした。 また明日よろしくお願いします。....(Miriam先生)
2018/7/22    Thank you for the lesson.I surprised because you know Japan well.....(Enna先生)
2018/7/22    Thank you for your interesting class today. She really enjoyed your lesson....(Alex先生)
2018/7/22    Thank you for your excellent lesson! She could participate in your class with joy and learned a lot from you.....(Marj先生)
2018/7/21    Thank you for your fantastic lesson as always!....(Alex先生)
2018/7/20    Thank you very much for teaching me the explanation of words and sentences carefully.....(Mark先生)
2018/7/20    Thank you so much also today.I had great time with you!I'll check more example sentences.....(Mark先生)
2018/7/20    Thank you for giving your wonderful lesson. You gave me many corrections in the chat box and they are very helpful.....(A先生)
2018/7/19    I enjoyed your lesson today,too. Thank you for your sharing a helpful link.....(Belle先生)
2018/7/19    Swift and focused advices helped me a lot! It was impressive....(Brad先生)
2018/7/19    Dear, teacher April, I' m so happy becuse I have a your wonderful lesson....(April先生)
2018/7/18    Thank you for correcting my sentences and thank you for giveing me a lot of example sentences......(Mark先生)
2018/7/18    I really enjoyed your wonderful lesson! Thank you very much for teaching me pronunciation politely......(Mark先生)
2018/7/17    Thak you for correcting my sentences.I understood the usage and meaning of the word that I learned today.....(Mark先生)
2018/7/17    Thank you for teaching fun while playing the number counting!.....(Jesie先生)
2018/7/16    My teacher is always fine and smiling, so my son will also be fine as long as I take lessons....(Miriam先生)
2018/7/16    I studied some expression way through the text. Even if I understand the usage of the words, explaining about them was difficult....(Carol先生)
2018/7/16    Thank you for teaching me so kindly.I was easily able to understand what you told me.....(Mark先生)
2018/7/16    Thanks to you, she could understant the meanings of new sentences and words....(April先生)
2018/7/15    Thanks to you, she could understant the meanings of new sentences and words......(Marj先生)
2018/7/15    Thank you for your attractive and amazing lesson today! She is so happy to communicate with you and learn some new sentences.....(Marj先生)
2018/7/15    Thank you for your attractive and amazing lesson today! She is so happy to communicate with you and learn some new sentences....(Marj先生)
2018/7/15    Your teaching always makes her happy because she can enjoy learning English so much.....(Marj先生)
2018/7/14    Thank you for your wonderful class! She attended your class with joy and learned a lot from you.....(Marj先生)
2018/7/13    very nice and patient. my 5 year old son enjoyed having conversation with you. for him 25min class is not enough....(Avi先生)
2018/7/12    Thank you for your amazing lesson today! She could participate in your class actively and review what she learned before....(Marj先生)
2018/7/10    I appreciate your simple explanations. Thank you for helping me enjoy learning English.....(Mark先生)
2018/7/10    Thank you for your amazing lesson today! She could participate in your class actively and review what she learned before....(Marj先生)
2018/7/10    Thank you for your exellent and so kind class as always. Your lesson is one of her daily schedule.....(Marj先生)
2018/7/09    Thank you for your fantastic class as always. Your teaching let her make up her mind to learn English more....(April先生)
2018/7/09    自己紹介の動画では落ち着いた感じで、テンション高めの先生が好みの息子にはどうかなと心配でしたが、実際は明るく楽しい先生で子供も楽しくレッスンできました。..(Carol先生)
2018/7/07    Thank you for proofreading my English sentences always. It’svery helpful.....(Kayelene先生)
2018/7/07    She perfectlly enjoyed your class and learned a lot from you. She could understand new grammer and some words....(Marj先生)
2018/7/07    Your wonderful class always makes her smile and motivates her to learn English more......(Marj先生)
2018/7/06    Thank you for your wonderful lesson. Your clear explanation helped me understand some words.....(Mark先生)
2018/7/06    Thank you for your splendid class as always. Your teaching is so attractive and interesting....(Marj先生)
2018/7/06    Thank you for your so kind and patient lesson. She could enjoy and concentrate on your interesting class....(Marj先生)
2018/7/06    Thank you so much for your lesson.I had a lot of fun speaking to you!....(Belle先生)
2018/7/05    We had 'Free Conversation'today since I'll have a job interview in English.....(Aly先生)
2018/7/05    Thank you for your so amazing class today as always! Your lesson motivates her to learn English.....(Marj先生)
2018/7/04    Thank you for correcting my wrong sentences.Your lessons are always informative. Thank you so much.....(Mark先生)
2018/7/04    She sometimes feels difficulty in learning English, since the textbook covers advanced expressions for her....(April先生)
2018/7/03    Thank you so much for your wonderful lesson! I enjoyed havivg lots of new discoveries.....(Mark先生)
2018/7/03    Thanks to your kind teaching, she can keep learning English, though it has been bocoming harder for her. See you again soon!....(Marj先生)
2018/7/02    I really enjoyed the class. Thank you for teaching me the meaning of words I don’t understand in detail......(Mark先生)
2018/7/02    Thank you for your fantastic lesson as always! She hopes to visit Philippnes to meet you....(Marj先生)
2018/7/02    I am very happy to be the first student of you,T. Belle. You are a good and cheerful....(Belle先生)
2018/7/02    Thank you for your lesson today. My son said he had a fun lesson today!....(Lisa先生)
2018/7/02    Thank you, Kyrah. Yes it was a lot of fun talking with you ! I am also happy for your interests in Japanese dishes....(Kyrah先生)
2018/7/01    Thank you for today! We did free chat today and it was very fun lesson....(Kayelene先生)
2018/7/01    ハイテンションの子供にもハイテンションで付き合ってもらいました。.....(Alex先生)
2018/6/30    Your very careful and quick feedback is always like an act of God! Thank you for your such additional efforts.....(Marj先生)
2018/6/30    Thanks to your wonderful teaching, she can keep learning English....(Marj先生)
2018/6/30    I studied ideoms from 'All About Eyes' and enjoyed talking with you about weather and custom of each other.....(Carol先生)
2018/6/30    I enjoyed your lesson a lot. Your explanation was easy to understand....(Tina先生)
2018/6/29    Thank you for correcting my answers.....(Mark先生)
2018/6/29    Thanks to your really exciting lesson, she has been studying English with her own pace with joy....(April先生)
2018/6/28    Thank you for your kind teaching. Your lesson is child-friendly and interesting......(Karl先生)
2018/6/28    明るくて優しい先生で子供も楽しくレッスンできました!.....(Miriam先生)
2018/6/27    As always, your lessons are always delightful. He is looking forward to taking your next lesson......(Miriam先生)
2018/6/27    It was fun to learn many new words, and I learned a lot in the lesson. Thank you very much, Teacher Rain.....(Rain先生)
2018/6/27    Thank you Cris. As usual, I really enjoy talking with you ! You always make me feel easy to talk.....(Cris先生)
2018/6/27    Thank you for your wonderful lesson as always. Your feedback is also so helpful for her to improve grammer and pronunciation.....(Marj先生)
2018/6/27    What a splendid lesson you provided for my daughter! She was excited and participated in your class with joy.....(Marj先生)
2018/6/27    優しい先生で、子供も楽しくレッスンができてよかったです!.....(Lisa先生)
2018/6/26    Thank you for helping me understand everything.I've learned a great deal today....(Mark先生)
2018/6/26    Thank you for your amazing class today. Though the story and words have bocome more difficult.....(Marj先生)
2018/6/26    Thank you for your wonderful lesson today. She actively decided to review about the color and participated in your class.....(Marj先生)
2018/6/25    I was very impressed with your class. You are a great teacher. Your explanation was so clear, and I could try a lot of questions....(Olive先生)
2018/6/25    Thank you for your splendid class so much!! She could concentrate on your class and even enjoyed learning English very much....(Marj先生)
2018/6/25    Thank you for your amazing class! Your teaching is always perfect. Her English skills have been improving through your kind lesson....(April先生)
2018/6/24    My son always said that he was enjoyable after his teacher's lesson. My son is very happy....(Miriam先生)
2018/6/24    This was my first time to try Eiken lesson. The vocabularies were so difficult....(Rain先生)
2018/6/24    Thank you for your kind and friendly lesson! She enjoyed your class and learned a lot from you.....(Karl先生)
2018/6/24    いつも、分かりやすく、素晴らしいレッスンをありがとうございます。 これからも宜しくお願いします.....(Marj先生)
2018/6/23    We talked about various things about eyes. Many topics come out when I talk with you....(Kayelene先生)
2018/6/23    Thank you for your wonderful lesson today. Your teaching is easy to understand......(Karl先生)
2018/6/23    Thank you for your fun lesson today !! My son said he liked your lesson very much!!......(Dee先生)
2018/6/23    Thank you for your kind lesson. Your feedback to improve her English better is so useful......(Alex先生)
2018/6/22    Your lessons are always so much fun! He enjoyed today's lesson, it was fantastic.....(Miriam先生)
2018/6/22    Thank you for teaching me the meaning of some words in detail. It was very easy to understand.....(Mark先生)
2018/6/22    まじめにレッスンを受けない子供にたいして優しく接してくださいました。穏やかな先生でした....(Mark先生)
2018/6/21    You are one of the greatest teacher I 've met. thank you for your productive lesson!......(Ghie先生)
2018/6/21    Thank you for your enjoyable lesson!I was glad that I was able to know how to express in various ways....(Mark先生)
2018/6/21    Thank you for your amazing and so interesting class! My daughter always learns a lot from you.....(April先生)
2018/6/21    Thank you for wonderful lesson as always! She is really happy to take your class so frequently....(Marj先生)
2018/6/20    Thank you for always teaching me so kindly. I’ll read new text and try to make example sentences again........(Mark先生)
2018/6/20    英語が全くの初心者の小1男子で、25分のレッスン中も集中力が散漫で、先生には迷惑をかけていますが、笑顔で対応していただき感謝です.....(Dee先生)
2018/6/19    Thank you very much!!! He liked you, so he said he wanted to take your lesson again. See you next lesson!!....(Candy先生)
2018/6/19    Thank you for always correcting my sentences. I’ve learned a great deal today, thank you.....(Mark先生)
2018/6/19    子供が先生をとても気に入りました(^^)絵を書いて下さったり、優しく教えていただき楽しめたようです!....(Candy先生)
2018/6/18    Thank you for your really exciting lesson. Your class always improves her understanding and enhances her motivation to learn English more....(Marj先生)
2018/6/17    I’m sorry my son has a short attention and can’t settle down. You asked him a lot of questions. He learned a lot from today’s lesson....(Brian先生)
2018/6/17    you are always fun, kind, and very open to us. we are thankful to all your warm support and honest advise....(Manal先生)
2018/6/17    Thank you for your patient child-friendly lesson today. She could concentrate on and enjoyed your class.....(Alex先生)
2018/6/17    Thank you for giving me interesting topic and listening to my personal opinion.....(Kayelene先生)
2018/6/17    Thank you for your patient and interesting lesson today. Your class always kindly provides many implications to improve her English skills....(April先生)
2018/6/17    Thanks to your repetitive class, she could understand comparative expressions more clearly.....(Marj先生)
2018/6/17    Thank you for your polite and patient lesson today. She is so happy to take your class....(Marj先生)
2018/6/16    Kentaro is very confident talking with you. I will fix my computer screen then i can leave him and you alone.....(Dee先生)
2018/6/16    Thank you so much for the great lesson.Thank you for playing the hide-and-seek. He enjoyed your class.....(Dee先生)
2018/6/16    Thank you for listening to my thought and giving me interesting topic I enjoyed. talk to you soon, have a great weekend......(Veron先生)
2018/6/16    It's so nice to see you today. My daughter enjoyed your class and could learn English with joy....(Karl先生)
2018/6/15    Dear teacher Marj, Thank you for your very kind lesson as always!.....(Marj先生)
2018/6/15    Thank you for your amazing lesson today!.....(Marj先生)
2018/6/14    Hi, Kayelene. Thank you so much! I had a great time with you.....(Kayelene先生)
2018/6/13    Thanks to you, she now like learning English.....(Marj先生)
2018/6/13    Thank you for your class and I appreciate your feedback. Hope to see you soon next time!....(Kyrah先生)
2018/6/13    Thank you for correcting my sentence all the time.Thanks to you I’m now enjoying learning English.....(Mark先生)
2018/6/12    Thank you for your class. I appreciate you always give me a nice topic and questions. I'll keep it up. Hope to see you again.....(Deng先生)
2018/6/12    Thank you for correcting my sentences.Time fly so fast! I will say these phrases to my children in English every day.....(Mark先生)
2018/6/12    Thank you for your so splendid lesson! We really appreciate your patient and easy-to-understand teaching....(Marj先生)
2018/6/11    Hi, Tina. It was a funa and great time to talk with you! It was a good start of new week!....(Tina先生)
2018/6/11    My teacher is always bright and has a nice smile....(Miriam先生)
2018/6/10    Thank you very much! I enjoyed your lesson! I learned a lot of thing! See you soon....(Kayelene先生)
2018/6/10    Thank you for your fantastic and amazing lesson! ......(April先生)
2018/6/10    Thank you for your very kind and patient class as always!....(April先生)
2018/6/10    Thank you for your wonderful lesson as always! She could review the grammer and strengthen her understanding....(April先生)
2018/6/10    Thank you for your wonderful lesson as always! She could review the grammer and strengthen her understanding....(Marj先生)
2018/6/09    It's so nice of you to teach her English so wonderfully.....(Marj先生)
2018/6/09    What an attractive lesson you provided for her! We sincerely hope to see you again soon in the next class....(Marj先生)
2018/6/09    Thank you so much!!! My son said he liked color play I’m really appreciate your patience. I hope to see you again!!!.....(Dee先生)
2018/6/09    You are always cheerful. Kentaro loves your energy and passion.....(Dee先生)
2018/6/09    it was so nice to see you, thank you for listening to my personal story, hope to talk to you soon......(Cris先生)
2018/6/09    Thank you Cris. It was a good start of the day with your lesson ! Thank you again for giving good commets for me....(Cris先生)
2018/6/09    間違いは正してくださり、的確なアドバイスもくださいました。発音も綺麗で笑顔も素敵でとてもいい先生だと思いました!....(Dee先生)
2018/6/09    画用紙に描いた絵を見せて色々と説明していました......(Dee先生)
2018/6/08    I appreciate that you have corrected my sentences carefully all the time. Thank you for the class...(Mark先生)
2018/6/08    Thanks to you, she could participate in the class actively and enjoyed it....(Marj先生)
2018/6/08    I enjoyed your lesson, and your instructions were very helpful to improve my English.....(Aly先生)
2018/6/08    Thank you so much for choosing right level text note! Kentaro really enjoy learning new things....(Manal先生)
2018/6/08    It was very nice lesson. I liked your lesson style. I'm looking forward to meeting you again.....(Sunset先生)
2018/6/07    Thank you for teaching me so kindly. I am grateful to you.....(Mark先生)
2018/6/07    Thanks a lot, Marj. I really had a good time and conversation with you ! Thank you again for your great comment....(Marj先生)
2018/6/07    Thank you for your so fantastic lesson. She told me that your class is fun....(Marj先生)
2018/6/06    Thank you for the awesome lesson! We really enjoyed your teaching skills and encouragement....(Miriam先生)
2018/6/06    Thank you for your splendid and attractive lesson! Though she is a young child......(Marj先生)
2018/6/05    Thank you for your help and words of encouragement in our class......(Lia先生)
2018/6/05    Thank you for teaching me how to pronounce many words and meaning. I’ll review them and read the text......(Mark先生)
2018/6/05    Thank you for your fantastic class today. Your lesson is always exciting, heartwarming, and attractive.....(April先生)
2018/6/05    Thank you for your fantastic lesson today! She really enjoyed and could concentrate on your class.....(April先生)
2018/6/05    Thank you for your fantastic lesson today! She really enjoyed and could concentrate on your class....(Marj先生)
2018/6/04    What an amazong lesson you provided! She is so happy to tell you her story in English....(Marj先生)
2018/6/03    Thank you for playing tic tac toe with Kentaro yesterday. I was not aware that he knows that game.....(Manal先生)
2018/6/03    Thank you for today. I was glad that you taught me carefully until I could write the word correctly......(Miriam先生)
2018/6/03    Thank you very much! I enjoyed your lesson. I learned a lot of things. I like her. I want to make a reservation again. See you!....(Kayelene先生)
2018/6/02    It was a very fulfilling day.The current goal is to remember the alphabet.When I get little bigger.....(Avi先生)
2018/6/02    Thank you very much, Teacher Rain. I enjoyed your lesson a lot. I've been learning a lot, and it's fun to study with you.....(Rain先生)
2018/6/02    Cris, thank you again! You always lead me to speak more during classes, so I enjoy talking to you a lot....(Cris先生)
2018/6/01    いつも楽しいトークをしてくれるので盛り上がります。時間があっという間にすぎてしまいます。....(Basil先生)
2018/6/01    It was very productive lesson, and I had a great time. I hope see you again soon, thank you.....(Adel先生)
2018/6/01    Thank you very much for teaching me today.And thanks for the advice.Thanks to my teacher.....(Avi先生)
2018/5/31    Thank you very much for today. I was glad that you corrected my sentences and also did review together.....(Adel先生)
2018/5/30    Thanks to your friendly and respectable class, to learn English is fun rather than study for her......(Marj先生)
2018/5/30    I enjoyed your lesson a lot and it seems like 25 minutes goes so fast....(Rain先生)
2018/5/30    Thank you so much also today and I had great time with you....(April先生)
2018/5/29    Thank you for listening to my personal story, you are so kind to allow me do...(Aly先生)
2018/5/29    Thank you for always teaching kindly.I could say today/Dd/Can you see me....(Avi先生)
2018/5/29    Hello, Teacher Marj! Thank you for your excellent lesson....(Marj先生)
2018/5/29    PCの画面でわかりやすく教えてくださいます。.....(Brian先生)
2018/5/29    子供のワガママにも辛抱強く付き合っていただけました。....(Dee先生)
2018/5/29    とても明るくて話しやすい先生でレッスンが楽しいです。すぐに次のレッスンを予約しました!.....(Basil先生)
2018/5/28    Thank you so much for your comments. Even I read them, I'm sorry to reply you....(Mark先生)
2018/5/28    Thank you very much for helping me to understand the insurance. I was relieved and glad :)....(Mark先生)
2018/5/28    I always enjoy your lesson a lot. The story which we read today was very touching....(Rain先生)
2018/5/27    It's so nice of you to provide a wonderful and easy-to understand lesson for ny daughter.....(April先生)
2018/5/27    アメリカ英語で聞き取りやすかったです。子供も楽しそうにレッスンを受けていました。...(Brian先生)
2018/5/27    私の間違った文章をタイプして即座に訂正してくれたり、単語やイディオムの意味もタイピングしてくれますので、復習の時とても助かります.....(Marj先生)
2018/5/26    Thank you so much for your lesson. I appreciate it that you chose the topic I'm not familiar with...(Deng先生)
2018/5/26    Thank you so much for your enthusiastic lesson every time. Above all, I do appreciate the detailed feedback you give me....(Marj先生)
2018/5/26    Thank you for your lessons. Your lessons are interesting and helpful every time. Therefore, I've been taking your lessons....(Marj先生)
2018/5/26    Thank you so much for your lesson. I enjoyed the nice conversation with you:) I appreciate your detailed feedback and comments as well...(Adel先生)
2018/5/25    I enjoy studying with teacher Dee. I hopefully studying for me will benefit me.....(Dee先生)
2018/5/25    Thank you for politely correcting my sentences....(Mark先生)
2018/5/25    Thank you for your amazing lesson as always. I appreciate your patient and so kind class...(Marj先生)
2018/5/25    Thank you for your wonderful lesson so much! She is always so happy to take your class and chat with you...(Marj先生)
2018/5/25    ペイントを使い絵や色をつけたりしながらレッスンしていました。...(Candy先生)
2018/5/24    Teacher Brian, it was so nice to have a conversation with you.....(Brian先生)
2018/5/24    I always enjoy your lesson. I've been learning a lot of new words these days...(Rain先生)
2018/5/24    As always, your lessons are always delightful. Thank you for explaining the new words....(Mark先生)
2018/5/24    Thank you for telling me kindly and fun today.I do not feel calm,but I want to believe that I learn little by little....(Avi先生)
2018/5/23    Thank you for your amazing and interesting lesson! Since you teach her so kindly, she can learn English subjectively.....(Marj先生)
2018/5/23    Your heartwarming talking always makes her smile and happy.....(April先生)
2018/5/23    Thank you for your so attractive lesson! My daughter really enjoyed and learned a lot from you.....(April先生)
2018/5/23    Thank you for always understanding what I mean.....(Manal先生)
2018/5/23    「充実してた~~(喜)」と本人。ピアノを聞いてもらったり作った折り紙を見せたり前回に同様楽しくレッスンできました。またよろしくお願いします。.....(Miriam先生)
2018/5/22    Thank you for correcting my answers.I really enjoyed and I'm looking forward to the next lesson!.....(Mark先生)
2018/5/22    Thank you for teaching me a lot of explanations of the words in an easy-to-understand manner.....(Mark先生)
2018/5/22    You are rich in topics, and I am very happy to study English with you. Please correct the mistaken sentence on the spot.....(Adel先生)
2018/5/21    My son is motivated because I can praise a lot. Today's lesson was also very easy to understand....(Miriam先生)
2018/5/21    Thank you for trlling me kindly today.My child is restless, but the teacher teaches kindly without a bad face.....(Avi先生)
2018/5/21    Thank you so much for your wonderful and amazing class today....(April先生)
2018/5/20    Thanks to your kind teaching, she told me that to learn English is interesting.....(Marj先生)
2018/5/20    アンパンマンのマークを自慢げに見せて説明していました。.....(Alex先生)
2018/5/19    My son has a short attention span and can’t settle down....(Box先生)
2018/5/19    子どもがカール先生のレッスンを初めて受けました。テキストの課題がMystery Huntersというものでしたが、...(Karl先生)
2018/5/18    I really appreciate your kindness.Thank you for your suggestions and a lot of pieces of advice......(Mark先生)
2018/5/18    Thank you for your amazing lesson as always! I'm so glad to see that my daughter enjoys your class....(Marj先生)
2018/5/17    Dear, teacher Marj, thank you for your great lesson today. She enjoyed your class today.....(Marj先生)
2018/5/17    Dear, teacher Candy, thank you for your great interesting lesson for me today.....(Candy先生)
2018/5/17    いつもわかりやすくて楽しいレッスンを提供してくれます。英語の勉強の気分転換になります......(Blessy先生)
2018/5/16    Thank you for a fun-filled lesson. I appreciate that you always teach me carefully....(Mark先生)
2018/5/16    Thank you for your fantastic lesson today! She recognized how interesting to learn English!....(April先生)
2018/5/16    Thank you for your amazing lesson today! She is so happy to take your class and really enjoyed learning English....(April先生)
2018/5/16    丁寧に教えてくださいます。...(Carol先生)
2018/5/16    ありがとうございました。 たくさん学びました。....(Kayelene先生)
2018/5/16    子どもが拾って欲しそうな話題をうまく拾ってくれて、楽しそうにはしゃいでいました。.....(Dee先生)
2018/5/16    楽しくレッスンしてもらえました。聞き取りやすかったです。.....(Miriam先生)
2018/5/15    I always enjoy your lesson. Your explanation is easy to understand.....(Rain先生)
2018/5/14    Thank you for initiating interesting lesson and listening to my story....(Rain先生)
2018/5/14    Thanks, Cris. I had a great time with you tonight again! Your lesson makes me so happy and give me muc motivation for learning English....(Cris先生)
2018/5/14    Your lesson is always very informative. Thanks a lot!....(Blessy先生)
2018/5/14    いつも楽しく有意義なレッスンをしてくださるのが時間が立つのが早いです。少しづつ喋れるようになってきた気がします。....(Blessy先生)
2018/5/13    You talked to me wh smiles , I was impressed yr attitude. It was good meeting you and easily to listen yr native Eng. Honestly....(Manal先生)
2018/5/13    Thank you for your patient and kind lesson today.....(Jelai先生)
2018/5/13    You can take lessons with lessons and have fun lessons without getting tired of it.....(Miriam先生)
2018/5/13    He really enjoyed your lesson today. Thank you for a fun-filled lesson.....(Miriam先生)
2018/5/13    I've been learning a lot in your lesson and enjoy a lot. Thank you.....(Deng先生)
2018/5/12    I enjoyed free chat today. I knew again how big parties you have! .....(Rain先生)
2018/5/12    Thank you so much for initiating funny conversation.....(Veron先生)
2018/5/12    Thank you for your wonderful class today. She is so happy to communicate with you in English.....(Marj先生)
2018/5/12    Thank you for your splendid lesson. Though we miss you during your vacation....(Marj先生)
2018/5/11    Thank you very much for checking my resume :D it was very helpful :)....(Mark先生)
2018/5/11    Thank you for telling me that it was fun yesterday.And thanks for the advice.I appreciate it very much.....(Avi先生)
2018/5/11    Dear, teacher Marj, thank you for your great interesting lesson for me today.....(Marj先生)
2018/5/10    Thank you Cris. It was a lot of fun talking with you ! Thanks to you.....(Cris先生)
2018/5/10    Thank you so much for correcting my answers also today.....(Mark先生)
2018/5/10    Thank you for the advice.I was surprised that the teacher knew the song of the fishy heaven....(Avi先生)
2018/5/10    Thank you for your kind lesson today. Since you spoke slowly, she could follow you.....(Marj先生)
2018/5/10    Dear, teacher Marj, thank you for your great and interesting lesson for me today.....(Marj先生)
2018/5/09    Thank you so much for your kind instruction.....(Mark先生)
2018/5/08    Thank you very much for helping my skill improvement.....(Beth先生)
2018/5/08    Thank you for the fun-filled lessons. Since basic is important, I will do my best.....(Mark先生)
2018/5/08    Thank you for correcting my mistakes. I really enjoyed the class.....(Mark先生)
2018/5/08    子供に慣れている先生なので助かります。....(Rain先生)
2018/5/08    先生との会話をいつも楽しんでレッスンしています。...(April先生)
2018/5/07    Thank you so much for the great lesson. I appreciate your advice....(Mark先生)
2018/5/07    I really enjoyed! Thank you for teaching me in detail....(Mark先生)
2018/5/07    Thanks to you, she has enjoyed learning English.....(Marj先生)
2018/5/07    子供にはお兄さんのような感じでいろんな話をしてくれるので楽しいようです。....(Mark先生)
2018/5/07    誰よりも丁寧に親切に教えてくれるのでとっても勉強になります。....(Mark先生)
2018/5/07    子供が受けています。レッスンがいつもさくさく進みます!....(Rain先生)
2018/5/06    Miriam-san. You are always kind and keep your good effort of teaching. Your lesson today, using video, was very effective to my son.....(Miriam先生)
2018/5/06    Thank you very much! I enjoyed her lesson! And I learned a lot of things!....(Kayelene先生)
2018/5/06    すごくわかりやすかったです!....(Sunset先生)
2018/5/05    Thank you very much, Teacher Tina. Your explanation is very clear and easy to understand....(Tina先生)
2018/5/05    Thank you, I was easily able to understand what you told me.....(Mark先生)
2018/5/05    Dear, teacher Marj, thank you for your great interesting lesson for me today.....(Marj先生)
2018/5/05    Thanks to your friendly lesson, my daughter could participated in your class with joy....(Marj先生)
2018/5/04    初心者にも丁寧で分かりやすく、とても優しい先生です。.....(Sen先生)
2018/5/02    Thank you for listening to my story, appreciate you are interested in my topic. hope to talk to you soon....(Olive先生)
2018/5/02    It's so wonderful to take your class again. Your teaching is always easy-to-understand for my daughter and so exciting.....(April先生)
2018/5/01    Thank you very much, Teacher Rain. Your explanation is very clear and easy to understand.....(Rain先生)
2018/5/01    Thank you for being so attentive to detail during my lesson! I always have fun in your lessons.....(Mark先生)
2018/5/01    Thank you for your amazing class! My daughter really enjoyed your lesson and learned a lot from you....(April先生)
2018/5/01    head shouldersの歌をダンスしながらおどってくれてました。.....(Dee先生)
2018/5/01    音声がクリヤで聞き取りやすかったです。楽しくレッスンしていただきました。.....(Sunset先生)
2018/4/30    Thank you Lia. I enjoyed and learned a lot with your lesson ! Composition of English sentences is a very good practice for me....(Lia先生)
2018/4/30    Thank you very much, Teacher Tina. Your explanation is clear and easy to understand....(Tina先生)
2018/4/30    I studied by using news article on politics matter. There were many unfamiliar words though, I think I could grasp the contents since you taught me the meaning of all of the words.....(Sunset先生)
2018/4/29    適度にいろんな話をしてくれるので子供も楽しそうです。....(Peach先生)
2018/4/29    子供も楽しみながらレッスンしています......(Cris先生)
2018/4/29    笑顔がすてきで やさしくてよかったです......(Sunset先生)
2018/4/28    発音も聞き取りやすくてレッスンもさくさく進んでます。....(Rain先生)
2018/4/27    教え方が丁寧でとてもわかりやすい先生でした。また受講したいです。....(Basil先生)
2018/4/25    The Teacher Marj, I felt your lesson very enjoyable. You accurately understood what I meant and made it accurate.....(Marj先生)
2018/4/24    Thank you very much, Teacher Rain. Your pronunciation is very clear and your explanation is very easy to understand....(Rain先生)
2018/4/24    Thank you for your so attractive lesson as always! I'm happy to hear that my daughter enjoyed your class....(Marj先生)
2018/4/24    ママさん先生で子供に慣れている感じでよかったです。.....(Rain先生)
2018/4/24    テキストの内容に合わせて質問してくれたり良い先生です。.....(Rain先生)
2018/4/23    Thank you for your amazing lesson. My daughter enjoyed your class and learned a lot....(Marj先生)
2018/4/22    Thank you very much. Your lesson was enjoyable. We could share a lot of ideas, and it was interesting to hear your opinion....(Aly先生)
2018/4/22    Thanks to you, English lesson is not a 'study' but an 'interesting 'atcivity' for her, thus she can learn English with joy....(Marj先生)
2018/4/21    What an excellent lesson you provided! We are lucky to choose keyeye and meet you.....(Marj先生)
2018/4/21    Good morning, Teacher Marj! We really enjoyed your class.....(Marj先生)
2018/4/21    I had a great time! Speaking English with you is a lot of fun!....(Blessy先生)
2018/4/20    Thank you for your amazing and exciting class.....(April先生)
2018/4/20    わからない時は写真を検索して見せてくれるので、わかりやすいです。....(Mark先生)
2018/4/20    ブレッシー先生のおかげで、楽しくレッスンが続けられています。感謝です......(Blessy先生)
2018/4/20    先生の発音はフィリピン訛りもなくとても聞き取りやすいです。明るくて楽しいレッスンなので,時間があっという間に過ぎてしまいます。....(Blessy先生)
2018/4/19    I appreciate you to correct my pronounciations during class....(Rain先生)
2018/4/19    Thank you Cris. I really enjoyed your lesson a lot. Your explanaitons are always clear....(Cris先生)
2018/4/19    Thank you very much, Teacher Tina. Your explanation is very clear and easy to understand....(Tina先生)
2018/4/19    Thank you for teaching me how to use some of the words in detail....(Mark先生)
2018/4/19    Thanks for the advice.I do not know how to study,so getting advice makes it easier to study and become a goal....(Avi先生)
2018/4/19    Thank you for your fantastic lesson as always! Your class cheers her and let her learn English with joy so much.....(April先生)
2018/4/19    優しい感じで、サクサクとレッスンを進めてくれました!.....(Cris先生)
2018/4/18    Thank you very much, Teacher Tina. I enjoyed the lesson....(Tina先生)
2018/4/17    Teacher Dee is the most wonderful teacher in keyeye. Her keyboard operation is quick and accurate. ...(Dee先生)
2018/4/17    Today's lesson was a lot of fun.....(Jelai先生)
2018/4/17    Thank you so much for teaching to me. I had a good time at your class....(Carol先生)
2018/4/17    丁寧に教えてくれて、とてもいい先生です....(Mark先生)
2018/4/16    学校であったことで落ち込んでた子供を元気づけてくれました。いつもありがとうございます。....(Mark先生)
2018/4/16    Thank you for your such an exciting lesson. We are happy to take your class and see you again today. ....(Marj先生)
2018/4/15    I learned some new words through the news and discussed about rare earth metals and relationship with foreign country.....(Sunset先生)
2018/4/15    Thank you for always correcting my sentences gently. I enjoy studying English, thanks to you....(Mark先生)
2018/4/15    Thank you for your interesting lesson today....(Marj先生)
2018/4/14    I really enjoyed the class. ....(Mark先生)
2018/4/14    Though the content of the textbook has been getting harder, your kind lesson always encourages her to keep learning English....(Marj先生)
2018/4/13    子供の話に合わせてくださったので、楽しそうにレッスンしていました。....(Iane先生)
2018/4/13    Thank you for your amazing lesson! My daughter really enjoyed your class and she hopes to take your classes more....(Marj先生)
2018/4/12    Thank you for your wonderful English classes. Since you kindly correct her grammer and pronunciation....(April先生)
2018/4/12    最初はうまく受け答えできませんが,慣れてくるとすらすら話せるようになって,ほどよい緊張感がとても楽しいです。....(Blessy先生)
2018/4/11    Thank you for your amazing lesson as always! Your class makes her happy....(Marj先生)
2018/4/11    子供がいつも楽しくレッスンしています。丁寧に英語を直してくれます.....(April先生)
2018/4/10    Thank you very much for your class. I was encouraged very much because you keep cheering me up....(Beth先生)
2018/4/10    Thank you so much for your class! You are quite an enthusiastic teacher....(Aly先生)
2018/4/10    The teacher is wonderful. For beginners beginner's pronunciation is very easy to hear.....(Dee先生)
2018/4/10    聞き取りやすい英語で丁寧に教えてくれます。いつも楽しくレッスンしています!....(Mark先生)
2018/4/09    Thank you for your amazing lesson so much.....(Marj先生)
2018/4/08    You tried to give oppotunities I speak a lot....(Brian先生)
2018/4/08    She is happy to take your class again. Your kind lesson let her learn English with joy....(Miriam先生)
2018/4/08    Thank you for your fantastic lesson! She really enjoyed your class as always....(April先生)
2018/4/08    サクサク授業を進めてくれるので助かります。いい先生です......(Peach先生)
2018/4/07    Thank you for today. I asked many questions to you and you answered all of them friendly....(Kayelene先生)
2018/4/07    Thanks to your interesting lesson, she has been engaged in learning English....(Marj先生)
2018/4/07    Thank you very much, Teacher Lia. I enjoyed your class a lot.....(Lia先生)
2018/4/06    It was very easy to understand where I could not pronounce well....(Miriam先生)
2018/4/06    Lia, thank you so much. It was really fun time ! I could learn a lot from you....(Lia先生)
2018/4/06    Hello, Teacher Marj! Thank you for your amazing lesson as always....(Marj先生)
2018/4/06    子供も楽しいレッスンだと言っています。ありがとうございました。....(Mark先生)
2018/4/05    テキストを見ながらのレッスンでしたが、たまに子供の感想なども聴きながら進めてくれたので良かったです。。...(Olive先生)
2018/4/04    Teacher April speaks very easily. And she strives to listen to my story....(April先生)
2018/4/04    Thank you for your amazing lesson. Your talk is always easy to listen and understand for my daughter.....(April先生)
2018/4/04    Thank you for your lesson. You corrected my English in the chat box during our lesson.....(April先生)
2018/4/03    Thanks to your concrete and polite teaching, my dayghter's English skills....(April先生)
2018/4/03    Thank you for your wonderful lesson and positive feedback....(Marj先生)
2018/4/03    優しい先生で子供に慣れているのでレッスンもスムーズでした。.....(Millet先生)
2018/4/02    Thank you for your fantastic lesson! She really likes your class.....(April先生)
2018/4/02    授業で使ったイチゴの玩具がお気に入りだったようで楽しそうにしていました。....(Alex先生)
2018/4/02    いつも穏やかで話しやすいです。.....(Mark先生)
2018/4/01    Thank you for being so attentive....(Mark先生)
2018/3/31    Thank you for teaching me in detail.....(Mark先生)
2018/3/30    I had a good time. Your explanation was easy to understand.....(Alex先生)
2018/3/30    Thank you for teaching me clearly. It was a bit difficult for me but I will review it.....(Mark先生)
2018/3/30    丁寧に教えてくれました。らまたレッスンを取りたいです。....(Cris先生)
2018/3/29    How was wonderful lesson you provided! Thank you for your encouraging comments and feedbacks as always.....(Marj先生)
2018/3/28    Thank you for your nice lesson. My son enjoyed it very much,...(Brian先生)
2018/3/28    I have learned a lot of words so far from you.....(Mark先生)
2018/3/28    聞き取りやすいきれいな英語です。穏やかなので話しやすいです。....(April先生)
2018/3/26    Thank you so much!I was surprised to learn that the meaning changes....(Mark先生)
2018/3/26    Your classes always teach us so many things, Teacher Marj! ....(Marj先生)
2018/3/25    I also enjoyed lessons today. I am thankful that you can get it repaired carefully....(Miriam先生)
2018/3/25    Your comments and corrections of her grammer and pronunciations are so helpful to learn English effectively.....(Marj先生)
2018/3/25    テキストをやった後にゲームをしてくれて子供も楽しそうでした。....(Jelai先生)
2018/3/25    何度かお願いしてる先生なので子どもも慣れてレッスンを受けていました。....(Miriam先生)
2018/3/24    I like your teaching very much. because you type my wrong sentences and correct sentebces at the same time immidately.....(Marj先生)
2018/3/23    Thank you for your amazing and fantastic lesson as always....(Marj先生)
2018/3/22    Teacher Dee. You are really good teacher. I registered you as a favorite.....(Dee先生)
2018/3/22    Actuallly,I don't have much time to spend with you in our class.....(Veron先生)
2018/3/22    English Thank you very very fun lesson! I enjoed his fun lesson....(Ricky先生)
2018/3/22    What an amazing lesson you provide! You are so fantastic teacher.....(Marj先生)
2018/3/22    ゆっくりと話してくれるので聞き取りやすいです。....(Mark先生)
2018/3/22    日本語 たのしいレッスンをどうもありがとう! ぼくはかれ(Rickyせんせい)のレッスンをたのしんだよ! かれ.....(Ricky先生)
2018/3/22    明るくてとても話しやすい先生です。.....(Blessy先生)
2018/3/21    I am thankful that I am happy to be able to take lessons thanks to my healthy and bright teacher every time.....(Miriam先生)
2018/3/21    I enjoyed your lesson very much. You made me a friendly atmosphere to practice speaking English....(Carol先生)
2018/3/21    Thank you for correcting my English,
2018/3/21    Thank you for correcting my English, like a differences between trust and believe....(Beth先生)
2018/3/21    Thank you for the simple and understandable manner in which you are teaching me....(Mark先生)
2018/3/21    Thank you for your amazing lesson! She is always excited to take your class and talk....(Marj先生)
2018/3/21    とてもリラックスして、楽しく授業ができました。最初のトークも盛り上がりましたし.....(Alex先生)
2018/3/21    先生との会話のやり取りで、はじめは戸惑いもありましたが、とても楽しい時間でした。.....(Miriam先生)
2018/3/21    受講コースについて悩んでいましたが、アドバイスをいただけました。....(Millet先生)
2018/3/20    Thank you as always.I am delighted to know a lot of information....(Mark先生)
2018/3/20    My daughter always likes your class so much, since you are so kind and concentrate on each lesson every time......(Marj先生)
2018/3/20    Thank you telling me so kindly.It was very easy to understand and I enjoyed it.Also thank you.....(Jesie先生)
2018/3/20    先生の言ってることも分かっていたようで楽しかったみたいです。....(Ghie先生)
2018/3/19    Thank you for teaching me in detail.....(Mark先生)
2018/3/19    Thank you for your outstanding lesson!! Your lesson is always interesting,....(April先生)
2018/3/19    It is sometimes difficult for me to study English because I am so tired from my work....(Blessy先生)
2018/3/19    先生のおかげで英語を話す勇気がありました。どうもありがとうございます。.....(Sunset先生)
2018/3/19    子供の脱線した話にも付き合って下さる優しい先生です。....(April先生)
2018/3/19    とても楽しいレッスンでした。 子供の興味を引き出してくれる先生でした。.....(Jesie先生)
2018/3/18    Thank you for initiating interesting topic....(Charlotte先生)
2018/3/18    Thank you so much!! He had fun very much with urutoraman.....(Jesie先生)
2018/3/18    Thank you so much for your lesson today.....(Blessy先生)
2018/3/18    歌を歌ったのがとても楽しかったみたいです。.....(Dee先生)
2018/3/18    娘が今日は結構楽しかったと言ってました。.....(Jesie先生)
2018/3/17    Thank you for being so attentive to detail during my lesson!....(Mark先生)
2018/3/17    レベルにあったレッスンをしてくれて楽しかったみたいです。....(Dee先生)
2018/3/15    Thank you Chris. Thanks to your good explanation....(Cris先生)
2018/3/15    I enjoy learning English, thanks to you.....(Mark先生)
2018/3/15    She was very lacky to take your class again.....(Avi先生)
2018/3/15    Thank you for your amazing lesson as always! When she takes your class....(April先生)
2018/3/14    Thank you for teaching my son very kindly. He enjoyed your lesson. Hope to see you soon!....(Mark先生)
2018/3/14    It's so wonderful of you to provide such an amazing lesson.....(Marj先生)
2018/3/14    SMLEというレッスンを受けました。....(Avi先生)
2018/3/14    凄く熱心でいて、それでいて楽しませてくれる先生です。 とても良い先生だと思います。....(Jesie先生)
2018/3/13    Thank you for your outstanding lessson. We are so happy to take your class today. She has gradually improved her English skills....(April先生)
2018/3/12    娘がすっかりファンになってしまいました。 素晴らしい先生です。....(Ghie先生)
2018/3/12    いつも丁寧に教えてくれます。話した言葉もすべてタイプして下さいますのでとても勉強になります。....(April先生)
2018/3/12    The lesson with the teacher was a iot of fun.My daughter was ailso very happy.Also thank you.....(Miriam先生)
2018/3/12    Thank you for your great helps to learning English for my son !....(April先生)
2018/3/12    Thank you for your wonderful lesson today! We really enjoyed it.....(Marj先生)
2018/3/11    I felt as if I talked with an American. You advised me how to improve English.....(Brian先生)
2018/3/11    Thank you. I feel relaxed with your lesson. I'm looking forward to your next lesson....(Sunset先生)
2018/3/11    We really enjoyed your class! Thank you for your advices to improve grammer.....(April先生)
2018/3/11    you are great teacher for me! thanks for giving me a beautiful smile.....(Marj先生)
2018/3/11    It was nice talking to you as well as our usual SMLE lessons!...(Blessy先生)
2018/3/11    歌を歌いながら楽しくレッスンしていました....(Sunset先生)
2018/3/10    Thank you very much for your fantastic virtual tour of aquariums in your area!....(Marj先生)
2018/3/10    ジェシー先生は今回で2回目です。前回はちょっとスピードが早く感じましたが.....(Jesie先生)
2018/3/09    I always appreciate your kind and professional feedback after every lesson! See you soon.....(Ricky先生)
2018/3/09    Thank you for your wonderful lesson as always! She is really happy to take your class and chat with you today.....(Marj先生)
2018/3/09    Thank you so much !!He enjoied your lesson! ....(Jesie先生)
2018/3/08    Thank you verry much for your lesson. I enjoyedd conversation very much.....(Sunset先生)
2018/3/08    Thank you for your splendid class, I was easily able to understand what you told me.....(Mark先生)
2018/3/08    Thank you for your fantastic lesson! She told me that she really enjoyed your class today.....(April先生)
2018/3/08    子供を楽しませてくれようとしていたのが伝わりました。....(Candy先生)
2018/3/07    I really enjoyed the class. You made it easier for me to understand.....(Mark先生)
2018/3/07    前回よりもゆっくり喋ってくれたので、良かったです....(Avi先生)
2018/3/06    Thank you for your amazing lesson. She is happy to take your class today.....(April先生)
2018/3/06    優しくとても良い先生ですが、娘の感想として....(Jesie先生)
2018/3/05    You always pay attention my daughter’s English sentences.....(Manal先生)
2018/3/05    Thank you so much for your time today:) I really enjoy talking with you.....(Isabelle先生)
2018/3/05    Thank you for always teaching me kindness....(Mark先生)
2018/3/05    Thank you for your wonderful lesson as always! We were glad to see you and she could learn some new words and phrases....(Marj先生)
2018/3/05    今日のレッスンは特に正しい発音の仕方をとても分かりやすく教えて頂きました。....(Ghie先生)
2018/3/04    My son seems to have more talks with my teacher in English.....(Miriam先生)
2018/3/04    Thank you for such an interesting lesson. We really enjoyed it and learned a lot from you.....(April先生)
2018/3/04    いろんなゲームをしていただきましてありがとうございます.....(Jelai先生)
2018/3/04    先生とした色当てクイズをその後も母と一緒に繰り返し楽しんでいます!!また....(Jesie先生)
2018/3/03    Thank you for telling me kindly today.....(Jelai先生)
2018/3/03    Thank you for telling me your story about vacation and sightseeing spot.....(Kayelene先生)
2018/3/03    子供に合わせて楽しくレッスンしてくれます。....(Peach先生)
2018/3/03    優しくて楽しい先生だと思います.....(Avi先生)
2018/3/03    先生がレッスンに慣れていたので,うまくサポートしてくれました。.....(Blessy先生)
2018/3/03    先生がレッスンに慣れていたので,うまくサポートしてくれました....(Blessy先生)
2018/3/02    Thank you for always correcting my sentences.....(Manal先生)
2018/3/02    Thank you very much for your lesson. I enjoyed conversation very much....(Miriam)
2018/3/02    Thank you as always.I will practice pronunciation....(Mark先生)
2018/3/02    Thank you for recommending me some lesson methods.....(Mark先生)
2018/3/02    Thank you for your amazing class, as well as extensive feedback....(Mark先生)
2018/3/02    発音が綺麗で聴きやすいです。....(April先生)
2018/3/01    Thank you for your excellent lesson! She really likes your class.....(April先生)
2018/3/01    ありがとうございます。 楽しかったです。.....(Mark先生)
2018/3/01    いつも丁寧に教えて下さいます。チャットボックスにもたくさん書いて下さり、助かります。.....(April先生)
2018/3/01    Thank you for your fun lesson!.....(April先生)
2018/2/28    Thank you for your wonderful lesson and concrete feedbacks as always! We can learn a lot from you.....(Marj先生)
2018/2/28    Thank you Dee. I enjoyed your lesson a lot, and learned many things from you!.....(Dee先生)
2018/2/28    お互いの文化の話題で盛り上がりました。英文の添削もしてもらえて勉強になりました。.....(Sunset先生)
2018/2/27    The teacher is very bright and full of energy and I am thankful that I can have lesson every.....(Miriam先生)
2018/2/27    Thank you for your fantastic lesson! She is so happy to take your class and learn English from you.....(April先生)
2018/2/27    初めてSMLEのレッスンを受けましたが楽しかったし,よい練習になりました。また受けたいです。......(Jelai先生)
2018/2/26    Thank you for your wonderful lesson. Your corrections of her grammer are always so helpful......(Marj先生)
2018/2/26    Thank you for all the time you had spent for us until now. We now have many prescious memories.....(Abi先生)
2018/2/26    Thank you always Abi sensei. You are a very good teacher.....(Abi先生)
2018/2/26    穏やかですが、しっかり教えてくれます......(April先生)
2018/2/25    We are sincerely glad that my daughters could take your classes many times until now.....(Abi先生)
2018/2/25    I've learned some idioms related to 'sleep'.I'm sure they are all very useful......(Ricky先生)
2018/2/25    いつも楽しく歌いながらレッスン始めて頂きありがとうございます.....(Jelai先生)
2018/2/24    Thank you Charotte! I had a very good time with you ! Your explanation was very clear....(Charlotte先生)
2018/2/24    What an amazing lesson you provide! She always learns a lot from you......(Marj先生)
2018/2/24    Thank you for making me relaxed on the SMLE lesson exam.....(Blessy先生)
2018/2/24    The paper girl and boy you used at the lesson were very effective for my son.....(Carol先生)
2018/2/24    先生との相性がよく楽しくレッスンできました......(Alex先生)
2018/2/24    とても丁寧で、授業の進め方も素晴らしいです。......(Shiela先生)
2018/2/23    Thank you for the manner in which I'm being taught.....(Mark先生)
2018/2/23    I appreciate your patience and hospitality....(April先生)
2018/2/23    It was a surprise my hyperactive son could stay still during your lesson....(Manal先生)
2018/2/23    Thank you so much for your nice lesson!.....(Manal先生)
2018/2/23    Thank you so much, our dear teacher Abi! She told me that she really enjoyed your class today as always.....(Abi先生)
2018/2/22    Thank you Carol. It was fun lesson, I really enjoyed talking with you!....(Carol先生)
2018/2/22    I am impressed your passion for an English education.....(Carol先生)
2018/2/22    I admire you for your splendid lesson! I'm glad that I fortuiously chose Keyeye.....(Abi先生)
2018/2/22    Thank you for your such an attractive lesson! ....(April先生)
2018/2/22    踊りながらレッスンしていました。とっても楽しそうでした!.....(Abi先生)
2018/2/21    Thank you very much for your lesson! It was enjoyable and worth learning.....(Manal先生)
2018/2/21    Thank you for your patience and listening my worries about learning English.....(Millet先生)
2018/2/20    I'm so happy to hear that she attended your class with joy. ....(April先生)
2018/2/20    玩具を見せて楽しそうに授業をうけていました。....(Dee先生)
2018/2/20    とても優しくて、分からない単語があったら日本語で何て言うのか調べて教えてくれるので安心です。....(Ghie先生)
2018/2/19    Thank you for correcting my sentences in an easy-to-understand manner. ....(Mark先生)
2018/2/19    Thank you so much.I always learnd a lot from you! ....(Mark先生)
2018/2/19    Thank you very much for today's fun and easy-to-understand lesson.....(Miriam先生)
2018/2/19    Thank you for your intetesting lesson! Since you kindly correct her grammers and pronunciations....(April先生)
2018/2/19    Thank you very much for today's fun and easy-to-understand lesson.....(Miriam先生)
2018/2/19    I really admire you for such a wonderful and concentrated lessons, (Marj先生)
2018/2/19    Thank you very much for teaching me.....(Blessy先生)
2018/2/18    Thank you for your attractive and practical lesson.....(Abi先生)
2018/2/18    Thank you for checking my sentences.....(Manal先生)
2018/2/18    I really enjoyed the class. You made it easier for me to understand.....(Mark先生)
2018/2/18    若い先生なのでバレンタインの話で盛り上がり楽しかったです。....(Manal先生)
2018/2/17    You showed me some different expressions that are not familiar to me....(Sheila先生)
2018/2/17    It was a fun and understand lesson. Thank you very much.....(Miriam先生)
2018/2/16    Thank you very much for spending your time for me. I've learned some new words from the lesson.....(Sheila先生)
2018/2/16    You had taught me by the end of exercise even it is little over 25 minute.....(Marj先生)
2018/2/16    Thank you for always correcting my sentence carefully.....(Mark先生)
2018/2/16    子供が喜びそうな感じで話しかけてくるので、安心して授業を受けることができました。....(Miriam先生)
2018/2/16    いつも穏やかに優しく教えてくださいます。....(April先生)
2018/2/16    Thank you for your superb lesson! Your classes always make her happy.....(Marj先生)
2018/2/16    I like your positive and cheerful attitude.....(Blessy先生)
2018/2/15    Thank you for a lot of advice!.....(Sunset先生)
2018/2/15    英語の語彙を増やす勉強方法をたくさん教えていただきました。.....(Sunset先生)
2018/2/15    Thank you for your wonderful lesson! Though we miss you so much....(Abi先生)
2018/2/14    Thank you for letting me know the fun site. I got star and my daughter was very happy....(Candy先生)
2018/2/14    Your are very wondeful teacher! Your corrections of her grammer and pronunciations are always so helpful.....(April先生)
2018/2/13    Thank you for your so splendid lesson, as well as notes of the corrections.....(April先生)
2018/2/13    とっても優しい話し方をしてくれるので....(Sunset先生)
2018/2/12    Thank you very much for today:D it was fun to talk to you again!.....(Carol先生)
2018/2/12    It's so nice of you to teach her English very attractively....(April先生)
2018/2/12    落ち着いた声で話をされるので安心してレッスンできました。....(Sunset先生)
2018/2/12    You are totally awesome teacher! Since your feedback is always encouraging and practical....(Marj先生)
2018/2/11    Thank you for talking to me and initiating interesting topic....(Sen先生)
2018/2/11    We really enjoyed your class today as always.....(Abi先生)
2018/2/11    We talked about various topics, weather, economy and job.....(Karl先生)
2018/2/11    Thank you for explaining grammar to me clearly.....(Mark先生)
2018/2/11    Thank you for your excellent and interesting lesson....(April先生)
2018/2/11    You helped me a lot today as always!....(Blessy先生)
2018/2/10    Thank you for the proofreading of my English today.....(Sunset先生)
2018/2/10    Karl, thank you for meeting my demand.....(Karl先生)
2018/2/09    文章の添削をしてもらってとても勉強になりました....(Manal先生)
2018/2/09    Thank you for exciting and kid-friendly lesson as always! ....(Abi先生)
2018/2/09    Thank you for your superb lesson and concrete advices!....(Marj先生)
2018/2/08    Thank you ery much for yor lesson. I enjoyed conversation very much.....(Sunset先生)
2018/2/08    とても明るい先生で集中してレッスンしていました....(Alex先生)
2018/2/08    初めて出会う単語もあり,大変でしたが,例文を作成して.....(Lia先生)
2018/2/08    Thank you for talking to me, hope your preparation would go smoothly....(Abi先生)
2018/2/08    SMLE lesson is strict and challenging lesson, but you always make me less nervous and stressful....(Millet先生)
2018/2/08    Thank you so much for your lucid explanations....(Mark先生)
2018/2/08    Thank you for your wonderful lesson. She really enjoys your class every time....(Mark先生)
2018/2/08    Thank you for your wonderful lesson. She really enjoys your class every time....(April先生)
2018/2/08    I was surprised my son responded your question very well even he was not motivated the lesson at first.....(Marj先生)
2018/2/08    Thank you for your superb lessons as always! When she takes your class, she always learns grammers....(Marj先生)
2018/2/08    I appreciate you always encourage me whether I make a mistake or I can answer correctly....(Jesie先生)
2018/2/07    Thanks to your dedicated lessons, she always enjoys studying English....(April先生)
2018/2/07    テキストに入る前にお絵描きを一緒にしていただきました。.....(Miriam先生)
2018/2/07    Thank you for correcting my mistake.....(Sheila先生)
2018/2/07    Thank you so much for initiating the convesation and listening to my story,....(Crizel先生)
2018/2/06    Thank you as always. Your international back ground make me inspired all the time!....(Lia先生)
2018/2/06    丁寧に教えてくれます。子供もレッスンを楽しんでいます.....(April先生)
2018/2/06    Hi, my son loves and I rely on your leadership.....(Ricky先生)
2018/2/06    Thank you for your wonderful lesson as always! Though she was not fine enough....(Marj先生)
2018/2/06    I like your lesson as well as your passion and personality.....(Marj先生)
2018/2/05    Thank you for always teaching me carefully.....(Mark先生)
2018/2/05    お絵かきレッスン楽しかったです。 またよろしくお願い致します。....(Jesie先生)
2018/2/05    Thank you for the lesson:) It wad fun .....(Ricky先生)
2018/2/05    Thank you. I enjoyed the whole lessons! I got a lot of natural expression....(April先生)
2018/2/04    Thank you for correcting my mistakes....(Manal先生)
2018/2/04    Thank you for today:)It was very fun and I could learn a lot as usual....(Mark先生)
2018/2/04    Thanks. You know my thinking way so knows how to explain to me. I appreciate it.....(April先生)
2018/2/04    私の喋った英語に対して,いつも正しい英文を教えてくれるのでとても勉強になります。....(Manal先生)
2018/2/04    どうもありがとうございました。 Abi先生が退出するのは悲しいです。....(Abi先生)
2018/2/03    Your lesson was very easy to understand thanks to your plain explanation.....(Sunset先生)
2018/2/03    Thank you very much for teaching me . Your teaching skill is very good, so I always thank you....(Sheila先生)
2018/2/03    Thank you for today! I had a really fun time with you:) ....(Beth先生)
2018/2/03    ゆっくり丁寧に話してくれるのでとてもわかりやすかったです。....(Sunset先生)
2018/2/02    Thank you for your such an excellent and superb lesson!!....(April先生)
2018/2/02    I learned a lot (pronunciation, words and grammar) from you....(Manal先生)
2018/2/02    聞き取りやすく丁寧に教えてくださいます。いい先生です。....(April先生)
2018/2/01    Thank you Cris. I really enjoyed your class.....(Cris先生)
2018/2/01    Thank you for always having a fun lesson.....(Mark先生)
2018/2/01    I sincerely admire you for highly concentrated and easy to understand lessons....(Marj先生)
2018/2/01    アヴィ先生、急なリクエストにも関わらず丁寧に対応していただきありがとうございました....(Avi先生)
2018/1/31    Thank you for your leson! I enjoy your lesson.....(Candy先生)
2018/1/31    Thanks for your advice. I will try to make example sentences little by little....(Mark先生)
2018/1/31    Thanks to your kind lessons, she always learns a lot....(Marj先生)
2018/1/30    Thank you for your amazing lesson and positive feedback as always!....(Marj先生)
2018/1/30    とても聞き取りやすい発音でした。たまたま,テキストのテーマが買い物で....(Queen先生)
2018/1/29    The word in today's dialog was a little difficult for me but thanks for teaching me carefully. ....(Mark先生)
2018/1/29    Thanks to your fantastic lessons, she always enjoys English.....(April先生)
2018/1/29    Thank you for your kindness! I should have opened my skype!....(April先生)
2018/1/29    とても優しい先生で話しやすかったです。質問にすぐに答えられず悩んでいるときも,....(Sunset先生)
2018/1/28    Thank you Karl. It was a fun and useful lesson !....(Karl先生)
2018/1/28    It is always so wonderful to take your class, Teacher April!....(April先生)
2018/1/27    I was so nervous but Ms. Alex is so kind that I can enjoy talking! Thanks a lot....(Alex先生)
2018/1/27    初めてでわからないことが多かったですが,....(Alex先生)
2018/1/27    クリス先生は、かわいらしくて、優しくて、よく笑ってくれて、教え方も上手なので.....(Cris先生)
2018/1/27    マージ先生は声も綺麗で、聞き取りやすく、優しくて、教え方も上手なので、....(Marj先生)
2018/1/27    Thank you for teaching me a word explanation in detail.....(Mark先生)
2018/1/26    Thank you for initiating cheerful conversation....(Rain先生)
2018/1/26    Thank you for your intertesting lesson....(Abi先生)
2018/1/25    Your speaking is easily comprehensible for her. ....(Abi先生)
2018/1/25    Thank you very much for answering my question....(April先生)
2018/1/25    I sincerely appreciate your kind and interesting lesson, as well as useful information....(Marj先生)
2018/1/24    Thank you for your fantastic lesson! ....(April先生)
2018/1/24    She always enjoys your class and now hopes to improve her own English....(Marj先生)
2018/1/23    Thank you for your marvelous lesson and positive feedback as always! ....(Marj先生)
2018/1/22    Your classes have made her learning more enjoyable...(April先生)
2018/1/22    I did it. It was a bit tough but went slowly so I could understand.....(April先生)
2018/1/22    いつも穏やかで丁寧に教えてくれます!....(April先生)
2018/1/21    She was really excited to talk to you!....(Abi先生)
2018/1/21    There were many new words in today's lesson though....(Sunset先生)
2018/1/21    今日も復習もやってもらえたのでよかったです。ありがとうございました。....(Millet先生)
2018/1/21    どうもありがとうございました。 ...(Abi先生)
2018/1/21    I always enjoy having class with you....(Kayelene先生)
2018/1/21    初めてのレッスンどうもありがとうございました....(Avi先生)
2018/1/20    Thank you Sweet. It's been a while since we talked last time....(Sweet先生)
2018/1/20    Thank you for your amazing lesson. She is more than happy to take your class....(April先生)
2018/1/19    Thank you, Dee. It was a fun lesson !....(Dee先生)
2018/1/19    Thank you so much.I was happy that I had a pleasant lesson with you today.....(Mark先生)
2018/1/19    It's so nice of you to provide such an amazing lesson!....(Marj先生)
2018/1/18    Thank you for your so splendid lesson!....(April先生)
2018/1/18    It's so wonderful to take your class today!....(Marj先生)
2018/1/17    English 英語 Thank you for your lesson! I enjoyed your lesson! And I learned a lot. I like Abi teacher....(Abi先生)
2018/1/17    Thank you for your such a wonderful lesson. She now hopes to learn English more and make many friends all over the world. See you again soon!...(April先生)
2018/1/16    It’s appreciatable to have a chances of intellectual lessons with hospitality....(Brad先生)
2018/1/16    Thanks to your precise description about what she learned through your class,....(Marj先生)
2018/1/15    Thank you as always.Despite the fact that my child noisy during the lesson....(Mark先生)
2018/1/15    Thank you for your brilliant and helpful lesson!....(Avi先生)
2018/1/15    Thank you for your amazing lesson as always....(April先生)
2018/1/15    we went slowly today. But we could go to the end of the lesson in time! You were so good time manager!....(April先生)
2018/1/15    Thank you for your so excellent lesson and practical advices!....(Marj先生)
2018/1/14    Thank you for your lesson! I enjoy lesson! Because it will enrich the story.....(Basil先生)
2018/1/13    thank you for your lesson. my daughter pleased to take your lesson....(Miriam先生)
2018/1/13    English Thank you for your lesson. I enjoy your class! And I learned a lot....(Kayelene先生)
2018/1/13    わかりやすく、根気よく教えてくれます。....(Jelai先生)
2018/1/13    どうもありがとうございました。 私は、あなたのクラスを楽しみました.....(Kayelene先生)
2018/1/13    初心者レベルに合わせてゆっくり、とてもわかりやすく説明してくれます。....(Karl先生)
2018/1/12    Thank you every time your endure attitude for me....(Rain先生)
2018/1/12    いつもとても丁寧に根気よく教えてくれます。....(April先生)
2018/1/12    Mark sensei When I don't understand the English story,or when I have a little free conversation with you, you correct my sentences....(Mark先生)
2018/1/12    Thank you for your so amazing and wonderful lesson!.....(April先生)
2018/1/12    You are a really excellent teacher! She now knows how intetesting to learn English....(Marj先生)
2018/1/11    Thank you for teaching me the structure of the sentence in detail...(Mark先生)
2018/1/11    Your lesson is always so attractive and itertesting!.....(April先生)
2018/1/10    Thank you for your amazing lesson as always....(April先生)
2018/1/10    Thank you for your wonderful lesson and helpful advices so much!....(Marj先生)
2018/1/09    Thank you for your amazing lesson. She could learn comparative expressions with joy....(Marj先生)
2018/1/09    聞き取りやすい英語で、丁寧に教えてくれました。....(Mark先生)
2018/1/08    Thank you very much for the lesson.....(Candy先生)
2018/1/08    レッスンどうもありがとうございました。 ...(Candy先生)
2018/1/08    きょうもありがとうございましたくさん復習してもらえてよかったです。....(Millet先生)
2018/1/08    テンポ良くできました。短い時間でしたが、集中できました。....(Happy先生)
2018/1/08    Thank you for your so brilliant lesson! It was very fortunate for her to take your class today....(Avi先生)
2018/1/08    Thank you for your splendid lesson! She really likes your class including your advices about daily life....(April先生)
2018/1/08    You have much passion in teaching and I admire you....(Olive先生)
2018/1/07    it was so nice to meet you today, thank you for initiating cheerful conversation....(Dixie先生)
2018/1/07    Thank you for your wonderful lesson as always. She really enjoyed your class....(April先生)
2018/1/07    今回のレッスンどうもありがとうございました。....(Basil先生)
2018/1/06    Thankyou so much for initiating cheerful conversation :)....(Chloe先生)
2018/1/06    Thank you for your fantastic lesson as always....(Candy先生)
2018/1/06    明るい感じの先生で息子も安心して授業を受けれました。....(Jelai先生)
2018/1/06    レッスンどうもありがとうございました。 私はいろんなことを知りました!....(Kayelene先生)
2018/1/05    Thank you for your such an excellent and attractive lesson....(Avi先生)
2018/1/05    Thank you for your helpful lesson as always. You have a lot of charisma as an educator. ...(April先生)
2018/1/05    Thanks to your pleasing lesson, she always enjoys learning English....(Marj先生)
2018/1/04    どうもありがとうございました。 私はこのレッスンを楽しみました。....(Abi先生)
2018/1/04    It was so nice to meet you today, thank you for initiating conversation....(Sen先生)
2018/1/04    Thank you very much for lesson! I enjoy this lesson....(Abi先生)
2018/1/04    Happy new year. Thank you for your splendid lesson! She is so happy to take your class again today....(Avi先生)
2018/1/04    Thank you for your supportive and kind lesson....(Marj先生)
2018/1/04    Thank you for your such a splendid lesson....(Marj先生)
2018/1/03    Thank you for your lesson! Yuor lesson is fun and helpful for me.....(Alex先生)
2018/1/03    Thank you for a wonderful time! You were a so good teacher and your advice really inspired me....(Chloe先生)
2018/1/03    Thank you for your excellent lesson and personal advices to learn English more effectively.....(Marj先生)
2018/1/03    She is happy to take your wonderful lesson today, since she was looking forward to seeing you again....(Marj先生)
2018/1/03    Thank you for your lesson! Yuor lesson is fun and helpful for me.....(Alex先生)
2018/1/03    ミリアム先生のレッスンは久しぶりでしたが、....(Miriam先生)
-0001/11/30    Thanks for talking about yesterday’s exam.....(Basil先生)